ملکہ برطانیہ الزبتھ دوم 96 سال کی عمر میں انتقال کر گئیں


MPA (400+ posts)
Prince Charles has become the King

DO you SEE TWO KINGS in this Picture?????


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Destroyed the middle east and Asia

The worst dictator died thank god

She is proof women are worse than men when it comes to dictatorship


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Destroyed the middle east and Asia

The worst dictator died thank god

She is proof women are worse than men when it comes to dictatorship
You need to learn about British system of government and political setup.The British monarch has no political role.She was just a constitutional monarch.Her role was just ceremonial.The British parliament makes all the decisions.The royal family is not allowed to make any political decisions.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You need to learn about British system of government and political setup.The British monarch has no political role.She was just a constitutional monarch.Her role was just ceremonial.The British parliament makes all the decisions. The royal family is not allowed to make any political decisions.
That's what the world is fooled into thinking but in reality british monarch is the biggest dictatorship in the world


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
That's what the world is fooled into thinking but in reality british monarch is the biggest dictatorship in the world
You are wrong.The British royal family has no political role apart from ceremonial duties like opening the parliament,receiving foreign heads of states(if they are on state visits),she signs bills(laws) etc.Thd monarch can’t even enter the House of Commons(the lower house which has elected MPs).


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are wrong.The British royal family has no political role apart from ceremonial duties like opening the parliament,receiving foreign heads of states(if they are on state visits),she signs bills(laws) etc.The monarch can’t even enter the House of Commons(the lower house which has elected MPs).
All the western countries under the monarch pay royalties to the British monarch and had a monarch representative in their parliament called The governor general making sure all the rules of dictatorship are being followed any parliamentarian of these slave counties had to respect the monarch and swear an oath to their dictatorship

This democracy bullshit is only taught to middle Eastern and Asian countries

Birinci Ferik

Voter (50+ posts)

خبررساں ادارے کی رپورٹ کے مطابق برطانیہ کی ملکہ الزبتھ دوم 96 برس کی عمر میں دنیا فانی سے کوچ کرگئی ہیں، شاہی خاندان نے ان کی موت کی تصدیق کردی ہے۔

قبل ازیں برطانیہ کے شاہی خاندان کی رہائش گاہ بکنگھم پیلس کی جانب سے جاری کردہ بیان میں کہا گیا تھا کہ 96 سالہ ملکہ الزبتھ دوم کی صحت تشویشناک ہے، انہیں فوری طور پر طبی نگرانی میں منتقل کرنے کی سفارش کی گئی ہے۔

برطانوی وزیراعظم لزٹرس نے اس حوالے سے ردعمل دیتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ بکنگھم پیلس سے آنے والی خبروں سے پورا ملک شدید فکر مند ہے میرےاور پورے برطانیہ کےلوگوں کی نیک تمنائیں ملکہ اور ان کے اہلخانہ کے ساتھ ہیں۔

واضح رہے کہ بکنگھم پیلس کی جانب سے یہ بیان ملکہ الزبتھ کی جانب سے اپنی پریوی کونسل کا اجلاس منسوخ کرنے کے ایک دن بعد سامنےآیا۔
Queen Elizabeth bite the dust finally.

May she rot in hell for Massacres
Ethnic Cleansing,
Genocide and crimes against humanity