An Illegal War is State-Terrorism.Anglo-American Terror


Senator (1k+ posts)
An Illegal War is State-Terrorism..Wake up Muslims..

January 29, 2010
We were convinced that all the fissile material that could be used for any weapons purposes had been taken out of Iraq, and we knew that we had eliminated and destroyed the whole infrastructure that Iraq had built up for the enrichment of uranium.

Hans Blix, in a BBC Interview, Jan 2003
As the toothless Chilcot Inquiry collates the evidences from the various individuals, not many are asking some basic questions regarding the Iraq War. As a layperson, the following questions come to my mind:

What aggression did Iraq commit against the US and the UK that could have justified the war? How did the people of Iraq ever cause any harm to the people in the UK or the US?Oil For Jews..
Where are the weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which was the primary pretext for waging aggression on Iraq?Israhell Enemies must be killed and occupied.
Why was the UN Inspectors not given further time to finish their job, given that they had unimpeded access to inspect any place in Iraq and that they failed to find any evidence contrary to Iraqs earlier declaration to the UN?Jews and Christian..
In the absence of such weapons, why is the UN not taking the criminals to task at the international war crimes tribunal and order the belligerent nations to pay war reparations to Iraq?
I see the above questions are at the heart of the issue regarding Iraq war. The only answer I can conclude is the new world order is governed by the brute force of the Wild West; far from some noble principle that is applicable equally to all nations. I do not want to move on like Blair, I want to see justice. I want to see criminals like Tony Blair, Jack Straw and Jeremy Greenstock face the gallows for the slaughter of innocent Iraqis, yet these armed robbers are parading themselves as ambassadors of peace. It is disgusting!

The evidence given by the former Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, at the Chilcot Inquiry revealed that he had conveniently changed his mind after meeting the American Lawyers, and added pressure from Jack Straw and possibly few others, just weeks before the actual invasion is launched. Note, whilst he is mulling over this, the British troops are already there, poised to attack a nation that has been systematically disarmed for a decade. Therefore, the British government still would have gone into war with the Americans, even if Goldsmith managed to standby by his conviction. Nevertheless, if he did remain firm, it would have helped, even if it could not halt the war.

It should have taken a smoking gun to change someones mind on a serious issue of this nature, which Hans Blix and his team of inspectors with unrestricted access could not find in Iraq. Given the circumstances under which the sudden change of mind occurred, it shows that Lord Goldsmith is a feeble man; all he needed was a little push to rubberstamp the war that was already on the verge of being launched. Unlike some of the other principled individuals, he could not standby his conviction, and if needed resign from the post. Perhaps, the folks from Spooks whispered in his ear about the fate of Dr. Kelly! So, his ears only consulted those who were bent on going to war. Indeed, it was a one-sided conversation.

Why did he not consult other lawyers with an opposing view concurrently? Why did he not consider that other major powers in the UN Security council were of the view that UN resolution of 1441 did not authorise war? Why did Britain go back to the UN Security Council to seek a second resolution if the first was adequate? Being a democracy, it is imperative to discuss such matters with the Cabinet, but Jack Straw denied Lord Goldsmith that opportunity, obviously, Jack did not want to be late for the war party.

People say lawyers are shark, but Goldsmith proved to be a spineless cod! His fatwa is like the fatwa given to the Saudis during the First Gulf War at the last minute by some cleric, to permit the US Forces to setup base inside Saudi Arabia. By the time the Fatwa was given, the US armed forces had already arrived at the shores of Saudi Arabia, as if the fatwa was necessary. Again, the basic question, what did the Iraqis do to the Saudis?

There is no doubt the majority opinion amongst the prominent legal experts is that the UN resolution of 1441 did not authorise war, and more pertinently, this was view held by the majority of the nations inside the UN Security Council, including France and Russia with Veto powers. Therefore, the war had no mandate from the UN Security Council; it was a unilateral and barbaric act of aggression by the Anglo-US regime. Without a legal backing the invasion was state terrorism dispensed to the innocent civilians of Iraq.

Some argue the war was necessary, as Saddam posed a threat to the region, but the region was not calling for war, with the exception of Israel. Maybe that was enough, serving Israel is enough to prove that the West are no longer anti-Semitic and they can redeem their past sins by the punishing some innocent third party, once again. Israel is a nation that routinely engages in killing innocent civilians, and is busy in the process of ethnic cleansing to make the land pure for the chosen race of God, add to that accolade, they are harvesting the organs of dead Palestinians in the true spirit of the shylocks!

Yameen Zakiria..


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I want to ask a fundamental question

(1) What is legal war.?

I will have two case:

Mohammad Bin qasim: attacks sindh purportedly on the basis of one lady who was apparently wronged by the state of sindh.

Indian Army: attacks Pakistan on basis of 10 million refuigee countless death and countless rape.

Tell me which of these two are legal and which is illegal.. and why...

Too many peopl thro this phrase "ilelgal war" without nary a clue about what actually that means..


Senator (1k+ posts)
The greatest Sin is not Ignorance Adonis, It is the Illusion of Knowledge..
Your question indicates your heritage to me,thus I will not indulge you with a response.

Psuedo intellect is harmful for the soul.Get rid of hatred then come back and ask questions.I suggest you read my post several times it will help you understand world
In general. [imran]


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Well said Abdali. Well said.

Mr. Adonis is indeed deluded by his own bias.

@Adonis: Before you posed the question, did you honestly search for an answer within yourself. Without the inherent bias that you have ofcourse. Dont think so. The answer is pretty straight forward, and to even attempt it, is stooping below our intellect. What you guys actually need is a refresher course in fairness and fair judgement. Not implying of course that you ever had those characteristics before. Perhaps then you may find the answer to your question


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Youe ad hominem has given me the answer.. The moment people start attacking the messenger rest assured message makes them uncomfortable..

Just was trying to reiterate unless and until you celebrate warmongers as Ghazi you hardly have right to call any war illegal..

Enjoy your double-standard filled grievances..