Why AJK Didn’t Demand IK Release & PTI Govt Back With 23b Relief Package?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Imran Khan in jail Been over 8 Months, AJK Got their package. Why they didn’t demand Imran khan release and PTI government Back? Military and PDM was scared of country wide protest like AJK. Why Punjab, Sindh, Kpk, Baluchistan join Kpk Protest?
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Khan in jail Been over 8 Months, AJK Got their package. Why they didn’t demand Imran khan release and PTI government Back? Military and PDM was scared of country wide protest like AJK. Why Punjab, Sindh, Kpk, Baluchistan join Kpk Protest?
jald 7 lac maderchod soor fouj k khilaf awam roads par hogi