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  1. cisco

    Imran Khan's Stern Warning to Party Leaders from Jail - Shandana Gulzar

    woh Harai Bajwa tha Badsha Naga ho gaya hai
  2. cisco

    These children of traitor Generals will be loyal to this country?

    dogs of hell InshaALLAH their final place is hell
  3. cisco

    GHQ giving impression of backing down in order to buy time.

    InshaALLAH their end is Hell InshaALLAH doesn't matter how much time they have. Hello is their final destination InshaALLAH
  4. cisco

    رؤف حسن پر نجی چینل کے دفتر کے باہر نا معلوم افراد کا حملہ

    NaMaloom lols, they are not NaMaloom anymore its NaPak Fauj
  5. cisco

    Who Let the Dogs Out?

    is it still a question? big dog ( NaPak Fauj) Dog of Amreeka
  6. cisco

    Abhi To Sirf Ek Tasveer Aai Hai

    wasted one click by subscribing now reported this is scam
  7. cisco

    ن لیگی رہنما کہنے پر سلیم بخاری خالدنعیم لودھی پر سیخ پا

    This idiot of Noon league and agent of NaPak Fauj doesn't worth my click