پاکستان میں بھی یہی ہوا،عمران خان کی پارٹی، اور نشان چھین لیا گیا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We used to say that we are becoming a Sub-Shaharan country. Now, they will be cursing their leaders that they are trying to make their country a failed state called Pakistan.

بھارت تو کہتا ھے کہ کشمیری نہایت جاھل اور دھشت گرد ہیں ۔ آزادی مانگتے ہیں ۔ اب یہ کشمیری ظالم ھمیں اور کتنا بھارتیوں سے شرمندہ کروائیں گے ، ملیحہ باندی ۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
When they are allowed to import only, like exceptional what does it mean?
This is another spin. First it was your claim that they possess power plant in India. Then you said they purchased the power plants from India. Now you are saying they use it to export them back to India. Man, you came full circle.