Flight 253 Fraud mossad


Senator (1k+ posts)
Flight 253 fraud by the mossad and CIA..

Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where Terrorist Boarded Aircraft//Zionist protecting amerocans??lMAO..
December 27, 2009
An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security, & operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries.

ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the Israeli expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers and employees.

According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did undergo a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the information pertaining to the inspection.

When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to the aircraft, Langer responded, You too can set the seat on fire, using a lighter.

Schiphol is among the busiest airports in Europe, with many passengers from Africa and Asia passing through, making their way to North America. Security is reportedly stringent, and passengers are limited regarding quantities of liquids and other substances permitted on a flight.
The Israeli firm ICTS International and two of its subsidiaries are at the crux of an international investigation in recent days, as experts try to pinpoint the reasons for the security failure that enabled Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to board Northwest flight 253 and attempt to set alight explosives hidden in his underwear

Israeli Security Firm Fails To Stop Passenger From Carrying Explosives On Detroit Flight: This firm was also one of the companies operating the security position at Bostons Logan Airport on Sept. 11, 2001, when one of the planes that eventually collided with the World Trade Center took off from there.

The Man In Orange: My wife Lori and I were passengers and innocent victims of Northwest Flight 253 (Flight 253). - What I would like to emphasize in this article is that not only did we almost lose our lives in the air, but we also almost lost our lives after our plane landed. Let me explain.

REAL TERRORIST PEOPLE..Mossad will keep fighting till the last american is dead.


Senator (1k+ posts)
It just shows Mosad has infiltrated in CIA's network and they are so good that they can frame anyone and do anything and blame it on anyone they want. They have been so successful so far and they will carry on their work. CIA is useless and can't do anything about it. Mosad people know how CIA, FBI work and they know how to fool them, that's what they have been doing so far. DUMB