Mercy Help and Concern of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA for Imran Khan Sahb


Councller (250+ posts)
This is the proof of concern and care of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA for Khan sahb as how many people get to see the dreams about themselves or others where one’s mistake is identified and solution provided……I mean it! Come on how many? (An excerpt from the article underneath)

Mercy Help and Concern of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA for Imran Khan Sahb | A Heartfelt Request |
A Dream Came True

Our dear Imran Khan sahb is a very pious person. We, Khan sahb’s supporters, love him so much, as he is fighting for our freedom. Our Khan sahb has an unwavering belief in ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA. This is my clear understanding that ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA loves him and cares about him a lot. Our dear Khan sahb tries his level best to help the creation of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA either by building cancer hospitals, universities or by doing social welfare activities through Imran Khan Foundation during flood and earthquake times or by running schemes like Sasta Tandoor etc. When he was PM he initiated projects like Panagahs, Koi Bhooka NA Soye, Sasta Bazar, Healthcard, and many more welfare projects under the umbrella of Ehsas Program. Hence, Khan sahb is loved by our ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA a lot in my understanding as ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA made him do so many noble tasks. Now ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA is supporting him against this cabal of crooks who have taken over our beloved Pakistan and that’s the only reason he is surviving against them. However, Khan sahb has not been able to acquire the required support from ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA to defeat these crooks so far.

What Imran Khan Sahb Must do to Acquire that Required Support from ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA:

Since, I am talking about the spiritual aspect, I must say that Khan sahb was equally hated by our worst enemy “iblees the cursed”. It is obvious that iblees knew very well if Khan sahb comes to power he would not just limit himself to do social work in Pakistan alone but he would work for his goal of a united Muslim ummah so that all the Muslims can prosper and in fact the whole world can prosper and get to see the wisdom of Islam in the long run. As Khan sahb presented himself as the Ambassador of Muslim Ummah in many occasions whether it be at the united nations explaining Islamophobia and letting the world know how it hurts us when our beloved Prophet (SAW) and Quran is disrespected and getting 15th of March acknowledged as a international day to combat Islamophobia. Or whether it be by trying to initiate peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran or help reach a peace deal between America and Taliban and many more initiatives of the sort. So to stop or defeat Imran Khan sahb, iblees has to do something extra ordinary to deprive him of the required support from ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA to become successful or for Pakistan to becomes successful under his rule.

iblees in his veiled efforts succeeded in making Khan sahb do something which was of grave consequence. And our dear Khan sahb in his innocence got trapped in iblees’s trap and ended up doing that thing. To explain this lets consider an example of a seven or eight months old baby. The baby rolls over the bed, falls down and gets hurt. Although, the baby is completely innocent and has no understanding of what he is doing but baby’s innocence could not stop the consequence of a wrong action which was done with complete innocence.

Same is true for Khan sahb that iblees made him do an action which in Khan sahb’s understanding was not wrong but ended up suffering the consequences. (I ve explained these concepts in my audios posted on youtube and in other threads of the forum which I ll be linking underneath.)

Help of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA comes for Imran Khan sahb as ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA cares about Imran Khan sahb and Pakistan, and knew what damage that mistake could cause Khan Sahb and Pakistan primarily. In this regard a very beloved brother of mine saw a dream in July 2018 in which he was told to inform Khan sahb of his mistake and the solution to fix it and also the consequence that would follow through if the mistake is not corrected.

This is the proof of concern and care of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA for Khan sahb as how many people get to see the dreams about themselves or others where one’s mistake are identified and solutions provided……I mean it! Come on how many?

THE DREAM (in my words):

Our beloved brother was told that Khan sahb had prostrated in front of a grave hence he must repent to ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA and never ever do that again and also instruct his followers not do the same (as Khan sahb has well over a 60 million supporters which may start to kiss the entrances of the graves out of respect in the prostration position as Khan sahb did).

As the action of prostration itself while kissing the ground is considered “Grave Shirk/Shirk-e-Akbar) hence attached with great consequences which in Khan sahb’s case were that his government will not succeed as he wanted it to be no matter how hard he tried.

I would not discuss the authenticity of the dream as it is July 2023, five years after, and the dream has become true and the whole world, especially, we the Pakistanis have witnessed it like a nightmare.

The dreams are posted on the youtube channels and you can see the original posting dates for yourself.

Now the current scenario is that we want our dear Khan sahb to become PM again but according to dreams even if Khan sahb again becomes PM he will not be able to succeed just like before unless or until he repents hence removes the consequences of his mistake else he will not be able to get the required support to defeat this cabal of crooks.

And lastly my dear brother has seen another dream regarding our Khan sahb in August 2022 which is very alarming. (Note the brother has seen many dreams throughout this five year time period about our dear Khan sahb all of which have come true only a few left in my understanding.)

So I beg you all to get this message to our dear Imran Khan sahb before it’s too late and I believe we don’t have much time left. Please I beg anyone pls help.
Short Audio Explaining the Dream
Links for the past threads:
I Beg All PTI Supporters to Get This Message to Imran Khan Urgent

Everything About PM Imran Khan Came True As Foretold Almost 4 Years Ago

Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

بھائی براۓ مہربانی آپ اپنا تعارف تو کرائیں پہلے.... تعلیم، تجربہ، سکونت، بصیرت اور دینی علوم پر دسترس وغیرہ تاکہ آپ سے سیر حاصل گفتگو کی جائے اور بعد ازاں گفتگو کے اس سلسلے کو آگے بڑھایا جائے


Councller (250+ posts)

بھائی براۓ مہربانی آپ اپنا تعارف تو کرائیں پہلے.... تعلیم، تجربہ، سکونت، بصیرت اور دینی علوم پر دسترس وغیرہ تاکہ آپ سے سیر حاصل گفتگو کی جائے اور بعد ازاں گفتگو کے اس سلسلے کو آگے بڑھایا جائے
AoA dr. sahb pls read the first thread in the OP.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Qasim Bhai had your these spiritual dream some real benefits you would not be still sitting at your mobile repair shop posting this.......just saying 😔


Councller (250+ posts)
Qasim Bhai had your these spiritual dream some real benefits you would not be still sitting at your mobile repair shop posting this.......just saying 😔
JzkALLAH dear brother, although, I am not brother Qasim but I am his supporter AHD.