
Councller (250+ posts)
Jury said:
mqm-basher said:
thanks mazhar...i agree with u regarding agents but lets see how far they could go.......
hey jury man and others please note that we r not on taliban side we condemn what they do but we have to get to the root cause........u cant treat the exacerbation of a disease unless u treat the disease to fix the problem......u cant say that cancer has damaged the kidneys and i'm gonna treat kidneys leaving the cancer to spread to kill the patient.....u cant give the argument well i only knew how to treat the kidneys and since i knew nothing about cancer so i let it spread........i am gonna put a detailed analysis of the problem and will identify the traitor role of so called Taliban who are not talibans but misgudied/miscreants/traitors/terrorists soonnnnnnnnnn ................... but for now answer this its one of my old post as it is.....in response to the ur post of new attack by terrorists/traitors/misgudied in chorh chowk, rawalpindi
i have great respect for mr haroon rashid but what he failed to understand is that what imran said was that he differed on the approach of wiping out militants. he said they got to get rid of the militants through police back by intelligence or counter insurgency which imaran rightly claimes to be a science which is briefly defined as very targeted commando operation at the heart of the target in our case that be to wipe out the militant leadership which our army has yet to achieve.
so imran and JI differs on the modus-operandi. what they are crying and begging for the are the displaceddddddddddddddd peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. what these so called supporter of military operation failed to understand along with out goof/coward (i would hate to say that) generals is that 3 million people got displaced in less than three weeks and if people are suffering from a memory loss let me remind them that we received 3 million refugees from the afghan war in 10 years let me say started receiving from 79 up until 89. do the comparison 3 million in less than 3 weeks on the other side 3 million in 10 years. have we been able to rehabilitate 3 million afghani in thirtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yerasssssssssssssssssssssssss its a big fat NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. how the hell are we gioing to rehablitate the 3 million from swat region??????????? how?????????????? lets get on with it i'm fed up with when people lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and try to make logic out of nothinggggggggggggggg. lets say some one come up with the argument that o well these afghanis were not supposed to live here yeaaaaaaa they were supposed to go back once the war was over well okkkkkkkkkkk we not gonna argue that Oh ok u won mr smart a---. ok then let me just remind you that not far from now just sixty two years ago a great migration took place from india to a country named PAKISTAN. 5 million came from india less than 10 million were living already in this country and forget about that time we r now HUNDRED AND SEVNTY MILLION------------- ARE WE ALL REHABILITATED????????????????????? Does anyone like to answer that???????????????????????
i bet most of you who live in Pakistan or have visited pakistan ever must have seen kids eating their food out of big garbage containers or small mountains of garbage spreading the most beautiful fragrance that you can ever smell on each corner of most of the streets or grounds besides walls or trees where the cats and dogs and humans pee and poo all kind of insects breed, one of the biggest bio hazard spots on earth. more than 55% live below the poverty line means they dont even get sometimes one meal a day to eat what is this?????? have you turned your eyes away from the news that mother suicided along with her three kids or father killed the wife and the kids than shot himself coz of poverty, boy hanged himself with fan coz of unemployment/poverty ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...................... keep writing the news wont finish early............
we couldnt rehabilitate the Pakistanis only the elite got settled and if i be logical though its hard to remain sane in this situation but least 100 million out of 170 million are not rehabilitated. what the so called army generals did they just added 3 million more to this number and these were relatively very much well off and settled people. More than half of this 3 million is not going to be rehabilitated anytime soon ahhhhh......i wish myself to be wrong. think about it what are we doing giving the enemies of pakistan perfect breeding ground for militants free youth recruits for traitor millitants i'm not on their side becoz they have to answer just one question to put me on their side is that ahh.. gonna leave it for now.......because of this breeding ground of militants which our traitor government and gernerals are giving to enemies of pakistan for free or perhaps as gift so that our enemies have to put in much less effort than what they have to do in raising these traitor militants thats why imran khan and JI is against military operation of such scale but definitely they support counter insurgency.....
what the stupid generals have failed to understand as haroon-ur-rashid is so sympathetic to them is that with traitor like zardari and his corrupt cabinet and accomplices will never rehabilitate the people of pakistan. this is the worst government we could have... how many of you really think they will deliver ....... well if our traitor/goof generals were so sincere then why didnt they arranged for a new/midterm free and fair election and let the true representative of people come in to power and then with back of the parliament do what ever is right .......... sorry for the long post i guess i could have been more detailed thanks

Those who took tax payers money illegally, from HAMEED GUL to make IJI, what you think about thme. I mean Qazi Hussain, NAWAZ SHARIF and HAMEED GUL, ASLAM BAIG[/size]
Jury said:
mqm-basher said:
hey jury boy u didint answer my question and u just put up another argument andin response i can start asking where does mqm gets the money who created mqm wasn't it zia-ul-haq the great who was a mohajir and created mqm to counter religious parties in karachi and so onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......................... so u better stick to the topic answer about 100 million displaced people who still needs rehabilitation and how an addition of 3 million would exacerbate this problem of terrorism and militancy????.... ANSWER THAT DONT FOOL AROUND

51 MPA

25 MNA









It has been an open secret that, how much RELIGIOUS PARTY DOCILE TO MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. They don't want fund to develop there areas from where they elect.

If MQM was created by Zia ul Huq, they would be in MAJLIS-e-SHURA of Zia ul Huq, instead of Jamaat-e-Islami. They wouldn't face massacre in QASBA COLONY, ALIGHARH COLONY, PAKKA QILA. They wouldn't face 1992 operation. There wouldn't be thousand of case against MQM during operation. There wouldn't be self created JINAH PUR map.

Hameed Gul have accepted openly, blatantly, he gave tax payers money of PAKISTAN to NAWAZ SHARIF, QAZI HUSSAIN, etc. illegally, as an ISI chief. But no one take action against NAWAZ SHARIF, QAZI, etc.
Jury said:
mqm-basher said:
i said dont fool around answer the question........likewise nawaz league have 91 seats in NA and almost 170 in PA... and gov in punjab........zia was not in this world in 92....stop fooling.......a good agent like urself jury boy should be able to answer my question han keep it simple dude.....what are u now specchless to answer my question han...or ur higher-ups are coming up with an answer while u keep us busy in fool talk thats irrelevant to the topic of terrorism...suicide bombing...military operation and displaced people

Sorry to make you speechless buddy.
But, it is not my fault at all. You asked for it.
Rest of the doze INSHALLAH will be given tomorrow,
at any time, on the same site.

mqm-basher said:
oh i see finally u managed to come up with an answer.....it means u didnt have one...........get some good help jury .......GOD-Willing i'll be waiting for ur dose dude.......luv u for that .........we'll see how this one goes....work hard on it MQM ANGEL..........


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Thanks for missing me so much buddy.

Extortionists on the prowl

By Ardeshir Cowasjee

The time frame: 1995-1996, with the second of the Benazir Bhutto PPP governments in power, and with Benazir, husband Asif Zardari, and their closet cabinet conducting their businesses from the prime ministerial mansion in Islamabad.

The monthly magazine, Newsline, in its June 1996 issue carried an article headed 'Crash Landing?' with the sub-heading 'The country's premier courier service (TCS) paid 250,000 US dollars to a PPP MNA to stay in business.'

Allegedly, in June 1995 a PPP-MNA had 'persuaded' the prime minister to instruct her secretariat to suspend the TCS aviation services unless the company agreed to 'pay him a substantial sum in extortion money'. This would have brought all TCS operations to a halt, but there was no option for the company but to pay up.

Newsline story's closing paragraph reads: "What happened with the company is perhaps one small example of how the political leadership of the country is brazenly involved in extortion. Will the superior courts of the country take notice of these criminal and unlawful acts being committed under the patronage of higher authorities?"

In those days it was not only the PPP which engaged itself in the extortion game. We also had operating in Sindh the party of the Pir of London, the MQM, freely and with impunity collecting what is known as 'bhatta'. This practice has continued down the years whenever the MQM has been in any position of power.

At the end of last year, President General Pervez Musharraf, in his efforts to cobble together some form of democratic government, found it expedient to make peace with the MQM and thus try to ensure that a modicum of law and order prevails in Sindh. This had the converse of a calming effect on the people of the province who are convinced that the party will turn to its old tricks of extortion and terror. Musharraf's governor in our province is the all-powerful Ishratul Ibad of the MQM, imported from London. Ibad's first act in office was to promulgate on December 28, 2002, an ordinance: 'The Sindh Eradication and Curbing the Menace of Involuntary Donation or Forced Chanda Ordinance 2002.' Now, was this a brazen-faced admission that extortion did exist or was the governor trying to tell us that as it had never existed, it never would?

Dawn on December 29 2002, under the headline 'Ordinance banning extortion promulgated,' quoted the wording of the ordinance. Interestingly, if an extortionist is caught and then miraculously convicted he "shall be punished with simple imprisonment which may extend to three months and with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees."

And now what? The life of this ordinance came to an end on March 27, 2003, and the next day TCS was again the victim of, this time, merely an attempt at extortion.

On the morning of Friday, March 28 two men arrived at the entrance to the TCS office premises at Block 6, PECHS. They stood, with the company security guard watching them, shouting various and colourful abuses and threats against the company and its executives, all clearly audible from within the office building.

The TCS head of corporate affairs, Ali Leghari, hearing the 'pandemonium' (as he puts it), went to the gate to see what it was all about and tried to calm down the two men by suggesting that they come in, come up to his office and unburden themselves. At this stage the original two were joined by two other shouter-screamers. The clamour continued while the four were being taken into the building and up to the boardroom.

Two of them were brothers, Haider Raza and Asif Raza. Haider came out with the 'demand', the reason for the abusive and threatening tirade. Asif, his brother, was a former TCS employee whose services had been terminated in 1996 - seven years prior to this incident. Apparently, the loss of a job had caused the family great hardship and they now 'demanded' that TCS pay them one million dollars within two days, failing which, with the clout they wielded, TCS would be eliminated, wiped out, vapourized.

The clout claimed was a close relationship with prime minister Zafarullah Jamali's family, and links with the MQM - the latter proven by a visiting card with Farooq Sattar's name printed on it and a handwritten note on the reverse addressed to Leghari: "Janab Ali Leghari/TCS. As discussed sending Capt. Asif Ali Raza, with some progress from his side on his matter. Please extend cooperation and oblige. Thank you." With great pride, Haider announced that he was an old party stalwart, famously known as 'Haider Commando', and had the distinction of having trained many of the able MQM activists in the useful skill of martial arts (knee-drilling, body-bagging?).

The other two (one claiming to be a Pathan from Zhob) enforced the demand by announcing that if the money was not paid in time, all TCS operations, starting from Quetta and Peshawar downwards, would be disrupted, all offices and vehicles set on fire, the company would be defamed in the press, and the lives of the chairman, Khalid Awan, and of Leghari endangered.

This time, TCS decided to stand firm. They contacted mediamen and their friends in the army who persuaded the ISI to admit to its existence, and plans were laid to nab the extortionists. The two Raza brothers paid three subsequent visits to Leghari's office. On one occasion Haider Commando bragged that with the help of the prime minister, he had certain requirements waved and obtained permission to set up an aviation company.

The deadline given to TCS was April 5. On the evening of April 4, Leghari received a telephone call from a man claiming to be an MNA by the name of Haider Rizvi, who had a message to convey from Farooq Sattar - the message, do the needful for 'Asif Sahib'.

Leghari by this time was convinced that the entire matter was a hoax and a crude attempt at extortion. So when Haider Commando and brother arrived the next day they were told that the game was up and they should just leave immediately. Commando naturally reacted to this with further threats as to the destruction of TCS and the death of Leghari.

But the ISI had done a good job, organized things, and on their way out the MQM Rizvis were arrested and jailed, and Leghari filed an FIR (124/03) and submitted supporting documents at the Ferozabad police station in which he has recorded the above happenings.

End of story? No. Musclemen Rizvis are assets to be preserved. Two earthshaking telephone calls came from London to the Sindh home minister, Sardar Ahmad. The Voice admonished him for allowing the Rizvis to be arrested and jailed and he was told to 'fix' matters. What do we do, Sardar asked the governor? A magistrate was lined up to do the needful, bail of Rs.30,000 per brother was granted the next day and the Rizvis were released.

And now, amidst the mayhem, the CPLC has been rendered ineffective. Jamil Yusuf who in the past has taken on the MQM was removed in the middle of the night. (The CPLC records which incriminate many of those now in power have been destroyed. But that is another story.)

Why is General Musharraf doing his best to lose the goodwill of the people? With the installation of either real or sham democracy, a good many of the people of this indebted, bankrupt, overpopulated country still consider him to be the best of a bad lot.

Extortionist using cards of Dr Farooq Sattar name printed on it, also with hand written note.
Don't you think it is better to call from mobile phone to say that, which was written on the visiting card.
Who wants to expose himself, by sending his hand written card, if he is doing that, which is claiming in this article.