Police gardy against lawyers is to fix LHC CJ.


Minister (2k+ posts)
1. Maj. Gen. Ahmed Sharif. Confirms for all times to come the "DUFFERS" label.

2. Maj. Gen. Omer Bukhari. VCGS A, 22 Baloch, 84 long course, Considered professionally competent, but like all others, spineless.

3. Maj. Gen. Inayat Hussain, VCGS, B, 2FF, 84 Long Course, directly responsible for the APS Schoolchildren Massacre of 2014, when as Brigade Commander he was responsible to provide them security, failed to provide security, which till date remains an unanswered question. And even more sickening failed to order timely response to the on going massacre.


These three were promoted in consultation with the US.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
کیا یہ میڑک پاس مُسلی اور کیا ان جاہلوں کی پرموشنیں۔۔۔۔
اب تو ان کی لڑکیاں بھی کوئی نہیں لیتا