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    Fazl ur Rehman & PTI - A mistake.

    PTI shaking hand with Fazl ur Rehman is a huge mistake because there is change in the wind and tide already in favour of PTI by nature after a 2-year-long struggle n sacrifice... n things have already started to fall apart for Asim n PDM as in for their nefarious plans... And at this time...
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    EVM in Indian Elections, why not in ours ?

    EVM - Electronic Voting Machine is being used in Indian Elections but not in Pakistan's, why? Who has been the bigger beneficiary of no use of EVM, PDM or COASs ?
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    Human Lives....Not buildings. 9 May.

    Innocent lives taken on 9 May matter... No government buildings are more important than Human Lives.
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    Only Holy Masjid Nabawi & Al Haram kaaba, No GHQ is our Kaaba.

    There is only one Masjid Nabawi & one Al Haram Kaaba. GHQ is not our Kaaba. Human Lives are worth more than the buildings of GHQ or any other government buildings. Count down to 9 May... in the memory of innocent lives taken by the so-called guards and chokidaars of the citizens.. We want...
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    List of PTI Patriots Vs Moles

    With every passing moment of zulm unleashed on PTI by the whole system controlled by the pappet masters, previously Bajwa and now Asim, true faces of the PTI leadership are being exposed. Some of the most prominent people are listed below, who I believe, are good or potentially bad based on the...
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    Humans .. Not Buildings

    Humans are more important than Government buildings ! As we are approaching 9 May, we need answers for the loss of innocent lives.... On this eid.....remembering all the innocent humans killed naa-haq..! Remembering the innocent women behind bars on this Eid who should have been with their...
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    Court Martial of PTI leadership - After Azaadi

    After Azaadi, the first introspective step should be the strictest accountability of the PTI leadership during IKs absence in jailed time by awaam. Their two biggest indictment would be: - Impotency and the lack of protest against election rigging. - Impotency and the lack of protest when...
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    Pakistani American - PTI team- Donald Lu

    Why didn't you bring up the important point to people related to US Congress recently; "When and where in the past has any winner from rival political party gave up their own seat quoting that they didn't win, rather they were wrongly given a win and that a seat belonged to PTI, eg Naeem of JI...
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    Jaagtay rehna !

    Jaagtay rehna ! with IK behind bars n with very limited n controlled access.. Controlled conventional media.. n press Semi-Controlled Pakistani social media.. With people, having lost trust in Supreme court... With authentic flow of information cut n snubbed.. They have...
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    Celebrating- IK's acquitted from uncountable cases.

    It's a well-known fact that IK suddenly got himself engulfed in hundreds of frivolous and baseless cases to curb him from participating in Pakistan's politics, courtesy Bajwa and continued by Asim. Celebrating- IK's acquittal from these cases by using words like, "IK ko supreme court/high court...
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    Asim Munir - donating all his plots to Shaheed's family !

    My friend shared his dream with me on a lighter note, that he saw Asim Munir was donating all his plots and assets to Fauji Shaheed's families to empathise with soldiers at borders and to support and boost morale of our real soldiers. ! And my friend's eyes opened up suddenly from sleep for...
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    Jaagtay rehna ! Divide n Rule..

    Jaagtay rehna ! with IK behind bars n with very limited n controlled access.. Controlled conventional media.. n press Semi-Controlled Pakistani social media.. With people, having lost trust in Supreme court... With authentic flow of information cut n snubbed.. They have brutally Unleashed...
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    Imran Khan doesn't have the mandate !

    Imran Khan doesn't have the mandate to forgive them..! (Except for the mistreatments at personal level) This right lies with the people of Pakistan !!!!!!
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    After Jummah Namaz

    Are people gathering outside mosques after Jummah prayer to show solidarity with IK ?
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    Can they ban Jummah namaz too?

    After banning mobile networks from fear of PTI. Are they going to ban Jummah congregations too to avoid any potential public show of strength for IK after Jummah prayers ?
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    Next Friday After Jummah Prayer - all mosques of Pakistan

    Next Friday After Jummah Prayer - rallies to be held outside all the mosques of Pakistan without any political flags... but only carrying placards and banners of: Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
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    Prophet Lives in our Hearts...(need ideas please)

    This clip needs to be propagated on every WhatsApp group and tiktok because this is the best clip of IK.. and I love him for this... n I overlook his shortcomings because of this... Any social media experts, please suggest ideas to propagate this again... I mean mass propagation !!!
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    9 May - Justice for Sipaahi

    For those asking for justice for damage to the buildings & statues and NOT asking any justice for innocent citizens who became martyrs on 9 May. Can you also speak about the justice for Sipaahi and junior officers. First of all there aren't any such things like DHA, NHS, Askari, Fazayia etc in...
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    PTI candidates - oath on Quran

    Very Important !!!!! Everyone please discuss and propagate it whereever possible. And repeat it until election day.. All potential PTI candidates should make their videos oath on Quran about their sincerity with IK and that any further videos after this would be considered irrelevant as future...
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    Top You-tubers - PK politics

    They are not just based on subscriptions.... 1- Imran Riaz Khan 2- Waqar Malik 3- . . . . Everyone knows IRK and he has proved his worth, no doubt about it. I think Waqar Malik is an under-rated youtuber along with some others quality ones. There are some over rated youtubers too who have...