Liberal Messiah will save you


Councller (250+ posts)
He is better then Imran Niazi ---- the Fake Messiah who promised so much and in the end duped even the most intelligent creatures i.e "the Pindi Boys" ?

Imran Khan Niyazi is much bettter then Bilawal Zardari ! Zardari ! Sharif Family ! Army General ! If i have to pick any one of the option then Again Imran Khan is best ... People of Pakistan majority are Corrupt ! All your Govt and Public institutions are top to bottom filled with RSIHWAT and Nepotism.. And do you have better Choice then Imran Khan?


Senator (1k+ posts)
Imran Khan Niyazi is much bettter then Bilawal Zardari ! Zardari ! Sharif Family ! Army General ! If i have to pick any one of the option then Again Imran Khan is best ... People of Pakistan majority are Corrupt ! All your Govt and Public institutions are top to bottom filled with RSIHWAT and Nepotism.. And do you have better Choice then Imran Khan?

اپنی اولاد کو زنا جوئے اور نشے سے بچائیں یہ تین خصلتیں گھر بسنے نہیں دیتیں معاشرہ برباد کر دیتی ہیں اور ملک اجاڑ دیتی ہیں۔


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

اپنی اولاد کو زنا جوئے اور نشے سے بچائیں یہ تین خصلتیں گھر بسنے نہیں دیتیں معاشرہ برباد کر دیتی ہیں اور ملک اجاڑ دیتی ہیں۔
Some intimate moments in a Phoji Barrack,,


Senator (1k+ posts)
the daily half brain bitching you see from PTI supporters on Tv and Social Media is them "defending their performance failures"

IMAGINE......if they had something tangible to "promote their performance success"



First Strike

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

اپنی اولاد کو زنا جوئے اور نشے سے بچائیں یہ تین خصلتیں گھر بسنے نہیں دیتیں معاشرہ برباد کر دیتی ہیں اور ملک اجاڑ دیتی ہیں۔
اسی لئے کہتا ہوں کہ تم لوگ اپنی ماں، بہن اور بیٹی کو مریم قطری کے نقش قدم سے بچاؤ


Councller (250+ posts)

اپنی اولاد کو زنا جوئے اور نشے سے بچائیں یہ تین خصلتیں گھر بسنے نہیں دیتیں معاشرہ برباد کر دیتی ہیں اور ملک اجاڑ دیتی ہیں۔
Zana juwa or nasha ? Lets suppose he used to do it ! Is He doin now? You are So pathetic ! You are saying If a Person done a sin in Past He can not stop and by you he is condemn for hell for eternity .. You keep your messed up religion to yourself !! Your society is distroyed cause of Corruption fro top to bottom .. At least now we have a leader who is not corrupt !!
You are full of crap that is why you come up with your religion ans .. Go find me one Son of GUN in Pakistan who have not Done a sin in his whole LIFE !!! Im sure u piece of crap will find one and call him Angel and your Prophet !!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Zana juwa or nasha ? Lets suppose he used to do it ! Is He doin now? You are So pathetic ! You are saying If a Person done a sin in Past He can not stop and by you he is condemn for hell for eternity .. You keep your messed up religion to yourself !! Your society is distroyed cause of Corruption fro top to bottom .. At least now we have a leader who is not corrupt !!
You are full of crap that is why you come up with your religion ans .. Go find me one Son of GUN in Pakistan who have not Done a sin in his whole LIFE !!! Im sure u piece of crap will find one and call him Angel and your Prophet !!

I do know that a good, reasonable, respectable, 65 year old man will think twice before asking a 50 year old grand mother of two to run away with him after receiving spiritual advise from her ?

its just "not normal"....unless the man has a history of "weak dick"


Councller (250+ posts)

I do know that a good, reasonable, respectable, 65 year old man will think twice before asking a 50 year old grand mother of two to run away with him after receiving spiritual advise from her ?

its just "not normal"....unless the man has a history of "weak dick"


hummm as usual !! another crack head ( SENORITA ) .. Now you coming up with why did He Married again ? Why He is not having 2 wives like Shabaz Shrif !! Well that is Normal to have some secrets wives in Pakistan !! You know what I dont have to do this ! Here is a Last Point !!! IMRAN KHAN is PRIME MINSTER OF PAKISTAN !! ? DEAL WITH YOUR DEPRESSION !!


Senator (1k+ posts)

hummm as usual !! another crack head ( SENORITA ) .. Now you coming up with why did He Married again ? Why He is not having 2 wives like Shabaz Shrif !! Well that is Normal to have some secrets wives in Pakistan !! You know what I dont have to do this ! Here is a Last Point !!! IMRAN KHAN is PRIME MINSTER OF PAKISTAN !! ? DEAL WITH YOUR DEPRESSION !!

& here is the 3 Times Prime Minister of Pakistan

& this is 2 Times Prime Minister of Pakistan

& this will be your next Prime Minister...


so u better stock up on those depression pills ?


Councller (250+ posts)
& here is the 3 Times Prime Minister of Pakistan

& this is 2 Times Prime Minister of Pakistan

& this will be your next Prime Minister...


so u better stock up on those depression pills ?
LOL ?‍♂️????? MARYUM NAWAZ Is your CHOICE ??? OYE What happen to your Religion ??? SHE ran away from home with FOJI !! Does your Religion says its OK for Daughter to Ran away from Home ! from Father Like SHRIF ???? you so funny !
Keep me posted when she become PM of Pakistan !! till then Remain in DEPRESSION !! ??