The Kingdom of Israel is wiped out/Quran had prophesied it 1400+ years ago

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
These Jew hating Muslims have not read history. They only believe in Jihad against Israel
No one hates jews where did you get that notion?
Can you find one post of mine where I have bashed or posted hatred against jews?
It is the zionist state of Israel.
I hope you are sober now.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

The Bible and Rabbinical Jewish message regarding lands promised to them by God were that they remain obedient to Him. When they followed other gods as well as arrogantly assuming they knew/know better than God, He used other means to destroy/exile them.

Rabbinical orthodox Jews know full well that the last 2000years of exile were due to the Jews becoming arrogant and disobedient and they await the time that God will forgive them, send His Messiah to unite the Tribes of Israel, and establish once more a Jewish State.

The modern state of Israel is an arrogant Zionist attempt at creating a secular state, not a Jewish one, albeit where Jews can live in their homeland, and trying to get God to hurry up and do what He said He would do.

God is not a man that He should follow the deviated ways of man and those supporting a secular Jewish state are not humbling themselves to Him, so that is why they will have stones thrown at them against them, they are have become the goyem Goliath, a perverted people, and God-less state, and we all know what happened before.

The Qur'an states that Jews were to inherit the lands before them BUT only if they remain faithful to Elohim, El, Ella, Allah, and we all know this has not happened and they are undeserving of lands. Again, evicting and killing Philistines is easy for them for the "go a whoring" to use Biblical language which they may understand better!

5:20 Recall when Moses said, “O My people! Remember God's blessings that He raised Prophets among you and made you your own masters. And He gave you what He had not given to any other people.
5:21 O My people! Enter the Sacred Land that God has decreed for you, as long as you hold fast to His laws. But, if you turn back in flight, you will be overthrown to your own ruin.”
[Sacred Land = Can’aan = Syria-Palestine, 2:125, 6:137, 12:58, 12:94, 21:71, 23:50, 26:59, 29:26, 30:3, 44:3, Introduction to Surahs: 12, 14, 19]

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Haraam khoor majoosi khatmalon nay her jaga gundh he kiya hay.

دراصل یہ ایک گہری ایرانی شیعی سازش ہے. وہ یہ ہے کہ انقلاب ایران کے بعد فلسطینی عوام کی توجہ فلسطین کی آزادی سے ہٹا کر نام نہاد بیت المقدس کی آ زادی کی طرف موڑ دی گئی ہے جبکہ بیت المقدس یہودیوں کے لئے زندگی اور مو ت کا مسئلہ ھے.
اسرائیل 1979 تک ایک وسیع رقبہ فلسطین کو دینے کو تیار تھا. لیکن ایران کی عسکری مدد اور مذہبی پشت پناہی کے بل بوتے پر فلسطین کے شیعہ انتہا پسندوں کی سازشون کی وجہ سے آ ج عام فلسطینی ذلیل و خوار ہو رہے ہیں.