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  1. S

    NeoCons vs Islamic Radicals

    Here are three parts to a very interesting documentary about how we are stuck in a war between two groups.....NeoCons vs Islamic Radicals Below are all three links. The Power of Nightmares - Part - 1 [Baby it's Cold Outside] ... res+part+1 The Power...
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    Pakistanis.....Stand Up and be Counted

    PCB issues legal notice to ICC for World Cup exclusion [Cricinfo] ... 03690.html Better late then never, and nice to see that us Pakistanis still have the spine to stand up for our right,even if its just a sport,we seldom stand up for our right,we did in...
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    PAK CRICKET - Highlight & Discussion thread for all matches

    Salam to all members of this forum, i am a regular visitor of this forum and also a member, i am not a very active member but i try to contribute from time to time,if i can find any video or article related to Islam or Pakistan i try to share it. MASHALLAH we have very good active members, most...
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    Islamic History - When Moors Ruled Europe - [MUST WATCH]

    This Documentary gives a new and true account of when Muslims were in Europe and their rule of Spain.
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    Pakistans Nuclear Program - Pride of Pakistan {Must Watch}

    Live and Let Live Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4
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    Pakistan: The Positive Side. {must watch}

    Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Not 100% complete, for 100% complete version look for Capital Talk 31st March 2009 in Siasi...