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  1. YAHYA87

    Mustafa Kamal according to Indian newspaper and journalist

    Here is what an Indian newspaper and journalist (Sunil Sethi) has to say on Mustafa Kamal, excerpt of the relevant parts of the article (written on 3rd April 2010) in Business Standard: Full article is on...
  2. YAHYA87

    MQM Rabita Committee Press Conference at Lahore : Punjab Con

    MQM has announced its convention in 25 April 2010....
  3. YAHYA87

    MQM Haider Abbas Rizvi : Maire Jadojehad on AJJ NEWS

    A must watch program for all those who want to know the history of MQM
  4. YAHYA87

    A serious Question for PTI and JI regarding Dr. Afia Siddiqu

    I applaud PTI and JI stance on Dr. Afia Siddiqui but their is a Question which I want to ask to them Plz dont get offended by that question... Why PTI and JI only support Dr. Afia Siddiqui??? Their are cases of women violence and extortion much worse then Dr. Afia Siddiqui in Pakistan so why...
  5. YAHYA87

    Why media Favor MQM???

    There is a question about a party called MQM in the minds of many members of this website so in order to answer those question I have started this topic....According to me their might be many reasons for that 1. ethnic factor: As you all know about all mainstream media in Pakistan like GEO...