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  1. G

    Brian Greene: The universe on a string AND The Elegant Universe 1-

    enjoy The Elegant Universe rest of the parts watch it on you tube lecture :Brian Greene: The universe on a string i hope some of u guys like it and pass it own as it may click some idea in somebodys mind..
  2. G

    The Secret Life of Chaos Part (1 - 6)

    you need to watch all parts in order to enjoy it.....
  3. G

    Dr Israr Said: Yusuf Was Amongst The 30 Kazabs and Dajjals

    i really love zaid hamid and support him as well but now i am confused i check youtube every day for latest updates on zaid and today i found this can some one please clear me or all of us the vedio is quite old and i think and hope dr israr didnt know much about the issue and reality behind it.