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    Siasat Aur Pakistan - April 23rd 2009 - Zaid Hamid

    Thats problem with you people, you will never accept us as Pak Citizen, we are in minority in Pak.. You talk about India Muslim why donot you people talk about Pak Hindu or other minorities in Pak deals with Hindu ,Boloch and other .. Thats problem with your mindset..I am Pak citizen...
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    Army committed to root out terrorism with national support:

    This does not comes on groud..still Taliban hold swat and other part...This has been done by many time..talking word does not really give tough Action Pak was in denial mode alwayes and still in denial mode..can not flight with Taliban..or other group.. Simply created mess for world
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    Is Hilary Clinton Israeli Secretary of State?

    As said Pak people oppose drone attack..then do not understand why Pak govt demand US to give them Drone.. What will they they have some seprate way to attack people using Drone. Whats difference if Pak use Drone or US use Drone... If Pak Govt use Drone to people then its fine...will...
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    Is Hilary Clinton Israeli Secretary of State?

    Thats problem with many people in Pak, they do not want to see reality ,alwayes is denial mode,when someone talk about it then start talking about all these stories.. Better to keep your house in order....going all over the world bagging for money and asking we can fight with terror..give us...
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    Siasat Aur Pakistan - April 23rd 2009 - Zaid Hamid

    Zaid Hamid Hamid is very critical of the media. During an interview to ABN Chicago Radio Zaid Hamid called Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir a CIA operative.[4] [5] Early in his youth Hamid volunteered to participate in the Afghan war (a mujahid). His active participation in the war spans six...
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    ZAID HAMID:Another ABSOLUTE Must Watch

    again my ans is same "he is fool and stupid/dum" Sorry can not write much abt this self style stupid guy
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    ZAID HAMID:Another ABSOLUTE Must Watch

    BAKBASS- FOOL- ZAID HAMID:Another ABSOLUTE Must Watch This ZAID HAMID is fool,bakbass..tell some false story most of the time, do not know how people digest this guy. Thats main reason do not see him on best show like Capital talk or other..if he is such brilliant guy then he should be PM of Pak
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    Asif Zardari: The Slumdog Billionaire?

    Help us to help yourselves- beggar country Pakistan Army and its much-praised agencies have given up the fight in Swat a success of our foreign policy? Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood actually had the temerity to call the $5bn that has been pledged to Pakistan a great victory of Pakistani...
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    Nazir Naji Abusing a Journalist - MUST See!

    Re: Nazir Naji Abusing Journalist - MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can read about him "Lifafa Journalist (Journalist on Government's Payroll)". Nazeer Naji, is a senior news columnist in Pakistan's Urdu press. He frequently writes in the country's...
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    Balochistan and Kashmir

    Asking for freedom is not crime wheather its India Punjab/Pak Boloc or POK or Indian Kashimar.. Every human has right to ask and fight for freedom...but when they go with terror and attack such as london/9/11/ ro 26/11 or Pak polic camp then this is not fight for freedom ..this become somethinge...
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    Balochistan and Kashmir

    I agree, till 1947 to 1948 Boloch Govt was in existence and in 1948 Pak Army went with bluets and bomb to capture Balochisten. This is true and has been written in UN.. Balochisten people wants freedom and want to get back there own land from Pak Army/Govt who has occupied Balochisten in 1948.
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    USA+Zionists Jews+India's plot

    If this the case then why Pak Govt has peace deal with Taliban, as per ur qoute They are US/Indian Agent... Oh thats very bad Pak Govt/Army can not flight with Taliban(So called agent)...very bad..
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    BJP will send troops to Pak: Rajnath

    Good...Pak is happy with Taliban..enjoy...make ur country best...stop becoming bagger...going to get money from donar conf.. US Aid...alwayes need money to run country..carry on all the best
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    BJP will send troops to Pak: Rajnath

    we have done it in 1971..what else u need
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    BJP and Hindu fanatics be warned

    Thats same attribute with most of pak's people...see what u have got in 60 years...every time bagging money USD from US and other country.. Give us donations ..your country can not live without US money or other IMF loan.. U can talk anything about India/Hindu../.no issue..we can it...
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    Illusions, delusions and deceptions of India

    Talking most of the time about India or Indian people or system, can not solve Pak's problem It would be better if Pak keep his house in order then raise finger to others.. At least some system is working in India but Pak I do not see any system,30 years ruled by Army and hardly any system...
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    An advice to Gen. Musharaf by Indian Muslim