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  1. H

    Funny pics of pakistani politicians ( As recieved )

    haha good one. But one thing we should keep in mind that not all happening is wrong. Some of these officials are working closely with Western countries such as UK to promote education in Pakthunkhwa. Another 250 million pounds are being put in these provinces to promote education so we must...
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    Genocide in Kashmir by Indian Forces

    This comes as a surprise to me as well. I dont know about the world but I think atleast the silent majority of Pakistan should speak against it. There is a lot of violence within the country which we try to speak against but we should not forget this important issue as well.
  3. H

    Journalist Asma Chaudhry[Dunyatv]help India against Pakistan

    Re: Journalist Asma Chaudhry[Dunyatv]help India against Paki This is a test for both country and the people. I think we can not really blame the media as it is a industry and they sell what the masses want to watch. It is rather on us to choose what we want to watch. But I think the masses in...
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    There are many racial riots in other countries as well. Some how they are not exposed in the International media. Tolerance should be promoted everywhere as that is a critical ingredient for a best society that is fit for all. Muslims somehow are being punished everywhere for the acts of the...
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    We need love and Respect not hatred against Baluch Brothers

    Re: We need love and Respect not hatred against Baluch Broth Love affection and tolerance is the only way to bring all parts of the country back toghther. We cant really promote hatred against any1 and expect them to support us. We all face one common enemy that is the Taliban who are trying to...
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    Anarchy Javeed Choudry

    Good one!. Interesting stuff this guy writes. I wouldnt be surprised that things might get worse if the situation doesnt really change fast. Things might begin to go in a dip and the financial crunch will worsen. The terrorist continues to truin the industry of the nation along with energy crisis.
  7. H

    Es time pakistani awan ko kiya kerna chahiye?

    This is the time when the Pakistan nation has to stand united against the uncertainity that is present within the country. It is important for the political leaders to back the nation up and keep their promises so we all can fight the extremists as ONE!
  8. H

    Fake Degrees & illitrate Leaders in Our Society

    @bushman. Could agree with you more. The real Pakistan is out in the streets which are being attacked by the Taliban. All of them should be uniting and being sincere to the nation and fighting against extremism rather than making more lies to betray citizens.
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    This is one reason why the recruit of these extremists is so effective cuz majority of the people living in Pakistan have not really read the Holy Book themselves and they have so many misconceptions. It is important to understand that Islam teaches tolerance and affection rather than killing...
  10. H

    Dismal realities:war on terror in Pakistan and loss of lives

    Re: Dismal realities:war on terror in Pakistan and loss of l Punjab was said to be the most affected province last year. There has been so much terrorist activities and increase in violence that on average every 8th minute there is some crime that took place in this province. Other than that...
  11. H

    State Terrorism instigate Non-State Terrorism

    Terrorism of all sorts are ondemened by the nation of Pakistan. The people of this country are very peace loving. We do not appreciate any sort of violence on our soil! We cant really differentiate types of terrorism. I think killing of anyone innocent should be condemned.
  12. H

    Ban dishonest people giving away National Awards

    These national awards should be handed over to the FC personnel and the army soldiers who are fighting this war on the front line. They are giving their lives for the safety of Pakistan and we stand behind them to get our country rid of terrorism for once and for all. Praise be to the martyrs.
  13. H

    Does islam oppress Women?

    The religion gives the highest status to women and most respect indeed. However the values taught by Taliban and other extremist ullemas is somewhat that is different. They want to oppress women and not educate them about their rights so that they do not retaliate these maniacs. In my opinion...
  14. H

    Big slap on pakistani nationals - one kid and 11 youngesters

    Re: Big slap on pakistani nationals - one kid and 11 younges I will agree with you strongly as well. As long as there is no1 above the law, peace will fail to prevail in society. But do not loose hope my friend not all happening is gloomy at present. There are positive things happening with...
  15. H

    ISLAM is the best product on Earth....

    A setback for Pakistan has been that majority of the ullema really do not have enough religion about their religion. If masses have any query they go to ullemas for answers who are sadly not well equipped with religious knowledge which results in extremism elements and misconceptions. Islam does...
  16. H

    US Personnel Facing Threat, Ambassador Tells FM

    @gazoo. If you care to read closely what I right was the same thing that you are saying dude. I believe no1 should be above the law. Every1 shall be given equal and a tolerant society built where one is free to do as he wishes in limits of law.
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    Profile of Zaid Hamid

    @gazoo. I dont agree with you. Even if he wants to bring a change he has the ballot to convert his ideas. His speeches are so full of hate that he has lost viewership over the past weeks. Pakistan will only flourish is we neutralize militants and guide them to the right path.
  18. H

    President Zardari donates all body organs

    @bushman. I think some parts you can but sum you cant according to the religion. Well the point is he should be tried for corruption and it is important he should be brought to justice. There has been almost $1.5 billion that have been inflowing annually by the U.S but less progress in...
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    Why I believe America created the Pakistan Taliban

    I dont really appreciate his approach for the Taliban knowing the fact that almost 5,704 lives have been taken in almost 332 hits. There is no negotiation with the terrorist but apart from his political approach I think he is loyal to the country somehow atleast he has tend to utlise the amount...
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    Time to bring back Public Executions.

    If the capital punishment exists for any1 related to terrorism I am for the motion. Life does not really matter to suicide bombers but even people related to them and helping them in this cause must be given the severe of punishments so that terrorism can be discouraged by all means.