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  1. M

    LAL masjid Massacre (Musharraf's blood bath)

    Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here...... Dearest lovers of beloved Pakistan; I hate what Mushi [musharaf] did with Pakistani nation strongly condemn his dual policies but have a look here.... wish there a political leader can speak...
  2. M

    i invite all busharaf lovers to answer these facts!!

    The dearest lovers of my beloved Pakistan, Pakistan is dearest to us more than our lives, Musharraf committed the act of treason twice there is no doubt about it. But My humble request to all those who want our Pakistan to prosperous and emerge as a great nation:- Please please for God sake...
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    Point Blank 29th December 2009

    Hi all, I think Mubashar Lukman is juggling with words to play wit emotions...... have a look.....If she is the one then I feel sorry fro Mubashar Luka for not having enough info before he discuss this issue to get peoples emotions in fire.......
  4. M

    When Hindus dominates......"we wont forget......"

    The most coward and insane breed on earth .... Hindus of India..... we will never forget..... 1984, neither 2002.... AURM
  5. M

    After the introduction of Enlightened Moderation in Pakistan

    its not enlightened moderation its fruits of titled poverty,exploitation, Social oppression , etc..... Musharaf was an evil in many senses for Pakistan but cant blame him/his governance for this ....... this situation is developed over decades...... from parliament to jinnah park every govt...