business ethics

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    The dark side of CSR: A good read

    Source: source: Introduction The initiative of Toyota while recognizing the importance of nature i.e. the introduction of Prius, Ford's desire of joining the "Green Revolution" and...
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    The role of CSR in Corporate Reputation

    Corporate reputation (CR) is a key element for the stakeholders to make important decisions. For example, the decision of of employees to work for a particular company, the selection of firms for investments by the investors, the customers' decisions to buy the products from, all depends on the...
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    Five examples of excellent CSR initiatives by companies around the world

    Note: The source of this blog is: Organizations around the globe realize the importance of business ethics and responsible business behavior. This realization took more roots after the financial crises of 2008. Companies now realize that behaving responsibly and engaging...
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    Driving factors of CSR in Pakistan

    Driving factors and preferred areas of spending on CSR in Pakistan Introduction While relying on the extant literature on CSR in Pakistan, I have summarized some key findings about the driving factors and the spending priorities of companies operating in this country. It gives a...
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    Check out this excellent video on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.