career advice

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    Life lessons you are not taught in your university

    Life is neither pink nor easy as you think when you were a student. The university was where we faced the difficulties of a beginner, as well as where we found our good friends. The most amazing thing in college was when we realize who we are. We had the right to choose ideologies and...
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    How to keep productive when you are in sleep deprivation

    Most people need 7 to 9 hours every day to sleep. There is no doubt that sleep deprivation has a big impact to your job performance. Did you always see yourself need a cup of coffee to join the rest of society activities? You are not alone. According to a recent survey of Inc., a third of U.S...
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    10 ways having fun at the weekend to increase your work productivity

    The successful person acknowledges the important of switching their status to “relax” at the weekend and recreate their power. According to Stanford University’s research, hourly productivity falls sharply when working time per week exceeds 50 hours, and reduces further if it passes 55 hours...
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    "Follow Your Passion" isnt a Good Career Advice?

    You have heard a lot and been advised of following your passion. That motivation sometimes turns out to be bad advice, making you bush around what you love doing and what you are doing, and end up being on the wrong track. Instead, cultivating your passion will help make your stress-free...
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    How to eliminate stress at work

    Not all stress is the same and not one solution is given to all types of stress. Critically, there should effective ways to beat each and every symptom of work related stress that acts as the culprit to poor work performance and bad employee retention. As a stellar employer, you should have a...
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    When you should tell lie?

    Nothing stings like truth. Maybe your company always send you the message that as an employee, truth and honesty are everything. They’re just lying. While probity is entirely suitable for some situations, in others telling an unvarnished truth only harm your career indeed. You might thinks this...
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    The importance of being popular at work to your Success

    In life, it is said that "nice guys finish last", but being popular in the workplace is, in fact, a secret ingredient in a successful career path. Back to high school years, didn’t a part of you always wonder how the cool kids did it? Popularity remained a cryptic aspect of human existence that...
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    Become a businessman is the only way to be rich? Think again!

    Become a boss is a dream of so many people. However, behind that flashy image we used to see, they usually face the music and disappointed issues. These are predominantly people dreaming a dream where they escape from “for hire” label and to build their own business. This thought obsesses them...