
  1. R

    British military almost ran out of missiles during war on Libya

    British military almost ran out of missiles during war on Libya Colonel Gaddafi (Pic: Reuters) DAVID Cameron has been accused of leaving the military so squeezed it almost ran out of missiles during...
  2. ealtaf

    Iran to unveil new cruise missiles

    File photo of Iranian missiles The Iranian Defense Ministry has announced plans to unveil the next generation of its long-range cruise missiles later in the month. The deputy head of the Industry and Research Institute of the Iranian Defense Ministry, Mohammad Eslami, said the projectiles are...
  3. S

    All indian nuclear sites are at the target of pakistam missiles

    All Nuclear Sites in India Within Pakistani Missle Strike Range Share Press reports indicate that Pakistan has added 25 more nuclear missiles with a range of 700 -1000 kms to keep parity with India. In military terms this...
  4. BrotherKantu

    Iran fires missiles towards Indian Ocean - بازی لے جائے گا iran

    Today for the first time, Iran's IRNA news agency reported that the country had fired two missiles with a range of 1,900 km, coupled with TV coverage, into the mouth of the Indian Ocean. http://www.irna.ir/NewsShow.aspx?NID=30468559 Hajizadeh said that Iran's missiles have a range of up to...
  5. FaisalLatif

    Pak-India semifinal: Mohali declared no-fly zone. Drones on surveillance . Anti Aircraft missiles in

    CHANDIGARH: With the fever touching the skies ahead of Pak-India semifinal, the mother of all matches, in Mohali, Indian government was taking all possible security measures to secure the Wednesday's encounter to be attended by the top leadership of both the countries. Anti-aircraft guns...
  6. swing

    Hasbi Rabbi - Allah u Allah (Remix) - Muslims Deserve Missiles From Kuffar