
  1. biomat

    Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches..NASA OCCULT INSIGNIAS..

    By VC | June 20th, 2011 | Category: Vigilant Reports | 171 comments Mission patches are used by military and space organizations to identify, symbolize and describe a missions objectives and its crew. This tradition is also observed in...
  2. mt_dilber

    Understanding psyops a must watch patriots only

  3. Salik

    CIA's psyops against Pakistan...

    So it is for us to decide.... Are we with the CIA or ISI???? CIAs War Against ISI, Pakistan PSYOPS are one of CIAs oldest weapons. And ISI is its latest target. The goal? Encouraging defections and rebellion and reducing morale inside armed forces and the Pakistani nation. The message...
  4. biomat

    Even MSNBCs Chris Matthews Admits the CIA is Engaging in Psy-Ops With The Bin Laden Raid

    Matthews says that the CIA is using psy-ops to put out little colonels of information to humiliate Bin Laden, with particular reference to the ludicrous story of the porno stash allegedly found in his compound.