
  1. Fursan

    Spirit of Swat: British skydivers set free fall world record

    SWAT: The Spirit of Swat festival, which is currently taking place under the aegis of the Pakistan Army presented a colourful and energetic event on Saturday, which included several thrilling activities. http://tribune.com.pk/story/211275/spirit-of-swat-british-skydivers-set-free-fall-world-record/
  2. PkRevolution

    Election in Turkey today, Erdogan Promoter of Spirit in Istanbul!!!!!! What our politicians should l

    Turkey: GDP growth 8.9% (2010), Turkey's 2010 GDP growth is highest in Europe. India : 7.8% in (2011), India's 2010-11 GDP at 8.5%; Q4 growth slips to 7.8% China: 9.7% in (2011) Erdogan win in Turkey elections could lead to new constitution. According to surveys: The AKP (Erdogan Party)...
  3. canadian

    Great humanitarian spirit of Cailph Umar !!!

    Great humanitarian spirit of Cailph Umar Once a caravan came to Madina. It had women and children too with it. Umar said to Abdul Rahman Bin Auf, Can you stand guard on them tonight? So Umar, the second caliph, and he, kept awake that night together and kept vigil over the caravan. During that...