
  1. P

    If Military control destroys education then...

    If Military Control and Administration destroys education then from 2013 to 2019: Why Army controlled NUST's QS ranking rose from 550 to 380 among Worldwide Top Engineering Universities? And why Civilian controlled UET's QS ranking dropped from 550 to 950 among Worldwide Top Engineering...
  2. messam

    Any Hazir Service UETian here

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, I just wanted to know if anyone of you or your sibling is currently studying in UET, Lahore. I want to know how long it takes to get a DMC (transcript) issued. Secondly, if you can help me to find out about specific timings to meet Controller. Or we can freely meet...
  3. A

    Mera Pakistan - A young firebrand speaker of UET Lahore‏

    Something good to share with you.One of the best speeches analyzing the situation in Pakistan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKDzbGVJJ7s