اقوام متحدہ کے ورکنگ گروپ نے عمران خان کی گرفتاری کو غیر قانونی قرار دے دیا

Fawad Javed

Minister (2k+ posts)
These Int organisations are hypocrites. They don't want Khan to come out as he is hurdle in their interests in the region. If they are serious then they should put serious sanctions including travel on Asim Yazeed and his criminal gang known as army.
Playing double game


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Meanwhile in GHQ


Fact Checker

Sorry, there's nothing to dance about in the short-term but reflect on its future ramifications.

Under the international law, this WG opinion, whose mandate is set to expire in Oct 2025, is non-binding. Even an HRC resolution lacks enforcement powers in itself. There's a six months wait period after which, just as past opinions about actually detained or missing persons, this would likely go to the HRC debating forum for mudslinging.

However, it has raised some critical Qs:
(a) Realistically, an ex-parte "opinion" on a criminal matter is a complete mockery of international law and brazen violation of the doctrine of state sovereignty. Someone has really lobbied hard to get their draft printed on the UN letterhead and corner Pakistan. It's so absurd that on the one hand, the WG says that it asked GOP for clarification but GOP did not reply, and on the other hand it wouldn't justify how it 'ld exercise "jurisdiction" over criminal matters under litigation/decided by courts in a sovereign jurisdiction? With so much happening around the world, the funniest thing is that the "opinion" does not even explain what and who invited the WG take "cognizance" of this matter - only citing a "source" 40 times in the document repeatedly, yes 40 times: "the source submits" ... "the source explains" ... "the source argues"!!
Shameful incompetence or partisanship on the part of Mr Matthew Gillett, Ms Ganna Yudkivska, Ms Priya Gopalan and Ms Miriam Estrada-Castillo?! Remember, the UN agencies & its fora are NOT, repeat NOT, meant to act as letterboxes or opine as megaphones of "sources". There's no application of mind here and Pakistan must lodge a strong protest with both the Human Rights Commissioner and at HRC and work to stop such actions, otherwise there would be no end and everyone may then follow these precedents and start asking for foreign help.
(b) Yes, the UN OHCHR can accept direct complaints/appeals from detainees (or next of kin) for investigation - but NOT (so easily) from convicts or undertrial prisoners or random "sources". Like it or not, but Mr Niazi was/is an undertrial prisoner or convict under the law of the land - not a missing or detained person. His legal issues will be decided by the local courts according the law of the land - not by Geneva, London, Washington or Delhi.
It is assumed that Mr Niazi & his family have never filed a direct complaint with UN OHCHR. If so, then who, under what authority/power of attorney did someone file Mr Niazi's complaint (or on his behalf) with this special WG? Who planned and funded this whole exercise? Folks need to realize the country's law about insurrection, conspiracy to mutiny and invitation to foreign intervention - especially in cases under trial or decided before the courts. One just can't go around and start filing frivolous complaints and mudslinging at fora around the world.
(c) Those dancing on this "opinion" may also like to find out how many "opinions" this or another WG has issued on countless Palestinian, Kashmiri or Burmese Muslims and others actually missing and arbitrarily detained (not convicted) around the world? Why is the globalist establishment so heavily invested in a person in Pakistan??!

One must commend Vauxhall for their craft though. There's a reason the sun never set on the Empire. Thanks to the subtle art of people's destruction, with their consent, over millennia.

To all the babas, baqiyat and Pak-origin patrons/funders of Project IK, pray recognise that you've been duped!! Invested so heavily in the False Messiah that now prejudice and hate has blinded so many reasonable folks. Didn't you launch Project IK in consultation with Vauxhall, haven't they pulled the rug under your feet now (if you could "see"), do you have even the slightest of ideas what's happening? The last time Vauxhall orchestrated fracture of the Establishment post-1965, with your consent, it ended in a disaster. If anyone thinks that this hara-kari can force the second "civilian coup" in Pakistani history, 1951 being the first one, be scared - very scared. The assumption that external pressures on the State of Pakistan will somehow force Mr Niazi's return to power is inherently flawed... Realize though, the factional turf battle, with all factions being played on, for the "crown" is fracturing the Establishment again. All this could have been resolved within a week, were your "owns" reined in and the path of chaos/anarchy rejected. Hypocrisy Galore! Realize, these self-centered, myopic actions are setting precedents that will make Chapter VII action inevitable in the future - NOT in your or Mr Niazi's or PTI's support but in furtherance of the secessionists...

Pity the Nation who's so disconnected with its roots and history and acclaims a bully & juggler as its hero. Pity the funders/sponsors of institutional cannibalism, and pity the Ext Wing contractors/agents - Mr Mehdi, self-styled C-in-C of the Pak Revolutionary Army, Mr Pirzada and Mr Raja - who are rather walking the country down the path of destruction, whilst enjoying their comforts abroad. If the Ext Wing doctrine is represented in Mr Pirzada's saying: "MI6 has been a close and trusted ally of ISI and Pakistani institutions for the past 70 plus years" (April 24, 2023, Twitter), then one would only say that those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Ever wondered, why did the State of Pakistan quit Commonwealth and downgrade all its exchanges with the post-colonial Empire from 1972 to 1989, and how did things go during that period without Vauxhall's direct oversight? As long as people are in bed with and acting on Vauxhall's advice, getting "trained" at Chicksands, Sandhurst....

p.p.s.: siasat.pk has also apparently turned into a full-fledged psyops platform now - with plenty of Vauxhall/Tampa/Delhi bilingual vectors (did you know who has the largest number of Urdu/Urdu-Hindi & Pashto language operatives) masquerading under various handles around, ever since Mr Eric Schmidt & Mr Awab Alvi (before Mr Jibran Ilyas got on board) charted the course of a "digital revolution," a Tahrir Square, an Arab Spring in Pakistan in 2012. Just filter the "issues" being debated and the megaphones...


Sorry, there's nothing to dance about in the short-term but reflect on its future ramifications.

Under the international law, this WG opinion, whose mandate is set to expire in Oct 2025, is non-binding. Even an HRC resolution lacks enforcement powers in itself. There's a six months wait period after which, just as past opinions about actually detained or missing persons, this would likely go to the HRC debating forum for mudslinging.

However, it has raised some critical Qs:
(a) Realistically, an ex-parte "opinion" on a criminal matter is a complete mockery of international law and brazen violation of the doctrine of state sovereignty. Someone has really lobbied hard to get their draft printed on the UN letterhead and corner Pakistan. It's so absurd that on the one hand, the WG says that it asked GOP for clarification but GOP did not reply, and on the other hand it wouldn't justify how it 'ld exercise "jurisdiction" over criminal matters under litigation/decided by courts in a sovereign jurisdiction? With so much happening around the world, the funniest thing is that the "opinion" does not even explain what and who invited the WG take "cognizance" of this matter - only citing a "source" 40 times in the document repeatedly, yes 40 times: "the source submits" ... "the source explains" ... "the source argues"!!
Shameful incompetence or partisanship on the part of Mr Matthew Gillett, Ms Ganna Yudkivska, Ms Priya Gopalan and Ms Miriam Estrada-Castillo?! Remember, the UN agencies & its fora are NOT, repeat NOT, meant to act as letterboxes or opine as megaphones of "sources". There's no application of mind here and Pakistan must lodge a strong protest with both the Human Rights Commissioner and at HRC and work to stop such actions, otherwise there would be no end and everyone may then follow these precedents and start asking for foreign help.
(b) Yes, the UN OHCHR can accept direct complaints/appeals from detainees (or next of kin) for investigation - but NOT (so easily) from convicts or undertrial prisoners or random "sources". Like it or not, but Mr Niazi was/is an undertrial prisoner or convict under the law of the land - not a missing or detained person. His legal issues will be decided by the local courts according the law of the land - not by Geneva, London, Washington or Delhi.
It is assumed that Mr Niazi & his family have never filed a direct complaint with UN OHCHR. If so, then who, under what authority/power of attorney did someone file Mr Niazi's complaint (or on his behalf) with this special WG? Who planned and funded this whole exercise? Folks need to realize the country's law about insurrection, conspiracy to mutiny and invitation to foreign intervention - especially in cases under trial or decided before the courts. One just can't go around and start filing frivolous complaints and mudslinging at fora around the world.
(c) Those dancing on this "opinion" may also like to find out how many "opinions" this or another WG has issued on countless Palestinian, Kashmiri or Burmese Muslims and others actually missing and arbitrarily detained (not convicted) around the world? Why is the globalist establishment so heavily invested in a person in Pakistan??!

One must commend Vauxhall for their craft though. There's a reason the sun never set on the Empire. Thanks to the subtle art of people's destruction, with their consent, over millennia.

To all the babas, baqiyat and Pak-origin patrons/funders of Project IK, pray recognise that you've been duped!! Invested so heavily in the False Messiah that now prejudice and hate has blinded so many reasonable folks. Didn't you launch Project IK in consultation with Vauxhall, haven't they pulled the rug under your feet now (if you could "see"), do you have even the slightest of ideas what's happening? The last time Vauxhall orchestrated fracture of the Establishment post-1965, with your consent, it ended in a disaster. If anyone thinks that this hara-kari can force the second "civilian coup" in Pakistani history, 1951 being the first one, be scared - very scared. The assumption that external pressures on the State of Pakistan will somehow force Mr Niazi's return to power is inherently flawed... Realize though, the factional turf battle, with all factions being played on, for the "crown" is fracturing the Establishment again. All this could have been resolved within a week, were your "owns" reined in and the path of chaos/anarchy rejected. Hypocrisy Galore! Realize, these self-centered, myopic actions are setting precedents that will make Chapter VII action inevitable in the future - NOT in your or Mr Niazi's or PTI's support but in furtherance of the secessionists...

Pity the Nation who's so disconnected with its roots and history and acclaims a bully & juggler as its hero. Pity the funders/sponsors of institutional cannibalism, and pity the Ext Wing contractors/agents - Mr Mehdi, self-styled C-in-C of the Pak Revolutionary Army, Mr Pirzada and Mr Raja - who are rather walking the country down the path of destruction, whilst enjoying their comforts abroad. If the Ext Wing doctrine is represented in Mr Pirzada's saying: "MI6 has been a close and trusted ally of ISI and Pakistani institutions for the past 70 plus years" (April 24, 2023, Twitter), then one would only say that those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Ever wondered, why did the State of Pakistan quit Commonwealth and downgrade all its exchanges with the post-colonial Empire from 1972 to 1989, and how did things go during that period without Vauxhall's direct oversight? As long as people are in bed with and acting on Vauxhall's advice, getting "trained" at Chicksands, Sandhurst....

p.p.s.: siasat.pk has also apparently turned into a full-fledged psyops platform now - with plenty of Vauxhall/Tampa/Delhi bilingual vectors (did you know who has the largest number of Urdu/Urdu-Hindi & Pashto language operatives) masquerading under various handles around, ever since Mr Eric Schmidt & Mr Awab Alvi (before Mr Jibran Ilyas got on board) charted the course of a "digital revolution," a Tahrir Square, an Arab Spring in Pakistan in 2012. Just filter the "issues" being debated and the megaphones...
Interesting comment. However, if the cypher matter is to be stepped aside, the complaints relating to the judicial fairness, are not simply frivolous. In this country even the upstanding judges who wish to fairly apply the law are not safe. For example, Babbar Sattar who, before being sworn in as a judge, opposed Khan’s actions, was also being pressured to give a “compliant” verdict. Even Khan in 2018, with the assistance or direction of the establishment of the time, was relying on underhanded means to prosecute his opponents. Furthermore, although political victimisation and unfair treatment from the armed forces and the judiciary towards a certain political party for a certain amount of time is not a new phenomenon, the undue exercise of powers, by the military or the judiciary is not simply right and evidently has weakened the country much more than a potentially fair and stable approach towards its citizens - irrespective of their political affiliation.