پی ٹی آئی میں بغاوت۔۔ کون کیا چاہتا ہے؟


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
دراصل ان جاہل کے بچوں کو یہئ نہیں معلوم کہ جبر ظلم زیادتی سے سوچ تبدیل نہیں ہوتی بلکہ ظلم جبر زیادتی کے نتیجے میں نفرت پیدا ہوتی اور اگر پہلے سے نفرت ہو تو اس میں اضافہ ہوجاتا ہے

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
Unless the corrupt, dishonest, manipulative and politically ambitious generals are not confined to their barracks by the force and power of the masses of Pakistan, they will go on ruling Pakistan by proxy installing at gunpoint sabotaging, fiddling ballot papers, ballot boxes, Form 45 and Form 47 to illegally impose upon the country corrupt Shariffs and Zardaris mafia dynasties and their cronies to rule Pakistan in succession for over forty years.

If Pakistan is to economically and financially prosper and industrially, technologically, scientifically, educationally, agriculturally, environmentally and socially progress, we must encourage and promote freedom of expression, human rights, voting rights of the masses, civil liberties, democracy, respect for the rule of law, fair and rendering equal justice to every citizen of the country without prejudice and discrimination and confine the corrupt generals in their barracks and let them out to defend the motherland.


MPA (400+ posts)
Unless the corrupt, dishonest, manipulative and politically ambitious generals are not confined to their barracks by the force and power of the masses of Pakistan, they will go on ruling Pakistan by proxy installing at gunpoint sabotaging, fiddling ballot papers, ballot boxes, Form 45 and Form 47 to illegally impose upon the country corrupt Shariffs and Zardaris mafia dynasties and their cronies to rule Pakistan in succession for over forty years.

If Pakistan is to economically and financially prosper and industrially, technologically, scientifically, educationally, agriculturally, environmentally and socially progress, we must encourage and promote freedom of expression, human rights, voting rights of the masses, civil liberties, democracy, respect for the rule of law, fair and rendering equal justice to every citizen of the country without prejudice and discrimination and confine the corrupt generals in their barracks and let them out to defend the motherland.

did u miss ur metamucil again today?