Damn it, Don't Give Me Bashan About Constitution!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why is a Constitution written?

To secure important social benefits by establishing fundamental laws, mandating the rule of law, entrenching political procedures, limiting government powers, and guaranteeing basic human rights.

Today, in the Supreme Court, some judges look left and right, speak from both sides of their mouths about the Constitution, and quote different articles to support their arguments. They however miss the bigger picture of the purpose of the Constitution and if the rights of the people are getting fulfilled, and their mandate is not stolen.

After the February 8 election, only a lunatic will say that every constitutional body is performing the way it should. If a judge says that then either he is mentally sick or has an agenda. In either case, he should not be part of the highest court in the land.

If the Supreme Court can't protect the rights of the people and purge institutions, constitutional or otherwise, that didn't perform per the constitution and were involved in violation of human rights and/or stealing people's mandate, and judges who facilitated it then they are asking for a public uproar that no one will be able to stop and which will crush lots of idols.

If a judge, can't stand in front of his peers to justify his rationale on a case then he should be ashamed of his twisted rationale and must resign and go home before it gets any worse.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
سو شیطان مرتے ہیں تو قاضی جیسا منافق اور فراڈیا پیدا ہوتا ہے۔



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MPA (400+ posts)
It is a global judicial best practice to:

only discuss the case in front of court

speak only on specified facts and not just random generalized views even if true

focus on interpretation of constituition and law in the context of case at hand

Never to discuss any other case from the Bench where the other Judge is present on bench who was part of that decision.

BUT, those who are more accustomed to Chief Justice rising from seat for their ego will have a hard time understanding this.

As for these two YouTube characters, lets just say who dsnt like easy free ca$h fooling bunch of dumb idiots


Minister (2k+ posts)
It is a global judicial best practice to:

only discuss the case in front of court

speak only on specified facts and not just random generalized views even if true

focus on interpretation of constituition and law in the context of case at hand

Never to discuss any other case from the Bench where the other Judge is present on bench who was part of that decision.

BUT, those who are more accustomed to Chief Justice rising from seat for their ego will have a hard time understanding this.

As for these two YouTube characters, lets just say who dsnt like easy free ca$h fooling bunch of dumb idiots

A criminal is a criminal, regardless of how you justify it. And all those who facilitate a criminal are criminals as well.

Judges, who are hung up on the text and give a damn about the Will of the People must be tried for not adhering to what the Constitution is all about. These judges got there by punching their cards. They got the job not because of any merit but rather a seniority.


MPA (400+ posts)
A criminal is a criminal, regardless of how you justify it. And all those who facilitate a criminal are criminals as well.

Judges, who are hung up on the text and give a damn about the Will of the People must be tried for not adhering to what the Constitution is all about. These judges got there by punching their cards. They got the job not because of any merit but rather a seniority.

I have a News for you. You are no longer in power, DG ISI is not Faez and Bushra's Muakals have failed to protect her from Adiala.

Welcome back to real world!


MPA (400+ posts)
Time has changed. Whether it is Generals or Judges they have to deliver to people or they hit the road.

Generals & Judges dnt have to deliver to people.

Generals have to defend nation and Judges have to issue verdicts based on real essence of constituition and law.

Real Judges dnt have to play for the gallery certifiying a globally known fornicator as Saadiq aur Ameen.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Generals & Judges dnt have to deliver to people.

Generals have to defend nation and Judges have to issue verdicts based on real essence of constituition and law.

Real Judges dnt have to play for the gallery certifiying a globally known fornicator as Saadiq aur Ameen.

Power belongs to the people who employ Generals and judges for specific purposes. The problem Pakistan has is that even though both of these groups are paid by the people of Pakistan they think of themselves above their employers - the people. That is a typical mindset of countries where democracy never flourishes.
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MPA (400+ posts)
Power belongs to the people who employ Generals and judges for specific purposes. The problem Pakistan has is that even though both of these groups are paid by the people of Pakistan they think of themselves above their employers - the people. That is a typical mindset of countries where democracy never flourishes.

No they dnt.

Problem is that we have Fake Che Guevaras who ride on General's sticks and hide in Judges' black robs to enter Prime Minister House. When they are kicked out they cry and try to mobilize streets to blackmail their entry back in power. General public is least interested in them and refrains from pouring out in streets leaving them to rot.


Minister (2k+ posts)
No they dnt.

Problem is that we have Fake Che Guevaras who ride on General's sticks and hide in Judges' black robs to enter Prime Minister House. When they are kicked out they cry and try to mobilize streets to blackmail their entry back in power. General public is least interested in them and refrains from pouring out in streets leaving them to rot.

O, really!

Let's have a count of Form 45, or that is a thorn in somebody's butt?


MPA (400+ posts)
O, really!

Let's have a count of Form 45, or that is a thorn in somebody's butt?

Why? did you investigate engineered victory of 2018 elections?

Did you held Generals accountable for their crime against Democracy when Justice Qazi Faez Issa asked you in 2019 Judgement?

Why? because it involved crimes of your Generals that benefited you ??

You see every cult has a shelf life and once that is over the history will remember Imran as just another self possessed anarchist cult leader.
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MPA (400+ posts)
So what you are saying is that since the 2018 elections were engineered let be 2024.
How long this game has to go on?

The total eradication of monster from its roots is necessary before a new begining. Only establishment, its creator can do it. They have succesfully released his venom. Now, only the body and the vibrating tail is left. The body will be left intact to rot in Adiala once the tail is chopped.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Pretty stupid.

Adiala is getting ready for new occupants; Nawaz, Shabaz, Zardari, & Asim Muneer.

Watch out, you could be eligible to join the club as well.