India has a GDP over 4 trillion dollars, Pakistan’s GDP is not even 10%

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
India has a GDP over 4 trillion dollars, Pakistan’s GDP is not even 10% of that yet according to the data provided by “Dubai Unlocked” whereas Indians own property in Dubai worth 17 billion dollars Pakistanis are not far behind owning property in Dubai worth 11 billion dollars.

When we say the Pakistani elite is particularly extractive, non productive and cruel, this is what we mean whereas the country’s economy is not even 1/10th of India, the Pakistani elite in this case is close to 2/3rd of the Indian elite.

A country that stares at default every few months if it can’t secure a billion dollar or two has an elite that owns property worth 11 billion dollars in Dubai alone.

And to drive the point home even further, Bangladesh a.k.a the place we were once told by our military junta that is nothing but a burden on Pakistan and dragging us down, its GDP is $1.6 trillion dollars. And this mumliqat khudadat Islamic Republic of Pakistan the only nuclear armed Muslim country with one of the largest militaries in the world projected GDP for 2024 is $382 billion.

Also majority of these Pakistani property holders are ex military or ganja zardakus


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The economic disparities and property ownership patterns among elites in South Asia, especially Pakistan, highlight significant socio-economic and political issues. According to "Dubai Unlocked," while India's GDP has surpassed $4 trillion, Pakistan's GDP remains around $382 billion, not even 10% of India's. Despite this stark difference, Pakistani elites own property worth $11 billion in Dubai, close to the $17 billion owned by Indian elites. This indicates a disproportionate concentration of wealth among Pakistani elites compared to their country's economic size.

This disparity underscores the extractive and non-productive nature of Pakistan's elite class. While the country frequently faces economic crises and risks of default, its elite possess substantial foreign assets. This situation exemplifies the misalignment between the country's economic struggles and the wealth accumulated by a select few, often with military or political connections.

Furthermore, the comparison with Bangladesh is telling. Bangladesh's GDP has reached $1.6 trillion, significantly higher than Pakistan's, despite its past struggles and lower starting point after gaining independence from Pakistan. This contrast highlights Bangladesh's economic progress and the challenges Pakistan faces due to its inequitable wealth distribution and ineffective economic management.

The data from "Dubai Unlocked" provides a clear example of these dynamics, emphasizing the need for addressing the concentration of wealth and the role of elites in shaping Pakistan's economic future. The disproportionate property ownership in Dubai among Pakistani elites compared to their Indian counterparts, despite the vast economic disparity between the two countries, underscores the urgent need for reforms to ensure more equitable economic growth and stability in Pakistan.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

What a fucking shame for Pakistanis, but our MF corrupt bastards & shameless characterless characters in the establishment and politics like Nawaz/Zardari don't bother as their money, properties, and businesses are outside of Pakistan.

Pakistan is roaming around with its begging bowl but not getting help from the world: PM Modi


Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
“We shouldn’t bother much about Pakistan and whether it changes its approach or not. For the last 10 years, I have put a lock on Pakistan being a factor in running India,” Modi told a television channel on being asked if there have been any apparent changes in Pakistan’s approach in the last decade.

“Let Pakistan manage two square meals. We don’t need to waste our time,” the Prime Minister said, adding that India has moved far ahead and cannot plan its development with Pakistan as a reference. He called upon Indians to think and take care of the new generations instead of other things.