Once bitten twice shy, twice bitten reconcile!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
by Haris Tohid

"All is well" reverberated in the political sphere of Pakistan as PPP veered yet another self-created disaster. Finally the closed door meetings between the government and its upset coalition partner MQM came to an end as the Informal "Minister for MQM affairs", Rehman Malik declared the much awaited decision in a crowded press conference at Governor House Karachi.

A clampdown on the People Aman Committees, who the MQM alleged of extortion, kidnapping for ransom and vandalism throughout Karachi, is all set to commence.

Distancing himself from the PAC, Rehman Malik announced, "All the offices of people's Aman Committee and all other criminal activities will be shunned throughout Sindh."

MQM then reciprocated the gesture and announced the end to their boycott in the upper and lower house of the parliament and Sindh Assembly. "These steps will herald the provision of justice and propagation of democracy to the terror-stricken people of Karachi", said a confident looking MQM leader Dr. Farooq Sattar in the late night Press Briefing. Both the parties are hopeful that all imminent issues will be solved amicably through mutual consent.

A point well-understood, but a few queries still lurking in the mind are, If PPP has denounced PAC, then what lies in store for the fire-brand Sindh Home minister, Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza who proclaimed PAC as a branch of PPP? Well-placed sources speculate of Dr Mirzas resignation in the coming few days.

Call it political acumen or expediency, but by dissociating from PAC, President Zardari has bitten his own hands twice. On one hand, the chances of Bilawal bhutto, Chairman PPP, running for elections from Lyari are now somewhat flimsy. PAC rules the roost in the old-city area and action against them would prove to be detrimental to the future of the party.

On the other hand, as Dr. Mirza plans to step down keeping in view the emerging scenario, President would be sacrificing his most trusted, college friend. Renowned for his friendship, President's maneuver to please MQM and save the coalition speaks volume about his resolution to complete the tenure. So much for the marching orders for the government by political observers.

So what does MQM gain from the situation apart from their demands being met. Fore mostly, MQM aims to consolidate its position in Karachi and score points with business community. Secondly, MQM insiders express their concerns that having to part ways from government would create an urban-rural divide. With plans of a grand entry in Punjab in near future and other parts of the country, MQM does not want its progress to be hampered by ethnic strife. MQM sources assert if PPP accords us the respect and takes us onboard matters of national importance, it is very likely that MQM will join the federal cabinet.

The leaders on both sides have vowed to abstain from recriminating statements in the future. Reconciliation has once again taken the centre stage during talks but for how long...?(http://www.thenews.com.pk/blog/blog_details.asp?id=1174)


Siasat.pk - Blogger
thats the plan, tum rutho aur main manaoon...

once we are done looting Pakistan, then its the next candidates turn...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
thats the plan, tum rutho aur main manaoon...

once we are done looting Pakistan, then its the next candidates turn...

I hope that insane killing spree in Karachi stops now.
How many more poor innocents these butcher's want to kill ?