Tonight with Jasmeen 31 May 2010 | Recent attacks in Lahore


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Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistan always take steps when damage is being done not before because there is no perhaps sensibility of going for covert operation so police can catch the cuprits before incident happens.All the madrassas shold be watched very closely and specially the maulvis who teach the students.An operation in the whole country should be taken to cleanse the country from arms.People coming from wazirastan should be held in camps in fata,registered and not allowed to leave for other cities,those people act like refugees but in reality most of them are talibans.A very severe action needed at this time specially in south punjab and fata area to safegaurd the public from those vultures who have no human vlaue.just eliminate them ,make special terrorist courts which decide the case in two weeks and get rid of them soon.