Trump Is Coming: Asim Munir Should Run Away Like Nawaz Does Before it’s To


Minister (2k+ posts)
Imagine Asim Munir and his crime partners being hanged for damaging Pakistan.
Highjacking Media, Judges, Breaking Pakistan laws, Breaking Human Right laws, using ISI to threat and put cameras in bedrooms. Bringing all thief’s like Nawaz, Shabaz, Maryam, Zardrai in power. Using all lifafa journalists like seti, Saleem Safi, Kamran khan, Kamran Shahid, Klasra, Sohail Warich. Using puppets like election commission, Qazi, Police IG, There is too many crimes so only solution is hang all these corrupt mafias. Start with Bajwa, Asim, Nadeem Anjum, Naqvi, And then continue until all haraam kors are finished from Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I doubt that as Pentagon will knock him out through Judicial process. Also Americans have their own interests so why would they care if Pakistan sink? It should be our common public who should be concerned about country and should struggle to eliminate napaak fouj and its role from Pakistani politics.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I doubt that as Pentagon will knock him out through Judicial process. Also Americans have their own interests so why would they care if Pakistan sink? It should be our common public who should be concerned about country and should struggle to eliminate napaak fouj and its role from Pakistani politics.
America is very important for Pakistan: First Bajwa planned regime change then he done lobbies in America against Imran Khan government. Then American government done de March sent message to Bajwa to change Imran Khan government then Americans kept all World media silent against Regime Change, against human rights, then Asim Munir went to America for further instructions. Now after 2/3 years when they tried everything now American wants to run away from Pakistan problems and military mafias because they have damaged Usa image. I know it’s hard to remember that far but it’s history and without America, Muslim weak countries like Pakistan can’t do anything without American approvals. I hope you will understand how important is America for military and Pdm goverment all their assists and bank accounts are abroad. So America is important part of Pakistan politics. Pakistan public 25 is dead and cowards never do big protest to release Imran khan so you have to look at other options.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Oh please! Trump is a tool of zionists just as much as Biden may be more than that. You think Imran is in jail because of these duffer general only? Why did jews wait until he was in jail before starting the war. They wanted NO OPPOSITION and the only opposition was Imran


Minister (2k+ posts)
Oh please! Trump is a tool of zionists just as much as Biden may be more than that. You think Imran is in jail because of these duffer general only? Why did jews wait until he was in jail before starting the war. They wanted NO OPPOSITION and the only opposition was Imran
Don’t worry let’s get Trump in power and Imran khan out of jail then we can work out Jews are doing what. Biggest problem is not Jews it’s Muslims weak, corrupt, incompetent, slave minds, uneducated just talk talk, dramas Inshalah, Mashalah but zero performance. Not only military & politician but molvies are also haraam kors have confused and divided public. Everyone wants to Europe and America but say they no good. Look in side Pakistan corrupt mafia: Generals, Judges, Media, Public sleep at home dying. Don’t keep blaming Jews, Christian’s, or others. Fix Pakistan and Muslim countries first.
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