Zardari Gets Dirty Against Bhuttos


Senator (1k+ posts)

An article published in Daily Telegraph of UK hints that Zardari is now feeling insecure from his own senior party members. The article mentions that Zardaris aides have been responsible for defaming Fatima Bhutto by publishing her false scandal with Hollywood Actor George Clooney.

The article quotes:

One source said aides to the Pakistan president had been blamed for leaking the recent false claims of a romance between Ms Bhuttos niece Fatima and Hollywood actor George Clooney to undermine her credibility as a potential future PPP leader.

The article also sheds some light on the possible action against the senior most leadership of PPP, including Aitzaz Ahsan, Naheed Khan and Safdar Abbasi.

Sources close to the couple said Mr Zardari had also been angry that they (Safdar/Naheed) and Aitzaz Ahsan had recently visited his late wifes sister Sanam in London in what he regarded as a plot against his leadership. Despite her deep antipathy for politics, Sanam had earlier been touted by some senior party figures as a potential successor following the assassination.

Another interesting thing that article mentions is that the couple is blamed for the death of Benazir, however the reality is that Rehman Malik, who was Chief Security Officer was given the top position in current Government.

In the months following Ms Bhuttos assassination, senior aides to Mr Zardari blamed Dr Abassi and Ms Khan for failing to protect her from her assassins despite the fact that neither were involved in her security arrangements.