
(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

Brother raaz, i hate qadyaniet & simler claimers as much as all others muslims. But i don't want lable anyone until him/herself claim to be one them.

I hope you understand.

I am sure he is , because u will see that Ehraz will come now to help him with the same arguments..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

See post 27 for surah annisaa for continuation from HERE

Surah 38 SWAAD

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ


ص ۚ وَالْقُرْآنِ ذِي الذِّكْرِ

ص۔ ۔۔۔۔۔یاد دہانی والا قرآن گواہ ہے ۔


بَلِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فِي عِزَّةٍ وَشِقَاقٍ

بلکہ انکاری لوگ عزت ( بڑا بننے )اور پھٹن میں پڑے ہوئے ہیں ۔


كَمْ أَهْلَكْنَا مِن قَبْلِهِم مِّن قَرْنٍ فَنَادَوا وَّلَاتَ حِينَ مَنَاصٍ

ہم نے کتنی ہی قومیں ان سے پہلے ہلاک پائیں تو انہوں نے چیخ و پکار کی لیکن اب کہاں بھاگنے کا وقت تھا ۔


وَعَجِبُوا أَن جَاءَهُم مُّنذِرٌ مِّنْهُمْ ۖ وَقَالَ الْكَافِرُونَ هَٰذَا سَاحِرٌ كَذَّابٌ

اور انہوں نے تعجب کیا کہ ان کے پاس انہی میں سے ایک پیش آگاہ کرنے والا آیا ۔۔۔اور انکار کرنے والوں نے کہا یہ تو گھڑ نے والا جھوٹا ہے ۔


أَجَعَلَ الْآلِهَةَ إِلَٰهًا وَاحِدًا ۖ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَشَيْءٌ عُجَابٌ

کہ اس نے تمام حاکموں کو ایک ہی حاکم اعلیٰ بنارکھا ہے ۔ یقیناً یہ تو بہت ہی عجیب بات ہے ۔


وَانطَلَقَ الْمَلَأُ مِنْهُمْ أَنِ امْشُوا وَاصْبِرُوا عَلَىٰ آلِهَتِكُمْ ۖ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَشَيْءٌ يُرَادُ

اور سرداران قوم نے علہدگی اختیار کی ۔۔۔کہ چلو اور اپنے حاکموں پر بھروسہ رکھو ۔۔۔یقیناً یہ بات تو کسی ارادہ سے کہی گئی ہے ۔


مَا سَمِعْنَا بِهَٰذَا فِي الْمِلَّةِ الْآخِرَةِ إِنْ هَٰذَا إِلَّا اخْتِلَاقٌ

ہم نے یہ بات تو پہلی امتوں میں نہیں سنی ،۔۔یہ تو گھڑی ہوئی بات ہے ۔


أَأُنزِلَ عَلَيْهِ الذِّكْرُ مِن بَيْنِنَا ۚ بَلْ هُمْ فِي شَكٍّ مِّن ذِكْرِي ۖ بَل لَّمَّا يَذُوقُوا عَذَابِ

کیا ہمارے درمیان سے یہ یاد دہانی اسی پر اتاری گئی ہے ۔ ۔۔۔بلکہ ان کو میری یاد دہانی میں بھی شک ہے ۔۔۔بلکہ انہون نے میری سزا تو ابھی چکھی ہی نہیں ۔


أَمْ عِندَهُمْ خَزَائِنُ رَحْمَةِ رَبِّكَ الْعَزِيزِ الْوَهَّابِ

کیا ان کے پاس غلبہ دینے والے تیرے نظام ربوبیت کی رحمت کے خزانے ہیں ۔


أَمْ لَهُم مُّلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ فَلْيَرْتَقُوا فِي الْأَسْبَابِ

یا انہیں بلند و زیریں اور جو کچھ ان کے درمیان ہے کی حکومت حاصل ہے ۔۔۔۔۔تو چاہئے کہ اپنے معاملات کی اصلاح کریں ۔


جُندٌ مَّا هُنَالِكَ مَهْزُومٌ مِّنَ الْأَحْزَابِ

تمام گروہوں میں سے ایک لشکر یہاں بھی شکست کھانے والا ہے ۔


كَذَّبَتْ قَبْلَهُمْ قَوْمُ نُوحٍ وَعَادٌ وَفِرْعَوْنُ ذُو الْأَوْتَادِ

ان سے پہلے قوم نوح قوم عاد اور محکم قوتوں والے فرعون جھٹلا چکے ۔


وَثَمُودُ وَقَوْمُ لُوطٍ وَأَصْحَابُ الْأَيْكَةِ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ الْأَحْزَابُ

اور قوم ثمود اور قوم لوط اور قوم شعیب نے جھٹلایا ۔۔۔۔یہی وہ لشکر ہیں۔


إِن كُلٌّ إِلَّا كَذَّبَ الرُّسُلَ فَحَقَّ عِقَابِ

ان سب نے رسولوں کو جھٹلایا تھا پس میری پکڑ کے حقدار ہوئے ۔


وَمَا يَنظُرُ هَٰؤُلَاءِ إِلَّا صَيْحَةً وَاحِدَةً مَّا لَهَا مِن فَوَاقٍ

یہ صرف اس بات کا انتظار کررہے ہیں کہ ایک ایسی چنگھاڑ بلند ہوجائے جس سے کوئی بچاؤ بھی نہیں ۔


وَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا عَجِّل لَّنَا قِطَّنَا قَبْلَ يَوْمِ الْحِسَابِ

ور کہا ۔۔۔ اے ہمارے نظام ربوبیت ۔۔ ہمارا حصہ ہمیں حساب کے دن سے پہلے ہی دے دے


اصْبِرْ عَلَىٰ مَا يَقُولُونَ وَاذْكُرْ عَبْدَنَا دَاوُودَ ذَا الْأَيْدِ ۖ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ

ان کی تنقید کے باوجود استقامت سے کھڑے رہو۔۔۔اور یاد کرو ہمارے طاقت ور بندے داؤد کو ۔۔۔یقیناً وہ بہت رجوع کرنے والاتھا ۔


إِنَّا سَخَّرْنَا الْجِبَالَ مَعَهُ يُسَبِّحْنَ بِالْعَشِيِّ وَالْإِشْرَاقِ

یقیناً ہم نے بڑے بڑے سرداران قوم کو اس کے تابع کیاتھا جو اس کے لئےاندھیرے اجالے جد وجہد کرتے تھے ۔


وَالطَّيْرَ مَحْشُورَةً ۖ كُلٌّ لَّهُ أَوَّابٌ

اور ان کے شاہیں جمع ہوتے تھے اور سب ان کے لئے فرمانبردار تھے


وَشَدَدْنَا مُلْكَهُ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْحِكْمَةَ وَفَصْلَ الْخِطَابِ

ورہم نے اس کی سلطنت کو مضبوط کر دیا تھا اور ہم نے اسے حِکمت اور مقدمات کے فیصلے کرنے کا سلیقہ دیا تھا ۔

سیدنا داؤد کے پاس دو ایسے اشخاص آئے جن کے پاس ایک جیسی ہی چیزین تھیں ۔۔لیکن ایک کے پاس ایک تھی اور دوسرے کے پاس بے انتہا ۔لیکن دوسرا یہ چاہتا تھا کہ کہ وہ اس کا بھی کفیل بن جائے ۔اس قصے میں چند غور طلب باتیں یہ ہیں کہ
۱۔۔دونوں اشخاص اس بات پر جھگڑ رہے ہیں کہ ایک کے پاس دوسرے کے مقابلے میں وہ خاص چیز زیادہ کیوں ہے ۔بات اس حد تک پہنچتی ہے کہ ایک دوسرے پر سرکشی بھی کرتے ہیں ۔
۲۔۔ آیت نمبر ’’۲۳‘‘ میں خواہش ظاہر کی جا رہی ہے کہ ہمکو سوآءِ الصراط کی ہدایت ملے ۔
۳۔۔سورہ کی ابتدا بتا رہی ہے کہ جب رسالتمآب نے الٰہ واحد کی دعوت دی تو سب کو تعجب ہوا ۔اور کفار نے اعلا نیہ کہہ دیا کہ یہ تو جھوٹ ہے ۔اور تعجب ہوا کہ أَجَعَلَ الْآلِهَةَ إِلَٰهًا وَاحِدً ۔
۴۔۔ایک نعجہ کو بہت سے نعجہ کے ساتھ اشتراک کو ظلم قرار دیا ہے ۔اس عمل کو ایک دوسرے پر بغاوت بھی قرار دیا گیا ہے ۔البتہ ان لوگوں کو جنہوں نے امن قائم کیا اور اصلاحی عمل کئے اس بغاوت سے مستثنیٰ قرار دیا گیا ہے ۔
حاصل کلام یہ ہے کہ داؤد کو نصیحت اس بات کی طرف اشارہ کر رہی ہے کہ یہ سب انسانی خواشات کی پیروی اور سبیل اللہ سے گمراہی کا مسئلہ تھا ۔


وَهَلْ أَتَاكَ نَبَأُ الْخَصْمِ إِذْ تَسَوَّرُوا الْمِحْرَابَ

اور کیا مہارے پاس جھگڑنے والوں کی خبر پہنچی ۔۔۔جبکہ محراب ( جنگ کرنے کی جگہ ) کو گھیرے میں لے لیا تھا ۔

الْمِحْرَابَ ۔۔مادہ ،۔۔حرب ۔۔معنی جنگ ۔ الْمِحْرَابَ ۔۔معرف باللام معرفہ بروزن اسم آلہ ِمِفْعَالْ ۔ اسی وزن پر مفتاح اور مشعال وغیرہ ہیں ۔ الْمِحْرَابَ کے معنی ہوئے وہ جس سے جنگ کی جائے ۔ یعنی جنگی چوکی ۔


إِذْ دَخَلُوا عَلَىٰ دَاوُودَ فَفَزِعَ مِنْهُمْ ۖ قَالُوا لَا تَخَفْ ۖ خَصْمَانِ بَغَىٰ بَعْضُنَا عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَنَا بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا تُشْطِطْ وَاهْدِنَا إِلَىٰ سَوَاءِ الصِّرَاطِ

جب کہ وہ داؤد کے پاس سے گزرے تو وہ ان سے گھبرایا ۔۔۔۔
۔۔۔انہوں نے کہا تم خوف نہ کھاؤ۔۔، ہمارے دو جھگڑنے والوں نے ایک دوسرے پر زیادتی کی ہے ۔۔۔، پس آپ ہمارے درمیا ن بر بنائے حق فیصلہ کیجیئے اور فیصلے میں زیادتی نہ کیجئے گا اور ہمیں سیدھی راہ کی ہدایت دیجئے ۔

تُشْطِطْ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ش ط ط ۔۔معنی ۔۔ شَطَّ عَلَیْہِ فی حُکْمِہ فیصلے میں زیادتی کرنا ۔

نَعْجَةً ۔۔عرب میں سب سے قیمتی چیز مویشی سمجھے جاتے ہیں ۔اس لئے دنبی سے مراد سلطنت ہے ۔


إِنَّ هَٰذَا أَخِي لَهُ تِسْعٌ وَتِسْعُونَ نَعْجَةً وَلِيَ نَعْجَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ فَقَالَ أَكْفِلْنِيهَا وَعَزَّنِي فِي الْخِطَابِ

یہ میرا بھائی ہے اس کے پاس بہت ساری ریاستیں ہیں اور میرے پاس صرف ایک ریاست ہے اس پر بھی وہ کہتا ہے کہ یہ ایک ریاست بھی میرے حوالے کر دے اور گفتگو میں مجھے دباتا ہے

نَعْجَةً ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ن ع ج ۔۔معنی ۔۔،خالص سفید ہونا ۔،موٹا ہونا ۔، موٹی بھیڑ۔،صاحب ثروت ہونا ۔


قَالَ لَقَدْ ظَلَمَكَ بِسُؤَالِ نَعْجَتِكَ إِلَىٰ نِعَاجِهِ ۖ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْخُلَطَاءِ لَيَبْغِي بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَقَلِيلٌ مَّا هُمْ ۗ وَظَنَّ دَاوُودُ أَنَّمَا فَتَنَّاهُ فَاسْتَغْفَرَ رَبَّهُ وَخَرَّ رَاكِعًا وَأَنَابَ

داؤد نے کہا اس شخص نے اپنی ریاستوں کے ساتھ تیری ریاست کا مطالبہ کرکے تجھ پر ظلم کیا ہے اور اکثر خلط ملط کرنے والے شرکاء اسی طرح ایک دوسرے پر زیادتی کرتے ہیں سوائے ان کے جو امن قائم کرتے ہیں اور اصلاحی عمل کرتے ہیں ۔ اور ایسے لوگ بہت کم ہیں اوراس نے خیال کیا کہ ہم نے اس کا امتحان لیا ہے تو اس نے اپنے نظام ربوبیت سے حفاظت طلب کی اور سر تسلیم خم کیا اور خلوص دل کے ساتھ اس کی طرف رجوع ہوا ۔


فَغَفَرْنَا لَهُ ذَٰلِكَ ۖ وَإِنَّ لَهُ عِندَنَا لَزُلْفَىٰ وَحُسْنَ مَآبٍ

پس ہم نے اس کو حفاظت فراہم کی اور اس کے لیے ہمارے ہاں مرتبہ اور اچھا ٹھکانہ ہے ۔


يَا دَاوُودُ إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاكَ خَلِيفَةً فِي الْأَرْضِ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا تَتَّبِعِ الْهَوَىٰ فَيُضِلَّكَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَضِلُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ بِمَا نَسُوا يَوْمَ الْحِسَابِ

اے داؤد! ہم نے تجھے زمین میں خلیفہ مقرر کیا ہے ۔۔،پس تم لوگو ں میں انصاف سے فیصلہ کرو اور خواہشات کی پیروی نہ کرنا کہ وہ تمہیں مملکت الہیہ کی راہ سے ہٹا دے گی ۔۔۔بے شک جو مملکت الہیہ کی راہ سے گمراہ ہوتے ہیں ان کے لیے سخت سزا ہے اس لیے کہ وہ احتساب کے دن کوبھول گئے ہیں ۔


وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاءَ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا بَاطِلًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ظَنُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنَ النَّارِ

ہم نے بلند و زیریں کو اور جو کچھ ان کے درمیان میں ہے باظل اخلاقیات تو نہیں دیںایسی بات تو کفار کا گمان ہے ۔۔پھر کافروں کے لئے آپس کی دشمنی کی آگ سے بربادی ہے ۔


أَمْ نَجْعَلُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَالْمُفْسِدِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ أَمْ نَجْعَلُ الْمُتَّقِينَ كَالْفُجَّارِ

کیا ان کو جنہوں نے امن قائم کیا اور اصلاحی عمل کئے ان کو ایسے لوگوں کی طرح مقام دینگے جو عوام میں فساد پھیلاتے ہیں ۔۔۔یا احکامات کے ساتھ ہم آہنگ رہنے والوں کو قانون شکنوں کا مقام دیں گے۔


كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ

ایک مسلسل نعمتوں والی کتاب ہم نے تمہاری طرف بھیجی تاکہ وہ اس کے دلائل پر غور کریں اور عقلمند نصحیت حاصل کریں ۔


وَوَهَبْنَا لِدَاوُودَ سُلَيْمَانَ ۚ نِعْمَ الْعَبْدُ ۖ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ

اور ہم نے داؤد ک و سلیمان دیا ۔۔۔کتنا ہی بہترین نعمت والا تھا ۔۔،یقیناً ۔۔وہ رجوع کرنے والا ےتھا ۔


إِذْ عُرِضَ عَلَيْهِ بِالْعَشِيِّ الصَّافِنَاتُ الْجِيَادُ

جب اُس کے سامنےظالمانہ دور میں فوج کے دستے پیش کئے گئے۔

بِالْعَشِيِّ ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ؑع ش ی ۔۔معنی ۔۔رات کو نظر نہ آنا ۔،ایک آنکھ کا خراب ہونا ۔صرف نظر کرنا ۔،کسی کا قصد کرنا ۔ عشی علیہ کسی پر ظلم کرنا ۔پریشان پانا ۔
الْجِيَادُ ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ج ی د ۔۔معنی ۔۔زبردست ۔۔فوجی ۔۔وہ گھوڑا جو تین پیروں پر کھڑا ہو تا ہو ۔


فَقَالَ إِنِّي أَحْبَبْتُ حُبَّ الْخَيْرِ عَن ذِكْرِ رَبِّي حَتَّىٰ تَوَارَتْ بِالْحِجَابِ

انہوں نے کہا کہ میں مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات کو محبوب رکھتا ہوں بوجہ نظام ربوبیت کی یاد دہانی کے یہاں تک کہ اپنے اور نظام ربوبیت کے درمیان ہر حجاب کو پیچھے کر دوں ۔

عن کے مختلف معنی دیکھنے کے لئے علامہ رشید نعمانی کی لغات القرآن صفحہ نمبر ۳۶۳ ملاحظہ فرمائیے ۔


رُدُّوهَا عَلَيَّ ۖ فَطَفِقَ مَسْحًا بِالسُّوقِ وَالْأَعْنَاقِ

اسے میرے پاس واپس لاؤ۔۔۔پس وہ مسیحا بنا علہدگی میں بھی اور دوستی میں بھی ۔

فَطَفِقَ ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ط ف ق ۔۔معنی ۔۔کرنے لگا یا کرتا رہا ۔
مسحاً ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ م س ح ۔۔معنی ۔۔کسی کی تکالیف کو دور کرنا ۔تیل لگانا ۔،سیدنا مسیح کا لقب ۔
بِالسُّوقِ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ س و ق ۔۔معنی ۔،پنڈلی ۔،چلنا ۔،بازار ۔، علہدہ ہونا ۔
الاعناق ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ع ن ق ۔۔گردن ۔،گلے ملنا ۔دوستی ۔


وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَىٰ كُرْسِيِّهِ جَسَدًا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ

اور ہم نے سلیمان کو آزمائش میں پایا۔۔۔اور اس کے تخت حکومت پر ایک ناسمجھ بے عقل والے کو پایا ۔۔۔۔۔پھر اس نے رجوع کیا ۔


قَالَ رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَهَبْ لِي مُلْكًا لَّا يَنبَغِي لِأَحَدٍ مِّن بَعْدِي ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ

کہا ائے میرے نظام ربوبیت میری حفاظت فرما ۔اور ایک ایسی مملکت عطا فرما کہ کوئی بھی میرے بعد بغاوت نہ کرے ۔۔۔۔یقیناً تو ہی عطا کرنے والا ہے ۔


فَسَخَّرْنَا لَهُ الرِّيحَ تَجْرِي بِأَمْرِهِ رُخَاءً حَيْثُ أَصَابَ

پھر ہم نے مملکت کو اس کے تابع کر دیا کہ وہ اس کے حکم سے جس حیثیت میں وہ چاہتا تھا بڑی آسودہ حالی سے چلتی تھی۔


وَالشَّيَاطِينَ كُلَّ بَنَّاءٍ وَغَوَّاصٍ

اور تمامسر کش لوگ ۔۔۔معمار اور غوطہ زن ۔۔


وَآخَرِينَ مُقَرَّنِينَ فِي الْأَصْفَادِ

اور دوسرے زنجیروں میں جکڑے ہوئے ۔


هَٰذَا عَطَاؤُنَا فَامْنُنْ أَوْ أَمْسِكْ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ

یہ ہماری عطا ہے پس یا تو احسان کر کے آزاد کدے یا اپنے پاس رکھ دونوں صورتوں میں کوئی پوچھ گچھ نہیں ہے ۔


( یاد رکھئے ۔۔۔کہ یہآیت مال ودولت کے جمع کرنے کے حوالے سے نہیں ہے ۔۔ اس آیت سے ملحقہ ایک آیت پہلے قیدیوں کا ذکر ہے ۔یہ آیت انہی کے متعلق ہے کہ یا تو ان کو آزاد کردو یا اپنے پاس رکھو تو بھی کوئی مضائقہ نہیں ۔)


وَإِنَّ لَهُ عِندَنَا لَزُلْفَىٰ وَحُسْنَ مَآبٍ

اور بےشک ان کے لئے ہمارے ہاں قُرب اور انجام کار انتہائی حسین مقام ہے ۔


وَاذْكُرْ عَبْدَنَا أَيُّوبَ إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الشَّيْطَانُ بِنُصْبٍ وَعَذَابٍ

اور ہمارے بندۂ ایوب کا ذکر کرو جب انہوں نے اپنے نظام ربوبیت کو پکارا کہ سرکش دشمنوں نے مجھے سختی اور اذیت پہنچائی ہے۔


ارْكُضْ بِرِجْلِكَ ۖ هَٰذَا مُغْتَسَلٌ بَارِدٌ وَشَرَابٌ

اپنے پیادہ فوج کو چلاؤ ۔۔یہ عمل غلط روش سے نجات پانے۔، دل کی ٹھنڈک اور اطمینان بخش ہے ۔

مُغْتَسَلٌ ۔۔اسم ظرف ہے مُفْعَلٌ کے وزن پر ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ غ س ل ۔۔معنی ۔۔کسی بھی ذہنی یا جسمانی گندگی سے نجات حاصل کرنا ۔
یاد رکھئے قرآن کوئی نہانے دھونے کے آداب سکھانے نہیں آیا تھا ۔


وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ أَهْلَهُ وَمِثْلَهُم مَّعَهُمْ رَحْمَةً مِّنَّا وَذِكْرَىٰ لِأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ

اور ہم نے اس کی اہلیت کے دوسرے مثالی لوگ ا س کے ساتھ اپنے رحمت سے عطا کئے ۔ اور اہل علم و دانش کے لئے یاد دہانی عطا کی ۔


وَخُذْ بِيَدِكَ ضِغْثًا فَاضْرِب بِّهِ وَلَا تَحْنَثْ ۗ إِنَّا وَجَدْنَاهُ صَابِرًا ۚ نِّعْمَ الْعَبْدُ ۖ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ

اور مواخذہ کرو اہنی قوت کے ساتھ اور اس قوت کو اسی کے ساتھ چلاؤ اور غیر واضح عمل نہ کرنا ۔۔یقیناً ہم نے اس کو انتہائی نعمت والا مستقل مزاج بندہ پایا ۔۔۔یقیناً وہ رجو ع کرنے والا تھا ۔


وَاذْكُرْ عِبَادَنَا إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ أُولِي الْأَيْدِي وَالْأَبْصَارِ

اور یاد دہانی کراؤ ہمارے طاقت والے اور با بصیرت بندے ابراہیم اور اسحق اور یعقوب کی ۔


إِنَّا أَخْلَصْنَاهُم بِخَالِصَةٍ ذِكْرَى الدَّارِ

ہم نے انہیں ایک خاص بات یعنی انجام کار کی یاد کے ساتھ مخصوص کر دیا تھا ۔


وَإِنَّهُمْ عِندَنَا لَمِنَ الْمُصْطَفَيْنَ الْأَخْيَارِ

اور یقیناً وہ لوگ ہمارے نزدیک پسندیدہ انتہائی خیر والے لوگ تھے ۔


وَاذْكُرْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ وَالْيَسَعَ وَذَا الْكِفْلِ ۖ وَكُلٌّ مِّنَ الْأَخْيَارِ

اور ذکر کرو اسماعیل کا اور یسیع او ذاالکفل کا ۔۔سب کے سب خیر والے لوگ تھے ۔


هَٰذَا ذِكْرٌ ۚ وَإِنَّ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ لَحُسْنَ مَآبٍ

یہ ایک یاد دہانی ہے اور صاحبانِ تقویٰ کے لئے انتہائی حسین مستقر ۔


جَنَّاتِ عَدْنٍ مُّفَتَّحَةً لَّهُمُ الْأَبْوَابُ

نعمتوں بھری ریاستیں جن کے دروازے ان کے لئے کھلے رکھے گئے ہیں ۔


مُتَّكِئِينَ فِيهَا يَدْعُونَ فِيهَا بِفَاكِهَةٍ كَثِيرَةٍ وَشَرَابٍ

ان ریاستوں پر بھروسہ کرتے ہوئے وہ کثرت سے خوشحالیاں طلب کریں گے اور طبعی رجہان کوسیراب اور سکون بخشیں گے ۔


وَعِندَهُمْ قَاصِرَاتُ الطَّرْفِ أَتْرَابٌ

اور ان کر پاس حدود متعین کرنے والی جماعتیں ہونگی ۔


هَٰذَا مَا تُوعَدُونَ لِيَوْمِ الْحِسَابِ

یہ ہے وہ یوم الحساب جس کا تم سے واعدہ کیا جاتا ہے ۔


إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَرِزْقُنَا مَا لَهُ مِن نَّفَادٍ

یہ ہے ہماری وہ نعمت جو کبھی ختم ہونے والی نہیں ۔


هَٰذَا ۚ وَإِنَّ لِلطَّاغِينَ لَشَرَّ مَآبٍ

۔۔۔۔ یہی بات ہے اور بے شک سرکشوں کے لیے برا ٹھکانا ہے


جَهَنَّمَ يَصْلَوْنَهَا فَبِئْسَ الْمِهَادُ

دشمنی کی آ گ کہ جس میں وہ گریں گے کیا ہی بری قیام گاہ ہے ۔


هَٰذَا فَلْيَذُوقُوهُ حَمِيمٌ وَغَسَّاقٌ

یہ ہے سزا ۔۔پس ذلت آمیزی اور رسوائی کی کالککا مزہ چکھو ۔ ۔


وَآخَرُ مِن شَكْلِهِ أَزْوَاجٌ

اور دوسری سزائیں بھی اسی قسم کی ہیں ۔


هَٰذَا فَوْجٌ مُّقْتَحِمٌ مَّعَكُمْ ۖ لَا مَرْحَبًا بِهِمْ ۚ إِنَّهُمْ صَالُو النَّارِ

یہ ایک لشکر ہے تمہارے ساتھ زبردستی گھستا چلا آ رہا ہے۔۔، کوئی خوش آمدید اِن کے لیے نہیں ہے،۔۔۔ یہ ایک لشکر ہے جو دشمنی کی آگ میں گرنے والے ہیں ۔"


قَالُوا بَلْ أَنتُمْ لَا مَرْحَبًا بِكُمْ ۖ أَنتُمْ قَدَّمْتُمُوهُ لَنَا ۖ فَبِئْسَ الْقَرَارُ

پھر کہیں گے تمہارے لئے کوئی خوش آمدید نہیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔ تم نے اس عذاب کو ہمارے لئے مقدم کیا ہے۔۔۔، لہٰذا یہ بدترین مستقر ہے ۔


قَالُوا رَبَّنَا مَن قَدَّمَ لَنَا هَٰذَا فَزِدْهُ عَذَابًا ضِعْفًا فِي النَّارِ

انہوں نے کہا ائے ہمارے نظام ربوبیت جو بھی ہمارے لئے اس سزا کو سامنے لانے کا سبب بنا ہے تو اس کو دشمنی کی آگ میں دگنی سزا دے ۔


وَقَالُوا مَا لَنَا لَا نَرَىٰ رِجَالًا كُنَّا نَعُدُّهُم مِّنَ الْأَشْرَارِ

اور بولے ہمیں کیا ہوا ہم ان لوگوں کو نہیں دیکھتے جنہیں برا سمجھتے تھے ۔

وَقَالُوا ۔۔جمع مذکر غائب ما ضی کا صیغہ ہے جو سوائے مولانا احمد رضا خان صاحب کےسب نے مستقبل کے معنوں میں ترجمہ کیا ہے ۔اور اس طرح کے ترجموں سے دنیا کی جنت اور دوزخ کو کسی ایسے وقت پر اٹھا کر رکھ دیا ہے جس کا نہ تو مشاہدہ کیا جا سکتا ہے اور نہ ہی ثابت کیا جا سکتا ہے ۔


أَتَّخَذْنَاهُمْ سِخْرِيًّا أَمْ زَاغَتْ عَنْهُمُ الْأَبْصَارُ

ہم نے انکو مذاق میں اڑا دیا تھا یا کہ ہماری بصیرت سے بھول ہوئی ہے ۔


إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ لَحَقٌّ تَخَاصُمُ أَهْلِ النَّارِ

یقیناً دشمنی کی آگ میں جلنے والوں کا جھگڑنا بر حق ہے ۔

تخَاصُمُ أَهْلِ النَّارِ ۔۔یہ جملہ مرکب اضافی ہے ۔جس میں تَخَاصُمُ باب تفاعل سےمصدر ہے ۔اس لئے تَخَاصُمُ کا سیدھا سا ترجمہ ہوگا ’’جھگڑنا ‘‘ جو مضاف ہے اور اهْلِ النَّارِ کا مرکب مضاف الیہ ہے ۔


قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا مُنذِرٌ ۖ وَمَا مِنْ إِلَٰهٍ إِلَّا اللَّهُ الْوَاحِدُ الْقَهَّارُ

اعلان کر دو کہ میں تو صرف ایک پیش آگاہ کرنے والا ہوں ۔،اور یکتا غلبے والی مملکت الہیہ کے علاوہ کوئی حاکم نہیں ہے ۔


رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفَّارُ

جوحکومت اور عوام اور جو کچھ ان کے درمیان ہے اس کا غالب حفاظت فراہم کرنے والا نظام ربوبیت ہے ۔


قُلْ هُوَ نَبَأٌ عَظِيمٌ

کہہ دو یہ ایک بڑی خبر ہے ۔


أَنتُمْ عَنْهُ مُعْرِضُونَ

کہ تم جس سے پہلو تہی کرے ہو ۔


مَا كَانَ لِيَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ بِالْمَلَإِ الْأَعْلَىٰ إِذْ يَخْتَصِمُونَ

مجھ کو ایوان بالا کا جب وہ جھگڑتے تھے کچھ علم نہ تھا ۔


إِن يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ إِلَّا أَنَّمَا أَنَا نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ

میری طرف تو یہی وحی کی جاتی ہے کہ میں واضح پیش آگاہ کرنے والا ہوں ۔


إِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي خَالِقٌ بَشَرًا مِّن طِينٍ

جب نظام ربوبیت نے نافذین احکامات سے اعلان کیا کہ میں بشر کو ایک سرشت ( عادت ۔،فطرت ) پر اخلاقیات کا بنانے والاہوں ۔


فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي فَقَعُوا لَهُ سَاجِدِينَ

پس جب میں اسے پوری طرح سنوار دوں اور اس کو اپنی مملکت کی حاکمیت کا ادراک کرا دوں تو اس کے آگے سر تسلیم خم کرنا ۔۔


فَسَجَدَ الْمَلَائِكَةُ كُلُّهُمْ أَجْمَعُونَ

سو تمام کے تمام نافذین احکامات نے سر تسلیم خم کر دیا ۔


إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ اسْتَكْبَرَ وَكَانَ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ

سوائے ابلیس کے جس نے تکبر کیا اور وہ انکاری لوگوں میں سے تھا ۔

ابلیس کی بحث میں صرف اتنا جان لیجئے کہ یہ ہمارے معاشرے کا وہ کردار ہے جو سب سے مضبوظ ۔،طاقتور ۔،اور نظام ربوبیت پر قبضہ جمانے والا ہوتا ہے ۔مملکت کے احکامات کی نفی کرتا ہے اور مملکت کے احکامات کو ماننے سے انکار کرتا ہے ۔


قَالَ يَا إِبْلِيسُ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَن تَسْجُدَ لِمَا خَلَقْتُ بِيَدَيَّ ۖ أَسْتَكْبَرْتَ أَمْ كُنتَ مِنَ الْعَالِينَ

ائے ابلیس تجھے سر نگوں ہونے ندامت ۔،سے کس چیز نے روکا کہ جس کو میں نے اپنی صلاحیتوں کو بروئے کار لاتے ہوئےاخلاقیات دئے ۔۔تو تونے تکبر کیا ۔۔،یا یہ کہ تو نے بذات خویش اپنے آپ کو اعلیٰ درجے والوں میں سے سمجھ لیا ہے

بِيَدَيَّ ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ید۔۔معنی ۔۔قبضہ قدرت ۔،تصرف ۔،ہاتھ ۔،اقتدار ۔،قابو۔،غلبہ ۔،ملک ۔،روکنا ۔،برکت۔،سخاوت ۔،احسان ۔،ذلت ۔،بھلائی۔،


قَالَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِّنْهُ ۖ خَلَقْتَنِي مِن نَّارٍ وَخَلَقْتَهُ مِن طِينٍ

کہا میں اس سے بہتر ہوں ۔۔،تو نے مجھے جلا دینے کی اخلاقیات دیں جبکہ اسے ایک فطرت اور سرشت کی اخلاقیا ت دیں ۔


قَالَ فَاخْرُجْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّكَ رَجِيمٌ

پس کہا کہ تو اس مملکت سے نکل جا ۔کہ تو ذلیل کئے جانے والے لوگوں میں سے ہے ۔


وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكَ لَعْنَتِي إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

اور نظام مملکت کے قیام تک تو نعمتوں سے محروم رہے گا ۔


قَالَ رَبِّ فَأَنظِرْنِي إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ

کہا ائے میرے نظام ربوبیت مجھے احتساب کے وقت تک مہلت عطا کر ۔


قَالَ فَإِنَّكَ مِنَ الْمُنظَرِينَ

کہا پس تو مہلت دئے گئے لوگوں میں سے ہے ۔


إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْوَقْتِ الْمَعْلُومِ

۔۔ایک معین وقت کے عرصے تک


قَالَ فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

اس نے کہا تو پھر تیرے ہی غلبے کی گواہی ہے کہ میں ان سب کو گمراہ کروں گا۔


إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ

سوائے ان میں سے تیرے خالص بندوں میں سے ۔


قَالَ فَالْحَقُّ وَالْحَقَّ أَقُولُ

ارشاد ہوا تو پھر حق یہ ہے اور میں تو حق ہی کہتا ہوں


لَأَمْلَأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنكَ وَمِمَّن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

کہ میں بھی پھر تجھے اور تیری سب پیروی کرنے والوں کو آپس کی دشمنی کی آگ سے قید خانے کو بھر دونگا ۔


قُلْ مَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ

کہ دو کہ میں اس بات پر تم سے کوئی بدلے سے ظلب نہیں کر رہا انہ ہی میں مکلف ٹھہرانے والوں میں سے ہوں ۔


إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

یہ تو بستی والوں کے لئے ایک یاد دہانی ہے ۔


وَلَتَعْلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ بَعْدَ حِينٍ

اور کچھ دنوں کے بعد تم لوگوں کو اس خبر کی سچائی معلوم ہوجائے گی ۔

surah 39 azzumr

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ


تَنزِيلُ الْكِتَابِ مِنَ اللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَكِيمِ

قانون کی کتاب کا دیا جانا ایک باحکمت غالب حکمران کی طرف سے ہے ۔


إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ بِالْحَقِّ فَاعْبُدِ اللَّهَ مُخْلِصًا لَّهُ الدِّينَ

یقیناًہم نے تمہاری طرف اس قانون کو حق کے ساتھ نازل کیا ہے لہٰذا آپ حاکم اعلیٰ کی تابعداری مکمل اخلاص کے ساتھ کریں ۔


أَلَا لِلَّهِ الدِّينُ الْخَالِصُ ۚ وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِهِ أَوْلِيَاءَ مَا نَعْبُدُهُمْ إِلَّا لِيُقَرِّبُونَا إِلَى اللَّهِ زُلْفَىٰ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَهُمْ فِي مَا هُمْ فِيهِ يَخْتَلِفُونَ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي مَنْ هُوَ كَاذِبٌ كَفَّارٌ

آ گاہ ہوجاؤ کہ خالص تابعداری صرف حاکم اعلیٰ کے لئے ہے اور جن لوگوں نے اس کے علاوہ ۔،یہ کہہ کر ۔سرپرست بنائے ہیں کہ یہ ہم ان کی تابعداری صرف اس لئے کرتے ہیں کہ یہ ہمیں حاکم اعلیٰ ہ سے قریب کردیں گے - تو حاکم اعلیٰ ۔، ان کے درمیان تمام اختلافی مسائل میں فیصلہ کردے گا یقیناً حاکم اعلیٰ کسی بھی جھوٹے اور ناشکری کرنے والے کو ہدایت نہیں دیتا ہے ۔


لَّوْ أَرَادَ اللَّهُ أَن يَتَّخِذَ وَلَدًا لَّاصْطَفَىٰ مِمَّا يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ سُبْحَانَهُ ۖ هُوَ اللَّهُ الْوَاحِدُ الْقَهَّارُ

اورحاکم اعلیٰ اگر چاہتا کہ اپنا جانشین بنائے تو وہ ان میں سے جسے اس نے اخلاقیات عطا کئے ہیں جو اس کی مشیت پر پورا اترتا اس کا انتخاب کرلیتا ۔۔۔۔۔تمام جد جہد اسی کے لئے ہے ۔۔۔وہ یکتا اور مقام بلند سے نگاہ رکھنے والا حاکم اعلیٰ ہے ۔


خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ ۖ يُكَوِّرُ اللَّيْلَ عَلَى النَّهَارِ وَيُكَوِّرُ النَّهَارَ عَلَى اللَّيْلِ ۖ وَسَخَّرَ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ ۖ كُلٌّ يَجْرِي لِأَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۗ أَلَا هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفَّارُ

اس نے حکومت اور عوام کو حق کی بنیاد پر اخلاقیات دیں ۔۔۔۔۔ وہ ظلم کو آزادی اور آزادی کو ظلم پر گڑ مڑ لپٹا پاتا ہے ۔۔۔۔۔اور اس نے حاکم و قوم کو تابع بنا پایا ہے ۔۔۔۔سب ایک مقرّرہ نتیجے تک چلتے رہتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔ آگاہ ہوجاؤ کہ حاکم اعلیٰ ہی غالب اور انتہائی حفاظت فراہم کرنے والا ہے ۔۔


خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَأَنزَلَ لَكُم مِّنَ الْأَنْعَامِ ثَمَانِيَةَ أَزْوَاجٍ ۚ يَخْلُقُكُمْ فِي بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ خَلْقًا مِّن بَعْدِ خَلْقٍ فِي ظُلُمَاتٍ ثَلَاثٍ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ لَهُ الْمُلْكُ ۖ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ فَأَنَّىٰ تُصْرَفُونَ

اسی نے تم سب کو ایک ہی نظام سے اخلاقیات دی ہیں ۔۔۔پھر ان اخلاقیات سے اس کی جماعت بنی پائی ۔۔۔اور تشکیل دئے تمہارے لئے نعمتوں سے بڑی ہی قیمتی جماعتیں ۔۔،اور وہی تم کو تمہاری امتوں کے بارے میں اخلاقیات عطا کرتا ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ظلم کے بارے میں حاکم اعلیٰ کے کان بھرنے میں ایک کے بعد ایک اصولی اخلاقیات عطا کیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔یہ ہے تمہارا نظام ربوبیت ۔۔۔اسی کے لئے حکومت ہے ۔۔۔نہیں ہے کوئی حاکم سوائے ایسی صفات کے حامل حاکم کے ۔توپھر تم کہاں کہاں پھرائے جا رہے ہو ۔


إِن تَكْفُرُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنكُمْ ۖ وَلَا يَرْضَىٰ لِعِبَادِهِ الْكُفْرَ ۖ وَإِن تَشْكُرُوا يَرْضَهُ لَكُمْ ۗ وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَىٰ ۗ ثُمَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُم مَّرْجِعُكُمْ فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ ۚ إِنَّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُورِ

اگر تم انکار بھی کرو تو مملکت الہیہ تم سے بے نیاز ہے اور وہ اپنے بندوں کے لئے انکار کو پسند نہیں کرتا ہے اور اگر تم اس کی نعمتوں کا صحیح استعمال کروگے تو وہ تم سےاضی ہوگا ۔۔۔ اور کوئی شخص کسی دوسرے کی ذمہ داری نہیں اٹھائے گا ۔۔۔، اس کے بعد تم سب کو اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی طرف ہی لوٹنا ہے ۔ پھر وہ تمہیں آگاہ کرے گا کہ تم کیا کر تے رہے تھے ۔۔۔وہ تمہاری اندرونی کیفیت سے واقف ہے ۔


وَإِذَا مَسَّ الْإِنسَانَ ضُرٌّ دَعَا رَبَّهُ مُنِيبًا إِلَيْهِ ثُمَّ إِذَا خَوَّلَهُ نِعْمَةً مِّنْهُ نَسِيَ مَا كَانَ يَدْعُو إِلَيْهِ مِن قَبْلُ وَجَعَلَ لِلَّهِ أَندَادًا لِّيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِ ۚ قُلْ تَمَتَّعْ بِكُفْرِكَ قَلِيلًا ۖ إِنَّكَ مِنْ أَصْحَابِ النَّارِ

اور جب انسان کو کوئی تکلیف پہنچتی ہے تو پوری توجہ کے ساتھنظام ربوبیت کو بلاتا ہے پھر جب وہ اسے کوئی نعمت دے دیتا ہے تو جس بات کے لئے اس کو پکار رہا تھا اسے یکسر نظرانداز کردیتا ہمملکت الہیہ کے لئے مثل قرار دیتا ہے تاکہ اس کے راستے سے بہکا سکے۔۔۔ تو آپ کہہ دیجئے کہ تھوڑے دنوں اپنے انکار کے ساتھ فائدہ اٹھا لو ۔۔۔۔ اس کے بعد تو تم یقینا اہل جہّنم میں سے ہوگے ۔


أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَانِتٌ آنَاءَ اللَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَائِمًا يَحْذَرُ الْآخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ ۗ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ۗ إِنَّمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ

کیا وہ شخص جو اس دور میں کہ جس میں احکا ما ت پامال کئے جارہے ہوں سرتسلیم خم کرے اور ان پر قائم رہے اور انجام سے ہوشیار رہے اور اپنے نظام ربوبیت سے اس کی رحمت کا امیدوار ہو .... کہہ دو کہ کیا وہ لوگ جو جانتے ہیں ان لوگوں کے برابر ہوجائیں گے جو نہیں جانتے - نصیحت تو صرف صاحبانِ علم و دانش ہی حاصل کرتے ہیں ۔

قَانِتٌ ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ق ن ت ۔۔مونی فرمانبرداری ۔،اطاعت ۔،
نَاءَ اللَّيْلِ ۔۔معنی ۔۔وہ دور جب مملکت کے احکامات کی پروہ نہ ہو ۔


قُلْ يَا عِبَادِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمْ ۚ لِلَّذِينَ أَحْسَنُوا فِي هَٰذِهِ الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةٌ ۗ وَأَرْضُ اللَّهِ وَاسِعَةٌ ۗ إِنَّمَا يُوَفَّى الصَّابِرُونَ أَجْرَهُم بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ

کہہ دو کہ اے میرے بندو جنہوں نے امن قائم کیا اپنے نظام ربوبیت کے احکامات کی معصیت کے انجام سے ہوشیار رہو .۔۔۔۔ جو لوگ اس ادنیٰ زندگی میں حسن کارانہ کام انجام دیتے ہیں ان کے ان کے لئے انجام بھی حسین ہے اور مملکت الہیہ کا اقتدار بہت وسیع ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ مستقل مزاج لوگوں کو ہی بے حساب بدلہ دیا جاتا ہے۔


قُلْ إِنِّي أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ مُخْلِصًا لَّهُ الدِّينَ

کہہ دو کہ مجھے تو حکم دیا گیا ہے کہ میں خلوص کے ساتھ مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات کی تابعداری کروں ۔


وَأُمِرْتُ لِأَنْ أَكُونَ أَوَّلَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

اور مجھے تو حکم ہوا ہے کہ میں مسلمیں کا والی وارث بنوں ۔

اول ۔۔۔مادہ۔۔ ا و ل ۔۔معنی ۔۔انجام کار ۔۔،صحیح نتیجے کی ظرف لوٹنا ۔،تاویل ۔، اٰل علیٰ القوم وہ قوم کا والی وارث بن گیا ۔ اول الکلام تاویلاً اس نے بات کی صحیح ترجمانی کی ۔،


قُلْ إِنِّي أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّي عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ

کہو، اگر کہ میں اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی نافرمانی کروں تو مجھے تو ایک بڑے دن کی سزا کا خوف ہے۔


قُلِ اللَّهَ أَعْبُدُ مُخْلِصًا لَّهُ دِينِي

کہہ دو کہ میں تو مملکت الہیہ کے لئے خلوص کے ساتھ اس کے نظام کی تابعداری کرتا ہوں ۔


فَاعْبُدُوا مَا شِئْتُم مِّن دُونِهِ ۗ قُلْ إِنَّ الْخَاسِرِينَ الَّذِينَ خَسِرُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ وَأَهْلِيهِمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ۗ أَلَا ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ الْخُسْرَانُ الْمُبِينُ

تم اُس کے سوا جس جس کی تابعداری کرنا چاہو کرتے رہو ۔۔۔۔کہو، خسارے میں پڑنے والے تو وہی لوگ ہیں جنہوں نے اپنے لوگوں کو اور اپنی اہلیت والوں کو مملکت کے قیام کے وقت خسارے میں ڈالا ۔۔۔۔۔۔آگاہ ہو جاؤ کہ یہی تو واضح خسارہ ہے ۔


لَهُم مِّن فَوْقِهِمْ ظُلَلٌ مِّنَ النَّارِ وَمِن تَحْتِهِمْ ظُلَلٌ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ يُخَوِّفُ اللَّهُ بِهِ عِبَادَهُ ۚ يَا عِبَادِ فَاتَّقُونِ

ان کو دشمنی کی آگ نے چاروں طرف سے گھیرے ہوئے ہوتا ہے ۔۔،یہی وہ بات ہے جس کا مملکت الہیہ اپنے بندوں کو خوف دلاتی ہے کہ اے میرے بندو! میرے احکامات کے ساتھ ہم آہنگ رہو ۔


وَالَّذِينَ اجْتَنَبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ أَن يَعْبُدُوهَا وَأَنَابُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ لَهُمُ الْبُشْرَىٰ ۚ فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ

اور وہ لوگ جنہوں نے ظالم سرکشوں سے علہدگی اختیار کر لی کہ ان کی تابعداری کرتے اور مملکت الہیہ کی طرف متوجہ ہوئے تو ایسے لوگوں کے لئے خوش خبری ہے پس میرے بندوں کو خوشخبری دیجئے ۔


الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ هَدَاهُمُ اللَّهُ ۖ وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمْ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ

وہ لوگ جو بات کو غور سے سنتے ہیں اور اس کی سب سے حسین انداز سے پیروی کرتے ہیں یہ وہ لوگ ہیں جن کو مملکت الہیہ نے ہدایت پر پایا ہے اور یہی اہل علم و دانش ہیں ۔


أَفَمَنْ حَقَّ عَلَيْهِ كَلِمَةُ الْعَذَابِ أَفَأَنتَ تُنقِذُ مَن فِي النَّارِ

اُس شخص کو جس پر سزا کے حکم کا فیصل صادر ہ ہو چکا ہو ۔۔۔کون بچا سکتا ہے؟ کیا تم اُسے بچا سکتے ہو جو دشمنی کی آگ میں گر چکا ہو؟


لَٰكِنِ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا رَبَّهُمْ لَهُمْ غُرَفٌ مِّن فَوْقِهَا غُرَفٌ مَّبْنِيَّةٌ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ ۖ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ ۖ لَا يُخْلِفُ اللَّهُ الْمِيعَادَ

البتہ جو لوگ اپنے نظام ربوبیت سے ہم آہنگ رہتے ہیں اُن کے لئے ایک سے بڑھ کر ایک بلند مراتب ہیں ، جن کی ماتحتی میں خوشحالی رواں دواں ہیں یہ مملکت الہیہ کا وعدہ ہے، مملکت الہیہ اپنے وعدے کی خلاف ورزی نہیں کرتی ہے ۔

جیسا کہ پہلے بھی عرض کیا ہے کہ تشبیہات اور مثالوں کا ترجمہ نہیں کیا جاتا ہے ۔ہر زبان میں تشبیہات اور مثالوں کا ستعمال معروف ہے ۔اسی طرح محاورہ اور استعارہ بھی ہر ادب کا معروف استعمالات میں سے ہے ۔
لیکن یہ بھی یاد رکھئے کہ تشبیہات کے استعمال کی وجہ بھی معلوم ہونی چاہئے ۔زیر مطالع آیت میں تشبیہات کا استعمال خوب ہوا ہے ۔،اگر تو ان تشبیہات کا ترجمہ کیا جائے تو انتہائی مضحکہ خیزی کا باعث ہوگا ۔لیکن اگر انکا مقصد نہ معلوم ہو تو ان تماثیل اور تشبیہات کا مقصد اور مفہوم بے معنی ہو کر رہ جائے گا ۔بعض اردو ادب کے سمجھنے والے بھی قرآن کے معاملے میں تشبیہ کا لگوی ترجمہ کر بیٹھے ہیں اور جبکہ دقیانوسی تراجم میں تشبیہ ویسی کی ویسی ہی لکھ دی گئی ہے جس سے مقصد ہی فوت ہو جاتا ہے۔
ہم نے ایسے مقامات پر نہ تو لفظی ترجمہ کیا ہے اور نہ ہی لغوی معنوں کا استعمال کیا ہے ۔۔۔بلکہ تشبیہات اور مثالوں کو ان کے مقاصد کے تحت جو نتائج ملتے ہیں ان کو بیان کردیا ہے ۔


أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ أَنزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَسَلَكَهُ يَنَابِيعَ فِي الْأَرْضِ ثُمَّ يُخْرِجُ بِهِ زَرْعًا مُّخْتَلِفًا أَلْوَانُهُ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَاهُ مُصْفَرًّا ثُمَّ يَجْعَلُهُ حُطَامًا ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَذِكْرَىٰ لِأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ

کیا تم نہیں دیکھتے کہ مملکت الہیہ نے ایوان بالا کے بلند مقامات سے احکامات جاری کئے ، پھر ان کو ان کے ظرف کے مطابق نچلی سطحوں پر عوام میں جاری کیا ۔۔، پھر ان احکامات کے ذریعے مملکت الہیہ طرح طرح کی اقوام کی نشو ونما کرتی ہے جن کے رنگ ڈھنگ بھی الگ الگ ہوتے ہیں ۔پھر تم دیکھتے ہو کہ یہی اقوام ترقی کی منازل طے کرتی ہیں ۔۔۔،پھر تم ان کو فرسودہ دیکھتے ہو ۔۔۔پھر یہ اقوام معدوم ہو جاتی ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔!! یقیناً اس میں اہل علم و دانش کے لئے نصیحت ہے ۔



أَفَمَن شَرَحَ اللَّهُ صَدْرَهُ لِلْإِسْلَامِ فَهُوَ عَلَىٰ نُورٍ مِّن رَّبِّهِ ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِّلْقَاسِيَةِ قُلُوبُهُم مِّن ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ فِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ

اب کیا وہ شخص جس کی سمجھ مملکت الہیہ نے سلامتی کے لیے کھول دی ہے اور وہ اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی طرف سے ایک ہدایت پر چل رہا ہے (اُس شخص کی طرح ہو سکتا ہے جس نے اِن باتوں سے کوئی سبق نہ لیا؟) تباہی ہے اُن لوگوں کے لیے جن کے دل مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات سے اور زیادہ سخت ہو گئے۔۔۔۔۔ وہ تو کھلی گمراہی میں پڑے ہوئے ہیں ۔


اللَّهُ نَزَّلَ أَحْسَنَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابًا مُّتَشَابِهًا مَّثَانِيَ تَقْشَعِرُّ مِنْهُ جُلُودُ الَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ ثُمَّ تَلِينُ جُلُودُهُمْ وَقُلُوبُهُمْ إِلَىٰ ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُدَى اللَّهِ يَهْدِي بِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ۚ وَمَن يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ هَادٍ

مملکت الہیہ نے انتہائی حسین بات جو با ر بار ملتے جلتے انداز سےوقوع پذیر ہوتی رہتی ہے بطور قانون دی ہے۔۔جس سے ان لوگوں کے رونگٹےکھڑے ہو جاتے ہیں جو اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی عظمت کے لئے آمادہ رہتے ہیں ۔ ان کی سختی نرمی میں بدل جاتی ہے ۔ان کے ذہن اور دل مملکت الہیہ کی یاد دہانی کی طرف راغب ہو تے ہیں ۔۔ یہ مملکت الہیہ کی ہدایت ہے مملکت الہیہ اسی شخص کو ہدایت عطا کرتی ہے جو طلب کرتا ہے ۔اور جس کو مملکت الہیہ گمراہ قرار دے اس کے لئے کوئی ہدایت دینے والوں میں سے نہیں ہے ۔


أَفَمَن يَتَّقِي بِوَجْهِهِ سُوءَ الْعَذَابِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ۚ وَقِيلَ لِلظَّالِمِينَ ذُوقُوا مَا كُنتُمْ تَكْسِبُونَ

پس کیا کوئی شخص مملکت کے قیام کے وقت سزا کی تکلیف کو اپنی توجہات سے دفاع کر تا ہے ۔؟ ۔۔۔ایسے ظالموں سے تو کہہ دیا جاتا ہے کہ اب اس کمائی کا مزہ چکھو جو تم کرتے رہے تھے ۔


كَذَّبَ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ فَأَتَاهُمُ الْعَذَابُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ

ان لوگوں سے پہلے بھی لوگوں نے جھٹلایا ۔،تو ان پر ایسی حیثیت سے سزا وارد ہوئی کہ ان کو اس کا علم ہی نہ تھا ۔


فَأَذَاقَهُمُ اللَّهُ الْخِزْيَ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَعَذَابُ الْآخِرَةِ أَكْبَرُ ۚ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ

تو مملکت الہیہ نے ان کو ادنیٰ زندگی کے معاملے میں ذلت کا مزا چکھایا ۔۔۔کاش کہ ان کو معلوم ہو کہ انجام کاران کی سزا تو سب سے بڑی ہے ۔


وَلَقَدْ ضَرَبْنَا لِلنَّاسِ فِي هَٰذَا الْقُرْآنِ مِن كُلِّ مَثَلٍ لَّعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ

اور ہم نے لوگوں کے لئے اس قرآن میں ہر طرح کی مثال بیان کردی ہے تاکہ یہ یاد رکھ کر عمل کریں ۔


قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا غَيْرَ ذِي عِوَجٍ لَّعَلَّهُمْ يَتَّقُونَ

علم و دانش والا قرآن ۔۔۔، بغیر کسی کجی کے تاکہ یہ برے انجام سے بچیں ۔


ضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا رَّجُلًا فِيهِ شُرَكَاءُ مُتَشَاكِسُونَ وَرَجُلًا سَلَمًا لِّرَجُلٍ هَلْ يَسْتَوِيَانِ مَثَلًا ۚ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ ۚ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

مملکت الہیہ ایک ایسے طاقتور کی مثال بیان کرتا ہے جس کے معاملے میں باہم جھگڑنے والے ہیں اور ایک ایسا طاقتور ہے جو دوسرے طاقتور لوگوں کے لئے سلامتی ہی سلامتی ہے ۔۔۔۔کیا یہ دونوں برابر ہیں ۔
حاکمیت تو صرف مملکت الہیہ ہی کی ہے ۔۔۔۔۔لیکن اکثر لوگوں کو علم نہیں ۔


إِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ وَإِنَّهُم مَّيِّتُونَ

تم بھی ناکام ہوتےہو اور وہ بھی ناکام ہوتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔


ثُمَّ إِنَّكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عِندَ رَبِّكُمْ تَخْتَصِمُونَ

پھر یقیناً تم لوگ مملکت کے قیام کے وقت اپنے نظام ربوبیت کے سامنے جھگڑا کرو گے ۔


فَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّن كَذَبَ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَكَذَّبَ بِالصِّدْقِ إِذْ جَاءَهُ ۚ أَلَيْسَ فِي جَهَنَّمَ مَثْوًى لِّلْكَافِرِينَ

تو اس سے بڑا ظالم کون ہے جو مملکت الہیہ پر بہتان گڑھے اور صداقت کے آجانے کے بعد اس کی تکذیب کرے۔۔۔۔۔ تو کیاجہنَّم میں کافرین کا ٹھکانا نہیں ہے۔


وَالَّذِي جَاءَ بِالصِّدْقِ وَصَدَّقَ بِهِ ۙ أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُتَّقُونَ

اور جو شخص صداقت کا پیغام لایا اور جس نے اس کو سچ کر دکھایا تو ایسے ہی لوگ صاحبانِ تقویٰ ہیں ۔


لَهُم مَّا يَشَاءُونَ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ جَزَاءُ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

ان کے لئے ان کے نظام ربوبیت کے پاس وہ سب کچھ ہے جو وہ چاہتے ہیں اور یہی حسن کارانہ عمل کرنے والوں کا بدلہ ہے ۔


لِيُكَفِّرَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ أَسْوَأَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا وَيَجْزِيَهُمْ أَجْرَهُم بِأَحْسَنِ الَّذِي كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ

تاکہ مملکت الہیہ ان کے اعمال کی غیر متوازن برائیوں کو دور کردے جو ان سے سرزد ہوئی ہیں اور انہیں ان کے اعمال کا بدلہ حسین انداز سے عطا کرے ۔


أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِكَافٍ عَبْدَهُ ۖ وَيُخَوِّفُونَكَ بِالَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِ ۚ وَمَن يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ هَادٍ

کیا مملکت الہیہ اپنے بندے کو کافی نہیں اور وہ تم کو مملکت الہیہ کے علاوہ لوگوں سے ڈراتے ہیں۔۔ جسے مملکت الہیہ ہی گمراہ قرار دے تو اسے ہدایت پر لانے والا کوئی نہیں ۔


وَمَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِن مُّضِلٍّ ۗ أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِعَزِيزٍ ذِي انتِقَامٍ

اور جسے مملکت الہیہ ہدایت پر لے آئے تو اسے کوئی گمراہ کرنے والا نہیں ۔۔۔۔۔کیا مملکت الہیہ غالب بدلہ لینے والی نہیں ہے ۔


وَلَئِن سَأَلْتَهُم مَّنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ ۚ قُلْ أَفَرَأَيْتُم مَّا تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ إِنْ أَرَادَنِيَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ هَلْ هُنَّ كَاشِفَاتُ ضُرِّهِ أَوْ أَرَادَنِي بِرَحْمَةٍ هَلْ هُنَّ مُمْسِكَاتُ رَحْمَتِهِ ۚ قُلْ حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ ۖ عَلَيْهِ يَتَوَكَّلُ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ

او راگر تم ان سے پوچھو کہ حکمرانوں اور عوام کو کس نے نظام اخلاقیات دیا ہے تو وہ ضرور کہیں گے مملکت الہیہ نے ۔۔۔۔۔پوچھو کہ کیا تم نے غور کیا کہ جنہیں تم مملکت الہیہ کے علاوہ پکارتے ہو اگر مملکت مجھے تکلیف دینا چاہے تو کیا وہ اس کی تکلیف کو دور کر سکتے ہیں یا وہ مجھ پر مہربانی کرنا چاہے تو کیا وہ اس مہربانی کو روک سکتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔کہہ دو مجھے مملکت الہیہ کافی ہے ۔۔۔۔۔ بھروسہ کرنے والے اسی پر بھروسہ کیا کرتے ہیں ۔


قُلْ يَا قَوْمِ اعْمَلُوا عَلَىٰ مَكَانَتِكُمْ إِنِّي عَامِلٌ ۖ فَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ

کہہ دو اے میری قوم تم اپنی جگہ پر کام کیے جاؤ میں بھی اپنی جگہ پر عمل کرنے والا ہوں ۔۔ یقیناً تم کو جلد معلوم ہو جائے گا ۔


مَن يَأْتِيهِ عَذَابٌ يُخْزِيهِ وَيَحِلُّ عَلَيْهِ عَذَابٌ مُّقِيمٌ

کہ کس پرسزا آتی ہےجو اسے رسوا کردے۔۔۔۔ اور کس کے لئے دائمی سزا کا فیصلہ ہوتا ہے ۔


إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ لِلنَّاسِ بِالْحَقِّ ۖ فَمَنِ اهْتَدَىٰ فَلِنَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَن ضَلَّ فَإِنَّمَا يَضِلُّ عَلَيْهَا ۖ وَمَا أَنتَ عَلَيْهِم بِوَكِيلٍ

یقیناً ہم نے تم کو انسانیت کے لئے حق کی کتاب قانون دی ہے ۔۔۔پس جس نے ہدایت حاصل کی تو اپنے لوگوں کے لئے ۔۔۔اور جو گمراہ ہوا تو اپنے قوم کے خلاف ۔۔۔۔اور تم ان کے کوئی ذمہ دار تو نہیں ہو ۔


اللَّهُ يَتَوَفَّى الْأَنفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِهَا وَالَّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ فِي مَنَامِهَا ۖ فَيُمْسِكُ الَّتِي قَضَىٰ عَلَيْهَا الْمَوْتَ وَيُرْسِلُ الْأُخْرَىٰ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

وہ مملکت الہیہ ہی ہے جوکسی قوم کے نظام کو ان کی ناکامی کے وقت معطل کرتا ہے اور جو ناکام نہیں ہوتے ہیں تو انکے نظام سے لاپرواہی کے وقت معطل کئے رکھتا ہے ۔ اور پھرمملکت جس قوم کی ناکامی کا فیصلہ کرلیتی ہے اس کے نظام کے خلاف فیصلہ صادر کرتی ہے ۔ اور دوسری قوموں کے نظام کو نتیجے تک آزادی دیتی ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ اس بات میں صاحبان فکر و نظر کے لئے دلائل ہیں ۔


أَمِ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ شُفَعَاءَ ۚ قُلْ أَوَلَوْ كَانُوا لَا يَمْلِكُونَ شَيْئًا وَلَا يَعْقِلُونَ

کیا ان لوگوں نے مملکت الہیہ کو چھوڑ کر سفارش کرنے والے اختیار کرلئے ہیں ۔۔۔،تو تم پوچھو کہ یہ سفارش کرنے والے لوگ اگر چہ کے کوئی اختیار نہ رکھتے ہوں اور کسی طرح کی عقل بھی نہ رکھتے ہوں ۔


قُل لِّلَّهِ الشَّفَاعَةُ جَمِيعًا ۖ لَّهُ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۖ ثُمَّ إِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ

کہہ دو ہر طرح کی حمایت تو مملکت الہیہ ہی کے لئے ہے۔۔۔۔۔حکومت کے ایوانوں اور عوام میں اسی کی حکومت ہے پھر اسی کی طرف تم لوٹائے جاؤ گے ۔


وَإِذَا ذُكِرَ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ اشْمَأَزَّتْ قُلُوبُ الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ ۖ وَإِذَا ذُكِرَ الَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِ إِذَا هُمْ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ

اور جب صرف مملکت الہیہ کا ذکر کیا جاتا ہے تو وہ لوگ جو انجام کار پر یقین نہیں رکھتے ان کے دل نفرت کرنے لگ جاتے ہیں اور جب مملکت الہیہ کے علاوہ دوسرے لوگوں کا ذکر کیا جاتا ہے تو فوراً خوش ہو جاتے ہیں ۔


قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ فَاطِرَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ عَالِمَ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ أَنتَ تَحْكُمُ بَيْنَ عِبَادِكَ فِي مَا كَانُوا فِيهِ يَخْتَلِفُونَ

اعلان کرو کہ ائے مملکت الہیہ ۔۔!۔۔حکمرانوں اور عوام کو نظام اخلاقیات عطا کرنے والے ۔، ہر چھپی او رکھلی بات کے جاننے والے تو ہی اپنے بندوں میں اس بات کا فیصلہ کرتا ہے جس میں وہ اختلاف کر تے ہیں ۔


وَلَوْ أَنَّ لِلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا وَمِثْلَهُ مَعَهُ لَافْتَدَوْا بِهِ مِن سُوءِ الْعَذَابِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ۚ وَبَدَا لَهُم مِّنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَمْ يَكُونُوا يَحْتَسِبُونَ

اور اگر ظالموں کے پاس جو کچھ ملک میں ہے وہ سب ہو اور اسی قدر اس کے ساتھ اور بھی ہو کہ وہ مملکت الہیہ کے قیام کے وقت اپنی برائیوں کے بدلے میں دے دیں ۔۔۔۔!
لیکن مملکت الہیہ کی طرف سے وہ ظاہر ہو ا جس کا انہیں گمان بھی نہ تھا۔


وَبَدَا لَهُمْ سَيِّئَاتُ مَا كَسَبُوا وَحَاقَ بِهِم مَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ

اور ان پر اپنی کمائی ہوئی برائیاں کھل گئیں اور ان کو اسی نے گھیر لیا جس کی ہنسی اڑایا کرتے تھے۔


فَإِذَا مَسَّ الْإِنسَانَ ضُرٌّ دَعَانَا ثُمَّ إِذَا خَوَّلْنَاهُ نِعْمَةً مِّنَّا قَالَ إِنَّمَا أُوتِيتُهُ عَلَىٰ عِلْمٍ ۚ بَلْ هِيَ فِتْنَةٌ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

پھر جب انسان کو کوئی تکلیف پہنچتی تو اس نے ہمیں بلا یا ۔۔۔۔ پھر جب اسے ہم اپنے پاس سے کوئی نعمت عطا کی تو اس نے کہا کہ یہ تو مجھے ایک علم کی بدولت ملا ہے ۔۔۔۔،بلکہ وہ تو آزمائش ہے مگر ان کی اکثریت کو معلوم نہیں ہے ۔


قَدْ قَالَهَا الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ فَمَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ

ان سےپہلے لوگ بھی ایسے ہی کہہ چکے ہیں تو ان کا کمایا بھی ان کے کچھ کام نہ آیا،۔


فَأَصَابَهُمْ سَيِّئَاتُ مَا كَسَبُوا ۚ وَالَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْ هَٰؤُلَاءِ سَيُصِيبُهُمْ سَيِّئَاتُ مَا كَسَبُوا وَمَا هُم بِمُعْجِزِينَ

پس ان تک انکی کمائی کی برائیاں پہنچ گئیں ۔۔اور ان لوگوں میں سے جو ظالم لوگ ہیں ان تک ان کی کمائی کی برائیاں جلد پہنچیں گی اور وہ ؑاجز کرنے والے نہیں ہیں ۔


أَوَلَمْ يَعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَن يَشَاءُ وَيَقْدِرُ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ

اور کیا انہیں معلوم نہیں ہوا کہ مملکت الہیہ ہی اس شخص کی روزی کو بڑھاتا ہے جو طلب کرتا ہے پیمانے مقرر کرتا ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ بے شک اس میں امن قائم کرنے والوں کے لئے دلائل ہیں ۔


قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ

میرے ان بندوں سے کہ جنہوں نے اپنے لوگوں پر ظلم کیا لہہ دو کہ مملکت الہیہ کی رحمت سے ایوس نہ ہو ں ۔۔،بے شک مملکت الہیہ سب جرائم کے برے نتائج سے محفوظ کر دے گا ۔۔بے شک وہ با رحمت حفاظت فراہم کرنے والی ہے ۔


وَأَنِيبُوا إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمْ وَأَسْلِمُوا لَهُ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ الْعَذَابُ ثُمَّ لَا تُنصَرُونَ

اور اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی طرف رجوع کرو اور اس کے لئے سلامتی قائم کرو ۔ اس سے پہلے کہ تم پر سزا آئے ۔۔۔پھر تم مدد بھی نہ دئے جا ؤ گے ۔


وَاتَّبِعُوا أَحْسَنَ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُم مِّن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ الْعَذَابُ بَغْتَةً وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَشْعُرُونَ

او اس سے پہلے کہ تم پر ناگہاں عذاب آ جائے اور تمہیں خبر بھی نہ ہو ان احکامات کی انتہائی حسین انداز سے پیروی کرو جو تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کی طرف سے تم کو عطا کی گئے ہیں ۔


أَن تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَا حَسْرَتَا عَلَىٰ مَا فَرَّطتُ فِي جَنبِ اللَّهِ وَإِن كُنتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ

اس سے پہلے کہ کوئی نفس کہنے لگے ہائے افسوس اس پر جو میں نے مملکت الہیہ کے با رے میں کوتاہی کی اور میں تو ہنسی مذاق ہی کرتا رہ گیا ۔


أَوْ تَقُولَ لَوْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ هَدَانِي لَكُنتُ مِنَ الْمُتَّقِينَ

یا کوئی یہ ک کہے کہ اگر مملکت الہیہ مجھے ہدایت دیتا تو میں بھی متقیوں میں ہوتا ۔


أَوْ تَقُولَ حِينَ تَرَى الْعَذَابَ لَوْ أَنَّ لِي كَرَّةً فَأَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

یا جس وقت سزا کو دیکھے تو کہے کہ کاش میرے لئے واپسی ہو جائے تو میں محسنین میں سے ہوجاؤں ۔


بَلَىٰ قَدْ جَاءَتْكَ آيَاتِي فَكَذَّبْتَ بِهَا وَاسْتَكْبَرْتَ وَكُنتَ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ

کیوں نہیں تیرے پاس تو میر ے احکامات آئے تھے ۔۔۔ لیکن تب تو نے انہیں جھٹلایا اور تو نے تکبر کیا اور تو منکروں میں سے تھا ۔


وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ تَرَى الَّذِينَ كَذَبُوا عَلَى اللَّهِ وُجُوهُهُم مُّسْوَدَّةٌ ۚ أَلَيْسَ فِي جَهَنَّمَ مَثْوًى لِّلْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ

اور تم مملکت کے قیام کے وقت دیکھتے ہو کہ جن لوگوں نے مملکت الہیہ پر بہتان باندھا ہے ان کے چہرے سیاہ ہوگئے ہیں اور کیا تکبر کرنے والوں کا ٹھکانا دشمنی کی آگ میں نہیں ہے ۔


وَيُنَجِّي اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا بِمَفَازَتِهِمْ لَا يَمَسُّهُمُ السُّوءُ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ

اور مملکت الہیہ صاحبانِ تقویٰ کو ان کی کامیابی کے سبب نجات دیتا ہے کہ نہ تو کوئی برائی انہیں چھوتی ہے ۔، اور نہ ہی انہیں کوئی رنج لاحق ہو تا ہے ۔


اللَّهُ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَكِيلٌ

مملکت الہیہ ہی ہر ایک کو نظام اخلاقیات عطا کرنے والا ہے ۔۔۔اور وہی ہر ایک کی نگہبانی کرنے والا ہے ۔


لَّهُ مَقَالِيدُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۗ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ

مملکت الہیہ ہی کے لئے ہے ملک اور عوام کی حکومت کی باگ ڈور ہے اور وہ جنہوں نے مملکت کے احکامات کا انکار کیا وہی تو نقصان میں رہنے والے لوگ ہیں ۔


قُلْ أَفَغَيْرَ اللَّهِ تَأْمُرُونِّي أَعْبُدُ أَيُّهَا الْجَاهِلُونَ

تم ان سے پوچھو کہ اے جاہلو کیا تم مجھے اس بات کا حکم دیتے ہو کہ میں مملکت الہیہ کے علاوہ کسی اور کی تابعداری کروں ۔


وَلَقَدْ أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ وَإِلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكَ لَئِنْ أَشْرَكْتَ لَيَحْبَطَنَّ عَمَلُكَ وَلَتَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ

اور یقینا تم کو اور تم سے پہلوں کو یہی حکم دیا گیا ہے کہ اگر تم مملکت کے احکامات میں اشتراک کروگے تو لازماً تمہارے اعمال بے نتیجہ ہو جائیں گے اور تم نقصان اٹھانے والوں میں ہوجا ؤ گے ۔


بَلِ اللَّهَ فَاعْبُدْ وَكُن مِّنَ الشَّاكِرِينَ

بر عکس اس عمل کے تم صرف مملکت الہیہ کی تابعداری کرو اور اس کے شکر گزار بندوں میں ہوجاؤ ۔


وَمَا قَدَرُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَالْأَرْضُ جَمِيعًا قَبْضَتُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَالسَّمَاوَاتُ مَطْوِيَّاتٌ بِيَمِينِهِ ۚ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ

اور ان لوگوں نے واقعتاً مملکت الہیہ کی قدر نہیں کی حالانکہ اس کے قیام کے وقت ساری کی ساری عوام اسی کے قبضے میں ہوگی اور سارے حکمرانوں پر وہ حاوی ہوگی ۔۔۔۔تمام تر جد جہد اسی کے لئے ہے اور وہ جن احکامات کو اس کا شریک بناتے ہیں وہ ان سے بالاتر ہے


وَنُفِخَ فِي الصُّورِ فَصَعِقَ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَن فِي الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا مَن شَاءَ اللَّهُ ۖ ثُمَّ نُفِخَ فِيهِ أُخْرَىٰ فَإِذَا هُمْ قِيَامٌ يَنظُرُونَ

پھر تصور مملکت کی منظر کشی کی جائے گی تو جو بھی حکمرانوں اور عوام میں ہوگا ششدر رہ جائے گا ۔،سوائے اس کے جس کو مملکت کا قانون مشیت چاہے ۔۔،اس کے بعد پھر ایک مرتبہ حقیقت بیان کی جائے گی ۔۔تو وہ لوگ مملکت کے قیام کی حالت پر غور کرنے لگیں گے ۔


وَأَشْرَقَتِ الْأَرْضُ بِنُورِ رَبِّهَا وَوُضِعَ الْكِتَابُ وَجِيءَ بِالنَّبِيِّينَ وَالشُّهَدَاءِ وَقُضِيَ بَيْنَهُم بِالْحَقِّ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ

اور عوام اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی روشن تعلیمات سے جگمگا اٹھے گی اور کتاب قانون وضع کیا جائے گا ۔۔۔۔،تمام سربراہان اور گواہ لائے جائیں گے ۔۔۔،اور ان سب کے درمیان ھقوق کا فیصلہ کر دیا جائے گا ۔۔،اور ان پر ظلم نہیں کیا جائے گا۔


وَوُفِّيَتْ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا عَمِلَتْ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يَفْعَلُونَ

اورہر شخص کو جو کچھ اس نے کیا تھا پورا پورا بدلہ دیا جاچکا ۔۔، اور وہ خوب جانتا ہے جو کچھ وہ کر رہے ہیں ۔


وَسِيقَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ زُمَرًا ۖ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا جَاءُوهَا فُتِحَتْ أَبْوَابُهَا وَقَالَ لَهُمْ خَزَنَتُهَا أَلَمْ يَأْتِكُمْ رُسُلٌ مِّنكُمْ يَتْلُونَ عَلَيْكُمْ آيَاتِ رَبِّكُمْ وَيُنذِرُونَكُمْ لِقَاءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَٰذَا ۚ قَالُوا بَلَىٰ وَلَٰكِنْ حَقَّتْ كَلِمَةُ الْعَذَابِ عَلَى الْكَافِرِينَ

اور انکار ی لوگوں کو دشمنی کی آگ کی طرف گروہ در گروہ ہانکا گیا یہاں تک کہ جب اسکے پاس آتے ہیں تو اس کے دروازے کھول دیے گئے ۔ اور ان سے اس کے داروغہ کہتے ہیں ۔۔، کیا تمہارے پاس تم ہی میں سے رسول نہیں آئےتھے جو تمہیں تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کے احکامات بتاتے اور سناتے تھے اور آج کے دن کی پیشی سے تمہیں پیش آ گاہ کرتے تھے ۔۔۔کہیں گے ’’ہاں ‘‘لیکن سزا کا حکم تو انکار کرنے والوں پر صادر ہو چکا ۔


قِيلَ ادْخُلُوا أَبْوَابَ جَهَنَّمَ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا ۖ فَبِئْسَ مَثْوَى الْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ

کہا گیا دشمنی کی آ گ میں دروازوں سے داخل ہو جاؤ اس میں سدا رہو گے پس وہ تکبر کرنے والوں کے لیے کیسا برا ٹھکانہ ہے


وَسِيقَ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا رَبَّهُمْ إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ زُمَرًا ۖ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا جَاءُوهَا وَفُتِحَتْ أَبْوَابُهَا وَقَالَ لَهُمْ خَزَنَتُهَا سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ طِبْتُمْ فَادْخُلُوهَا خَالِدِينَ

اور وہ لوگ جو اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی سزا سے بچتے رہے خوشحال ریاست کی طرف گرو ہ در گروہ لے جا ئے جائیں گے یہاں تک کہ جب وہ اس کے پا پہنچ جائیں گے اور اس کے دروازے کھلے ہوئے ہوں گے اور ان سے اس کے داروغہ کہیں گے تم پر سلامتی ہو تم نے طیب کام کئے اس میں ہمیشہ کے لیے داخل ہو جاؤ ۔


وَقَالُوا الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي صَدَقَنَا وَعْدَهُ وَأَوْرَثَنَا الْأَرْضَ نَتَبَوَّأُ مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ حَيْثُ نَشَاءُ ۖ فَنِعْمَ أَجْرُ الْعَامِلِينَ

وہ کہیں گے کہ حاکمیت صرف مملکت الہیہ ہی کی ہے جس نے اپنے وعدہ کو ہم سے سچا کردیا اور ہم کو اس زمین کا وارث بنا دیا کہ ہم ایسی خوشحال ریاست میں جس حیثیت سے چاہیں ٹھکانہ حاصل کریں ۔۔۔،پس عمل کرنے والوں کا بدلہ بھی کتنی نعمتوں والا ہے ۔


وَتَرَى الْمَلَائِكَةَ حَافِّينَ مِنْ حَوْلِ الْعَرْشِ يُسَبِّحُونَ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّهِمْ ۖ وَقُضِيَ بَيْنَهُم بِالْحَقِّ وَقِيلَ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

اور تم دیکھتے ہو کہ نافذین احکامات اقتدار کے گرد گھیرا ڈالے ہوئے اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی حاکمیت کی جد جہد کرتے رہتے ہیں اور لوگوں کے درمیان حق و انصاف کے ساتھ فیصلہ کردیا جائے گا اور کہ دیا گیا کہ حاکمیت تو صرف مملکت الہیہ کی ہے جو نظام ربوبیت عالمینی ہے ۔

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez


dear brother simple_and_peacefull, as I stated ealier we all have a starting point and from then on we keep learning till death and along the way we keep on changing our minds about things. The same is true about dr israr sb marhoom.

We lose our extreme views as we learn and get better and better at reasoning. If we look at views of dr israr sb and javed ghamdi sb and modoodi sb marhoom, we find a great distance but their beginning was together and gradually each chose to go his own way.

In the beginning fatwas are thrown around like pan cakes but slowly these things decrease and finally stop. Despite disagreeing with sir seyyid dr israr later used to mention his name with respect calling him marhoom. One has to ask what brought this change in him?

I myself disagree with most people about word azaab for example as to what it exactly means in the quranic context. Likewise there is no concept Allah putting people through test.

So understanding the quranic text is not a piece of cake but a very hard work and only those people come to realise it those who have put so many years in studying the quran and the real world.

The basic rule one must realise is that getting educated takes a life time this is why not every human being is born phd. Instead out of so many billions of people in the world only a small fraction attains phd.

So out of muslim ummah only a few dare go beyond in research where no man has gone before. So no wonder then that people do not know what people at the top end of scale say islam is.

So all people differ to some degree with each other about what islam really is. This is why instead of following personalities following evidences is the way to go.

In this video dr israr sb did not grasp the idea of living by rule of law or constitution because to him there has to be a person as a ruler to implement the constitution rather than ummah deciding things as they see fit within limits set by the quran. Alaama parwez in my view has understood the quran much better than any other scholar of islam though I too disagree with him here and there but his principles upon which he basis his arguments are as sound as ever and can be easily proven as such.

regards and all the best.

barkat yeh hai keh log khudaa ki kitaab ko theek tarah se samjhen aur us ke program ko mukammal tor per theek tarah se naafiz karen ta keh un ki duniya aur aakhirat dono sanwer jaayen. jo baaten is sayaaqo sabaaq se mutaabqat nahin rakhtin woh bekaar hen. barket drust nizaam ke saheeh nifaaz se haasil hone waali shai hai ye aur kisi bhi tarah se haasil ho hi nahin sakti.

ummat ne jab se quraan ko is ke apne sayaaqo sabaaq main samajhna chhor diya hai is ki haalat bad se badtar hoti gayee hai. yeh silslia rukne waala nahin hai jab tak log quraan ki taraf waapis na aayen aur us ko issi tareeqe se samajhne ki koshish na karen. pooja paat quraan ka program hi nahin hai jis ko logoon ne deene islam samajh ker apnaaya huwa hai. quraan ka program to insaanu ko is duniya main jeene ka tareeqa bataana hai pooja paat nahin. pooja paat se insaanu ki zindagi ki zaroorten poori nahin ho saktin yahee is baat ka pakka saboot hai deene islam woh nahin hai jo hukamraanu aur sarmayadaarun ki imaa per mullah ne gharaa huwa hai.

deene islam ke paanch ruken yaa satoon bataaye jaate hen jin per deene islam ki bunyaad hai.

1)God is sole ruler of this universe and none else and that muhammad is his last messenger through whom God revealed his final program. Can this create a better world for humanity? Yes. How? By bringing humanity under rule of God instead of rule of people by each other. Does this address issue of needs of people? Yes. How? When people become one ummah and organise and regulate themselves on basis of guidelines provioded by the quran they can sort out the issue of their needs and wants by taking all neeeded steps with full help and cooperation of each other. This will give people a real chance to work for ensuring well being of each other instead of competing against each other as rivals or enemies for personal gains at the expense of each other.

2)To form a network of humanity based upon guidance of the quran ie become an ummah or a proper human community so that quraanic program could be implemented. Can this create a better world for humanity? Yes, because becoming one people under rule of law of God has its huge advantages for humanity. It turns people in to a team that can work for all its essential goals which can help it fulfil all its proper needs and wants with help and support of each other.

3)Abstain from doing all such things which may cause damage to ummah or may cause tensions or ractures between people of the community. Can this create a better world for humanity? Yes. How? When people do not do anything for harming or destroying each other deliberately then humanity can do things it needs to do rather than worrying about fighting with each other for robbing each other of each opther's rights. Does this address the issue of needs of people? Yes.

4)To work for improvement and development or growth or expansion of the ummah. Can this create a better world for humanity? Yes. How? When all people of the community do all they can according to the best of their God given abilities for ensuring well being of each other then it is going to help humanity become as strong and as powerful as it is possible for it. Does this address the issue of needs of people? Yes.

5)To bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah ie to establish rule of God in the world. This is a sacred journey to accomplish a sacred goal. Can this create a better world for humanity? Yes. How? When all people have access to all resources of the universe and they work for their own well being as a proepr human family under God then humanity can turn this world into a living paradise for itself and that is how it can prove guidance of God is true and worthy and the provider of this guidance is truly great.

Compare these to five pillars of mullaism.

1)Carry out pooja of only one God instead of none or many Gods. Can this create a better world for humanity? No. Does this address issue of needs of people? No.

2)Praying five times daily. Can this create better world for humanity? No. Does this address issue of needs of people? No.

3)Fasting for a month in a year during month of ramadan. Can this create a better world for humanity? No. Does this address issue of needs of people? No.

4)Paying 2.5% zakaat per year. Can this create a better world for humanity? No. Does this address issue of needs of people appropriately? No.

5)Visit kaaba in makkah once in life time during month of hajj. Can this create a better world for humanity? No. Does this address issue of needs of people? No.

So what has mullahs' islam to offer humanity other than wasting their time?
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

It is "Darse Quran" or "Dosra Quran"......? hahaha

yar billi ne bri aqal mandi ki bat ki he.

lagta he billi ki demagh thanda ho gia he , sr per mitha rkhne se.:lol::lol:

Anyway I like it... regards.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

[FONT=&amp]Surah 4 ANNISAA continues from post 31 below from[/FONT]


surah 40 almomin

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

1 حم

2 تَنزِيلُ الْكِتَابِ مِنَ اللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
باعلم غلبے والی مملکت الہیہ کی طرف سے کتاب قانون کا اتارا جاناہے

3 غَافِرِ الذَّنبِ وَقَابِلِ التَّوْبِ شَدِيدِ الْعِقَابِ ذِي الطَّوْلِ ۖ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ إِلَيْهِ الْمَصِيرُ
غلطیوں سے محفوظ رکھنے والا ۔،توبہ کو قبول کرنے والا۔،شدید پکڑ کرنے والا ۔،مہربانی والا۔۔۔۔،نہیں ہے کوئی حاکم سوائے اسی کے اسی کی طرف لوٹنا ہے ۔

4 مَا يُجَادِلُ فِي آيَاتِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَلَا يَغْرُرْكَ تَقَلُّبُهُمْ فِي الْبِلَادِ
مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات میں صرف وہی لوگ جھگڑا کرتے ہیں جنہوں نے کفر کیا ہے پس بستیوں میں اُن کا چلنا پھرنا تمہیں کسی دھوکے میں نہ ڈالے ۔

5 كَذَّبَتْ قَبْلَهُمْ قَوْمُ نُوحٍ وَالْأَحْزَابُ مِن بَعْدِهِمْ ۖ وَهَمَّتْ كُلُّ أُمَّةٍ بِرَسُولِهِمْ لِيَأْخُذُوهُ ۖ وَجَادَلُوا بِالْبَاطِلِ لِيُدْحِضُوا بِهِ الْحَقَّ فَأَخَذْتُهُمْ ۖ فَكَيْفَ كَانَ عِقَابِ
ان سے پہلے نوح کی قوم اور اس کے بعد والے گروہوں نے رسولوں کی تکذیب کی ہے اور ہر امت نے اپنے رسول کو پکڑنے کا ارادہ کیا ۔۔، اور باطل کے ذریعے جھگڑا کیا کہ حق کو اُ کھاڑ دیں تو ہم نے بھی ا ن کا مواخذہ کیا ۔۔۔، تو تم نے دیکھا کہ ہماری سزا کیسی تھی ۔

6 وَكَذَٰلِكَ حَقَّتْ كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّهُمْ أَصْحَابُ النَّارِ
اور اس طرح تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کا یہ فیصلہ بر حق ثابت ہوا کہ کافر لوگ ہی دشمنی کی آگ کے اصحاب ہیں ۔

7 الَّذِينَ يَحْمِلُونَ الْعَرْشَ وَمَنْ حَوْلَهُ يُسَبِّحُونَ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّهِمْ وَيُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِ وَيَسْتَغْفِرُونَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا وَسِعْتَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ رَّحْمَةً وَعِلْمًا فَاغْفِرْ لِلَّذِينَ تَابُوا وَاتَّبَعُوا سَبِيلَكَ وَقِهِمْ عَذَابَ الْجَحِيمِ
جو اقتدار کی ذمہ داری اٹھائے ہوئے ہیں اور جو اس کے ماحول میں ہیں وہ اس کے نظام ربوبیت کی حاکمیت کے لئے جد جہد کرتے ہیں ۔۔۔ اور اس کے ساتھ امن قائم کرتے ہیں اور اہل امن کے لئے حفاظت طلب کرتے ہیں کہ’’ اے ہمارے نظام ربوبیت رب تیری رحمت اور تیرا علم سب پر حاوی ہے ۔۔۔،پھر جن لوگو ں نے رجوع کیا اور تیرے راستے کی تابعداری کی ان کی حفاظت کرنا ۔۔۔اور انہیں دشمنی کی آگ سے بچا لینا ۔

8 رَبَّنَا وَأَدْخِلْهُمْ جَنَّاتِ عَدْنٍ الَّتِي وَعَدتَّهُمْ وَمَن صَلَحَ مِنْ آبَائِهِمْ وَأَزْوَاجِهِمْ وَذُرِّيَّاتِهِمْ ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ
اے ہمارے نظام ربوبیت انہیں ہمیش قائم رہنے والی ریاستوں میں داخل کر نا جن کا تو نے ان سے وعدہ کیا ہے اور ان کی قوم کے رہنما اوران کی جماعت کے لوگوں کو اوران کے پیروکاروں میں سے جو اصلاح کرنے والے لوگ ہیں ان سب کو بھی ان خوژحال ریاستوں میں داخؒ کرنا ۔۔۔۔۔ بے شک تو غالب حکمت والا ہے ۔

9 وَقِهِمُ السَّيِّئَاتِ ۚ وَمَن تَقِ السَّيِّئَاتِ يَوْمَئِذٍ فَقَدْ رَحِمْتَهُ ۚ وَذَٰلِكَ هُوَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِيمُ
اور انہیں نادانستہ غلطیوں کی شامت سے بچالے، اور جسے تو نے اس دن نادانستہ غلطیوں کی شامت سے بچایا تو حقیقت میں تو نے اس پر رحم فرمایا، اور یہی بڑی کامیابی ہے،

10 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُنَادَوْنَ لَمَقْتُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ مِن مَّقْتِكُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ إِذْ تُدْعَوْنَ إِلَى الْإِيمَانِ فَتَكْفُرُونَ
یقیناً جن لوگوں نے انکار کیا انہیں بلا کر کہا جائے گا کہ تم سے مملکت الہیہ کی بیزاری اس سے بڑھ کر ہے جیسی کہ تم کو اپنے لوگوں سے تھی ۔۔۔۔۔۔جبکہ تم امن کی طرف بلائے جاتے تھے اور تم انکار کر دیتے تھے ۔

11 قَالُوا رَبَّنَا أَمَتَّنَا اثْنَتَيْنِ وَأَحْيَيْتَنَا اثْنَتَيْنِ فَاعْتَرَفْنَا بِذُنُوبِنَا فَهَلْ إِلَىٰ خُرُوجٍ مِّن سَبِيلٍ
وہ کہیں گے اے ہمارے رب تو نے ہمیں بار بار ناکام کیا اور اور ہمیں بار بار کامیابی سے ہمکنار کیا ۔۔۔۔ پس ہم نے اپنی غلطیوں کا اقرار کر لیا ۔۔۔،تو کیا کوئی نکلنے کا راستہ بھی ہے ۔

12 ذَٰلِكُم بِأَنَّهُ إِذَا دُعِيَ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ كَفَرْتُمْ ۖ وَإِن يُشْرَكْ بِهِ تُؤْمِنُوا ۚ فَالْحُكْمُ لِلَّهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْكَبِيرِ
یہ اس لیے ہے کہ جب تم کو اکیلےمملکت الہیہ کے حکم کی طرف بلایا جاتا تھا تو انکار کرتے تھے اورجب اس کے ساتھ حکم میں شریک کیا جاتا تھا تو اہل امن بنتے تھے ۔۔۔۔۔سو یہ فیصلہ تو مملکت الہیہ کا ہے جو عالیشان بڑے رتبے والا ہے۔

13 هُوَ الَّذِي يُرِيكُمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُنَزِّلُ لَكُم مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ رِزْقًا ۚ وَمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ إِلَّا مَن يُنِيبُ
وہی تو ہے جو تم کو اپنے احکامات سمجھاتا ہے اور تمکو حکومت کی طرف سے ضروریات زندگی عطا کرتا ہے ۔ اور نصیحت تو وہی پکڑتا ہے جو رجوع کرتا ہے ۔

14 فَادْعُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ
اس لئے اسی کو پکارو اپنے دین کو اُس کے لیے خالص کر کے، خواہ تمہارا یہ فعل کافروں کو کتنا ہی ناگوار ہو

15 رَفِيعُ الدَّرَجَاتِ ذُو الْعَرْشِ يُلْقِي الرُّوحَ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ عَلَىٰ مَن يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ لِيُنذِرَ يَوْمَ التَّلَاقِ
بلند درجے دینے والا صاحب اقتدار ... وہ اپنے حکم سے اپنے ان بندوں میں سے اس شخص پر حاکمیت کی ذمہ داری ڈالتا ہے جو شخص طلب کرتا ہے تاکہ وہ ملاقات والے وقت سے پیش آگاہ کرے ۔

16 يَوْمَ هُم بَارِزُونَ ۖ لَا يَخْفَىٰ عَلَى اللَّهِ مِنْهُمْ شَيْءٌ ۚ لِّمَنِ الْمُلْكُ الْيَوْمَ ۖ لِلَّهِ الْوَاحِدِ الْقَهَّارِ
جس دن سب نکل کر سامنے آجائیں گے اور مملکت الہیہ سے کوئی بات مخفی نہیں رہ جائے گی -۔۔۔۔۔۔۔پوچھا جائے گا کہ آج ملک کس کا ہے ۔۔۔۔(جواب دینگے ) مملکت الہیہ کا ۔۔ واحد و قہار کا ملک ہے

17 الْيَوْمَ تُجْزَىٰ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ ۚ لَا ظُلْمَ الْيَوْمَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ
آج ہر شخص کو اُس کی کمائی کا ۔۔،جو اس نے کی تھی۔۔ ۔، بدلہ دیا جائے گا ۔۔۔۔۔۔ آج کسی پر کوئی ظلم نہ ہو گا بے شک مملکت الہیہ حساب لینے میں بہت تیز ہے ۔

18 وَأَنذِرْهُمْ يَوْمَ الْآزِفَةِ إِذِ الْقُلُوبُ لَدَى الْحَنَاجِرِ كَاظِمِينَ ۚ مَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ مِنْ حَمِيمٍ وَلَا شَفِيعٍ يُطَاعُ
اور انہیں قریب آنے والے تکلیف دہ دن سے پیش آگاہ کردو جب کہ غم کے مارے کلیجے منہ کو آ رہے ہوں گے۔۔۔۔، ظالموں کا کوئی حمایتی نہیں ہوگا اور نہ ہی کوئی سفارشی جس کی بات مانی جائے۔

19 يَعْلَمُ خَائِنَةَ الْأَعْيُنِ وَمَا تُخْفِي الصُّدُورُ
وہ مدد گاروں کی خیانت اور سر پرستوں کی کی خفیہ باتوں کو بھی جانتا ہے ۔

20 وَاللَّهُ يَقْضِي بِالْحَقِّ ۖ وَالَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِهِ لَا يَقْضُونَ بِشَيْءٍ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ
اور مملکت الہیہ ہی حق کا فیصلہ کرتی ہے اور جن کو وہ دعوت دیتے ہیں کہ فیصلہ کریں وہ کچھ بھی فیصلہ نہیں کر سکتے ۔۔ بیشک مملکت الہیہ با بصیرت سب کچھ سننے والی ہے ۔

21 أَوَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَيَنظُرُوا كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الَّذِينَ كَانُوا مِن قَبْلِهِمْ ۚ كَانُوا هُمْ أَشَدَّ مِنْهُمْ قُوَّةً وَآثَارًا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَأَخَذَهُمُ اللَّهُ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ وَمَا كَانَ لَهُم مِّنَ اللَّهِ مِن وَاقٍ
پھر بھی کیا انہوں نے عوام میں چل پھر کر نہیں دیکھا کہ ان سے پہلے لوگوں کا انجام کیا ہو حالانکہ وہ قوت میں ان سے بڑھ کر تھے اور عوام میں آثار کے اعتبار سے بھی مضبوط تھے ۔۔۔۔ اس کے بعد بھی مملکت الہیہ نے انہیں ان کو ان کے جرائم کی پاداش میں پکڑ لیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اوران کو مملکت الہیہ سے بچانے والا کوئی نہ تھا ۔

22 ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانَت تَّأْتِيهِمْ رُسُلُهُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ فَكَفَرُوا فَأَخَذَهُمُ اللَّهُ ۚ إِنَّهُ قَوِيٌّ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ
ان کا یہ انجام اس لیے ہوا کہ ان کے پاس اُن کے پیامبر احکامات لے کر آئے اور انہوں نے ماننے سے انکار کر دیا آخر کار مملکت الہیہ نے ان کا مواخذہ کیا ۔۔۔۔، یقیناً وہ پکڑ کی شدت میں صاحب قوت ہے ۔

مندرجہ بالا آیات کے بعد دلائل کو ثابت کرنے کے لئے کہ مملکت مجرم کی پکڑ کیسے کرتی ہے تاریخی حوالے دئے جا رہ ہیں ۔

23 وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا مُوسَىٰ بِآيَاتِنَا وَسُلْطَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
اور ہم نے موسیٰ کو اپنے احکامات اور واضح قوت کے ساتھ بھیجا ۔۔۔۔۔۔
( جملے کا سلسلہ اگلی آیت میں جاری ہے )

24 إِلَىٰ فِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ وَقَارُونَ فَقَالُوا سَاحِرٌ كَذَّابٌ
۔۔۔۔ فرعون اور ہامان اور قارون کی طرف تو انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ تو کھلم کھلا جھوٹا ہے ۔

25 فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُم بِالْحَقِّ مِنْ عِندِنَا قَالُوا اقْتُلُوا أَبْنَاءَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُ وَاسْتَحْيُوا نِسَاءَهُمْ ۚ وَمَا كَيْدُ الْكَافِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي ضَلَالٍ
غرض جب وہ ان کے پاس ہماری طرف سے حق لے کر پہنچے تو کہنے لگے کہ جو اس کے ساتھاا بناءِ قوم امن قائم کرنے والے ہیں انکی شخصیت کو مسخ کر ڈالو اور کمزور افراد کی پشت پناہی کرو ۔۔۔ اور کافروں کی تدابیر رائگاں جاتی ہیں ۔

یہ قصہ کہ فرعوں موسیٰ کی قوم کے لڑکوں کو مروا دیتا تھا بالکل لغو قصہ ہے جس کا کوئی سر پیر نہیں ہے ۔
۱..یہ قصہ نومولود کے متعلق ہے ہی نہیں ۔۔بلکہ فرعون نے یہ حکم اس وقت جاری کیا جس وقت موسیٰ نے آکر فرعوں کو چیلنج کیا تھا ۔اس لئے اس کہانی کے غبارے کی ہوا تو پہلے ہی نکل جاتی ہے ۔
۲...یہ ناممکن ہے کہ قوم کے تمام بیٹوں کو قتل کروادیا جائے ۔اگر ایسا ہو تو آئندہ فرعوں کو غلام کی کھیپ کہاں سے ملتی ۔

26 وَقَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ ذَرُونِي أَقْتُلْ مُوسَىٰ وَلْيَدْعُ رَبَّهُ ۖ إِنِّي أَخَافُ أَن يُبَدِّلَ دِينَكُمْ أَوْ أَن يُظْهِرَ فِي الْأَرْضِ الْفَسَادَ
اور فرعون نے کہا کہ ذرا مجھے وقت دو میں کہ میں موسٰی کا خاتمہ کردوں اور پھر یہ اپنے نظام ربوبیت کو پکارے ۔۔۔۔ - مجھے خوف ہے کہ کہیں یہ تمہارے ضابطہ حیات کو بدل نہ دے اور عوام میں کوئی فساد نہ برپا کردے ۔

27 وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰ إِنِّي عُذْتُ بِرَبِّي وَرَبِّكُم مِّن كُلِّ مُتَكَبِّرٍ لَّا يُؤْمِنُ بِيَوْمِ الْحِسَابِ
اور موسٰی نے کہا کہ میں اپنے اور تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کی پناہ میں آتا ہوں ہر اس متکبر کے مقابلہ میں جو روز احتساب امن میں نہیں ہوگا ۔

28 وَقَالَ رَجُلٌ مُّؤْمِنٌ مِّنْ آلِ فِرْعَوْنَ يَكْتُمُ إِيمَانَهُ أَتَقْتُلُونَ رَجُلًا أَن يَقُولَ رَبِّيَ اللَّهُ وَقَدْ جَاءَكُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ مِن رَّبِّكُمْ ۖ وَإِن يَكُ كَاذِبًا فَعَلَيْهِ كَذِبُهُ ۖ وَإِن يَكُ صَادِقًا يُصِبْكُم بَعْضُ الَّذِي يَعِدُكُمْ ۖ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي مَنْ هُوَ مُسْرِفٌ كَذَّابٌ
اور فرعون والوں میں سے ایک مرد مومن نے جو اپنے ایمان کو حُھپائے ہوئے تھا یہ کہا کہ کیا تم لوگ اس شخص سے اس بات پر جھگڑا کر رہے ہو کہ وہ کہتا ہے کہ میرا نظام ربوبیت صرف مملکت الہیہ ہی ہے اور وہ تمہارےنظام ربوبیت عالمینی کے پاس سے واضح احکامات بھی لے کر آیا ہے۔۔۔۔۔اس لئے اگر وہ جھوٹا ہے تو اسے اس کے جھوٹ کی سزا ملے گی اور اگر سچا ہوا تو بعض مصیبتیں جن کا وہ تم سے واعدہ کررہا ہے تم پر نازل بھی ہوسکتی ہیں - ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔بیشک مملکت الہیہ کسی زیادتی کرنے والے جھوٹے کی رہنمائی نہیں کرتا ہے ۔

29 يَا قَوْمِ لَكُمُ الْمُلْكُ الْيَوْمَ ظَاهِرِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَمَن يَنصُرُنَا مِن بَأْسِ اللَّهِ إِن جَاءَنَا ۚ قَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ مَا أُرِيكُمْ إِلَّا مَا أَرَىٰ وَمَا أَهْدِيكُمْ إِلَّا سَبِيلَ الرَّشَادِ
ائے میری قوم بیشک آج تمہارے پاس حکومت ہے اور عوام پر تمہارا غلبہ ہے لیکن اگر مملکت الہیہ کی پکڑ آگئی تو ہماری کون مدد کرے گا ۔۔۔ فرعون نے کہا کہ میں تو تمہیں وہی باتیں سمجھا رہا ہوں جو میں خود سمجھ رہا ہوں اور میں تو تمہیں سمجھ بوجھ کی راہ کے علاوہ اور کسی راہ کی ہدایت نہیں کررہا ہوں۔

30 وَقَالَ الَّذِي آمَنَ يَا قَوْمِ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُم مِّثْلَ يَوْمِ الْأَحْزَابِ
اور وہ شخص جس نے امن قبول کیا تھا کبولا ۔۔ ائے میری قوم میں تمہارے اوپر ویسی ہی سزا کا خطرہ محسوس کررہا ہوں جیسی کہ دوسری قوموں کے سزا کا دن تھا ۔

31 مِثْلَ دَأْبِ قَوْمِ نُوحٍ وَعَادٍ وَثَمُودَ وَالَّذِينَ مِن بَعْدِهِمْ ۚ وَمَا اللَّهُ يُرِيدُ ظُلْمًا لِّلْعِبَادِ
قوم نوح, قوم عاد, قوم ثمود اور ان کے بعد والوں جیسا حال اور مملکت الہیہ یقینا اپنے بندوں پر ظلم کرنے کی شوقین نہیں ہے ۔

32 وَيَا قَوْمِ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ يَوْمَ التَّنَادِ
اے میری قوم۔۔ میں تمہارے اوپر چیخ و پکار والے دن سے ڈرتا ہوں۔

33 يَوْمَ تُوَلُّونَ مُدْبِرِينَ مَا لَكُم مِّنَ اللَّهِ مِنْ عَاصِمٍ ۗ وَمَن يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ هَادٍ
جس دن تم پیٹھ پھیر کر بھاگوگے تو تمہیں مملکت الہیہ سے کوئی بچانے والا نہ ہوگا اور جس کو مملکت الہیہ گمراہی میں پڑا رہنے دے اسے کوئی ہدایت دینے والا نہیں ہوتا۔

34 وَلَقَدْ جَاءَكُمْ يُوسُفُ مِن قَبْلُ بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ فَمَا زِلْتُمْ فِي شَكٍّ مِّمَّا جَاءَكُم بِهِ ۖ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا هَلَكَ قُلْتُمْ لَن يَبْعَثَ اللَّهُ مِن بَعْدِهِ رَسُولًا ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ يُضِلُّ اللَّهُ مَنْ هُوَ مُسْرِفٌ مُّرْتَابٌ
اور اس سے پہلے تمہارے پاس یوسف واضح احکامات کے ساتھ آئے تھے مگر تم لگاتار شک ہی میں مبتلا رہے یہاں تک کہ جب وہ ہلاک ہو ئے تو تم نے کہا کہ اب مملکت الہیہ ہر گز کسی کو ان کے بعد پیامبر متعین نہیں کرے گا ۔۔۔۔۔ اسی طرح مملکت الہیہ اس شخص کو گمراہی میں چھو دیتا ہے جو حد سے بڑھنے والا شکی ہوتا ہے۔

35 الَّذِينَ يُجَادِلُونَ فِي آيَاتِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ سُلْطَانٍ أَتَاهُمْ ۖ كَبُرَ مَقْتًا عِندَ اللَّهِ وَعِندَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ يَطْبَعُ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ قَلْبِ مُتَكَبِّرٍ جَبَّارٍ
جو لوگ مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات میں بغیر کسی دلیل کے جو ان کے پاس آئی ہو جھگڑے کرتے ہیں ۔ یہ روش مملکت الہیہ اور اہلِ امن کے نزدیک سخت ناپسندیدہ ہے ۔۔۔۔۔ مملکت الہیہ اسی طرح ہر منکر و سرکش کے دل پر مہر لگا دیتا ہے۔

36 وَقَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ يَا هَامَانُ ابْنِ لِي صَرْحًا لَّعَلِّي أَبْلُغُ الْأَسْبَابَ
اور فرعون نے کہا کہ ہامان میرے لئے صراحت کے ساتھ ایسی بنیاد فراہم کر کہ میں اسباب تک پہنچ جاؤں ۔

37 أَسْبَابَ السَّمَاوَاتِ فَأَطَّلِعَ إِلَىٰ إِلَٰهِ مُوسَىٰ وَإِنِّي لَأَظُنُّهُ كَاذِبًا ۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِفِرْعَوْنَ سُوءُ عَمَلِهِ وَصُدَّ عَنِ السَّبِيلِ ۚ وَمَا كَيْدُ فِرْعَوْنَ إِلَّا فِي تَبَابٍ
یعنی حکومت کے راستوں پر پھر تاکہ موسیٰ کےحاکم اعلیٰ کی اطلاع حاصل کروں اور میں تو اسے جھوٹا خیال کرتا ہوں اور اس طرح فرعون کے لئے اس کا برا عمل مزین کر دیا گیا اور وہ راستہ سے روکا گیا ۔۔۔۔اور فرعون کی تدبیر سوائے ہلاکت اور تباہی کے اور کچھ نہیں ہے ۔

38 وَقَالَ الَّذِي آمَنَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُونِ أَهْدِكُمْ سَبِيلَ الرَّشَادِ
اوروہ شخص جس نے امن قبول کیا تھا اس نے کہا کہ اے میری قوم والو میری پیروی کرو ۔ میں تمہیں عقل و خرد کی راہ دکھا ؤنگا ۔

39 يَا قَوْمِ إِنَّمَا هَٰذِهِ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا مَتَاعٌ وَإِنَّ الْآخِرَةَ هِيَ دَارُ الْقَرَارِ
اے میری قوم! یہ ادنیٰ زندگی تو محض فائدہ ہے اور اعلیٰ زندگی ہی تو مستقر ہے ۔

40 مَنْ عَمِلَ سَيِّئَةً فَلَا يُجْزَىٰ إِلَّا مِثْلَهَا ۖ وَمَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنثَىٰ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَأُولَٰئِكَ يَدْخُلُونَ الْجَنَّةَ يُرْزَقُونَ فِيهَا بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ
جس نے برا کام کیا تو اس کی ہی مثل اس کو بدلہ دیا جائے گا ۔۔۔۔اور جس نے اصلاحی کام کیا خواہ وہ قوت والا ہو یا کمزور لیکن امن قائم کرنے والا بھی ہو ۔تو یہ لوگ خوشحال ریاست میں داخل ہونگے ۔اور
بغیر حساب رزق دئے جا ئینگے ۔

41 وَيَا قَوْمِ مَا لِي أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى النَّجَاةِ وَتَدْعُونَنِي إِلَى النَّارِ
اور ائے میری قوم والو آخر تمہیں کیا ہوگیا ہے کہ میں تمہیں نجات کی دعوت دے رہا ہوں اور تم مجھے دشمنی کی آگ کی طرف دعوت دے رہے ہو۔

42 تَدْعُونَنِي لِأَكْفُرَ بِاللَّهِ وَأُشْرِكَ بِهِ مَا لَيْسَ لِي بِهِ عِلْمٌ وَأَنَا أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى الْعَزِيزِ الْغَفَّارِ
تم مجھے دعوت دیتے ہو کہ میں مملکت الہیہ کا انکار کروں اور انہیں اس کا شریک بنادوں جن کا مجھے کوئی علم نہیں ہے۔۔۔۔۔ اور میں تم کو اس مملکت الہیہ کی طرف دعوت دے رہا ہوں جو صاحب غلبہ اور انتہائی حفاظت فراہم کرنے والا ہے ۔

43 لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّمَا تَدْعُونَنِي إِلَيْهِ لَيْسَ لَهُ دَعْوَةٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَلَا فِي الْآخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ مَرَدَّنَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَأَنَّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ هُمْ أَصْحَابُ النَّارِ
یہ تو یقینی بات ہے کہ تم مجھے جس کی دعوت دیتے ہو وہ نہ تو ادنیٰ زندگی میں بلانے کے قابل ہے اور نہ اعلیٰ میں اور بےشک ہمیں مملکت الہیہ کی طرف لوٹ کر جانا ہے اور یہ کہ حد سے گزرنے والے ہی آپس کی دشمنی کی آگ میں جلنے والے ہیں ۔

44 فَسَتَذْكُرُونَ مَا أَقُولُ لَكُمْ ۚ وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمْرِي إِلَى اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ
پس جلد ہی تم میری باتوں کو یاد کرو گے ۔۔۔اور میں اپنا معاملہ مملکت الہیہ کے سپرد کرتا ہوں، یقیناً مملکت الہیہ بندوں کی نگراں ہے۔

45 فَوَقَاهُ اللَّهُ سَيِّئَاتِ مَا مَكَرُوا ۖ وَحَاقَ بِآلِ فِرْعَوْنَ سُوءُ الْعَذَابِ
پھر مملکت الہیہ نے اسے تو ان فریبیوں کی چالوں سے بچا لیا اور آل فرعون کو سخت عذاب نے گھیر لیا ۔

46 النَّارُ يُعْرَضُونَ عَلَيْهَا غُدُوًّا وَعَشِيًّا ۖ وَيَوْمَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ أَدْخِلُوا آلَ فِرْعَوْنَ أَشَدَّ الْعَذَابِ
وہ آپس کی دشمنی کی آگ جس کے سامنے یہ ہر صبح و شام پیش کئے جاتے ہیں اور جب تصادم کی گھڑی آئے گی تو نافذین احکامات کو حکم ہوگا کہ آل فرعون کو بدترین سزا میں جھونک دو ۔

اس آیت سے ظاہر ہورہا ہے
۱۔۔کہ سزا صرف فرعون کو ہی نہیں ملتی ہے بلکہ آل فرعوں کوبھی ملتی ہے ۔
۲۔۔فرعون دراصل ہر زمانے میں موجود ہوتا ہے ۔قرآن کسی شخص کی بات نہیں کرتا ہے بلکہ یہ سب کردار ہیں جو روزانہ ہمیں اپنے معاشرے میں نظر آتے ہیں ۔ موسیٰ کے زمانے کا فرعون تو کب کا مر کھپ گیا ۔ہر وہ شخص جو کمزور پر کسی طرح کا بھی ظلم کرے فرعون ہے ۔اس لئے ہم سب اپنے گریبان میں جھانک کر دیکھیں کہ کہیں ہمارے اندر بھی کوئی فرعون تو نہیں ہے ۔

47 وَإِذْ يَتَحَاجُّونَ فِي النَّارِ فَيَقُولُ الضُّعَفَاءُ لِلَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا إِنَّا كُنَّا لَكُمْ تَبَعًا فَهَلْ أَنتُم مُّغْنُونَ عَنَّا نَصِيبًا مِّنَ النَّارِ
اور اس وقت کو ذہن میں رکھو جب یہ سب دشمنی کی آگ کے بارے میں جھگڑا کریں گے اور کمزور لوگ متکبر لوگوں سے کہیں گے کہ ہم تمہاری پیروی کرنے والے لوگ تھے تو کیا تم اس دشمنی کی آگ کے کچھ حصّہ سے بچاسکتے ہو ۔

48 قَالَ الَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا إِنَّا كُلٌّ فِيهَا إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ حَكَمَ بَيْنَ الْعِبَادِ
تکبر کرنے والے کہیں گے: ہم سب ہی اسی میں پڑے ہیں بے شک مملکت الہیہ بندوں کے درمیان فیصلہ کر چکی ہے ۔

49 وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ فِي النَّارِ لِخَزَنَةِ جَهَنَّمَ ادْعُوا رَبَّكُمْ يُخَفِّفْ عَنَّا يَوْمًا مِّنَ الْعَذَابِ
اور ان لوگوں نے جو دشمنی کی آگ میں پڑے تھے اس کےنگران سے بولے اپنے رب سے دعا کرو ہم پر سزا کا کچھ حصہ ہلکا کردے،

50 قَالُوا أَوَلَمْ تَكُ تَأْتِيكُمْ رُسُلُكُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ ۖ قَالُوا بَلَىٰ ۚ قَالُوا فَادْعُوا ۗ وَمَا دُعَاءُ الْكَافِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي ضَلَالٍ
انہوں نے کہا کیا تمہارے پاس تمہارے پیامبر احکامات نہیں لاتے تھے ۔۔۔بولے کیوں نہیں ۔۔۔بولے تو تم ہی بلا ؤ۔۔۔۔۔اور انکار کرنے والوں کی پکار تو بے نتیجہ رائگاں ہی جاتی ہے ۔

51 إِنَّا لَنَنصُرُ رُسُلَنَا وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَيَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْأَشْهَادُ
ہم لازماً اپنے پیامبروں کی مدد کریں گے اور امن والوں کی ادنیٰ اور اعلیٰ زندگی میں اور جس دن گواہ کھڑے ہوں گے ضرور مدد کریں گے ۔۔

52 يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ الظَّالِمِينَ مَعْذِرَتُهُمْ ۖ وَلَهُمُ اللَّعْنَةُ وَلَهُمْ سُوءُ الدَّارِ
جس دن ظالموں کو ان کی معذرت کچھ فائدہ نہ دے گی اور ان کے لئے نعمتوں سے محرومی اوربد ترین ٹھکانہ ہے۔

53 وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى الْهُدَىٰ وَأَوْرَثْنَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ الْكِتَابَ
اور بیشک ہم نے موسیٰ کو رہنمائی عطا فرمائی اور بنی اسرائیل کو کتاب قانون کا وارث بنایا ۔

54 هُدًى وَذِكْرَىٰ لِأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ
اہل علم و دانش کے لئے ہدایت اور نصیحت ۔۔

55 فَاصْبِرْ إِنَّ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقٌّ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لِذَنبِكَ وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ بِالْعَشِيِّ وَالْإِبْكَارِ
اس لئے مستقل مزاجی سے کام لو بیشک مملکت الہیہ کا وعدہ سچا ہے اور اپنوں کےلئے حفاظت طلب کرتے رہو اور اپنے نظام ربوبیت کی حاکمیت کے ساتھ اچھے ( صبح نو ) اور برے وقت( اندھیرا ) میں جد وجہد کرتے رہو ۔

56 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُجَادِلُونَ فِي آيَاتِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ سُلْطَانٍ أَتَاهُمْ ۙ إِن فِي صُدُورِهِمْ إِلَّا كِبْرٌ مَّا هُم بِبَالِغِيهِ ۚ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ ۖ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ
بے شک جو لوگ مملکت الہیہ کی آیتوں میں بغیر کسی ایسی دلیل کے جو ان کے پاس آئی ہو ۔، جھگڑا کرتے ہیں ، ان کے دلوں میں سوائے تکبر کے اور کچھ نہیں ہے اور وہ اُس کبریائی تک پہنچنے والے نہیں ہیں ۔ پس آپ مملکت الہیہ کی پناہ طلب کیجئے ۔۔۔، بے شک وہ با بصیرت سننے والا ہے۔

57 لَخَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ أَكْبَرُ مِنْ خَلْقِ النَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
یقیناً حاکموں اور عوام کا نظام اخلاقیات انسانوں کے اخلاقیات سے کہیں بڑھ کر ہے لیکن اکثر لوگ علم نہیں رکھتے۔

58 وَمَا يَسْتَوِي الْأَعْمَىٰ وَالْبَصِيرُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَلَا الْمُسِيءُ ۚ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَتَذَكَّرُونَ
اور اندھا اور بینا یکساں نہیں ہوتے اور نہ ہی امن قائم کرنے والے اورا صلاحی عمل کرنے والے بد کار کے برابر ہو تے ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔ مگر تم لوگ کم ہی کچھ سمجھتے ہو ۔

59 إِنَّ السَّاعَةَ لَآتِيَةٌ لَّا رَيْبَ فِيهَا وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
بیشک تصادم کی گھڑی آتی رہتی ہے اور اس میں کسی شک کی گنجائش نہیں ہے لیکن لوگوں کی اکثریت امن قائم نہیں کرتی ہے ۔

60 وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ
اور تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کا حکم ہے کہ میری تابعداری کرو میں تم کو جواب دونگا ۔۔۔۔،اور یقینا جولوگ میری تابعداری سے تکبر کر تے ہیں وہ عنقریب ذلّت کے ساتھ دشمنی کی آگ میں جھونکے جائینگے ۔

61 اللَّهُ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ اللَّيْلَ لِتَسْكُنُوا فِيهِ وَالنَّهَارَ مُبْصِرًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَذُو فَضْلٍ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَشْكُرُونَ
مملکت الہیہ ہی وہ ہے جس نے تمہارے لئے اندھیرے کو پایا ۔۔۔کہ تم ا س کے معاملے میں سکون قائم کرو اور خوشحالی کو بصیرت افروز قرار دیا ۔۔۔بیشک مملکت الہیہ اپنے بندوں پر بہت زیادہ فضل کرنے والی ہے لیکن لوگوں کی اکثریت اس کی نعمتوں کا صحیح استعمال نہیں کرتی ہے ۔

62 ذَٰلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ لَّا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ فَأَنَّىٰ تُؤْفَكُونَ
وہی تمہارا نظام ربوبیت ہے جو ہر شے کے اخلاقیات کا نظام ہے اور اس کے علاوہ کوئی حاکم نہیں ہے تو تم کدھر بہکائے جارہے ہو ۔

63 كَذَٰلِكَ يُؤْفَكُ الَّذِينَ كَانُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ يَجْحَدُونَ
اسی طرح وہ لوگ بہکائے جاتے ہیں جو مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات کے ساتھ کٹ حجتی کرتے ہیں ۔

64 اللَّهُ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ قَرَارًا وَالسَّمَاءَ بِنَاءً وَصَوَّرَكُمْ فَأَحْسَنَ صُوَرَكُمْ وَرَزَقَكُم مِّنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ ۖ فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
مملکت الہیہ ہی وہ ہے جس نے تمہارے لئے ملک کو مستقر اور حکومت کو بنیاد قرار دیا ہے اور تمہار ے نظریات کو بہترین خاکہ عطا کیا اور تمہیں موزوں و مناسب رزق عطا کیا ہے۔۔۔۔. وہی تمہارا نظام ربوبیت ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ تمہاری مملکت الہیہ جو نظام ربوبیت عالمینی ہےکس قدر برکتوں والی ہے ۔

65 هُوَ الْحَيُّ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَادْعُوهُ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ ۗ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
وہی حیات آفرینی کا سرچشمہ ہے اس کے علاوہ کوئی حاکم نہیں لہٰذا اسی کے لئے نظام حیات کوخا لص کرتے ہوئے دعوت دو ۔۔۔۔۔کہ حاکمیت تو اسی مملکت الہیہ ہی کے لئے ہے جو نظام ربوبیت عالمینی ہے ۔

66 قُلْ إِنِّي نُهِيتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ لَمَّا جَاءَنِيَ الْبَيِّنَاتُ مِن رَّبِّي وَأُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُسْلِمَ لِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
آپ کہہ دیجئے کہ مجھے منع کیا گیا ہے کہ میں اس کے باوجود کہ میرے پاس واضح احکامات آ چکےہیں میں ان کی تابعداری کروں جن کی تم مملکت الہیہ کو چھوڑ کر تابعداری کرتے ہو ۔ ۔۔۔۔ اور مجھےتو حکم دیا گیا ہے کہ میں نظام ربوبیت عالمینی کے آگے سر تسلیم خم کروں ۔

اس بات کو بھی سمجھ لیجئے کہ قرآن علم الحیاۃ یا علم النباتات یا کوئی دنیاوی علم پڑھانے نہیں آیا ہے ۔ قرآن میں جہاں بھی انسانی تخلیق کا ذکر ہے اس کا اس کی پیدائش سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے ۔ایسے تمام مقامات پر ایک مثالی معاشرے کی تخلیق کا ذکر ہے قرآن بتاتا ہے کہ اس کی تعلیم کے آنے سے پہلے لوگ معاشرے کے اعلیٰ اصولوں سے نا بلد تھے ۔انکی زندگی انتہائی ناتواں تھی لیکن جیسے جیسے شعور آتا گیا انسانوں کی بھیڑ میں نظم و ضبط آیا اور وہ ترقی کی مختلف منازل طے کرتے ہوئے ایک فلاحی معاشرے کی طرف گامزن ہوئے ۔اس سفر میں وہ ابتدائی وقت بھی تھا جب اس کی مٹی سے زیادہ وقعت نہ تھی ۔لیکن پھر تعلقات کی بنیاد پر اجتماعیت قائم ہوئی ۔یہ مضموں دوسرے مقامات پر بھی بیان کیا گیا ہے ۔سورہ الحج میں اسی موضوع کو یوں بیان کیا گیاہے ۔۔۔،
اے لوگو اگر تمہیں احتساب کے بارے میں شک ہے تو ہم نے تمہیں محتاجی کی حالت میں سے نکال کر تخلیق کیا ہے ۔۔، اس کے بعد فساد کی حالت سے نکال کر انسانی اخؒاقیات دئے ۔ ۔۔، اس کے بعد تعلقات کی بنیاد پر اخلاقیات دئے ۔، ۔ پھر تم کو ایسا تخلیق کیا جس کی فطرت میں لڑائی اور محبت دونوں تھے تاکہ ہم تم پر واضح کردیں اور قانون مشیت کے مطابق ہم تم کو رحمتوں کے معاملے میں مقررقرار دیں پھر ہم نے تمہیں ایک طفلانہ تخلیق کی تاکہ تم ا پنی بھر پور علمی قوت کو پہنچو اور کچھ تم میں سے بھر پور بد لہ دئے گئے اور کچھ تم میں سے ایک گھٹیا زندگی کی طرف لوٹائے جاتے ہیں کہ علم ہوتے ہوئے بھی لاعلمی میں رہتے ہیں ۔۔، اور تم ملک کوکمزور دیکھتے ہو جب ہم اس کو احکامات دیتے ہیں تو وہ خوشحال ہو جاتاہے او ر بلند مقام حاصل کرتا ہے مختلف مزاج کے لوگ پرورش پاتے ہیں ۔

اس آیت سے جدید مترجمین قرآ ن کی حقانیت ثابت کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں ۔ دیکھئے قرآن کی حقانیت قرآن سے ہی ثابت ہونی چاہئے ۔قرآن کو برحق ثابت کرنے کے لئے کسی سائنس کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔اسی وجہ سے ہم یہ بات وثوق سے کہتے ہیں کہ قرآن کسی سائنس کی کتاب نہیں ہے ۔اس میں معاشیات اورمعاشرت کا بیان ہے ۔اس میں عدل وانصاف پر مبنی ایک اصلاحی فلاحی مثالی معاشرے کے قیام کی روداد بیان ہوئی ہے ۔اس میں انبیاء و رسل کے حوالے سے بتایا گیا ہے کہ انہوں نے اپنے زمانے کے ظالم بادشاہ اور سردار وں کے مظالم کا کس طرح مقابلہ کیا اور مظلوموں کو کس طرح ان کے جبر و استبداد سے آزادی دلوائی ۔ اس قرآن میں نہ تو کسی دوسرے مذاہب کے دیو مالائی قصّے مستعار لئے گئے ہیں اور نہ ہی کسی دنیاوی علوم سے لوگوں کو مرعوب کیا گیا ہے ۔اور نہ ہی قرآنکو اپنی حقانیت ثابت کرنے کے لئے کسی بھی علم کا محتاج ہونا پڑا ہے ۔ زیرمطالع آیت میں ایک پست معاشرے کو کس طرح بتد ریج ایک اصلاحی معاشرے میں ڈھالا جاتا ہے اس کے مراحل بیان ہوئے ہیں ۔قرّن میں جتنے انبیاء کا ذکر ہے انہوں نے اپنی قوم کو وڈیروں سمایہ داروں اور مذہبی پیشواؤں سے نجات دلائی ہے ۔مثلاً موسیٰ نے فرعون ااور ھامان اور قارون سے نجات دلائی ۔فرعون قوت کے بل بوتے پر عوام کا استحصال کرتا تھا اور ھامان اس کا مذہبی مشیر تھا جبکہ قاروں اس وقت کا سب سے بڑا سرمایہ دار تھا ۔ آج بھی اگر اپنے ہی ملک پر نظر ڈالیں تو آپ کو یہ تینوں کردار آپ کی مملکت میں بخوبی نظر آ جائیں گے ۔ اس غلامانہ ذہنیت اور پست حالی سے انسان کیسے نکل سکتا ہے یہی قرآن کا موضوع ہے ۔ سورہ الحج کی ابتدائی آیات میں اسی جد جہد کے مختلف مراحل کا بیان ہے ۔
اے لوگو اگر تمہیں احتساب کے بارے میں شک ہے تو ہم نے تمہیں محتاجی کی حالت سے نکال کر ضابطہ حیات کے تحت تخلیق کیا ۔۔، اس کے بعد فساد کی حالت میں سے تخلیق کیا ۔ ۔۔، اس کے بعد تعلقات کی بنیاد سے تخلیق کیا ۔، ۔ پھر تم کو ایسا تخلیق کیا جس کی فطرت میں لڑائی اور محبت دونوں تھے تاکہ ہم تم پر واضح کردیں اور قانون مشیت کے مطابق ہم تم کو رحمتوں کے معاملے میں قرار دیں پھر ہم نے تمہیں ایک طفلانہ تخلیق کی تاکہ تم ا پنی بھر پور علمی قوت کو پہنچو اور کچھ تم میں سے بھر پور بد لہ دئے گئے اور کچھ تم میں سے ایک گھٹیا زندگی کی طرف لوٹائے جاتے ہیں کہ علم ہوتے ہوئے بھی لاعلمی میں رہتے ہیں ۔۔، اور تم ملک کوکمزور دیکھتے ہو جب ہم اس کو احکامات دیتے ہیں تو وہ خوشحال ہو جاتاہے او ر بلند مقام حاصل کرتا ہے مختلف مزاج کے لوگ پرورش پاتے ہیں ۔
اس آیت سے جدید مترجمین قرآ ن کی حقانیت ثابت کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں ۔ دیکھئے قرآن کی حقانیت قرآن سے ہی ثابت ہونی چاہئے ۔قرآن کو برحق ثابت کرنے کے لئے کسی سائنس کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔اسی وجہ سے ہم یہ بات وثوق سے کہتے ہیں کہ قرآن کسی سائنس کی کتاب نہیں ہے ۔اس میں معاشیات اورمعاشرت کا بیان ہے ۔اس میں عدل وانصاف پر مبنی ایک اصلاحی فلاحی مثالی معاشرے کے قیام کی روداد بیان ہوئی ہے ۔اس میں انبیاء و رسل کے حوالے سے بتایا گیا ہے کہ انہوں نے اپنے زمانے کے ظالم بادشاہ اور سردار وں کے مظالم کا کس طرح مقابلہ کیا اور مظلوموں کو کس طرح ان کے جبر و استبداد سے آزادی دلوائی ۔ اس قرآن میں نہ تو کسی دوسرے مذاہب کے دیو مالائی قصّے مستعار لئے گئے ہیں اور نہ ہی کسی دنیاوی علوم سے لوگوں کو مرعوب کیا گیا ہے ۔اور نہ ہی قرآنکو اپنی حقانیت ثابت کرنے کے لئے کسی بھی علم کا محتاج ہونا پڑا ہے ۔ زیرمطالع آیت میں ایک پست معاشرے کو کس طرح بتد ریج ایک اصلاحی معاشرے میں ڈھالا جاتا ہے اس کے مراحل بیان ہوئے ہیں ۔قرّن میں جتنے انبیاء کا ذکر ہے انہوںنے اپنی قوم کو وڈیروں سمایہ داروں اور مذہبی پیشواؤں سے نجات دلائی ہے ۔مثلاً موسیٰ نے فرعون ااور ھامان اور قارون سے نجات دلائی ۔فرعون قوت کے بل بوتے پر عوام کا استحصال کرتا تھا اور ھامان اس کا مذہبی مشیر تھا جبکہ قاروں اس وقت کا سب سے بڑا سرمایہ دار تھا ۔ آج بھی اگر اپنے ہی ملک پر نظر ڈالیں تو آپ کو یہ تینوں کردار آپ کی مملکت میں بخوبی نظر آ جائیں گے ۔ اس غلامانہ ذہنیت اور پست حالی سے انسان کیسے نکل سکتا ہے اس سورت کا موضوع ہے ۔ اس ابتدائی آیت میں اسی جد جہد کے مختلف مراحل کا بیان ہے ۔
۔ الْبَعْث ِ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ب ع ث ۔۔معنی۔ کسی کو کسی مقصد کے لئے معمور کرنا ۔۔،کسی کی پوچھ گچھ کے لئے بلانا ۔۔،کسی کو تفتیش کے لئے بلانا ۔۔، کسی کو احتسا ب کے لئے بلانا ۔۔،
تُرَابٍ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ت ر ب ۔۔معنی ۔۔محتاجی ۔،گرد آلود ہونا ۔ مٹی ۔
۔ نُّطْفَةٍ۔ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ن ط ف ۔۔معنی۔۔ پانی کا ٹپکنا۔۔،مشکیزے کا ٹپکنا ۔۔، بادل کا ہلکے ہلکے برسنا ۔،محنت کے بعد پسینے کا آنا ۔۔،تلوار سےخون ٹپکنا ۔۔،خراب ہونا ۔۔،تہمت ۔۔،عیب ۔۔،عیب لگانا ۔،عورت کے کان میں بالی پہنانا ۔،نقص و فساد ۔۔،صاف پانی
۔ ۔ عَلَقَةٍ ۔ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ع ل ق ۔۔معنی۔بادل کا ہلکے ہلکے برسناچمٹنا ۔،بد گوئی کرنا ۔،لٹکنا۔۔،تعلقات بنانا ۔۔
مُّضْغَةٍ ۔ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ م ض غ ۔۔معنی۔۔چبانا ۔،لڑنا ۔،حقیر کام کرنا۔،بےوقوف ۔۔،لوگوں کے لئے اذیتناک ہونا۔،لڑائی جھگڑے میں کسی کے سامنے آنا۔ ۔
طِفْلًا ۔ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ط ف ل ۔۔معنی۔۔نرم و نازک ۔۔،طفیلی ہونا۔،بچکانہ ۔،غیر دانشمندانہ ۔۔،نا پختہ ۔،بن بلایا مہمان ۔
هَامِدَةً ۔۔مادہ۔ ۔ ھ م د ۔۔معنی۔ کمزور ہونا ۔،ٹھیرجانا ۔،آگ کا دھیما ہونا ۔،آگ کا بجھنا ۔،زمین کا بنجر ہونا ۔، غصّے کا ٹھنڈا ہونا ۔،آواز کا بند ہونا ۔،
اهْتَزَّتْ ۔۔مادہ۔۔ ھ ز ز ۔ ۔معنی۔ہلنا ۔، جھومنا ۔، خوشیاں منانا ۔،
بَهِيجٍ ْ ۔ ۔مادہ۔۔ ب ھ ج ۔۔معنی۔خوش ہو نا ۔،خوبصورت ہونا ۔، دلفریب ۔،ترو تازہ ۔
رَبَتْ ۔۔مادہ ۔ ر ب و ۔۔۔معنی ۔۔ بڑھوتری ۔،فائدہ ۔۔،بلند ی ۔۔،سودمندی۔،بلند مقام ۔

67 هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن تُرَابٍ ثُمَّ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ ثُمَّ مِنْ عَلَقَةٍ ثُمَّ يُخْرِجُكُمْ طِفْلًا ثُمَّ لِتَبْلُغُوا أَشُدَّكُمْ ثُمَّ لِتَكُونُوا شُيُوخًا ۚ وَمِنكُم مَّن يُتَوَفَّىٰ مِن قَبْلُ ۖ وَلِتَبْلُغُوا أَجَلًا مُّسَمًّى وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
مملکت الہیہ ہی نے تم کوبے وقعت حیثیت سے اٹھا کر اخلاقیات سے نوازا ۔ پھر تم کو جھگڑتے پایا تو تمہاری سرشت میں تعلقات کی بنیاد پر ا خلاقیات دئے ۔۔۔۔پھر جب دیکھا کہ تم لوگوں کے طفیلی بن گئے ہو تو تم کو قوت عطا کی ۔۔۔۔اور یہ کہ تم صاحب عقل ہو جاؤ۔۔۔۔۔۔پھر ایسا بھی ہوتا ہے کہ تم میں سے کچھ وقت سے پہلے ہی بھر پور بدلہ دئے جاتے ہیں اور اپنے نتائج حاصل کر لیتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔یہ سب اس لئےہے کہ تم عقل سے کام لو ۔

68 هُوَ الَّذِي يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ ۖ فَإِذَا قَضَىٰ أَمْرًا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُ كُن فَيَكُونُ
وہ مملکت الہیہ ہی ہے جو حیات آفرینی بھی عطا کرتی ہے اور ناکامی بھی ۔۔۔۔۔۔پس جب وہ کسی حکم کا فیصلہ کرتی ہے تو وہ صرف حکم دیتی ہے اور وہ ہونے لگتی ہے ۔

69 أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ يُجَادِلُونَ فِي آيَاتِ اللَّهِ أَنَّىٰ يُصْرَفُونَ
کیا تم نے ان لوگوں کو نہیں دیکھا ہے جو مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات کے بارے میں جھگڑا کرتے ہیں۔۔۔، یہ کہاں بھٹکائے جاتے ہیں ۔

70 الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِالْكِتَابِ وَبِمَا أَرْسَلْنَا بِهِ رُسُلَنَا ۖ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ
یہی وہ لوگ ہیں جنہوں نے کتاب کو اور جو کچھ ہم نے پیامبروں کو دے کر بھیجا تھا جھٹلا دیا ۔۔۔۔ پس انہیں جلد ہی معلوم ہو جائے گا ۔

71 إِذِ الْأَغْلَالُ فِي أَعْنَاقِهِمْ وَالسَّلَاسِلُ يُسْحَبُونَ
جب ان کی گردنوں میں طوق اور زنجیریں ہونگی اور انہیں محروم کیا جائیگا ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

72 فِي الْحَمِيمِ ثُمَّ فِي النَّارِ يُسْجَرُونَ
گرم جوش دوستی کے بارے میں اور اس کے بعد دشمنی کی آگ کے معاملے میں جھونک دیا جائے گا ۔

73 ثُمَّ قِيلَ لَهُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ تُشْرِكُونَ
پھر یہ کہا جائے گا کہ اب وہ کہاں ہیں جنہیں تم شریک بنایا کرتے تھے

74 مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ ۖ قَالُوا ضَلُّوا عَنَّا بَل لَّمْ نَكُن نَّدْعُو مِن قَبْلُ شَيْئًا ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ يُضِلُّ اللَّهُ الْكَافِرِينَ
مملکت الہیہ .... تو وہ لوگ جواب دیں گے کہ وہ تو ہم کو چھوڑ کر گم ہوگئے بلکہ ہم اس کے پہلے کسی کو نہیں پکارا کرتے تھے اورمملکت الہیہ کا فروں کو اس طرح گمراہی میں چھوڑ دیتا ہے

75 ذَٰلِكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَفْرَحُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَبِمَا كُنتُمْ تَمْرَحُونَ
یہ سب اس وجہ سے کہ تم لوگ ملک میں حق کی مخالفت میں خوش ہوا کرتے تھے اور اکڑ کر چلا کرتے تھے۔

76 ادْخُلُوا أَبْوَابَ جَهَنَّمَ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا ۖ فَبِئْسَ مَثْوَى الْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ
اب دشمنی کی آگ میں مختلف طریقوں سے شریک بن جاؤاور اسی میں ہمیشہ رہو کہ متکبرین کا ٹھکانا بہت برا ہے ۔

77 فَاصْبِرْ إِنَّ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقٌّ ۚ فَإِمَّا نُرِيَنَّكَ بَعْضَ الَّذِي نَعِدُهُمْ أَوْ نَتَوَفَّيَنَّكَ فَإِلَيْنَا يُرْجَعُونَ
اس لئے اب صبر کرو کہ مملکت الہیہ کا وعدہ بر حق ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ پھر یا تو ہم ان باتوں میں سے جن کا ہم واعدہ کیا کرتے تھےکچھ تم کو دکھلادیں گے یا بھر پور بدلہ دیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔لو ٹائے تو ہماری طرف ہی جاؤگے ۔

78 وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ مِنْهُم مَّن قَصَصْنَا عَلَيْكَ وَمِنْهُم مَّن لَّمْ نَقْصُصْ عَلَيْكَ ۗ وَمَا كَانَ لِرَسُولٍ أَن يَأْتِيَ بِآيَةٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَإِذَا جَاءَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ قُضِيَ بِالْحَقِّ وَخَسِرَ هُنَالِكَ الْمُبْطِلُونَ
اور ہم نے تم سے پہلے بھی بہت سے پیامبر بھیجے ہیں جن میں سے بعض کا تذکرہ تم سے کیا ہے اور بعض کا تذکرہ نہیں کیا ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور کسی پیامبر کے لئے یہ ممکن نہیں کہ وہ مملکت الہیہ کی اجازت کے بغیر کوئی حکم لے آئے پھر جب مملکت الہیہ کا حکم آگیا تو پھر تو حق کے ساتھ فیصلہ کردیا گیا اور اس وقت اہل باطل ہی خسارہ میں رہتےہیں ۔

79 اللَّهُ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَنْعَامَ لِتَرْكَبُوا مِنْهَا وَمِنْهَا تَأْكُلُونَ
مملکت الہیہ ہی وہ ہے جس نے تمہارے لئے فائدہ مند مناصب مقرر کئے ہیں جن میں سے تم کسی کو منصب پر فائز کرتے ہو اور کسی پر بھروسہ کرکے ذمہ داری سپرد کرتے ہو ۔

سب سے پہلے تو غور کیجئے کہ اگر اس آیت میں چوپایوں یا جانوروں کا ذکر ہوتا تو ان کوپیدا کرنے کے لئے یا تو خلق کے مادہ سے یا ولد کے مادہ سے کوئی لفظ ہوتا ۔ جَعَلَ کا لفظ کسی منصب یا ذمہ داری کی تقرری کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے ۔
لِتَرْكَبُوا ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ر ک ب ۔۔معنی ۔۔ اس مادہ کے مختلف معنی ہیں ۔چند الفاظ پیش خدمت ہیں جس سے مفہوم کا تعین کرنا آسان ہو جائے گا ۔۔۔۔۔ارتکاب ۔، ہم رکاب ۔، ترکیب وغیرہ سے معلوم ہو جائیگا کہ یہ جانوروں کی بات نہیں ہورہی ہے بلکہ کسی ذمہداری کے حوالے سے بات ہورہی ہے ۔
اور الْأَنْعَامَ کا مادہ ن ع م جسکے اردو میں معنی ’’نعمت ‘‘بہت معروف ہیں ۔اور اس کے تحت ہر فائدہ دینے والی چیز خواہ مادی ہو یا معنوی مراد ہو گی ۔

یہ آیت ما قبل آیت کے مفہوم کو اور واضح کرتی ہے کہ یہ جانوروں کی بات نہیں ہورہی ہے بلکہ ایسے اشخاص کی بات ہو رہی ہے جن کے ذریعے انسان اپنی دلی مرادیں حاصل کر سکتا ہے ۔ظاہر ہے دلی مقاصد جانوروں سے نہیں حاصل ہوتے ہیں ۔

80 وَلَكُمْ فِيهَا مَنَافِعُ وَلِتَبْلُغُوا عَلَيْهَا حَاجَةً فِي صُدُورِكُمْ وَعَلَيْهَا وَعَلَى الْفُلْكِ تُحْمَلُونَ
اور تمہارے لئے ان میں بہت سے منافع ہیں اور تا کہ تم ان کے ذریعہ اپنی دلی مرادوں تک پہنچ سکو اور نہ صرف اس کی بلکہ ایک معاشرے کی ذمہ داری تم کو دی جائے ۔

81 وَيُرِيكُمْ آيَاتِهِ فَأَيَّ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ تُنكِرُونَ
اور مملکت الہیہ تمہیں اپنے احکامات سمجھاتی ہے تو تم اس کے کس کس حکم کا انکار کرو گے ۔

82 أَفَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَيَنظُرُوا كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ ۚ كَانُوا أَكْثَرَ مِنْهُمْ وَأَشَدَّ قُوَّةً وَآثَارًا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَمَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
کیا ان لوگوں نے ملک میں سیر نہیں کی ہے کہ دیکھتے کہ ان سے پہلے والوں کا انجام کیا ہوا ہے۔۔۔۔ جو ان کے مقابلہ میں اکثریت میں بھی تھے اور ملک میں طاقت اور اثر میں بھی زیادہ تھے ۔۔۔۔ لیکن انہوں نے جو کچھ بھی کمایا تھا ان کے کچھ کام نہ آیا ۔

83 فَلَمَّا جَاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُهُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ فَرِحُوا بِمَا عِندَهُم مِّنَ الْعِلْمِ وَحَاقَ بِهِم مَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
پھر جب ان کے پاس پیامبر احکامات لے کر آئےتو اپنے علم کی بنا پر ناز کرنے لگے اور نتیجتاً جس پیش آگاہی کا مذاق اُڑا رہے تھے اسی نے انہیں گھیرے میں لے لیا ۔

84 فَلَمَّا رَأَوْا بَأْسَنَا قَالُوا آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ وَحْدَهُ وَكَفَرْنَا بِمَا كُنَّا بِهِ مُشْرِكِينَ
پھر جب انہوں نے ہمارا عتاب دیکھا توبولےکہ ہم یکتا مملکت الہیہ کے ذریعے امن قائم کرنے والے ہوئے اورہم جن احکامات کو مملکت کے احکامات کے ساتھ شریک کرتے تھے ان کے منکر ہوئے ۔

85 فَلَمْ يَكُ يَنفَعُهُمْ إِيمَانُهُمْ لَمَّا رَأَوْا بَأْسَنَا ۖ سُنَّتَ اللَّهِ الَّتِي قَدْ خَلَتْ فِي عِبَادِهِ ۖ وَخَسِرَ هُنَالِكَ الْكَافِرُونَ
جب انہوں نے ہمارا عطاب دیکھ لیا،تو ان کو ان کےامن کے دعوے نے کوئی فائدہ نہ دیا ۔۔۔۔یہی مملکت الہیہ کا دستور ہے جو اس کے بندوں میں پہلے بھی گزر چکا ہے ۔ اور ایسے وقت کافر گھاٹے میں پڑ گئے ۔

surah 41

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
1 حم

2 تَنزِيلٌ مِّنَ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
پیش کیا جانا ایسے کی طرف سے جس کی رحمت لا متناہی اور ہمیشہ رہنے والی ہے۔

3 كِتَابٌ فُصِّلَتْ آيَاتُهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ
ایک ایسی کتاب جس کے احکامات علم ودانش والے قرآن کی صورت میں اُن لوگوں کے لیےفیصلہ کن بنائے گئے جو علم رکھتے ہیں۔

4 بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا فَأَعْرَضَ أَكْثَرُهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يَسْمَعُونَ
۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ خوش خبری دینے والا اور مملکت الہیہ کی پکڑ سے پیش آگاہ کرنے والا ۔۔۔،لیکن اکثریت نے اس سے اعراض کیا ہے اور وہ کچھ سنتے ہی نہیں ہیں ۔

5 وَقَالُوا قُلُوبُنَا فِي أَكِنَّةٍ مِّمَّا تَدْعُونَا إِلَيْهِ وَفِي آذَانِنَا وَقْرٌ وَمِن بَيْنِنَا وَبَيْنِكَ حِجَابٌ فَاعْمَلْ إِنَّنَا عَامِلُونَ
اور انہوں نے کہا کہ ہمارے دل جن باتوں کی تم دعوت دے رہے ہو ان کی طرف سے پردہ میں ہیں اور ہمارے کانوں میں بہراپن ہے اور ہمارے تمہارے درمیان پردہ حائل ہے لہذا تم اپنا کام کرو اور ہم اپنا کام کررہے ہیں۔

6 قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُكُمْ يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ فَاسْتَقِيمُوا إِلَيْهِ وَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ ۗ وَوَيْلٌ لِّلْمُشْرِكِينَ
تم اعلان کردو کہ ۔۔ میں تو تم ہی جیسا ایک بشر ہوں ۔۔، مجھے حکم ہوا ہے کہ تم سب کا حاکم اعلیٰ ایک یکتا حاکم ہے سو تم اسی کی طرف متوجہ رہو اور اسی سے حفاظت طلب کرو ، اور مشرکوں کے لیے بربادی ہے ۔

7 الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُم بِالْآخِرَةِ هُمْ كَافِرُونَ
جو مملکت کی خوشحالی کا باعث نہیں بنتے اور آخرکار مکافات عمل کے انکاری ہیں ۔

8 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ
بیشک جن لوگوں نے امن قائم کیا اورجنہوں نے اصلاحی عمل کئے ان کے لئے منقطع نہ ہونے والا اجر ہے ۔

9 قُلْ أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَكْفُرُونَ بِالَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَرْضَ فِي يَوْمَيْنِ وَتَجْعَلُونَ لَهُ أَندَادًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
آپ پوچھو کہ کیا تم لوگ اس مملکت کا انکار کرتے ہو جس نے ملک کو دو اخلاقی نظریات بتائے ہیں اور تم اس مملکت کی مثل قرار دیتے ہو جب کہ وہ تو نظام ربوبیت عالمینی ہے ۔

10 وَجَعَلَ فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ مِن فَوْقِهَا وَبَارَكَ فِيهَا وَقَدَّرَ فِيهَا أَقْوَاتَهَا فِي أَرْبَعَةِ أَيَّامٍ سَوَاءً لِّلسَّائِلِينَ
اور اس نے ملک و عوام کے بارے میں اوپر سے محکم احکامات مقرر کئے ا ور برکت دی ۔، اور اس کی خوشحالی کے معاملے میں اس کی صلاحیت کے پیمانے متعیں کر دئے جو تمام طلبگاروں کے لئے مساوی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔

11 ثُمَّ اسْتَوَىٰ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ وَهِيَ دُخَانٌ فَقَالَ لَهَا وَلِلْأَرْضِ ائْتِيَا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا قَالَتَا أَتَيْنَا طَائِعِينَ
پھر حکومت کی طرف متوجہ ہوا جب کہ وہ عقل و اخلاق میں بگڑی ہوئی تھی پس حاکم و عوام کو حکم ہوا کہ دونوں مملکت کے نظم کے تحت خوشی خوشی یا زبردستی آجاؤ ۔ تو حکومت اور عوام دونوں نے اطاعت قبول کی ۔

12 فَقَضَاهُنَّ سَبْعَ سَمَاوَاتٍ فِي يَوْمَيْنِ وَأَوْحَىٰ فِي كُلِّ سَمَاءٍ أَمْرَهَا ۚ وَزَيَّنَّا السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا بِمَصَابِيحَ وَحِفْظًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
پھر يَوْمَيْنِ (قرآنی اور غیر قرآنی نظریات )کے معاملے میں كُلِّ سَمَا تمام حکومتی اداروں میں ان کے أَمْرَهَا اختیارتقسیم کئے اور ہم نے حکومتی ادارے کو بِمَصَابِيحَ (اطاعت گزاروں ) سے مزین کیا اورسرکشوں سے محفوظ رکھا۔ یہ باعلم غلبے والے کا پیمانہ ہے ۔

13 فَإِنْ أَعْرَضُوا فَقُلْ أَنذَرْتُكُمْ صَاعِقَةً مِّثْلَ صَاعِقَةِ عَادٍ وَثَمُودَ
پھر اگر یہ اعراض کریں تو کہہ دو کہ ہم نے تو تم کو ویسی ہی بجلی سے پیش آگاہ کر دیا ہے جیسی قوم عاد و ثمود کی بجلی تھی ۔

اس مقام پر یہ بات ذہن نشین کر لیجئے کہ عاد اور ثمود کو ایک صَاعِقَةً نے پکڑا تھا ۔آگے اس کا ذکر پھر آئے گا ۔

14 إِذْ جَاءَتْهُمُ الرُّسُلُ مِن بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوا إِلَّا اللَّهَ ۖ قَالُوا لَوْ شَاءَ رَبُّنَا لَأَنزَلَ مَلَائِكَةً فَإِنَّا بِمَا أُرْسِلْتُم بِهِ كَافِرُونَ
جب ان کے پاس ہمارے پیامبر آگے اور پیچھے آئے کہ مملکت الہیہ کے علاوہ کسی کی تابعداری نہ کرو تو انہوں نے کہہ دیا کہ اگر ہمارے نظام ربوبیت کے قانون مشیت میں ہوتا تو نافذین احکامات کو بھیج دیتا ۔۔۔۔اس لئے ہم اس پیغام کے انکاری ہیں جس کے ساتھ تم بھیجے گئے ہو ۔

15 فَأَمَّا عَادٌ فَاسْتَكْبَرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَقَالُوا مَنْ أَشَدُّ مِنَّا قُوَّةً ۖ أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا أَنَّ اللَّهَ الَّذِي خَلَقَهُمْ هُوَ أَشَدُّ مِنْهُمْ قُوَّةً ۖ وَكَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا يَجْحَدُونَ
پس عاد کا حال تو یہ تھا کہ وہ ملک میں نا حق تکبر کرتے تھے اور کہنے لگے "کون ہم سے زیادہ طاقت ور ہے " ۔۔۔۔۔۔اُنہوں نے یہ کیوں نہ سوچا کہ جس مملکت الہیہ نے ان کو نظام اخلاقیات عطا کیا ہے وہ ان سے زیادہ زور آور ہے؟ اوروہ ہمارے احکامات کے ساتھ کٹ حجتی ہی کرتے رہے ۔

آیت نمبر ۱۳ سے غور کیجئے کہ عاد کی قوم کو صَاعِقَةً نے پکڑا تھا ۔لیکن ان کے احکامات پر عمل کے انکاری ہونے کی وجہ سے انکو اس آیت میں رِيحًا صَرْصَرًا کے ذریعے سزا دی گئی ۔اس کا مطلب ہے کہ
صَاعِقَةً اور رِيحًا صَرْصَرًا ایک ہی سزا ہے اور اسی سزا سے رسالتمآب کے وقت کے کفار کو ڈرایا جارہا ہے ۔۔۔۔!سوال ہوگا کہ کیا صَاعِقَةً اور رِيحًا صَرْصَرًا ایک ہی سزا تھے ۔؟ اگر تو یہ ترجمے کے حوالے سے بجلی اور کڑک اور آندھی وغیرہ تھے تو یہ ناممکن بات ہے ۔۔اسی کو سورہ الحاقہ میں طغیانی سےتعبیر کیا گیا ہے ۔ فَأَمَّا ثَمُودُ فَأُهْلِكُوا بِالطَّاغِيَةِ ۔
یاد رکھئے یہ تمام مقامات اس سزا کی شدت کو بیان کرہے ہیں جن سے کفار کو دوچار کیا گیا تھا ۔ہمارے مفسرین نے ان واقعات کو حقیقی معنی دے کر قدرتی آفات کو الہی سزا سے تعبیر کرکے ایک مضحکہ خیزی پیدا کر دی ہے ۔اور تمام قدرتی حادثات کو مسلمانوں اور غریبوں کے لئے بھی خدا کی سزا بنا دیا ہے ۔ملاحظہ فرمائیے ۔۔۔
’’آخرکار ہم نے چند منحوس دنوں میں سخت طوفانی ہوا ان پر بھیج دی تاکہ انہیں دنیا ہی کی زندگی میں ذلت و رسوائی کے عذاب کا مزا چکھا دیں، اور آخرت کا عذاب تو اس سے بھی زیادہ رسوا کن ہے، وہاں کوئی ان کی مدد کرنے والا نہ ہو گا ‘‘(عمومی ترجمہ )
یہ بھی یاد رکھئے کہ کوئی لمحہ یا دن بذات خود منحوس نہیں ہوتا ۔۔اس دن یا وقت کو منحوس بنانے ولا ان کا عمل ہوتا ہے جس کی وجہ سے ان پر مملکت الہیہ کی طرف سےیا قوانین قدرت کی طرف سے سزا ملتی ہے ۔

16 فَأَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ رِيحًا صَرْصَرًا فِي أَيَّامٍ نَّحِسَاتٍ لِّنُذِيقَهُمْ عَذَابَ الْخِزْيِ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَعَذَابُ الْآخِرَةِ أَخْزَىٰ ۖ وَهُمْ لَا يُنصَرُونَ
آخرکار ہم نے ان کی طرف ایسی نااہل حکومت کو بھیجا جس کے زمانے میں ملک خوشحالی سے محروم تھا۔۔۔اور تاکہ ہم ان کو ذلت آمیز سزا کا مزہ چکھتے دیکھیں ۔۔۔، ، اور آخر کار مکافات عمل تو اس سے بھی زیادہ رسوا کن ہے، وہاں کوئی ان کی مدد کرنے والا بھی نہ ہو گا

رِيحًا ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ر و ح ۔۔معنی ۔۔ہوا ۔،راحت ۔،حکومت۔،
صَرْصَرًا ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ صر صر ۔۔معنی ۔۔پالہ ۔،سخت سردی ۔،اونٹنی کا دودھ خشک ہو جانا ۔،قحط پڑنا ۔ایسی ٹھنڈ جو کھیتی کو جلا دے ۔

17 وَأَمَّا ثَمُودُ فَهَدَيْنَاهُمْ فَاسْتَحَبُّوا الْعَمَىٰ عَلَى الْهُدَىٰ فَأَخَذَتْهُمْ صَاعِقَةُ الْعَذَابِ الْهُونِ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
اور قوم ثمود کو بھی ہم نے ہدایت دی لیکن ان لوگوں نے بھی عقل کے اندھے بنا رہنے کو ہدایت کے مقابلہ میں زیادہ پسند کیا تو ذلّت کے عذاب سے لاپرواہی( صَاعِقَةُ )کے سبب ان اعمال کی بنا پر جو وہ انجام دے رہے تھے انہیں اپنی گرفت میں لے لیا۔

18 وَنَجَّيْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَكَانُوا يَتَّقُونَ
اور ہم نے ان لوگوں کو جنہوں نے امن قائم کیاا ور تقویٰ اختیار کرنے والے تھےنجات دے دی ۔

19 وَيَوْمَ يُحْشَرُ أَعْدَاءُ اللَّهِ إِلَى النَّارِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ
اور جس دن مملکت الہیہ کو دشمنی کی آگ کی طرف ڈھکیلا جائے گا پھر ان کے درمیان پھوٹ پڑے گی ۔

20 حَتَّىٰ إِذَا مَا جَاءُوهَا شَهِدَ عَلَيْهِمْ سَمْعُهُمْ وَأَبْصَارُهُمْ وَجُلُودُهُم بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
یہاں تک کہ جب سب استک پہنچ جائیں گے تو ان کے کان (جو انہوں نے سناہوگا ) اور ان کی آنکھیں ( جو انہوں نے دیکھا ہوگا ) اور جلد( جو انہوں نے محسوس کیا ہوگا ) ۔۔۔سب ان کے اعمال کے بارے میں ان کے خلاف گواہی دیں گے ۔

21 وَقَالُوا لِجُلُودِهِمْ لِمَ شَهِدتُّمْ عَلَيْنَا ۖ قَالُوا أَنطَقَنَا اللَّهُ الَّذِي أَنطَقَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ وَهُوَ خَلَقَكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
وہ اپنے پشت پناہوں سے کہیں گے "تم نے ہمارے خلاف کیوں گواہی دی؟"وہ جواب دیں گی "ہمیں اُسی مملکت الہیہ نے گویائی دی ہے جس نے ہر شخص کو گویا ئی دی ہے ۔ اُسی نے تم کو پہلی مرتبہ بھی اخلاقیات دئے تھے اور اب اُسی کی طرف تم واپس لائے جا رہے ہو ۔

لِجُلُودِهِمْ ۔۔مادہ ۔۔ ج ل د ۔۔معنی ۔۔مختلف المعنی مادہ ہے ۔کھال اور حفاظت سے لیکر بھائی بند اور ایک ہی خاندان کےوہ لوگ جو بھی پشت پناہی کریں سب مراد ہوتے ہیں ۔اس مقام پر وہ لوگ مراد ہیں جو پہلے تو زبان بند رکھتے تھے لیکن حالات بدلتے ہی مخالفت میں کھڑے ہو گئے ۔

22 وَمَا كُنتُمْ تَسْتَتِرُونَ أَن يَشْهَدَ عَلَيْكُمْ سَمْعُكُمْ وَلَا أَبْصَارُكُمْ وَلَا جُلُودُكُمْ وَلَٰكِن ظَنَنتُمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَعْلَمُ كَثِيرًا مِّمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ
جب تم چھپتے تھے تو تمہیں یہ خیال نہ تھا کہ کبھی تمہارے سننے والے اور تمہارا مشاہدہ اور تمہارے پشت پناہ تمہارے خلاف گواہی دیں گے بلکہ تم نے تو یہ سمجھا تھا کہ تمہارے اکثر اعمال کی مملکت الہیہ کو خبر تک نہ ہو گی ۔

23 وَذَٰلِكُمْ ظَنُّكُمُ الَّذِي ظَنَنتُم بِرَبِّكُمْ أَرْدَاكُمْ فَأَصْبَحْتُم مِّنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
اور یہی وہ خیال تھا جو تم نے اپنے نظام ربوبیت کے بارے میں قائم کیا تھا ۔۔۔پس اسی نے تمہیں ہلاک کردیا ۔۔۔ اور تم خسارہ پانے والوں میں ہوگئے ۔

24 فَإِن يَصْبِرُوا فَالنَّارُ مَثْوًى لَّهُمْ ۖ وَإِن يَسْتَعْتِبُوا فَمَا هُم مِّنَ الْمُعْتَبِينَ
اب اگر یہ برداشت کریں تو بھی ان کا ٹھکانا دشمنی کی آگ ہے اور اگر معافی طلب کرنا چاہیں تو اب وہ معافی قبول کئے جانے والوں میں نہیں ہونگے ۔

25 وَقَيَّضْنَا لَهُمْ قُرَنَاءَ فَزَيَّنُوا لَهُم مَّا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَحَقَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الْقَوْلُ فِي أُمَمٍ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِم مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ ۖ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا خَاسِرِينَ
اور ہم نے ان کے ہم نشین پائے جنہوں نے ان کے اگلے پچھلے تمام امور ان کی نظروں میں آراستہ کردیئے تھے اور ان پر بھی وہی حکم لازم ہوا جو ان سے پہلے انسانوں اور سرکشوں کے گروہوں پر لازم ہوا تھا کہ یہ سب کے سب خسارہ پانے والوں میں تھے ۔

26 وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَا تَسْمَعُوا لِهَٰذَا الْقُرْآنِ وَالْغَوْا فِيهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَغْلِبُونَ
اور انکار کرنے والوں نے کہا کہ اس قرآن کے لئے کوئی سماعت نہ کرو اور اس کے معاملے میں لغویات پھیلاؤ( لکھوبھی ،بولو بھی ،) شاید اسی طرح ان پر غالب آجاؤ ۔

27 فَلَنُذِيقَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَسْوَأَ الَّذِي كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
تو اب ہم ان کفر کرنے والوں کو شدید سزا کا مزہ چکھائیں گے اور انہیں ان کے اعمال کی بدترین سزادیں گے ۔

28 ذَٰلِكَ جَزَاءُ أَعْدَاءِ اللَّهِ النَّارُ ۖ لَهُمْ فِيهَا دَارُ الْخُلْدِ ۖ جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا يَجْحَدُونَ
یہ ہے مملکت الہیہ کے دشمنوں کی سزا ۔۔۔۔۔دشمنی کی آگ ہے ۔۔۔! جس میں ان کا ہمیشگی کا ٹھکانہ ہے۔۔۔۔ جو اس بات کی سزا ہے کہ یہ مملکت الہیہ کے احکامات کا انکار کیا کرتے تھے ۔

29 وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا رَبَّنَا أَرِنَا اللَّذَيْنِ أَضَلَّانَا مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ نَجْعَلْهُمَا تَحْتَ أَقْدَامِنَا لِيَكُونَا مِنَ الْأَسْفَلِينَ
اور کافر لوگوں نے کہا کہ اے ہمارے نظام ربوبیت ہمیں جنوں اور انسانوں میں سے وہ لوگ دکھا جنہوں نے ہمیں گمراہ کیا تھا تاکہ ہم انہیں اپنے قدموں کے نیچے ذلیل کریں اور تاکہ وہ پست ترین اشخاص میں سے ہو جائیں۔

30 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا رَبُّنَا اللَّهُ ثُمَّ اسْتَقَامُوا تَتَنَزَّلُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ أَلَّا تَخَافُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا وَأَبْشِرُوا بِالْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي كُنتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ
بے شک جن لوگوں نے کہا کہ مملکت الہیہ ہی ہمارا نظام ربوبیت ہے اور پھر اس پر قائم ہوگئے ۔ ان کے پاس نافذین احکامات آتے ہیں کہ تم نہ ڈرو اور نہ غم کرو اور اس ریاست کی بشارت پر خوش ہو جاؤ جس کا تم سے وعدہ کیا گیا ہے۔

31 نَحْنُ أَوْلِيَاؤُكُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ ۖ وَلَكُمْ فِيهَا مَا تَشْتَهِي أَنفُسُكُمْ وَلَكُمْ فِيهَا مَا تَدَّعُونَ
ہم ادنیٰ زندگانی میں بھی تمہارے ساتھ ہیں اور مکافات عمل کے وقت کی اعلیٰ زندگی کے وقت بھی تمہارے ساتھی ہونگے ۔۔۔۔۔اور تمہارے لئے وہ تمام چیزیں فراہم ہیں جن کے لئے تمہارے لوگوں کا دل چاہتا ہے اور جنہیں تم طلب کرتے ہو ۔

32 نُزُلًا مِّنْ غَفُورٍ رَّحِيمٍ
یہ توبہت زیادہ حفاظت فراہم کرنے والے مہربان کی طرف سے تمہاری ضیافت ہے ۔

33 وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلًا مِّمَّن دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ
اور اس سے زیادہ حسین بات کس کی ہوگی جو لوگوں کو مملکت الہیہ کی طرف دعوت دے اور اصلاحی عمل کرے اور یہ بھی اعلان کرے کہ میں تو سلامتی قائم کرنے والوں میں سے ہوں ۔

34 وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ۚ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ
نیکی اور برائی برابر نہیں ہوسکتی ۔۔۔۔۔ لہٰذا برائی کا جواب انتہائی حسین انداز سے دو کہ اس طرح وہ شخص کہ جس کے اور تمہارے درمیان عداوت ہے وہ بھی ایسا ہوجائے گا جیسے گہرا دوست ہوتا ہے ۔

35 وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا ذُو حَظٍّ عَظِيمٍ
اور یہ صلاحیت ان ہی کو نصیب ہوتی ہے جو صاحب استقامت ہیں اور یہ بات ان ہی کو حاصل ہوتی ہے جو بڑے ہی صاحب منصب و وقعت ہیں ۔

36 وَإِمَّا يَنزَغَنَّكَ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ نَزْغٌ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ ۖ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
اور اگر جب تم کو کوئی سرکش انسان وسوسہ پیدا کرے تو مملکت الہیہ کی پناہ طلب کر نا کہ وہ سب کا با علم سننے والا ہے ۔

37 وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ اللَّيْلُ وَالنَّهَارُ وَالشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ ۚ لَا تَسْجُدُوا لِلشَّمْسِ وَلَا لِلْقَمَرِ وَاسْجُدُوا لِلَّهِ الَّذِي خَلَقَهُنَّ إِن كُنتُمْ إِيَّاهُ تَعْبُدُونَ
اور اس کے دلائل میں سے ملک میں ظلم و خوشحالی ۔۔،حاکم اور قوم ۔۔،۔اگر کہ تم مملکت الہیہ کی تابعداری کر نا چاہتے ہو ۔۔تو نہ تو حاکم اور نہ ہی قوم کے تابعدار بنو بلکہ اس مملکت الہیہ کے لئے سرنگوں رہو کہ جس مملکت نے ان دونوں کو نظام اخلاقیات عطا کیاہے ۔ ا

38 فَإِنِ اسْتَكْبَرُوا فَالَّذِينَ عِندَ رَبِّكَ يُسَبِّحُونَ لَهُ بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ وَهُمْ لَا يَسْأَمُونَ
پھر اگر وہ تکبر کریں تو وہ لوگ جو تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کے مطابق ہیں وہ خواہ ظلمات کی رات ہو یا خوشحالی کے دن اس کے لئے جد وجہد کرتے ہیں اور تھکتے نہیں ہیں ۔

39 وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنَّكَ تَرَى الْأَرْضَ خَاشِعَةً فَإِذَا أَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا الْمَاءَ اهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِي أَحْيَاهَا لَمُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ ۚ إِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
اور اس کے دلائل میں سے یہ بھی ہے کہ تم زمین کو خشک دیکھتے ہو۔۔۔۔۔۔لیکن جب ہم نے اس پر پانی برسا یا تو وہ لہلہانے لگی اور اس میں نشوونما پیدا ہوگئی بیشک جس نے زمین کو زندہ کیا ہے وہی (عقل کے اندھے اعمال سے عاری اخلاقیات سے بے بہرہ ) مردوں کا زندہ کرنے والا ہے اور یقینا وہ ہر شے کا پیمانہ بنانے کی صلاحیت رکھتا ہے ۔

40 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي آيَاتِنَا لَا يَخْفَوْنَ عَلَيْنَا ۗ أَفَمَن يُلْقَىٰ فِي النَّارِ خَيْرٌ أَم مَّن يَأْتِي آمِنًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ۚ اعْمَلُوا مَا شِئْتُمْ ۖ إِنَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ
بیشک جو لوگ ہماری آیات میں ہیرا پھیری کرتے ہیں وہ ہم سے حُھپنے والے نہیں ہیں .سوچو کہ جو شخص دشمنی کی آگ میں ڈال دیا جائے بہتر ہے یا جو مملکت الہیہ کے قیام کے وقت امن میں نظر آئے .۔۔تم جو چاہو عمل کرو وہ تمہارے اعمال پر گہری نظر رکھنے والا ہے ۔

41 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِالذِّكْرِ لَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ ۖ وَإِنَّهُ لَكِتَابٌ عَزِيزٌ
جن لوگوں نے ذکرکے آنے کے بعد اس کا انکار کردیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔!!؟۔۔جبکہ یہ بے شک ایک غلبے والے قانون کی کتاب ہے ۔

42 لَّا يَأْتِيهِ الْبَاطِلُ مِن بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَلَا مِنْ خَلْفِهِ ۖ تَنزِيلٌ مِّنْ حَكِيمٍ حَمِيدٍ
کوئی سرکشی نہ تو اس کی طاقت میں اور نہ ہی اس کے پیچھے چلنے والوں میں داخل ہو سکتی ہے کہ یہ ایک غا لب حکمت والے کی عطا کردہ ہے ۔

43 مَّا يُقَالُ لَكَ إِلَّا مَا قَدْ قِيلَ لِلرُّسُلِ مِن قَبْلِكَ ۚ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ لَذُو مَغْفِرَةٍ وَذُو عِقَابٍ أَلِيمٍ
جو کچھ بھی تم سے کہا گیا ہے یہ وہی ہے جو تم سے پہلے پیام بروں سے کہا گیا ہے ۔۔۔۔یقیناً تمہارا نظام ربوبیت نہ صرف حفاظت فراہم کرنے والا ہے بلکہ پکڑ میں بھی سختی کرنے والا ہے ۔

44 وَلَوْ جَعَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا أَعْجَمِيًّا لَّقَالُوا لَوْلَا فُصِّلَتْ آيَاتُهُ ۖ أَأَعْجَمِيٌّ وَعَرَبِيٌّ ۗ قُلْ هُوَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا هُدًى وَشِفَاءٌ ۖ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ فِي آذَانِهِمْ وَقْرٌ وَهُوَ عَلَيْهِمْ عَمًى ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ يُنَادَوْنَ مِن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ
اگر ہم اس قرآن کو مبہم بناتے تو لازماً لوگوں نے کہنا تھا کہ کیوں نہ اس کے احکامات فیصلہ کن بنائے ۔۔۔۔۔کیا مبہم اور کیا واضح ۔۔؟؟۔۔ لوگوں کو بتا دو کہ یہ تو امن قائم کرنے والوں کے لئے راہ دکھانے والا اور کوتاہیوں کو دور کرنے والا نظام ہے ۔۔۔۔۔اور وہ لوگ جو امن قائم نہیں کرتے تو ان کے کانوں میں بہرا پن ہے اور وہ ان کی نظر میں بھی نہیں آرہا ہے۔۔۔۔ ان لوگوں کو جیسے بہت دور سے پکارا جا رہا ہے ۔

45 وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى الْكِتَابَ فَاخْتُلِفَ فِيهِ ۗ وَلَوْلَا كَلِمَةٌ سَبَقَتْ مِن رَّبِّكَ لَقُضِيَ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ وَإِنَّهُمْ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِّنْهُ مُرِيبٍ
اور ہم تو موسیٰ کو بھی نظام قانون دے چکے ہیں ۔۔۔۔تو اس میں بھی انہوں نے جھگڑا ڈالا ۔۔۔اور اگر تمہارے نظام ربوبیت کی طرف سے پہلے ہی ایک اصول نہ وضع کر دیا گیا ہوتا تو ان کے درمیان معاملہ تو تمام ہوچکا ہوتا ۔۔۔۔۔اور یقیناً وہ ایسے شک میں مبتلا ہیں جو تذب (بے چینی ) میں مبتلا کئے رکھتی ہے ۔

46 مَّنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلِنَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَنْ أَسَاءَ فَعَلَيْهَا ۗ وَمَا رَبُّكَ بِظَلَّامٍ لِّلْعَبِيدِ
جو بھی اصلاحی عمل کرے گا وہ اپنے ہی لوگوں کے لئے کرے گا اور جو برا کرے گا تو وہ بھی اپنے ہی لوگوں کے خلاف ہوگا اور آپ کا نظام ربوبیت بندوں پر ظلم کرنے والا نہیں ہے ۔

47 إِلَيْهِ يُرَدُّ عِلْمُ السَّاعَةِ ۚ وَمَا تَخْرُجُ مِن ثَمَرَاتٍ مِّنْ أَكْمَامِهَا وَمَا تَحْمِلُ مِنْ أُنثَىٰ وَلَا تَضَعُ إِلَّا بِعِلْمِهِ ۚ وَيَوْمَ يُنَادِيهِمْ أَيْنَ شُرَكَائِي قَالُوا آذَنَّاكَ مَا مِنَّا مِن شَهِيدٍ
اُس وقت کا علم کہ جس وقت نتیجہ سامنے آتا ہے صرف مملکت الہیہ ہی کو ہے ۔۔۔وہ اُن نتائج کو بھی جانتی ہے جو ابھی متشکل بھی نہیں ہوئے ہوتے ہیں۔۔۔۔، اسی کو معلوم ہے کہ کون کمزور کیا ذمہ داری اٹھاتا ہے اورکس نے کیا وضع کیا ہے۔۔۔۔۔ پھر جس روز مملکت لوگوں کو طلب کرکے پوچھے گی کہ میرے احکامات میں شریک حکمران کہاں ہیں، تو جواب دیں گے کہ ہم تو عرض کر چکے ہیں کہ ہم میں سے کوئی گواہی دینے والا نہیں ہے ۔

48 وَضَلَّ عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا يَدْعُونَ مِن قَبْلُ ۖ وَظَنُّوا مَا لَهُم مِّن مَّحِيصٍ
اور وہ سب ان کے پاس سے گم ہو جائینگے جنہیں یہ پہلے پکارا کرتے تھے اور اب خیال کریں گے کہ کوئی چھٹکارا ممکن نہیں ہے ۔

49 لَّا يَسْأَمُ الْإِنسَانُ مِن دُعَاءِ الْخَيْرِ وَإِن مَّسَّهُ الشَّرُّ فَيَئُوسٌ قَنُوطٌ
بھلائی کے مانگنے سے انسان نہیں تھکتا ہے اور اگر اسے کوئی تکلیف پہنچ جائے تو مایوس اور ناامید ہو جاتا ہے۔

50 وَلَئِنْ أَذَقْنَاهُ رَحْمَةً مِّنَّا مِن بَعْدِ ضَرَّاءَ مَسَّتْهُ لَيَقُولَنَّ هَٰذَا لِي وَمَا أَظُنُّ السَّاعَةَ قَائِمَةً وَلَئِن رُّجِعْتُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّي إِنَّ لِي عِندَهُ لَلْحُسْنَىٰ ۚ فَلَنُنَبِّئَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِمَا عَمِلُوا وَلَنُذِيقَنَّهُم مِّنْ عَذَابٍ غَلِيظٍ
اور اگر ہم اسے تکلیف کے بعد پھر رحمت کا مزہ چکھادیں تو فورا کہہ دے گا کہ یہ تو میرا حق ہے اور مجھے تو خیال بھی نہیں ہے کہ مجھ پر پوچھ گچھ کی گھڑی آنے والی ہے۔۔۔، اور اگر میں پروردگار کی طرف لوٹایا بھی گیا تو میرے لئے وہاں بھی اچھائیاں ہی ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔تو پھر ہم بھی کفار کو ضرور بتائیں گے کہ انہوں نے کیا کچھ کیا ہے اور انہیں سخت سزا کا مزہ چکھائیں گے ۔

51 وَإِذَا أَنْعَمْنَا عَلَى الْإِنسَانِ أَعْرَضَ وَنَأَىٰ بِجَانِبِهِ وَإِذَا مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ فَذُو دُعَاءٍ عَرِيضٍ
اور جب ہم انسان پر انعام کرتے ہیں تو کنارہ کش ہوجاتا ہے اور پہلو بدل کر ایک جانب ہو جاتا ہے اور جب برائی پہنچتی ہے تو لمبی چوڑی د عائیں کرنے والا بن جاتا ہے ۔

52 قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُمْ إِن كَانَ مِنْ عِندِ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ كَفَرْتُم بِهِ مَنْ أَضَلُّ مِمَّنْ هُوَ فِي شِقَاقٍ بَعِيدٍ
آپ کہہ دو کہ تمہارا کیا خیال ہے کہ اگر یہ احکامات مملکت الہیہ ہی کی طرف سے ہوں اور تم نے اس کا انکار کردیا تو اس سے زیادہ کون گمراہ ہوگا جو اس سے اتنا سخت اختلاف کرنے والا ہوگا۔

53 سَنُرِيهِمْ آيَاتِنَا فِي الْآفَاقِ وَفِي أَنفُسِهِمْ حَتَّىٰ يَتَبَيَّنَ لَهُمْ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ ۗ أَوَلَمْ يَكْفِ بِرَبِّكَ أَنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ شَهِيدٌ

54 أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ فِي مِرْيَةٍ مِّن لِّقَاءِ رَبِّهِمْ ۗ أَلَا إِنَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ مُّحِيطٌ
آگاہ ہوجاؤ کہ یہ لوگ نظام ربوبیت کا سامنا کرنے سے شک میں مبتلا ہیں اور آگاہ ہوجاؤ کہ نظام ربوبیت ہر شے پر محیط ہے۔

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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

Allah muaf karay log keson keson k pechay chal partay hain, yeh sub kasoor hamara hai hum quran o sunnah ki taleem hasil kartay nahi hain aur hamari jahalat ki waja say yeh firkay chal niklatay hain aur log phr apnay apnay dimagh say faisla kartay hain unhain jo thik lagta hai usi per chalna shuru kar daitay hain, hamain quran o sunnah k mutabiq hi sochna aur us per amal karna chahya. kahin hum un main say na ho jain jo "khud badaltay nahi deen ko badal daitay hain"


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

Asslam-o-Alaikum , What is the Pervaizi Firqa (Munkareen e Hadeth )would you Please send the Brief notes of their Believes (Aqeeda) of this Firqa in English and Arabic Languge because most of the Arabs brothers are not aware about their wrong Believes and Rules of this Firqa while this Firqa members are spreading the Letrature ( Against Hadeeth ) even Neglecting the Saheeh Bukhari as well and they are Missguiding the lot of Muslim and distroying thier Faith in Gulf Countries , Waiting for your Answer Jazak Allah Khair ,

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

الجواب حامداومصليا​
The necessity and significance of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam is highlighted in many places in Quran. It is obligaotry upon every Muslim to believe in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam and to follow it.Anyone who denies the importanc of the Sunnah and Hadith is not a true Muslim. It has been witnessed and confirmed by a great number of scholars and laymen that Ghulam Ahmed Pervez denied the importance of the Hadith and believed that Hadith is not needed for any Muslim. Hence, he was not a true Muslim on the merit of his writings and statements and all those who would fall his path will fall under the same ruling.For further information on the topic please read the book "The authority of Sunnah" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani.And Allah knows best.Mufti Ikram ul HaqFatwa Center of America13 Rabiul Awwal 1432/ February 16 2011​
يا ايها الذين امنوا أطيعوا الله ورسولهO' believers, obey Allah and His messenger​


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez





Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

For surah 7 alaraaf see post 38 but for surahs one to six see HERE.
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such bolo

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

غلام احمد پرویز ایک گمراہ شخص تھا اور قرآن کے نام پر اسنے نا صرف صحیح حدیث رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلّم سے انکار کیا بلکے قرآن سے بھی درحقیقت انکار کردیا

یہ بات ذہن میں رکھیں کے قرآن پر عمل حدیث رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کے بغیر نا ممکن ہے اور جس طرح اللہ نے قرآن کی حفاظت کی اسی طرح حدیث رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی بھی حفاظت کا انتظام کیا

اگر قرآن کی تشریح بغیر حدیث سے کرنے کی کوشش کی جائے تو پھر قرآن ایک معمہ اور پہیلی بن جائیگا

قرآن میں حج کا ذکر ہے طریقہ نہیں
قرآن میں عمرہ کا ذکر ہے طریقہ نہیں
قرآن میں جمعہ کی نماز کا ذکر ہے طریقہ نہیں
زکات کا ذکر ہے مگر اسکے مسائل نہیں
نماز جنازہ کا ذکر ہے مگر طریقہ نہیں
نکاح کا ذکر ہے مگر طریقہ نہیں
نماز کا ذکر ہے مگر طریقہ نہیں
کی ایسے واقعات کا ذکر ہے جن کی مکمل تفصیل نہیں اور تفصیل کے بغیر ان واقعات کا مکمل ادراک اور فہم مشکل ہوجاتا ہے
اور ایسے بیشمار مقامات ہیں جہاں بغیر حدیث کے قرآن کے اصل مقصود کو سمجھا ہی نہیں جا سکتا

قرآن اجمالی لحاظ سے ایک مکمل کتاب ہے مگر تفصیل کے اعتبار سے صاحب قرآن یعنی محمد رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی محتاج ہے

یعنی یہ کہ اللہ نے جہاں قرآن اتارا وہاں قرآن کی شرح کا بھی انتظام بھی کردیا تاکے قیامت تک کے لئے دین کو قابل عمل رکھا جا سکے اور کوئی جھوٹا نبی یہ دعویٰ نا کرسکے کے کیوں کے دین پر عمل نامکن ہے اس لئے اب نۓ نبی کی ضرورت ہے

امت میں موجودہ تفرقہ کا سبب صحیح اور ضعیف احادیث کی تفریق نہیں بلکہ قرآن اور حدیث پر عمل نا کرنا اور اپنے اپنے مخصوص فرقہ یا مسلک کی پیروی کرنا ہے ...صحیح اور ضعیف کی تفریق تو الحمدللہ دین پر عمل کرنا آسان بناتی ہے جس مسلک پرستی اور شخصیات پرستی نے مشکل بنادیا ہے
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

Dear brother simple_and_peacefull, I do not have any problem with any scholar of islam but that whatever anyone says about islam must be based upon evidence that can be clearly proven. Otherwise anyone is human and can make mistake. It is because according to the quran people are born without knowing anything but they are given brain, senses and bodies to find out things for themselves for the good of themselves and others. We have the universe before us as well as divine guidance. It is up to ourselves to explore them both for our own benefits. If we fail anywhere then consequences follow us.

Dr israr sb marhoom was influenced by his back ground just like dr tahir al qardi sb is influenced by his back ground. Comparing them to their own backgrounds they made big jumps forward showing they have been using their own brains. Likewise if we compare alaama parwez marhoom his back ground is brelavi same as mine and dr tahir sb but he made a jump much bigger than anyone else of his time. The only people who did greater were people like sir seyyid, iqbal and jinnah etc.

My problem is mostly with mullahs and by that I mean those who condemn each other with their fatwa baazi. Despite this I respect their part in preserving islamic information. It will be dishonesty on part of anyone who does not give mullahs the credit that they rightfully deserve.

Overall all kinds of muslims have done something good for islam here and there for which it will not be right to not to give them credit.

I do not call in to question sincerity of people to their cause. All I can do is disagree with their opinion or understanding of things. Even with mullahs I disagree only here and there and not completely. It is mostly due to the fact that I have bigger picture in my mind which helps me understand thing in proper context.

I do not go around cursing and condemning people for their difference of opinions instead I try to explain things for better understanding so that people may learn from that. Even when I started on this forum I began by explaining things and hopefully I have helped people look at things on a wider scale. Still it will take some more time before some of our brethren realise their own errors of judgement. All because as a society or community we are not used to critical study of islam and muslims.

Hope this explains my stance on islamic scholarship. I have learned from all scholars and advise the same for all of us. Sticking to sectarian bias is not a good thing instead we all must follow evidence and show we are using our own brains. So long as we are sincere to ourselves and consistent with advice of Allah as we understand it and have good will towards humanity at large we are fine.

Thanks for the opportunity to explains things, regards and all the best.


This person has his own interpretation of the Holy Quran, which is wrong.

Listen to his interpretation of SURAH AL-JINN from the start and you will come to know how he is denying ALLAH :subhanahu: creation of a species JINN, which are created by fire, and there mention in the Quran is present numerous times. This person totally denies that such such a creation exist and at the time of the Holy Prophet pbuh some small tribes existed in the desert who were called JINN.

He also has many other mis-interpratations of Quranic meanings thus taking people away from the right path.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

Dear friends, please note that I avoid unnecessary tit for tat arguments that lead nowhere. Our objective should not be fighting over who can believe most absurd things but to learn what makes better sense and accept it and move on. If we must we should critically examine our own beliefs and see if they stand the scrutiny. If they do good for us otherwise believe what makes better sense.

I know a few of my brethren do not like what I say but please give me benefit of doubt by examining what you think is right. May be I am wrong but is it not at all possible that you may also be in error? In that case we both need to look for another alternative because what we each thought true does not prove to be true. In any discussion in which people are on opposing sides, all can not be right and that is definite but all can be wrong is possibility and only one of the sides can be right is also a possibility.

Jinns are people in my view not because mr parwez says so but because they interact is with INS=masses or commoners or general people therefore jinns are people but not commoners but ruling elite or influential people ie they have some qualities that are different in them from the common people which raise them above others or make them different from the masses.

[FONT=&amp]Word JINN is from root JEEM, NOON and NOON. This root has many meanings eg demon, expert, spirit, insane, strange/r, foreign/er, outsider, high profile, dominant, prominent, privileged, important person, mischievous, clever, nomad, leader, noble, someone powerful, a person with means or influence, chief, garden, someone who rules over a domain or is master of his field of knowledge, something that over shadows something or covers it or hides it etc etc.

As for creation of jinns from fire or before humans. The words used in their also have various meanings and there is no way to prove jinns were actually some different creatures from human s and that they were created before humans. For example word QABALU is from root qaaf, baa and laam. The meanings attached to this root are before=earlier in time ie aslam came to me before ejaz. Or in front of ie aslam was taken before a judge. When some one faces someone he stand before him ie confronts him. The same root means kiss, tribe, race, generation, power, strength, goal, direction, objective, nearby, close etc etc. Word QIBLAH is a derivative of the same root.

The same is true about word NAAR-=fire, agony, pain, suffering, light, hatred, burning, hot, alive, energetic, getting along fine etc etc.

It is therefore not easy to choose the right meanings for a word in the quranic text till we relate the quranic text to our daily lives and see what happened in human societies all over the world.

People who have been spreading nonsense ideas about iblis, satan, jinns, prophets, saints etc etc and even God himself, can we be right in saying they were great scholars? Could they themselves not think even this much that they were talking nonsense?

This is why we need to follow logic and rationality and accept what is right because it makes sense and reject what we know for sure is a nonsense. There is no disrespect in that for those who went before us because they did not tell us to follow them regardless they were right or wrong. They told us what they made of the quran and hadith and told us to continue our own search for what is right or wrong as we find out for ourselves in light of the quran and the hadith. We need to remember that people have their own responsibility to find out what is right or wrong and do as it suits us best in our own time place or situations and circumstances. Our task is to move with time the best we can and not stick with past in a wrong sort of way that does us no good and instead may destroy us totally.

What some people are doing is telling us what is wrong so that we make effort to find what is right and not sit and keep cursing them for pointing out the wrong to us. It were people like sir syed, iqbal, jinnah and pawez etc. They not only pointed out our wrong ideas but also tried to give us principles to help us look for what is right according to those rules. This is why we still find a lot wrong in what these people told us because they did not get the time to complete their works. So baal is now in our control to move it yet forward or just sit on it.

regards and all the best.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

For surah 8 AL ANFAAL see post 39 below.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

SURAH 8 AL ANFAAL- The way of life advised by Allah is the only way of life proper for human community to help it reach heights of excellence to maximise its productions and distributions of provisions for its well being and to help it overcome all its eventualities through surpluses and reserves

This Surah is named AL-ANFAAL from root NOON, FAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is something that is more than needed or required for a purpose. Also extra, additional, surplus, over and above or in excess, something done illegally or above or outside or against the law or extra judicial, something done against the custom or agreement or expectation, open aggression, transgression, rebellion, to act hostile, commence hostilities, retaliation, fighting back, declaration of war, defence, war booty, grandson, addendum, donation, gift, contribution, river, sea, generosity, to grant something to someone or something, spoils of war, assistance, defence of others, to give more than due, voluntary works that ensure well being of family or community, largesse, help or aid, to act against oppression or suppression, to act against injustice or unfairness, to act against cruelty and rivalry or animosity, the act of reconciliation between opponents etc etc.

In the Quranic context this Surah is so named because people who are supposed to judge themselves as a community according to the Quranic standard must go extra mile than what is required of them so that excellence is achieved. That is important because Muslims are supposed to be an exemplary community for the rest of the world to see and copy, so that glory of God becomes manifest for whole of mankind to see. As explained already the same Quranic text has parallel meanings and same is true in case of text in this Surah. Just as on one hand followers of the Quran must work extra hard and be extra productive so on the other hand they must fight against use and abuse, corruption and aggression. If we look at it another way what Muslims are supposed to achieve through working extra hard is security against all sorts of poverty eg poverty of ideology, poverty of information and its understanding or knowledge, poverty of unity and organisation, poverty of thoughts and actions and poverty of anything of need or want eg poverty of food, water, shelter, medicine etc etc. In other words unless people fight against ignorance, regression and stagnation etc they cannot win. So the verses of the Quran can be interpreted both ways ie in sense of dos as well as in sense of donts. It is because if you do what you are not supposed to do then you are in trouble due to harm and destruction you cause but you are also in trouble if you dont do what you are supposed to do. This is why the Quranic commands are for freedom as well as against oppression and suppression. On one hand it dictates justice and fairness but on the other it condemns injustice and unfairness. On one hand it commands compassion and on the other condemns cruelty. Likewise just as it commands hard work for prosperity it also condemns sitting idle and becoming victim of any kind of poverty. Since the Quran is a manual of peace not war so interpreting the Quranic text as a manual of war is not its right interpretation and because it is the context that decides the interpretation of the Quran and the context is very much obvious from the text of the Quran therefore anything out of its proper context is not acceptable and is same as attributing lies to Allah and his messenger if done deliberately. Moreover the Quran does not stop anyone from fighting for self defence and it is natural instinct that when law and order is not just and fair or is not implemented justly and fairly then all people are free to do as it suits them. It will be silly for God to tell antisocial and anti Islam forces to not to attack Islam or Muslims because if that is what they want to do then they will do that and they will not stop just because God tells them to. It is because such people have no respect for God or humanity. They only understand the language of power and violence because for them only might is right. Likewise it will be silly for God to tell human community or Muslims when you are attacked do not fight back because that way community or Muslims will be wiped out as sitting ducks for target of attackers.

This is why, the Quran only puts before humanity two options a) all people commit to living by way of life advised by Allah as a human family and b) if not then fight it out between yourselves as you wish till you get fed up and give up fighting or keep fighting till last man remains standing. In either case people have the level playing field. God did not create mankind for fighting with each other yet if they do that, it is their own choice. He created mankind to be sensible and creative and organise and use things provided by God appropriately so that situations do not arise whereby people end up fighting each other over things of need. So those who oppose this idea are people with harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour and unless rest of humanity keeps such people in check, these people will make everyones life hell including themselves. This is why God told people not to do things in ways that lead to fights and wars but if some do create situations for fights and wars then it is very important that rest of humanity keeps itself strong and sufficiently able to take hold of them so that such people do not become so powerful that the whole human race becomes their hostage. God of Quran based Islam is not interested in fights and wars between mankind but if some people are then others need to be well prepared so that they are not only able to defend themselves but should be able to defeat anti social parties in order to save mankind from terrible painful suffering at their hands. The main reason for troubles is, control of people and resources by some people in order to hold rest of humanity their hostage. This is why the Quran keeps repeating that mankind must manage human population and resources properly. If people do not come together and use manpower properly to produce and distribute things properly then peace is not possible because people have needs which cannot be met and when going gets tough people are forced to disturb law and order and so human community becomes fractured. This is why this Surah puts emphasis on proper planning and thinking ahead for proper production and distribution of things of need. It emphasises not just for fulfilling the needs but for excess or extra production so that some of the things could be kept in reserves or storage so that they could become useful when needs arise due to various factors eg when suddenly more people arrive in the Islamic state for some reason or famine strikes or any other emergency takes place for whatever reasons.

Proclaim! In the name of Allah, the provider of psychological, sociological and biological needs of mankind,

1)They will need an explanation of you about reserves. Tell them, savings through surplus production are advised for you by Allah via His messenger. So be consistent with advice of Allah for the well being of each other as a proper human community by putting in place proper measures and mechanisms for production and distribution of things through mutual consultations among yourselves to be fully self sufficient at all times. This is how you should be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah along with His messenger if you are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of human community.

Any people who have no sense of looking ahead to their better future have no future at all but if a people do look ahead then that means planning ahead for all eventualities so that a community is fully able to cope with all sorts of variations that may take place. There are at least four main factors that a community must plan ahead for a)natural disasters, b)manmade disasters, c)normal variation due to natural movements in human population that cause variations in numbers or measures of things produced for distribution and d)future investments and reinvestments for research, exploration and developments etc in order to be ready well in advance for what is expected in due course. Efficient planning, organisation and action is must for proper management of manpower and resources for proper production and distribution of things of need as already explained in detail. If goods and services are not delivered efficiently and properly at points of need and use then community is not going to do well. The main point one needs to note under this verse is need for producing surplus. To produce surplus community has to do a lot more work than it will need to do just to meet its basic needs or bare necessities. Not only that it will have to be very efficient because if it is not then even if production is fine the distribution may not be up to requirement and so even though things are there they will not reach the end users and go to waste. In other words it is a huge responsibility to be part of production and distribution mechanism. This is what leadership and management skill is all about ie being able to make proper use of people and things so that mankind could have blissful, dignified and secure existence.

2) The truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind can only be those who when they are told about guidance of Allah their minds become excited to act upon it because His goals and guidelines are read out to them whereby their self confidence grows that is why they end up relying on the universal set-up systems and set laws of their Creator and Sustainer,

The Quranic program is such that it cannot fail to attract such people as have human friendly, hard working and compassionate mindset, attitude and behaviour. It is precisely the reason that rulers, priests and money lenders misinterpreted divine scriptures and misrepresented them to masses causing them confusion and harm and destruction for their petty personal gains. A clear proof of their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards humanity. This is why people who hate talking about God and his advised way of life for humanity are increasing in numbers in the world. This is not failure of God and his message but of humanity itself as has been explained in detail. The mistake people are making is not studying the divine message in its original text and context. If humanity will not come to its senses and see the divine message as it ought to look at it then it will have no future, however it is unlikely that humanity will continue on this path for very long because people will have to learn sense sooner rather than later by questioning their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours toward God, his message and humanity itself. After all where is sense in dying as a confused person? Not only that but where is sense in living in this world without having any goals worth having in this life?

3) It is people with such mindset, attitude and behaviour who establish community network through social structures, systems, procedures and practices whereby they open up production and distribution of whatever We have provided for their sustenance for the benefit of each other as a proper human community.

4) They are the ones who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as they ought to therefore belong to them heights of excellence according to set-up systems and laws of their Creator and Sustainer because they attain blissful, dignified and secure existence through securing honourable provision for themselves as a proper human community.

5) It is due to struggle for this set goal your Creator and Sustainer brought you the people out of your traditional way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other for the way of life that is right for a proper human community even though at the time a number of people who are now committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity were hesitant for adopting this way of life.

6) The hesitant group of people argued with you people against the proper way of life for human community after it had been proclaimed before humanity as if they were being driven to their sure destruction and they could see it.

Word YUSAAQOON is from root SEEN, WOW and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is something that is strong enough to help something move. Also shin, shin bone, to drive, to herd along, market place, markets, a sequence, let, stem, tree trunk, to direct, to channel, conveyor, to convey, to lead, hardship, difficulty, trouble, gathering etc etc.

It is always difficult to leave behind the way of life one has lived ones life because a person becomes well settled in his ways but the Quran is such an inspiring book that it does inspire and motivate people to start thinking and as they start thinking they finally drive themselves out of ways of life they have been born in and or have been living by. It is all a matter of how soon one gets the message and how soon one studies it and how soon one understands it properly and acts upon it faithfully.

7) However guidance of Allah motivated you people to work on any of the two parties and even though you settled for the one that was least equipped as your target, Allah planned to prove the right way of life for proper human community true through His verifiable statements in order to completely undermine the way of life of those who opposed the way of life based upon His guidance,

These verses are about open discussions and debates between people belonging to opposing ideologies in order to establish which ideology is beneficial for adopting as a proper way of life for mankind. The idea is to prove using the divine testimony which way is really worth following for mankind because it could give them a life worth living if they really followed it through.

8) So that He proves the right way of life for proper human community true and the harmful and destructive way of life for mankind false even if those who are committed to way of life based upon crimes against humanity detest it.

The way of life advised by Allah for mankind cannot fail to convince people provided they have the needed knowledge to make proper sense of it. The Quran challenges people to think over what is stated in the Quran for mankind to see if mankind were able to think this far into the past as well as into the future and at the wider and deeper level the Quran puts forth. A clear proof that the Quran could not have been produced by people 1500 years back in time even if they all had joined together in this venture.

9) Call to mind the time when you the people sought support of your Creator and Sustainer so He responded that I will help you with a force of one thousand men well trained and fully organized and equipped fit for the missionary task.

It is one thing to win arguments by debates but another to win hearts and minds by helping people understand the message properly and that needs a lot more people to help spread the proper message properly for the success of the mission. No movement or mission can succeed unless people are convinced and trained and sent back out on the mission to gain more support for it. God is telling people already working as missionaries, worry not more and more support is on the way so carry on and do not lose courage. As people on this mission take the message to more and more people and they come to join that gives them more courage and self confidence to carry on doing what they are doing. In a way it keeps the hope of a better life alive in hearts and minds of people.

10) Allah did not make this good news but a mean to raise confidence in your minds. There is no support save that which is from Allah in form of His guidance, for Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of the universe.

11) Remember long before the commencement of the battle for the mission He filled you people with confidence and stability of mind through guidance from Himself by raining down upon you the lofty and courageous thoughts to free you thereby of any weakness and to remove from you any harmful and destructive thoughts caused by the opponent of His advised way of life to solidly anchor your minds in order to help you take firm steps for the success of the mission.

Word NUAAS is from root NOON, AIN and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is state of calm. Also tranquillity, peace, dull, serenity, without motion, unmoved by something, undisturbed by something, state of inactiveness, drowsiness, sleepiness, unconcerned, not worried, satisfied, confident, slumber, dozing off, to beget lazy children etc etc.

Word RIJZ is from root RAA, JEEM and ZAA. Concrete meaning of this root is a state of instability or confusion. Also an illness in camels due to which their hind legs become so weak that when they try to get up they cannot and even when they do their legs tremble due to weakness, a state of confusion and instability in a nation which lead it to weakness to such degree that it is almost impossible for it to rise, harms and destructions that come about due to natural disasters, a state of confusion or instability whereby mind loses confidence or courage, depression, weakness, dirt, hunger or thirst, famine, scarcity, impurity, ballast used to steady a camels hadwaj or litter, plague, filth, abomination, guilt, conspiracy by the adversary or opponent, insinuation by rival, worship of idols, punishment, affliction, idolatry, lack of courage, fault or defect, imperfection etc etc.

Word YARBITA is from root RAA, BAAT and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to tie something unstable to something stable to give it stability. Also to anchor, to unite, to make one thing consistent with the other, to tie up, to station, garrison, to line up, to take up a position, to conclude an agreement, a band, fetters, shackles, a place where animals are kept, stables, to strengthen, to fortify, to be constant, to be steadfast, to participate in defence of the land, to man the garrisons, tethering, tying up, stationing, keeping ready, to be in touch, to have communication, to have link or connection, relationship, to keep doing something, to remain steady, to guard borders, to take proper measures for ones security, to remain in contact with each other, to raise confidence, to stabilise ones heart or mind etc etc.

Word YUSABBIT is from root SAA, BAA and TAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that lasts till its purpose is served. Also something permanent or lasting, something complete or solid, something free of imperfection or defect, something free of any hole or perforation, a tree that is deeply rooted, something that does not crumble or fade away, something that is complete or perfect for its purpose, proof, evidence, solid or best explanation, something that does not move from its place, something that holds its ground, courage, something positive, something that does not bend or break or decompose, something that does not buckle, an illness that hinders a human being from moving, something that lacks instability, to immobilise, to imprison, to stand firm, to be fixed, to hold out, to establish, to make fast, to anchor, to tie something tightly to stop it from moving, to prove, to transfix, to be constant, to set fast, to make firm, to give firmness, to bolster, to strengthen, to confirm, to verify, to be steadfast, sure, free of doubt, affirmation etc etc.

12) At the time your Creator and Sustainer revealed to you the messenger for the people on the mission the message that I am with you through My guidance thereby told you to give courage to those who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. Soon I will thereby flood with confusing thoughts minds of those who oppose rule based upon My guidance therefore go for the very foundation and lifeline of their society and dismantle each of their principle aspects they stand upon in every way till they see sense or destroy themselves.

Word RUHB is from root RAA, AIN and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to fill something with something for some purpose. Also filling of the valley with flood water, filling of the pond, to cut off something, to become unable to speak due to fear, fear, to tremble with fear, terror, fright, to frighten, to fill up a drinking trough, to be fat and flabby, to be sliced, a tall and slim beautiful woman, to cut off ones root, to pull the earth from underneath ones feet, to destabilise, to take away the support from underneath one upon which one is standing, to show unreasonableness in ones stance, to show one is not standing upon firm ground, to create doubt in ones mind, to fill ones mind with doubtful thoughts, to make one reconsider or review his position or stand point, to make one move or waver from his position, to become terrified due to lack of stability or courage or confidence, discouragement etc etc.

The proper education, discussion or debate is a very tough and demanding thing therefore it should be conducted by people who have learned the necessary wisdom so that such people deliver the proper information or message properly. That will attract support for the mission. However if ignorant and people with vested interests will do this then the message will become adulterated and lead people to confusion therefore people could become suspicious of the message and distance themselves from the message which will lead to damage to the mission and to humanity. This is exactly what mullahs have been doing for centuries and that is why the result of that is current state of ummah in which it finds itself. Mullahs have been misinterpreting the Quranic message and misrepresenting it and so not only Muslims are unable to debate with nonMuslims but Muslims themselves are becoming fed up with mullahs versions of Islam due to infighting that resulted from the way mullahs did things themselves and made their followers do it. People who are Muslims only in name many of them are turning to other religions or even to atheism than staying Muslims even in name only. All this because those who claim to be Muslims hardly know why they call themselves Muslims because people hardly ever read the Quran to make proper sense of its message to follow it properly for the purpose it is sent for. So there is hardly any difference between Most of the Muslims and nonMuslims and day by day the world is getting worse and worse. If people want to change things for themselves for the better then the way open to them is to study the Quran properly and then follow its message faithfully after having its proper understanding. Here the Quran is also telling its followers to attack basis of ways of life adopted by nonMuslims and see how easily they crumble ie the ways of life adopted by nonMuslims have no leg to stand on. It is only foolishness of mullahs and their followers that is letting this ummah down and in a very bad way due to ignorance, illiteracy and lack of education. Most people who claim to be Muslims are so foolish that they claim to be Muslims yet see for themselves ways of life adopted by nonMuslims as better ways of life than Islamic way of life based upon the Quran. If we look at the way the Quran approaches the idea of discussions and debates, it is very precise therefore is bound to get results if people could be educated to see things for themselves. It puts forth what Islamic way of life is all about and then attacks unIslamic ways of life showing clearly what is wrong with them ie why they are not fit for proper human community to adopt them. This completely demolishes the stance of all nonMuslims. No wonder the Quran is a very powerful argument for way of life advised by Allah for the proper human community and also a very powerful argument against all ways of life other than that. This is why if Muslims become aware of proper message of the Quran they can bring about for themselves and rest of humanity blissful, dignified and secure life in this world but will they and how soon?

13) Things had to be done this way because they commit atrocities against each other for personal gains in defiance of program, constitution and law of Allah through His messenger for the well being of mankind and any people who oppose mission of Allah via His messenger should be aware that Allah has firmly put in place the systems and the laws to hold people strictly to His plan.

Word SHAAQQOO is from root SHEEN, QAA and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is rip apart something for some reason. Also to explore, to search, to try find out something or some clue to something, to break apart, disconnect, boycott, break away, hardship, difficulty, troublesome, rivalry, opposition, animosity, to burst forth, to open, to open up, to become tired, fatigue, to be unable to cope, shock, trauma, distance, far away, apart, to separate, to explode, explosion, to split, to cleave, to slit, to rip, fissure, crack, dispute, distress, to effect disunion, to act contrarily, to burden, to put in trouble or difficulty, to argue, half, region, tract, quarter, difficult journey, toil, hard, schism, contention, heresy, rebellious disputation, breaking up etc etc.

14) All this explanation is provided so that you the mankind come to realise that people who reject and oppose Our advised way of life are bound to end up in fire of hatred against each other due to rivalries and animosities between themselves for personal gains at the expense of each other.

15) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! When you are challenged or drawn into battle you must be fully prepared to strive hard against those who reject and wage war against the rule based upon guidance of Allah by oppressing and suppressing humanity and never should you budge from your position against them in this field of battle.

Word ZAHFAA is from root ZAA, HAA and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to an armed force marching forth to attack its enemy. Also to march forth, move forward, to carry on moving forward forcefully, to crawl forward, to crawl on knees, to walk forward slowly due to tiredness or with heavy feet, living things that crawl on the ground, to arrange in battlefield before the enemy, the battlefields between nations, to crawl, to creep, to drag oneself along, to advance en masse, to advance steadily and slowly, marching, battling, fighting, campaigning, striving etc etc.

This verse tells missionaries to prepare well so that you do not end up losing your fight against the oppressors and suppressers of mankind. If antisocial elements win then humanity will suffer very badly if it does not end up totally destroyed, so people must keep their minds sharp and eyes and ears open at all time. As soon as any problem arises from any direction deal with it instantly so that it does not grow and become uncontrollable. These verses are not just about delivering message of Allah to people effectively but also about handling any opposition that might lead to actual wars. In other words all opposing parties who want to live their lives in certain ways are constantly on the campaign for them to succeed against each other and this has led humanity to many wars between people throughout the world. The Quran proposes education based revolution but some people want to keep other people ignorant, illiterate and uneducated so that they could use and abuse them. So when message of the Quran is going to be delivered by some people to others, this is going to cause a constant conflict of interest and if it continues then people are going to end up in wars between themselves to decide the issue of which way of life should mankind adopt for living their lives. Since mankind have been living their lives on basis of rivalries and animosities like other animals and the Quran came to stop all that bloodshed so people who wish to see mankind adopt way of life proposed by the Quran will also have to fight their way through one way or the other. To put it another way wars cannot be avoided between mankind because even though some will accept the truth through reason others will not because they have not bothered to learn reasoning and sense, so the only language those unsocial elements understand is might is right. Since armed robbers are ignorant, stubborn and arrogant the law enforcing people must also have the power to stop them or humanity will end up at mercy of criminal elements in it. This is why the Quran and the sword go hand in hand ie they are complementary forces. The Quran guards the use of sword through set out goals and provided guidelines and the sword guards the program, the constitution and the law of Allah for the well being of mankind so that people are kept going the way Allah has planned things for them for their well being. Islam does not mean peace but a way to peace and that way involves education for people as well as disciplining them.

16) Be warned that any party of you that leaves its position in the battlefield on any such occasion unless it be for battlefield strategy or to join its supporting force will be left by Allah on the way of life that leads to painful suffering and think about how awful that life of painful suffering will be for it!

In this verse the Quran is drawing attention of people who are campaigning for the success of the mission from Allah that think about what will happen to you and the rest of mankind if you failed to fulfil your given task ie you will end up in life of painful suffering.

17) Furthermore you people did not enter in battle with them for your personal gains but for the reason that way of life based upon guidance of Allah has assured their defeat by your hands therefore when you bombard them with whatever you bombarded them with, it was based upon guidance of Allah so that He puts through hard work those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by way of a struggle for making the world a beautiful place for humanity. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind His vast awareness about all things.

What is so special in the message of Allah that helps its followers defeat opponents of rule based upon guidance of Allah? It is information that explains plan of Allah and how world is set-up by him to work to fulfil his plan so none can work outside that setup. The better people are aware about things the better they plan their lives so proper outcome is therefore ensured for their properly planned and executed actions. Moreover whenever and wherever the naturally set balance is disturbed in any way it forces mankind to react against it because it becomes a threat for survival of humanity. So humanity cannot escape setup systems and laws no matter what. This is what proves the Quran a verifiably true book which originates from the creator and sustainer of this universe.

18) And that is something for you the mankind to think about because that is how Allah undermines all schemes of those who reject and oppose rule based upon His guidance.

19) If you sincerely wanted the proper way of life for becoming a proper human community made clearly obvious for you then it has been made clearly obvious for you. So if you will stop acting harmfully and destructively against each other from now on as explained then that will ensure your well being but if you will still continue doing things the old way after the proper way of doing things has been made clear for you then Our setup systems and laws will continue making you face the same kind of results of your own actions and your numbers as a group however large they may be will not avail you at all because set-up systems and laws as revealed by Allah fully support only those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

The fact that Allah is with those who work for the mission of Allah simply means that when people work together as one people helping each other to achieve God set goals according to provided guidelines then there is no way people will not succeed in accomplishing the goals if they organised and regulated themselves and worked out proper plans of actions and executed them faithfully. The Quran is not talking about supernatural help by Allah but about people understanding and following his guidance.

20) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah along with His messenger and do not turn your backs on His message now that you have heard it.

Here the Quran is telling people that listening to message of Allah means doing things once people have become aware of them. If people just listen to the message and do not bother to follow it then the whole purpose of listening to the message is lost. The whole purpose of any message sent to anyone by the sender is so that the recipient acts on the message after becoming aware of it according to the wishes of the sender. This is particularly true in case of creator and sustainer for his human creatures.

21) So do not be like those who say, we hear the message but they do things like those who have not bothered to hear and understand the message.

A very important point is made here that if people do not do things they are told or do things they are told not to do then end result has to be the same as those who have not bothered listening to the message or to understand it properly and act upon it faithfully. So people who claim to be followers of the Quran but do not read it for its proper understanding for acting upon it faithfully, their declaration of commitment to this message becomes questionable and doubtful. As has been explained already the message of the Quran is to put up a proper struggle for establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah so that people could have blissful, dignified and secure existence. All energies and resources or labour people can offer must be used towards that end and to maintain the kingdom properly once it has come about and to go for further goals after that goal has been achieved as has been explained and more explanations are yet to come.

22) Surely most harmful and destructive of the living creatures in sight of Allah are those people who act as if they are deaf and dumb to His set goals and provided guidelines having learned no sense to understand and do things properly.

Word DAWAAB is from root DAAL, BAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that proceeds slowly and gently but quietly. Also anything that moves on the earth, all crawling and walking animals and insects, slow speed, Trojan horse, subversive group of people or device placed within enemy ranks, the hollow wooden horse, a trap intended to undermine an enemy, a group of people that supports enemies by engaging in espionage or sabotage, an enemy within, the sound of steps when walking on hard ground, noise in general, to beat the drum, an animal that walks on two or four feet, to spread, to creep, to circulate, to flow, thudding sound, living creatures in general etc etc.

This kind of verses have been explained already and they make it very clear that mankind do not depend on divine guidance to begin with to learn how to be sensible people. Once they have learned sense from their life experiences using their God given brains and senses only then guidance from Allah matters otherwise if one gave the book of Allah to a baby, he will only tear its pages and put them in his mouth. So one can see how important it is for mankind to be reasonably knowledgeable enough to be able to understand the book of Allah before they start reading it for its proper understanding.

23) Had Allah found in them beneficial and constructive mindset, attitude and behaviour towards His guidance and mankind then He would have indeed made their heeding to His guidance evident through their actions. Even though He had made sure that His message is delivered to them yet they had turned away and that is the clue that they heard it not.

Guidance from Allah only benefits people who see its need and they can only see its need if they have learned enough from their own life experiences otherwise they are as good as donkeys and monkeys who have no clue what is going on all around them because they have not paid any attention to anything in the outside world, which shows their lack of proper use of their brains and senses. So if people do not use their brains and senses to learn and do things then revelation or no revelation makes no difference. After all things only draw ones attention through senses and rest is up to oneself. Likewise the revelation of Allah only draws attention of people and rest is up to themselves as to how far they wish to explore things. This is why the Quran condemns people as worst than animals who pay no attention to themselves to become self aware and pay no attention to the world in which they live to become aware of it and so they do not make themselves ready to look for further information beyond themselves ie revelation of their creator and sustainer. This is why when their attention is drawn to the message from Allah by anyone, they just ignore it because they have not prepared themselves for receiving the message of their creator and sustainer as it ought to be received. Receiving the message any other way than the way it can serve its purpose is as good as not receiving it at all as explained already. These like verses make stupidity of mullahs obvious who tell people it is up to Allah to choose who to guide and who not to guide and matters not what people do or not do. This is most stupid thing to attribute to Allah because Allah never stops anyone from getting anything one deserves and what makes anyone to deserve anything is ones own effort for it. It is never the case with Allah that he gives anything to anyone not deserving it or that he does not give anything who deserves it. If Allah had set up things that way then nothing could have worked because putting things together in a way they cannot work is not expected of Allah because he repeatedly claims to be wise and draws attention of people to look at how he has put together the universe to work in an organised and regulated way. He tells people repeatedly to use their brains to learn sense to make sense of things. This is why only ignorant, illiterate and uneducated people accept nonsense of mullahs.

24) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, respond properly to the message of Allah and the call of His messenger when he invites you to that which is for giving you a brilliant future, so be aware of the fact that guidance of Allah surely acts as a go-between between environment in which a person exists and his heart and that is why in due course it is He according to whose guidance you will become united as a proper human community.

Word YAHOOL is from root HAA, WOW and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is change that takes place in something in some sense. Also crooked bow, change from one state of existence to another, to separate from other things, barren land, the difference that comes about in something, unevenness, imperfection, present, squint, decline, fall, death, change in environment, environment, atmosphere, surrounding, the dividing factor, partition, obstacle between two things to separate them, dividing line, to cause change in direction of something, to remove or eliminate, impossibility, contradiction, conflict, to have the capacity to do something, the reach, influence, to dig out ones secret, to find something about someone secretly, to have within power, caretaker, looking after, witness, to look at someone sharply, year, to complete a year, to change or alter, to shift, to deviate, to prevent, to screen off, to interpose, to bar, to try, to refer, around, about, circa, power, to plan, to contrive, to extract, to beguile, to deceive, method, circumstance, condition, to separate between, to come between, to cut off from, to intervene, all around, turning away, to move from one place to another, means, way out, solution, overwhelming, overreaching, to fill something with something, to let something take hold over something, to influence, to be influenced etc etc.

Word BAAYEN is from root BAA, YAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to separate things from each other in some sense. Also to make things distinct from each other, severance, division, separation, disconnection, to become divorced, between or in between, among or amongst, middle, to clarify, to declare, to explain, eloquence, to make clear, to bring out into the open, to make manifest, to specify, to itemise, to enunciate, to express oneself clearly, to become known, to become distinct, to become discernible, to discern, to discriminate, to act in a judicious way, to discover, to realise, to become marked out, sure, evident, clear evidence, proof, to become actual reality, to make an idea become a real thing, to actualise hidden potentialities, something enlightening, something that helps guide something, verification, something that shows the way, something that makes something perspicuous, something flagrant, something visible, something decisive, something that helps decide something about something, something that helps sort out things, elucidation, faculty of speaking, faculty of thinking, the ability to express oneself, to announce, clarification, connection or link, bond or relationship etc etc.

Word MAR-I is from root MEEM, RAA and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is something that serves its purpose beautifully or pleasantly. Also humanity, humanitarian, well being of mankind, manhood, courage, pleasantness, man or woman or person, something wholesome and palatable eg food, to be digestible, food passage, digestive tract, a human being, chivalrous, character, generosity of nature, to be humane, something nourishing, a party or family or team or community or nation etc etc.

25) So guard yourselves thereby as a brotherhood of humanity against ways of life that divide you into individuals on basis of personal gains at the expense of each other and think not, harm and destruction in human community only affects those of you who cause it but you too as individuals and families will be dragged into it, so be warned in advance that set-up systems and laws of Allah are strict in holding people to His plan.

This verse delivers to mankind a very important message that it is up to people themselves to make best use of provided guidance of Allah by making their world beautiful and pleasant. By ignoring the provided guidance people can only dig their own graves. However, the effort required of mankind is very demanding for this task, particularly to begin the movement for this goal and then keeping it going despite all problems that individuals will face from each other. However, as momentum is created then things will become easier and easier because opposition will start fading away with time and support will increase so things will accelerate.

26) That is why you should call to mind how He sheltered you when you were a few in numbers and were lacking in power in the world, always worrying in case your enemies take you as their slaves but He sheltered you by helping you through His helpful guidance by making you participate with each other constructively for the well being of each other so that you make proper use of provided sustenance by establishing a kingdom based upon His guidance.

Word AAWAA is from root ALIF, WOW and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something towards which something turns for its protection in some sense. Also a flock of birds that live together because they find security in numbers, to turn towards home for shelter, refer to something that helps one feel secure, to turn towards someone to help or protect, a place wherein something feels secure or protected, shelter, refuge, home, abode, to accommodate, to shelter, to show kindness, to repair, place of retreat, dwelling or abiding in or by, staying, destination etc etc.

The main point made here is the way people can protect themselves against harms and destructions of all sorts, which is living together as a proper human community based upon guidance in the Quran. These verses explain why Allah created this world and why he sent his messages and messengers and what is expected of people and why. Here Allah leaves none in doubt that his responsibility was to provide guidance for mankind and things to fulfil their needs with and to act on that guidance is responsibility of people themselves. Individualism against proper human community is therefore declared dangerous. The community is only proper if it is based upon proper understanding of guidance of Allah not otherwise. The Quran is not interested in justice in sense of people having unjust laws and deciding maters on that basis thereby some who can, take undue advantage of others. Likewise the Quran is not interested in any human society that is not based on the proper understanding of guidance of Allah. In any such society some people who can, are going to oppress and suppress others so disadvantaged individuals are going to be put through a lot of painful suffering. Such societies can only end up in civil strifes in time because some people who are not happy with what is going on are going to rise against the others. So the major point the Quran makes is that be a proper human family that is caring and sharing otherwise you have no right to anything and there is no law in that case for anyone. The Quran does not give users and abusers freedom to use and abuse people by keep telling the people in painful suffering that you should live by law and let the users and abusers use and abuse you. Instead it tells people that if that is the case then you must rise and put an end to such participation of people with each other and bring about a proper human community. Painful suffering and its root causes must be removed at all costs. This is why the need for campaign the Quran advises for coming together and doing something about it. When any people attack humanitarian interests that are made clear in the Quran then people who agree with the message of the Quran must do all they can to put things right.

27) Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Do not betray knowingly set goals and provided guidelines by Allah through His messenger nor violate or breach your trusts in each other as a proper human community for personal gains at the expense of each other knowingly.

Consistency is absolutely necessary if people want to create a blissful, dignified and secure existence for themselves in this world. This means basing community on solid foundation and keeping each other on that foundation always so that set goals could be accomplished and guidelines could be followed properly. If foundation is dodgy then that forces people to think and act accordingly or if people try to take undue advantage of each other then such a human society is doomed from the very start.

28) So be alert always as a proper human community that things you are provided with for your sustenance and people under your care are for your proper management to accomplish His set goals according to His guidelines and that is why it is Allah upon whose guidance rests great outcome for your thoughts and actions.

The guidance from Allah gives one foundation for win, win situation and without that situation always has to be win or lose situation. It is because you either help others or you take undue advantage of others and there is no in between. This is why people can either have a proper human community or they can be rivals and enemies of each other therefore never be a community.

29) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! If you really wanted to be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah for the well being of humanity then He has provided you with a standard in order to prevent you from harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in order to provide you with a way of life to protect yourselves as a proper human community, because upon guidance of Allah alone rests utmost degree of blissful, dignified and secure life for mankind.

People can never establish a kingdom with blissful, dignified and secure existence for themselves unless they base themselves or dwell upon the guidance of Allah and for that they will have to be willing to do so. This willingness cannot come in them unless they use their brains and senses to become aware of themselves and their environment and see what is going on and why and if they see anything wrong in there do they wish to change it? If so what should be the basis for this change and how the change could be effected? So people that think they can change the world for the better without any real basis or without knowing way to do so are living in the imaginary world. This is why the Quran talks about things that people need to be aware of before they could realise them in actual reality.

30) That is why you should call to mind how at the time those who rejected and opposed way of life advised by Allah for the well being of mankind were plotting against you the people to keep you in chains or to keep you down or to keep you out of your rightful place in human society. That is how they conspired to do things their way but Allah planned to do things His way and Allah is best of those who plan things.

It is always plan of rulers, mullahs and money lenders to keep people under their control but message of Allah is all about freeing humanity from chains people bind each other by to take undue advantage of each other for personal gains. This verse explains in a nutshell what Islam is really about to begin with ie a deen and not a mazhab as already explained.

31) So at the time when Our revelations were proclaimed to them, they said, we heard them and if we wished, we too could say things like them because these are just tales of the ancients.

When God reports what a people said or did, the wording must be interpreted in context of the level of information and understanding those people had at the time. So in this verse God is telling us people understood the Quranic text as mere verses telling stories of the past people. They failed to realise purposes behind revelation of these verses and the reported stories. In other words these people took the Quranic message as mere made up stories by story tellers either because they were ignorant or because they were stubborn and arrogant. The foolish people are those who had not yet developed the proper ability for understanding the message to see it in its proper context for its purpose but dominant people are usually arrogant who do not give any importance to anything other than themselves ie they are self centred people. The ignorant need to be educated to a level whereat they could see the message of the Quran for themselves and the arrogant need to be drawn towards the message by ways they are used to looking at things to ensure their dominance. In other words each person needs to be drawn towards the Quran the way one can be. Different people need different approach and once they are drawn towards the Quran then soon they are taken over by the Quran because it is a very powerful message. A ruler can be drawn to the message of the Quran by discussions and debates about rule. A mullah can be drawn to the Quran by discussions and debates over religions and money lender can be drawn towards the Quran by discussions and debates about use of money in human society. In other words people need to be challenged on their views about life in this world and then offered alternatives that work better for human community.

32) That is why at the time they said, O Allah! If this Quran is from You in actual fact then rain down upon us stones from the heavens or afflict us with some dreadful punishment to punish us for refusing to accept this Quran.

Word AMTIR is from root MEEM, TWAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to expose oneself to something to be influenced or affected by it in some sense. Also rain, to hail, to pray for rain, to be steady in ones views, habit, custom, to seek assistance, to cause to pour over, downpour, rain-giving, something that falls upon someone like rain, rain of bundles of problems or troubles or difficulties or calamities or catastrophes, rain that brings prosperity, rain of plentiful or abundance of all kind of things of need or want, rain can prove good as well as bad for people depending upon what happens to people when it rains, rain of arrows or bullets or stones is not same as rain of gifts of nature etc etc.

Word HIJAARAH is from root HAA, JEEM and RAA. As explained already it means obstacle, stoppage, prohibition, partition, structure, building, constitution, law, limitation, restriction, a chamber, a room, stones or pebbles, pebbles stacked up on top of each other, dominant or leading or influential people, milestone, standard, houses, tents, compartments, departments, gold or silver, a very alert or clever person, protection, security, a shelter for camels, people living in mountains, intellect, intelligence, jammed or stagnant societies that stop developing or progressing, difficult terrain etc etc.

This verse shows how people were misled by their rulers, priests and money lenders into believing all sorts of nonsense about God, his messages and his messengers. They thought of God as a tyrant monster who gets angry for no reason and blesses people for no reason. A God who does things without any plan or purpose ie an irrational being. This is why whenever there came a divine messenger to them, they asked him to prove his claim by showing supernatural acts. Since this has been explained already I will simply say that such miracles were never produced by divine messengers to prove their divine authorisation. These people were put up to this by their religious leadership so that they get no such miracles so they believe not any true claimant of divine messengership and remain slaves of their rulers, priests, feudal landlords and moneylenders etc. Miracles do not and cannot prove divine origin of anything because proof is only an explanation of events by a witness in form of a testimony that proves reliable through verifiable evidences. This is why the Quran is a testimonial proof and not a miracle in the sense these ignorant and misled people expected. The point for people to consider is, it is God himself who created people without knowing anything but capable of learning. God cannot get angry with people if they make mistakes during their learning process. So all make belief based doctrines are false and stand no chance against divine truth. In the Quran we can repeatedly see how Allah explains things to help people become sensible instead of getting angry with them due to their foolishness. Problems are only those people who make their decisions on bases of personal gains at the expense of community spirit. Even then their problem is left to community to sort it out by educating itself. If community does not educate itself then that is not fault of God. It is because each person is given brain and senses and all necessities to become aware of oneself and ones environment and things in it and then turn to divine revelation for further guidance for living a better life.

33) But Allah could not leave them to keep suffering the painful torment as a result of their own actions the while you were in their midst delivering His message to help them uplift themselves. Nor is Allah such that, He lets suffer the terrible pain any people while there are among them such as are truly seeking protection through His blissful guidance.

34) But how can guidance of Allah protect them against painful suffering if they themselves are avoiding learning it and put obstacle in the path of movement for establishing the kingdom based upon it therefore they do not support it? Its supporters can only be those who are consistent with its stated goals and guidelines for the well of mankind yet most of them do not learn sense to understand things properly.

To establish a kingdom based upon universal goals of peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and values such as justice, fairness, compassion and brotherhood is not an easy task at all. People need to have a lot of information about a lot of things and need to enable themselves to be able to understand all that before they can really see in which direction they should move and why. In short education based revolution is a very slow process. One only has to think back how long it took humanity to arrive at where it is today from where it all started. This gives mankind idea how many more human generations will pass before humanity is anywhere near establishing true heavenly kingdom in this world. However struggle continues but perhaps people should try establishing such kingdoms here and there at a smaller level to keep things alive. This like verses in the Quran make it absolutely clear that bringing about kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is not a one man thing rather to accomplish such a goal needs cooperation of humanity at least in sufficient numbers.

35) So their social networking against Our provided social structure could not be for anything other than gaining influence over each other to take undue advantage of each other. That is why We say, then suffer the consequences due to your rejection and opposition to Our set goals and provided guidelines.

Word MUKAA-A is from root MEEM, KAAF and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is to make some loud or sharp noise just to gain attention. Also to summon or to direct something or someone by way of some signal or sharp noise to do something, an expression of disapproval, to show contempt, whistle, a sharp high pitch sound or noise, to say something loudly, a certain bird with long whistling sound, buttocks, animal furrows, to wash, to sweat, to perspire, to work long and hard, to suffer much due to misdeed, to excrete, to cause to work excessively, to make one over work and underpay him, to interrogate someone under duress, to extract information under duress, exhaustive labour, aimless endeavour, to worry intensely, to endure anxiously, to wet, to cleanse, to rid of corruption or guilt, purify, to separate constituents by immersion in water, to be carried away by flood water, rump, something lacking proper authority, something having no basis, something lacking foundation, to do something worthless, to utter empty slogans, to make hollow claims, to deceive, to make empty noises, meaningless or purposeless movements, efforts that have no useful objective to accomplish, to gather people around a useless end etc etc.

Word TASDIYAH is from root SWAAD, DAAL and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is meaningless movement. Also echo of a sound, an echo of a sound reflected by a mountain or some object, clapping of hands, noise, meaningless noise, to come before someone, to come face to face, unpleasant sound, to confront someone again and again, to keep coming back to someone or something, to pay attention to something or someone, to refer to something or someone, intense thirst, to become thirsty, to soothe, to coax, to endeavour, human corpse, skull, to accost, to give full attention, to yearn, to crave, to feel the need for, to long for, to encounter, to oppose, to be hostile, to compare things by setting them side by side, to bring things together for examination, to deal with something etc etc.

36) Surely such people as reject and oppose rule based upon guidance of Allah by using whatever they have at their disposal to stop people from the way of life advised by Allah they will spend yet more to try and stop people from the way of life advised by Allah, however in time their that very doing will become a regrettable thing for them because they will become completely overwhelmed by each other by undermining each other for personal gains. That is how those who reject and oppose way of life based upon guidance of Allah will be gathered together by each other into the ditch of fire of hatred due to adopting ways of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other.

The Quran repeatedly tells mankind that only way of life advised by Allah can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community and any other way of life they invent and adopt will only and only lead them to self destruction in due course because people can never have a way of life which is not based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. It is because you can either live for each other or against each other. To live for each other has been told already by Allah and so people cannot reinvent what Allah has already created for them so all they can do is follow what is already there than keep fighting against it and ending up in painful suffering. No wonder so many human beings are so stupid that they are trying to reinvent the wheel. They are keep rejecting the advised way of life by Allah yet keep moving each other in the very same direction, so why not stand still and think what is really going on? Has humanity not freed itself from absolute monarchy? Have they not freed themselves from absolute theocracy? Are they not yet fed up with money based way of life? All this was explained already in the scriptures then had they followed the scriptures then could they not have saved themselves from all this bloodshed and painful suffering? So people can still save themselves from any more bloodshed and painful suffering but are they going to do this? I do not think so going by the record of human history. People say there is no book from God if there was one we will have followed it but that is not really true if we look at human history. The Quran is there telling us about a beautiful way of life and we are not bothered. So all our excuses are just excuses we just want to do things the hard way so Allah will have to wait till we have sorted out things the way we think is right for us. What a funny kind of creatures we human beings are!

37) In order that Allah may separate the people with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against proper human community from the people with beneficial and constructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards human community, He lets people with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires come together as a mass as if piled up on one another and lets them land in the pit of fire of hatred of their own making because they are of those who follow the way of life that lands them in utter destruction.

38) So tell those who reject and oppose rule based upon Our guidance, if they will stop opposing Our advised way of life and instead adopt it from now on, the losses due to their past behaviour will become limited but if they will continue living on basis of personal gains at the expense of each other then let them reflect upon the consequences of similar traditions and practices of people who have passed before them.

This verse makes very clear the way to reconciliation between mankind. The best way is to draw a line under the past and make a new start. One has to note the very important point here and that is basis for reconciliation and new start. It is no longer abiding by old ways of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other but instead abiding by new way of life which means living for each other as a proper human community. This is the way the Quran teaches people about nation building. It is a matter of switching from one way of life to another completely. This is not possible unless a great number of people have been convinced and brought together and are ready to switch over and have the ability to make things work as explained already.

39) However if they persist then campaign against them until they are unable to cause divisions and wars between people on the basis of personal gains anymore and mankind adopt the way of life advised by Allah fully but if they stop and reform then Allah will surely make obvious for them all that they ought to be doing for the well being of people as a proper human community.

40) Yet if they turn their backs on guidance of Allah then be aware that guidance of Allah is surely your supporter, a supporter towards blissful, dignified and secure existence as well as a blissful and dignified protector.

Here the Quran leaves one in no doubt that any people who take humanity forward on basis of common good are the ones who stand on the right spot as far as Allah is concerned. People who hinder unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity are not approved by Allah. Such verses tell people that just saying I am a Muslim is not good enough unless one understand the Quran and becomes truly committed to message of the Quran by acting according to it as per ones own situations and circumstances. First step is proper understanding of the Quran by oneself and then spreading its message to help others understand it properly. Once people become convinced by the message of the Quran then it is up to them to come together to organise and regulate themselves into a community. After that it is only a matter of expanding this organisation till it has enough population in one place to turn it into an exemplary kingdom based upon the Quranic model, so that the rest of the world could see what is best way for them to live their lives by and to adopt it for their own well being.

41) Due to this help of Allah you are made aware that anything of value you come to possess as a proper human community at least one-fifth of it you should keep as reserve as per advice of Allah and rest of it is for the messenger to use it for the proper human community for its individuals such as settled and the newcomers if you are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the program, constitution and law of Allah on the basis of that which We have sent to Our missionary for the day of clear distinction between the way of life based upon guidance of Allah and the way of life people invent and adopt for themselves for the day of opposing factions meeting each other. That is how Allah has setup systems and laws to take care of all affairs relating all things.

This verse is telling mankind very clearly that all that exists belongs to Allah alone and people have his authority only if they use all things as per his advice. Any wrong use of his provision is condemned by Allah again and again. Here the Quran talks about anything mankind get their hands on must be used in community spirit. It is advised here that whatever community has it must keep some part of it as reserved and the rest should be used very sensibly for the well being of the community for its individuals. The decision for that rests with all members of the community because it has to be based upon mutual consultation as to how community wants to use things it has. When people have all they produced before them and have the needs of community before them then they can divide things as will serve the community the best. The Quran does not allow mentality that one could say since I produced this or that therefore it only and only belongs to me. This is due to the fact that man has not created anything at all eg he did not create land or its resources. He is only and only a consumer and for that he has to work and whatever he gets from his work, it does not belong all to him because a lot of work done by nature was due to setting up of things by Allah. Not only that but whatever he has learned in his life time is also commonly accumulated heritage for which ways and means were provided by Allah and the human community. In other words, had humanity not taught man things he has learned to do, one could not do anything at all. Interdependence of mankind is very much obvious because one could not even come to being without those who brought him about. Now if man depends on others for everything he needs then what is wrong if others in return depend on him? This is why one is not thinking right if one has no concern for community and its members ie fellow human beings. This is why any system that kills community spirit and promotes individualism at the expense of community life is not acceptable. It is because once you start excluding people out of your circle of human family then where is at all going to end? Come to think of it, it is not that one is excluding others from his circle but one is in actual fact isolating oneself from the rest of human family. Only a mentally ill person can think like that who needs nobody because if one looks around all people need each other and that is why humanity is a family. The relatives you have also have relatives so this relationship linkage extends to whole human race. This is why it is important to bring people together not drive wedge between them to separate them. This is why the valid criterion is necessary to include or exclude people if we must. The best criterion is only and only that which is offered by the Quran in form of goals and guidelines as explained already. Community is only community if it is there for each other so if community itself oppresses and suppresses its individuals then there is no community because that prevents individuals from developing into useful members of community. This is why a healthy working balance has to be reached and maintained for a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous community and its individuals. This is why it is necessary to have discussions and debates to find out the true and proper way of life for mankind by battling things out between opposing sides. One cannot prove truth by use of force but by use of reason based explanations of things.

42) Behold! You were on the right side of the divide due to your commitment to higher goals but they were on the wrong side of the divide and their commitment was to debasing objectives against you which was harmful and destructive for all of you. Even if you had promised each other to meet each other on the battleground at an agreed time and place yet you will have failed but Allah sought to accomplish what He had planned so that those who still went for path of painful suffering and destruction may do so after clear proof has been placed before them and those who wanted blissful life and bright future may do so after clear proof is placed before them also. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that He is fully aware of all affairs therefore able to guide them properly to blissful, dignified and secure life as a proper human community.

Word UDWAH is from roots AIN, DAAL and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is distant. Also strangers, people separated from each other, faraway place, side or bank or edge, wedge, something shaped like a wedge or used like a wedge or acts like a wedge, to split or force apart, to create animosity, to push people away from each other, enemy, to become lodged or jammed, to fix in place, to squeeze into a limited space, to try to create a space and increase it in something in some sense where there is none by using some idea or thing, unhelpful, troubling, battle trained horses, walk briskly, run, to confront at once, to rise to challenge quickly, transgress, go beyond accepted or agreed limit, to use force in a destructive way, an infection that spreads from one person to another, a person who has no respect for limits, two sides of a valley, to cross from one side to the other, to pass, to infect, calamity, corruption, to boycott, to violate commands, to turn away from, to abandon, to feud with, to treat or take as an enemy, to exchange hostility with, to over step the limits, to assault, to act unlawfully, to commit perjury, to charge or attack or carry out a raid, hostile, aggression or transgression, adversity, opposition etc etc.

Word DUNYAA is from root DAAL, NOON and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is something at hand. Also present, close by or near, lower, world, earth, universe, inhabitants of the earth or world, human race, gift, human society or community, realm or domain, a part of the world, a state of existence, a large amount, much, worldly life, a particular field of knowledge or human activity, something connected to the world in some sense, to be near, to come close, to approach, to bring close, to approximate, this life or this world, to become bare, to behave despicably, a vile person, to draw close, to lower, to cause hang over, to draw over, within easy reach, hanging down, hanging low, nearer or nearest, close or closest, less in distance, less in number, fewer, less in duration, worse, lower or lowest in value or status, more likely, probable, weak, aged, old, worn, hardship, to live in poverty, to cover something with something, to be small, humble, troubling, secular, non-religious, worldly wise, people or human world etc etc.

Word RAKBU is from root RAA, KAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is the ways and means used to arrive where one has to be. Also mount, to mount, to ride, to board, a travelling group, caravan, boat, to accumulate, to stack up, complex, to commit, knee, to injure ones knee, to progress or develop, to move on or upward, to compose, to put together, to stack up on top of one another, to cluster, to be in rows, travelling party, a group of travelling camel riders, something upon which depends ones survival, ways and means of survival, ways and means used to survive, things that helped mankind to come to existence and carry on living, human beings rode on many things to be in existence today, to be carried or conveyed as in a vehicle or on a horseback, to travel over a surface, to move by way of an intangible force or impetus, to seem to float, to be contingent, to depend upon something for some purpose, to be supported by or carried by, to tease or ridicule, a means of transportation, to deceive or swindle, to have sexual intercourse, to copulate, to be confident, to be successful, to rise, a means or system of transportation, to stack one thing on top of another, to make one thing depend on another, evolutionary mechanisms whereby mankind evolved in stages biologically and psychologically and sociologically etc etc.

Word ASFAL is from root SEEN, FAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is something very basic. Also simple, low in status, humble, to be lowest of the low, debased, disgraced, low class, a terrible state of existence, humiliation, to be low, to go low, to be base, to be vile, lower part of an object, low or lowest position, abject, dilapidated, shrivelled, vanquished etc etc.

The divide between mankind on the basis of how groups of people wish to live their lives is a very serious one and has been there always so all groups have been fighting over things always verbally as well as with weapons. A divine messenger comes with messages from his creator and sustainer telling all in his jurisdiction to turn to a way of life advised by God because it can ensure their well being as a proper human community. People with vested interest oppose the message and the messenger and if matter is not resolved by education and learning then people try to sort things out by wars. It is result of some people setting up a way of life that gives them domination over others and others when they get opportunity fight for their freedom from this situation that is imposed upon them. God always wanted people to educate themselves and solve all problems between them through reason based discussion and debates or dialogues. However, people who live like animals do things as they see fit for themselves so fights and wars between factions will continue till mankind have learned to get along with each other as a brotherhood of humanity.

43) Remember, in your thoughts Allah made them appear to you very limited in their objectives and the supportive arguments, had He shown them to you widely aware then you will have surely lost courage and instead you will have quarrelled even among yourselves about this matter and that is how Allah helped you win peace because He makes evident the very motives in minds of people through results of their own actions.

Word FASHIL is from root FAA, SHEEN and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is something that appears to be frail in some sense. Also not of substance, something that cannot stand to reason, something that has no basis, weak, lazy, faint hearted, cowardly, to lose heart, to fail, to weaken, to give up, lose hope, unsuccessful, despair, to be soft, to be on the wrong side of the law, left hand or left-handed, running of water etc etc.

Word TANAAZA is from root NOON, ZAA and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to pull out something from its proper place and put it in a different place where it does not belong. Also differ, dispute, fight, argue, displace, to move something from its place, to separate, to pull something out of its place, to move away, something that comes off its place, to stop from doing something, to pull off ones clothes, to cause one to take off ones clothes, to take something out of something by pulling, campaigning party, revolutionary movement, to take away something of something, to offer something to someone, to refuse to take the offer, to strip off, to pull at, to incline, an archer, to take after, to walk briskly, to strive, to desire, to exchange, controversy, to take out, to remove, to withdraw, to abolish, to take away, to sweep away, to tear away, to uproot, to peel off, to select, to choose, to draw, to pluck out, to root out, to contend with, to be at variance with one another, to debate an issue, to differ with one another, to discuss, to pass something around in a friendly manner, to discard, one which resolutely tears away etc etc.

44) So at the time when you locked them in the battle of wits He exposed them to you as a people weak in objectives and arguments before your very eyes whereas He saw them taking you as merely an ill equipped minority in their eyes yet Allah let the truth about His plan be established through that very party because ultimately only according to set-up systems and laws of Allah all plans find their fulfilment.

Word YUFALLI is from root ALIF, FAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is something that is considered insignificant. Also something negligible, something not worth considering, something weak, something that fades away or disappears, setting or disappearance of bright or visible stars, to decrease in importance or value or usefulness, to be absent, to go away, to disappear, to set, that which sets, something lacking in something, defective, incomplete, someone weak in intelligence, a person of unsound mind, a person who keeps changing his mind about something due to lack of full knowledge about it, setting of moon, to be or become small, to become unclear to see or become dim or foggy or misty or hazy, anything that changes in some sense etc etc.

45) Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! When you are facing the opposition you should be firmly grounded in your thoughts and actions, that is how you should strive to spread the message of Allah widely so that you could end up successful in your given mission.

46) That is how you should be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah along with His messenger and never argue with one another baselessly about the mission that unites you because you will disintegrate as a proper human community and weaken your strength that way therefore instead show endurance and persistence in pursuing set out objectives according to provided guidelines because guidance of Allah supports those who take steps steadfastly but sensibly towards the set goals.

These verses are telling people that to begin with they must be sure within themselves about their cause that it is worth taking up or supporting. Once they know this for sure then they must unite and organise properly before taking on the opposition. Otherwise if they have doubts about their cause due to being ignorant, illiterate and uneducated and go forth disorganised then instead of confronting opposition, people will start arguing or fighting among themselves. Confusion and chaos does not lead to any worthwhile outcome. It must be remembered that in the surahs already studied we have seen how much emphasis the Quran put on proper education and training of people and all because everything depends on how good are the people who are given the task to carry out. There is no point in repeating all that here again. So people who think they can win people over to cause of better world without studying things in detail and helping others to do the same are living dream world of ignorance. These like verses also tell us how good are the mullahs for the ummah when it comes to education of people of this ummah. The very state of existence of ummah should make that clear as to what mullahs have been up to for all these centuries. They have done exactly what Allah told them not to do ie they neglected proper study of the universe and the Quran and got ummah involved in make beliefs and rituals and that led to so many divisions and infighting. This is why ummah ended up in the state that it has. If members of the ummah want to regain their rightful place in the world then they must put mullahs out of business by learning the message of Allah for its proper understanding by themselves.

47) So do not be like those who come forth from their premises in disarray and confused to try and impress people and that way they intend to stop others from the way of life advised by Allah because they keep themselves unaware of the fact that Allah has all their plans and moves well under control.

Word BATARAA is from root BAA, TWAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to try to undermine others through show of power and wealth. Also to tear up, to rip apart, to cause division, to try to dominate others by undermining them, to be proud or arrogant, veterinary doctor, a person who provides medical care for domesticated animals, veterinary surgeon, to fail to appreciate others, to slash, to be conceited, to fail to show gratitude, to exult by reason of wealth or power, the one who unrealistically thinks very high of oneself, over estimation of oneself, one who lacks respect for others, one who unduly has very low opinion about others in comparison to oneself, deluded, confused, the one who lacks composition and organisation due to confusion etc etc.

48) Behold! At the time to begin with the leading opponent of the way of life advised by Allah made their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions attractive to them saying, none of these people can overcome you this day because I am with you. However when both the opponent parties came face to face with each other to battle out for the superiority of their ways of life, he said to his supporters, I am no longer with you because I can now see the truth which you may not therefore I am now concerned for the success of the mission of Allah because set-up systems and laws of Allah hold mankind strictly to His plan.

Word JAAR is from root JEEM, WOW and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to turn aside from the proper path. Also to become unjust, to inflict harm or destruction, to oppress and suppress, neighbour, to be neighbourly, to be helpful, supporter, helper, to be with something or someone, to give refuge, to shelter, to protect, to take over, to take under control or care, to guard, adjacent, to seek refuge, spouse, protg, to veer away, to tilt, to deviate, injustice, to dwell in the neighbourhood of, to be or become adjacent to, to grant asylum or sanctuary, to protect against something or someone, going the wrong way, straying away, side by side, next to one another, bordering on one another, withion easy reach of one another etc etc.

When people have no knowledge about divine mission they think it is just a conspiracy by someone against their way of life therefore easy to defeat but when they come across people who really know about the mission and can explained it in detail, they find it fully secure from all sides and fail to succeed in their attacks against it. People usually have wrong opinions about deen of Allah because their rulers, money lenders and priests tell them all sorts of invented stories in order to keep their positions of power secure. However, things do not take long when leadership or masses or both find out the truth and therefore repent and reform and become part of proper human community. Each and every messenger of Allah after receiving the message from Allah entered dialogue with leadership of his people as well as the masses and managed to convince a lot of people and established a proper human community. Any leaders and people who opposed him ended up destroyed in due course due to following the ways of life they were told not to because that is where they will end up in due course. In surahs to come we will those stories and we have already seen some as well. There are plenty of lesson for mankind in these stories to learn from and make adjustments to ways of life they have adopted so that they do not end up destroyed and instead make their world a beautiful place for themselves as a proper human communities. In this verse the Quran calls any such person SHAAITAAN who hypes up any people against the advised way of life by Allah, however even a shaitaan can repent and reform once truth becomes obvious to him or her. In other words shaaitaan in this context is a harmful and destructive person but soon he turns into a helpful and constructive person. So learning knowledge about the universe and the revelation of Allah makes a lot of difference and this is why members of Muslim ummah must learn things themselves and help educate others and that will bring about the better world the mankind are longing for through unity of mankind on solid foundations.

49) Before testing the strength of their ways of life against Our advised way of life at the time the hypocrites and those who had harmful and destructive designs in their minds were saying to each other about followers of the Quran, their ideology for living their lives has misled them. However after finding out the truth for themselves they realised that anyone who relies upon setup universal systems and laws of Allah will find Allah a mighty wise ruler of this universe.

Here the Quran is telling people about some peoples wrong approach to divine program, constitution and law. That is instead of assumption that the Quran is word of God and then scrutinizing it for its truth as per its declared purpose they assume that it is not word of God and then without having any sense about it they just attack it. This is like telling a person who claims to be a witness to an event, you are not a witness and we are not going to pay any attention to your testimony. This means people fail to give benefit of the doubt to the claimant which is not right way to approach the case. The clear argument is that none can negate existence of God because to negate existence of God one has to be capable of knowing for sure that there is no God. Since no creature is that capable therefore to say there is no God cannot be right way of approaching this matter. This is why if anyone claims that I can explain whether there is God or not then that person must be listened to just in case he has found the answer to this question. This is why reading the scriptures becomes absolutely necessary if the scriptures are claimed to be divine testimonies, however if there are sure contradictions between scriptures then not all scriptures can be accepted true but if any of them proves true then that scripture can be used as a criterion to sift through information in other scriptures as well and that is how wrong statements can be identified and disregarded. This is why the Quran tells mankind that it confirms messages of Allah that came before it but at the same time it acts as criterion for quality control for them. To disregard each and every scripture is only proper if no scriptural text in its own context makes proper sense as per its claimed purpose. It cannot be justified to disregard any scripture just because one found some mistakes in its translations or interpretations.

That is because educated people know how scriptures have been misused by rulers, their priest and moneylenders to control, use and abuse masses in the name of God. The misinterpretations and misrepresentations are clearly obvious to those who educate themselves about rules of wisdoms. It is because if a word or verse can be interpreted in a sensible way then to interpret it in a way that renders it senseless is not justified. The basic rules for judging the truth from falsehood are not baseless opinions of people but unanimously accepted criterion therefore majority or minority of people makes no difference when it comes to judging the truth by them. It is rule of logic that if we have two exact opposite statements then both cannot be true. Now if all people claim, no, this rule is false, the rule remains true. The same is true about the rule that so long as something can be explained properly so that it makes sense or the explanation works then trying to explain it the way it makes no sense and does not work is not right approach. If people do not accept certain rules as absolutely true, people cannot solve any problem at all. They must start from somewhere and make some basic or foundational assumption or supposition and then build on that and keep building on it so long as it keeps working. At the point it stops working only then one has to look for alternative. This is how we learned to use our brains and senses. We did something and got it wrong and tried against and again till we succeeded and that is how we built a picture of our life time experiences. As soon as we give up trying that is the end of our existence. So all allegedly divine testimonies deserve a decent hearing, if we do not give them fair hearing or disregard them then that leaves us nowhere. However it is not an easy task and that is why discussions and debates to help each other learn and clear any problems are necessary. This is why God gave us books to educate us to be real human beings rather than acting like worst than animals. The Quran repeatedly tells mankind to look at universal setup systems and the laws according to which the world works but why? Because they bear evidences that God is a mighty wise ruler and by following his appointed way of life humanity can also function nicely. Since the Quran points out to us such ideas, it cannot be work of humans. It is because humans were not clever enough even to realise these things so how could they write about these things? Moreover people try to hide information from each other due to rivalries and animosities because they do not want their rivals to become clever but scriptures are open knowledge for all to learn from.

50) And if you could imagine the time when those who oppose installation of rule based upon Our guidance are delivered fully the results of their own harmful and destructive actions and the people on mission who strive for establishing kingdom based upon His guidance confront their leaders as well as their supporters saying, taste the result of the fire of hatred you have created and spread among yourselves.

This verse is telling a community of people who have become totally unreasonable a very important point which is verification of what people are told will happen in due course ie as time goes on and people carry on living the way they live based on rivalry and animosity the time will come when oppression and suppression, injustice and unfairness will increase hatred between people that will peak and there will no longer be any tolerance between people due to complete breakdown of community spirit and so a situation will arrive that people will either have to accept the way of life as proposed by the Quran or they will perish by hands of each other. At that time those who warn them through the Quran will confront leaders and supporters of such people that the way of life you followed has finally brought you where we told you, you will end up so there you are. Has the Quran therefore proved right or wrong? Looking back in history we should ask ourselves, why people have been changing the ruling systems throughout the world? It is precisely because they did not work and the reason was they were all based on power struggle between rulers, priests and moneylenders on one side and masses on the other. Each time a system saturated it created widespread suffering and so masses reacted and some power was taken away by masses from their opponents. Some people were sensible enough to see the change coming so they saved themselves by putting forward something better than what was already there which made life tolerable for masses to some degree so they were saved from total destruction but others who were too stupid perished by killing each other. Likewise when the prophet delivered the message from God, some people were sensible enough to see things but others ended up destroyed due to their foolishness. God fulfilled his responsibility and his messengers and missionaries did their duties but if people have no sense, who can stop them from going about their daily life the wrong way? This is why the Quranic message is only for those who are mentally alert or alive, mentally dead individuals and nations have no future. The Quran is not about doctored indoctrination of make beliefs and rituals or religious life but about a program for a comprehensive way of life that leads mankind to peaceful, progressive and prosperous life in this world. If people succeed in this life only then they will have a better future life because then they will have proven that they deserve it by their works. So those who fail will have only themselves to blame which will lead them to all sorts of worries and regrets.

51) This terrible situation you brought upon yourselves by your own courses of actions because universal systems and laws setup by Allah never deliver wrong results to any people.

52) The same thing happened to people of Pharaoh and to those that had gone before them. They also opposed the goals and the guidelines of Allah and victimised their people so Allah found them caught in their own mutual destruction. Surely Allah is mighty and strict in keeping mankind to His plan.

53) All that happened because Allah never changes the blissful state of existence which He has bestowed on a people due to their following of His set goals according to His provided guidelines until they themselves change their state of existence for the worst by falling away from His goals and guidelines and that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that His advice is comprehensive and should be adhered to faithfully.

54) This very same law of consequences was applied to the people of Pharaoh and those who have gone before them, they rejected and opposed the set goals and guidelines of their Creator and Sustainer so We caught them in due course in the process of their mutual destruction because they did terrible things to each other as a whole nation.

55) This is why the most harmful and destructive people in the sight of Allah are those who reject and oppose His advised way of life because they do not want to commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

56) Such as those who make peace treaties with you and time after time violate their treaties and do not become consistent with guidance of Allah for the well being of humanity.

57) For that reason if you decide to counter them by declaring war against them then defeat them decisively making an example of them for others who may be thinking of following their example of aggression so that they all may learn a good lesson.

Word TASQAF is from root SAA, QAAF and FAA. Concrete meaning of this word is to straighten something that is crooked. Also to put into correct shape, to catch something doing something, to come upon, to catch in the act, to gain mastery over, to counter, to teach a lesson, to respond, to meet, to come across, to decide a response, to do battle with, to confront, to overcome, to gain advantage over, to defeat, to capture, to become aware of, to become alert, to find out something about something in time, to find out something through expertise, to declare war, to fight, a capable person, to locate, to dispute, to overtake, to gain the upper hand, to be found, to be overcome, to be caught etc etc.

Word SHARRID is from root SHEEN, RAA and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to get a fright and run away. Also deter, deterrent, to make an example of, to deal with someone who does something harmful or destructive in such a way that others seeing and hearing about it do not think of doing the same thing, to frightened someone to him or her from doing something, rebuke, to jump and run away as a result of a frightening encounter, to bolt, to lose, to roam, to go astray, to disperse, to scatter, to be absent minded, to be forgetful, to make someone forgetful, to make someone forget about doing something etc etc.

58) Also if you have certain information concerning any of the factions with whom you have any peace treaty for committing treachery then you should end the peace treaty with them before you decide to declare war on them because guidance of Allah supports not a people who keep not to their words.

This verse tells people how to fight with those who prove to be untrustworthy because they conspire to undermine the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah by using all sorts of tricks and mechanisms at their disposal. The idea is to never enter peace treaty with people who are clearly not worth it unless they can assure they will uphold it. Other people are to be given opportunities and chances on basis of benefit of the doubt. However if any people prove to be up to no good then the peace treaty must be thrown back at their faces and from then on they should be dealt with appropriately ie a fitting response becomes necessary. This verse shows that a properly established kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is not free to attack at will and at random even those who prove to be treacherous if peace treaty is in place. Even in case of declaration of war a proper procedure is to be followed, which is to end peace treaty first and then respond to any future attack by the enemy as deemed necessary. If attack is decided then it has to be decisive enough that breaks the capability of the enemy to attack again. However, when there is no properly established kingdom based upon guidance of Allah even then ummah must become a properly organised and regulated united community and take steps to ensure its survival, peace, progress and prosperity as a people and struggle hard to establish the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. It is because the very first step is to do all one can to get support of people for the Quran based way of life by spreading the message and then organise and regulate people who come together on that basis into a proper human community. Then keep expanding the community till the kingdom comes about and then maintain the kingdom. When ummah becomes more and more powerful in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah then rules become stricter and stricter because ummah must ensure it is not stepping outside the guidance of Allah at any time but when there is no kingdom based upon guidance of Allah then ummah is in a weaker state of its existence therefore lesser and lesser rules apply due to its lack of control over things. Mullahs apply same rules to ummah under all circumstances and in all situations thereby limit chances of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of ummah. It is because if you try to impose restrictions when you are already limited by other communities then you are only strangling yourselves out of existence. The main problem with mullahs is their stupidity in turning ummah into a religious community and leaving it disorganised and unregulated therefore ummah has become a jumble of useless people. If people want to see a better world then the Quranic way of life has to become the worldwide way of life therefore people must come together and organise and regulate themselves as a proper human community that is capable of taking care of all its members in every way. Only then expansion can result in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Otherwise confused mindset, attitude and behaviour of a random crowd of people is not going to deliver anything because it simply cannot.

59) So that you do not let rejecters and opponents of Our advised way of life for mankind assume that by their tricks and mechanisms they can overcome those who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, surely they can never succeed in stopping them from accomplishing their set goals.

60) However keep ready against them all kind of force you can including a fighting force that you can muster whereby you could deter these like enemies of goals and guidelines of Allah as well as enemies of your brotherhood based upon them from attacking you as well as others besides them about whom you are not aware but Allah makes you aware. Remember that you do not use anything for actualising the way of life advised by Allah but full outcome will be received by you people because you will not be treated using unjust and unfair laws in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah.

This verse should leave one in no doubt that the Quran requires those who claim to follow it to be fully prepared for all kind of eventualities and particularly be ready for defending the proper human community and the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. This preparation has to be to such degree that enemies of the kingdom fear attacking it. However, this force is never to be used for aggression or transgression. The whole point is to understand properly and deliver message of Allah to his human creatures faithfully and let people decide for themselves whether they want to be part of the proper human community or remain in painful suffering due to living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. The message of the Quran is clear ie putting trust in goals and guidelines of Allah and doing all one can to accomplish them. This is what being a true Muslim means in the Quranic context. It does not mean blind faith in make beliefs and carrying out useless rituals thereby wasting human resource and achieving nothing beyond imaginary salvation and forgiveness. Crimes are those acts which are done against commandments of Allah and commands of Allah are determined by set out goals and guidelines of Allah. For example, if the Quran has set a goal for humanity to spread peace throughout the world then anything done that does not lead to that outcome cannot be commandment of Allah nor its following a good deed because the outcome out that doing is not peace in the world. This is why sitting on prayer mat and praising God is not an act of piety but learning his message and spreading is act of piety or a good deed, why? Because it leads a step closer to set goal of Allah. Likewise Allah has set a goal for mankind to feed humanity through organising and regulating human population for production and distribution therefore doing that is act of piety and not sitting idle and praising the Lord or in wasting time in carrying out many other rituals people have invented by themselves to please Allah. This is why Islam is all about following commandments of Allah and they are about things that are useful for mankind themselves because they help them solve their problems of living and life. This clearly distinguishes between deen and mazhab. In fact this verse proves beyond a shadow of doubt religions are invented by mullahs to derail people from deen of Allah so that way is cleared for masters of mullahs to use and abuse people at will. This is why mullahs are Satans who misinterpret and misrepresent message of Allah and thereby lead mankind to life of painful suffering. They are more dangerous than any animal because they are wolves in sheep clothing. If Allah wanted people to be religious then where does having worldly forces come into it or getting involved in politics and economic? It is because religion cannot be anything other than praying to God and praising God. Praying to God for supernatural fulfilment of needs and wants praising God to please him to bribe him to get what people need and want of him. What a terribly disrespectful bundle of thoughts to have about our Creator and Sustainer? This is not praising God but disrespecting. Even ones parents will be offended if their children thought of them this way. This is how mullahs make fair seeming in the eyes of ignorant people terrible acts in the very name of God and no wonder God calls such people less than donkeys and monkeys because they happily follow invented beliefs and useless rituals instead of using their God given brains and senses properly.

61) Nonetheless if these enemies of guidance of Allah and proper human community incline towards peace then accept their offer but always remain on your guard by relying upon setup system and laws of Allah. That is how He makes obvious to mankind that He is comprehensive in His advice for them.

The Quran repeats the idea about relying on Allah which means doing things as they should be done in this world ie keep an eye on things and do what is needed to be done. It does not mean just say I trust in Allah and go to sleep and thus give opportunity to enemies to get you while you are asleep. This world works according to setup systems and operates according to some laws so do things keeping this in mind always. It is not a good idea to leave your camel, horse or donkey loose and go to sleep then expect it will be there when you wake up just because you prayed to Allah that your donkey be there when you wake up. You tie your animal securely and go to sleep and then hope that it will be there when you wake up that is what the Quran calls TAWAKAL ALALLAH or trust in Allah. It is because this world is based on cause and effect. If you do not build your house wall strong and put heavy roof on it, it is going to come down on you while you are asleep. This is why when your enemies say they are your friends dont lower your guard straightaway but stay alert and let them build trust over a period of time by doing things they should be doing for this purpose. Once you have the confidence that you can trust the people only then you lower your guard completely.

62) But should any people intend to deceive you then setup universal systems and laws of Allah should be relied upon by you. He is the One Who has strengthened you thereby with those who have committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind

People who join community soon prove themselves if they are brothers in deen or enemies because they will make clear difference in the community either in a positive way or negative way. It is because ummah is suppose to be a very closely knit community so people soon find out one is helpful or hindrance. It is very much likely that a person even if joins the proper human community with harmful and destructive intentions will soon find that he is truly part of this community because life based upon guidance of Allah is in itself is sufficient to undermine all negative thoughts if a person studied it having sense how do to it. The only point ummah must be careful about is not to open flood gate to humanity at once to enter the kingdom because if it over burdens itself with more people than it can handle at any time then it will be swamped and thereby destroyed. This is why it must only allow as many people in the kingdom at any one time as many it can cope with and once they are being absorbed then let more in and that is how it should expand continuously little by little. The best way for helping people is to help them where they are by sending teachers to them to help them organise and regulate themselves into proper human communities. Once people are up to required Quranic standard then borders can opened between kingdoms. This idea was not followed by ummah after the death of the final messenger of Allah and that is why kingdom based upon guidance of Allah that he left behind came tumbling down. As they helped people gain their freedom from their oppressive and repressive rulers they let them join the main kingdom without thinking about the way prophet taught them to integrate them in the new community properly. Ummah always needs to remember that people you free from and whom you free them from do not look at things the same way. The looser always look for opportunities to get back at you if they can and particularly if you do not enter dialogue with them to help them change their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. Failing to pay proper attention to rulers and ruled for preparing them for integration properly after people have been freed has terrible consequences which showed up in form of crumbling of kingdom based upon guidance of Allah after the prophet of Islam. Ummah is still not free of civil wars that started since then because it gradually lost more and more ground by falling away from deen into mazhab therefore it is ridden with sects that are thirsty for blood of each other always. This situation has been kept in place by rulers, mullahs and money lenders who claim to be followers of the Quran. One can hardly tell the difference between the way of life adopted by these so called Muslims and those whom they call kufaar=rejecters and opponents of Islam.

63) by inspiring sense of brotherhood in their minds. If you had spent all that which is in the earth even then you could not have united their minds this way nonetheless Allah has united them through His blissful, dignifying and secure life giving guidance because He is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of universe.

These verses leave one in no doubt what Allah expects of mankind and how they should deal with each other both when there is peace and when there is war situation.

64) O prophet! Surely universal setup systems and laws of Allah are sufficient to rely upon for you and for those who support you of those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

65) O Prophet! Rouse those who claim to have committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to prepare themselves fully for war. They should train to such degree that if there are twenty fully trained among you then they should be able to vanquish two hundred and if there are one hundred they should be able to overcome one thousand of those who oppose Our advised way of life for mankind because they are enemies of proper human community as they are a people who lack the sense of brotherhood and sacrifice for the good of each other.

When a person is fully convinced that one has a worthwhile cause to fight for, the size of task or number of opponents matters not. Because it is cause in which people have full confidence that wins the war not just number of people. The war does not have to be physical fighting using arms but mental as well for winning hearts and minds of opponents. This is why this Surah starts with mental arguments for convincing the other side but ends up on actual war and how to win it if all else does not work. If one really thinks about it, it is all about fighting crime against God and humanity on basis of advice of Allah. Here we are talking about antisocial elements among us human beings. To tackle them community needs to be powerful enough to stop them in their track. This is why war are fighting crime is not possible if a people as a community are ill prepared. Also everything involved must be proper because if a community is based on oppression and suppression, injustice and unfairness then this in itself is a crime both against God and humanity and there is no way to fight and win against a people who fight against such ideology its systems, structures, procedures and practices. It is not fault of God or followers of his advice if any people decide to remain ignorant and live like animals and in doing so treat others as beasts of burden and cause them troubles. Such people only understand power of sword because that is what they live by so any person who accepts message of Allah must avail oneself for full training of war in case one is needed for fighting off such people who do not stop attacking people who live by commitment to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. Sometimes surgery is the last resort if a diseased limb cannot be cured any other way. Likewise human beings who refuse to live as proper human beings when opportunities are availed to them and they are determined to harm and destroy human community then they should be eliminated.

66) Just now as things are Allah is informing you that you are not well prepared for wars because there are individuals among you who are weak in their knowledge and fighting skills yet as things stand if there are one hundred good fighters among you, they should be able to vanquish two hundred and if there are one thousand, they should be able to overcome two thousand because that is the declared plan of Allah for you and the set-up systems and laws of Allah back those who steadfast and consistent with His guidance and each other.

The point made here is that when there is a war then even if all people are not fully prepared yet if some of them are then still war can be won due to those who are well prepared. That is because they can use people and resources in a way they can be effective in defeating the enemy. In other words in any such case leadership has to be capable of using its following and resources sensibly. This is why a community must choose leaders who have the ability to carry out the leadership responsibilities fully. The task of leadership is to prepare their supporter and followers to bring them up to the standard required for the task ahead. It is important that a doctor is a good doctor, a farmer is a good farmer, a road sweeper is a good road sweeper, a judge is a good judge, a teacher is good teacher etc etc. Can one see here that Quran is not a book of religious nonsense but a book for guidance of mankind as to how to live in this world properly. The Quran does not tell people to sit on prayer mat and start praying when enemies are attacking you in any way. Instead it tells people to prepare long before the actual situation arises. So people who think piety is all about praying day and night are fully exposed by the Quran for their stupidity and mullahs are on top of the list of such stupid people. This is why ummah must get rid of such people who tell them the Quran is book of mazhab instead of deen. Here the Quran defines very clearly who the proper followers of the Quran are or can be. Not rulers, mullahs, money lenders, their touts and supporters. All these can only and only cause fractures in ummah in different ways for their personal gains at the expense proper human community or ummah.

67) However remember that it is never fitting for a prophet to wage wars to make people his slaves or to cause aimless bloodshed in the land. You the mankind decide to go for personal gains at the expense of each other based on your short sightedness whereas Allah has decided to give you brilliant future as a proper human community because Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of the universe.

Word ASRAA is from roots ALIF, SEEN and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is a piece of string with which someone ties something. Also an obstacle, a stoppage or blockage, to take prisoner, the kind of thing something is, the nature of the creature existing being, to be strong and stable, to anchor, to provide with foundation or base to rest upon, inter-linkage between things to keep them together, some sort of bond or relationship that ties thing together, strength, stability or durability, shield, shackles, bondage, to capture, captive, a family of things or a community or a network of people or a group of things or people, a team, a people who work together as one, parts that make something whole, limbs, physique, body structure, a prisoner of war, build, bodily structure, constitution etc etc.

Word HATTAA is from root HAA, TAA, TAA and YAA. It is a word that is used as a particle in the speech in sense of a preposition, conjunction and exception etc. Therefore it has many meanings eg until, to the point of, up to, as far as, in order that, so that, in order to, unless, and, or, nonetheless, however, but, in other words, except, rather, instead, save, therefore, for that reason, that is why etc etc.

Word YUSKHIN is from root SAA, KHAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is a liquid that becomes so thick for some reason that it does not flow. Also something thick, something solid and heavy, to shed blood heavily, to inflict heavy blood loss, to inflict fatal injury, to overcome, to overwhelm, to take control of something, to bring under control, something that is so heavy that it cannot move, heavy fighting during a war, to counter the attackers in such a way that they become unable to attack in future, to inflict such an injury on the enemy that it become disabled, a person who movement is restricted due to carrying weapons, an unarmed person who is disable from movement due to fear, something or someone not free to move about due to some reason, something heavy, something burdensome etc etc.

68) Had it not been for the written down plan of Allah to guide you people then you will have experienced painful suffering due to what you were caught in, that is inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other.

69) Because you have guidance that is why you should participate in that which is productive for you therefore lawful and beneficial, so you should be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah for the well being of mankind as a proper human community. Surely Allah offers secure existence for mankind through His blissful and dignifying program.

70) O Prophet! Tell those under your leadership in your care of those with limited capabilities that if Allah finds improvement in your mindsets, attitudes and behaviours due to His message then He will give you even better than what you have been found with and secure you from all kinds of harms people inflict upon each other, for guidance of Allah protects mankind from harms and destructions through His blissful and dignifying program, constitution and law.

71) However if they still have treacherous designs against you after you have set them free from ignorance, illiteracy, lack of education, rivalry and animosity then that will not be anything new they have already demonstrated deception to Allah and humanity that is why He gave them under your care for reformation so let them go when they are ready so that they may demonstrate if they have mended their ways. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that He is the wise ruler of the kingdom of the universe.

These verses make many points very clear for mankind to think about. In this surah, it is made very clear that so long as people will live by any other way of life than advised by Allah they can never be free of living for personal gains at the expense of each other. If they will do that then they can never come out of rivalries and animosities and the end result is always going to be mutual destruction of such people by hands of each other. The Quran sets goals like blissful and dignified as well as secure life in kingdoms based upon guidance of Allah. It wants people to become a proper human community that reaches heights of excellence and is not just fully self sufficient but is capable of taking care of much more than itself. This human community has to be most powerful community in this world that is capable of reaching the stars literally as already explained. Looking at what the Quran wants out of its followers and where mullahs of this ummah are leading it makes no sense. It is because mullahs are leading this ummah in the opposite direction of the Quran. The Quran wants its followers to be united and mullahs have caused so many divisions among those who say they are followers of the Quran. The Quran wants its followers to establish peace in the world yet people who claim to follow Quran are busy fighting each other. The Quran wants its followers to develop and be progressive but mullahs are turning ummah stagnant and worse regressive. The Quran wants ummah to be prosperous yet mullahs have turned it into poverty stricken people. The Quran wanted its followers to be a brotherhood but these people are worst enemies thanks to mullahs and so the list goes on and on. If mullahs are stupid at least people should learn sense and not follow these stupid mullahs. No matter what Allah does not change status of a people for the better unless they work hard for it. Ambitions and wishes can only come true if people work hard to realise and actualise them and that is the way set-up systems and laws of Allah work in this universe and that is what this book called the Quran explains.

72) As for those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and migrated mentally and physically and made efforts for establishing the way of life advised by Allah with whatever they have and their persons as well as those who helped them, giving them asylum and support are indeed the true supporters of one another. As to those who declared commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind yet emigrated not mentally and physically, you are under no obligation to protect them until they emigrate but it is your obligation to help them if they are oppressed by any other people in matters of their legal rights except against a people with whom you have a treaty and they have accepted to live under their rule. Surely Allah is aware of all that you do to each other or for each other.

Physical migration is moving from one place to another and mental migration is moving from one ideology to another. Sometimes people need to do one or the other and sometimes both and sometime neither. Depending upon where one stands mentally and physically already. If one is in the right place already then one does not need to migrate and likewise if one is already on the right ideology then one does not need to shift otherwise one must to ensure personal safety and security as well as well being.

73) As to those who reject and oppose rule based upon Our guidance they support each other against it. So if you too will fail to do as told then there will be wars in your world and great corruption and destruction for you the mankind.

74) Those who have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and migrated mentally and physically and made efforts in the way of installing the rule based upon guidance of Allah and those who gave them asylum and support, they are the true supporters of Our guidance. They will in time have freedom from all ills and honourable provisions once the kingdom based upon Our guidance becomes fully established in the land.

75) Those who committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind afterwards and migrated mentally and physically and joined you in your ideological struggle to establish the rule of Allah according to His program, constitution and law, they too are your brethren just like people bound by kith and kin relationships with each other according to the book of Allah. Indeed with Allah rests the responsibility of making all things essential obvious for mankind.

This Surah covers a lot of ground from start to finish in nation building process. However, what happens after a community is set up and has sorted out its internal problems? The focus shifts to outside world so the question arises, how to deal with external problems that are caused by people of other communities, nations or countries etc? This is part of next Surah. So far one can see how consistent the text of the Quran is in its own context. A text that mullahs have rendered senseless by their translations and interpretations that lack consistency or purpose. They have attributed all sorts of nonsense to the Quran for their personal agendas. The very same has been done to books of Hadith. This work can help people a great deal to make sense of Hadith texts as well. This does not mean there are no false reports in Hadith at all but not as many as mullahs will have us believe. Most Hadith appear false because they have been misinterpreted and misrepresented by mullahs due to their lack of understanding of their language. Once terminology has been worked out all texts will become sensible and then only those will have to be treated suspicious that cannot be true in the context of the Quran and real world realities.

SURAH 9 AL-TAUBAH Allah disassociates himself from what people do to each other for personal gains after he provides mankind with guidance about his plan for them to be a proper human community

This Surah is named AL-TAUBAH also pronounced AL-SAUBAH from roots TAA, WOW and BAA and SAA, WOW and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to stop going along the wrong path as soon as one becomes aware of the error and retrace steps back to the right path and then continue journey towards the destination. Also dropping the mistaken or aimless action that leads nowhere in favour of a purposeful complete plan of action that leads to a definite required or desired end result or objective or goal, to come back to same thing or some place after going away from it, keep coming back to something or some place or some idea, to do something good that brings good outcome or return, return, penitence, repent, refer, fabric, network, personality, character, net, benefit, usefulness, stones stacked on top of each other, clothes, to come to a gathering, a ditch to which water returns, a place of gathering, a goal, a platform, a resort, reward, consequence, recompense, repetition, volunteer, to frequent, to visit, to gather, to let free, to become free, to have no concern for, to leave alone, to absolve, to volunteer, to repay, to requite, to restore, to replenish, to regain lost energy, to relent, to encourage someone to abandon their harmful or destructive actions, to stop doing something the way one is doing it because it does not deliver the desired or required outcome in order to do it another way to get the desired or required outcome, to turn to God or guidance of God, to let do as one wishes to do, to interfere not, to leave to do as one pleases and face the consequences, to regret ones mistake or wrong doing, to do something to overcome the loss that takes place due to inaction or wrong action, coffin, chest, box, command and control centre, a body, an organisation, something like a chest or box in some sense, something that contains something or overwhelms something, jurisdiction, to bury the hatchet, reconciliation, general amnesty, to stop fighting, to accept defeat, to admit wrong doing, immunity, exemption, freedom from liability or obligation or responsibility or prosecution or blame, revocation, disavowal, acquittal, ultimatum, disassociation, to disown, to cure, to remedy the situation, a declaration for having nothing to do with something, to take no responsibility or blame for something etc etc.

This surah is named AL-TAUBAH for the subject matter it deals with. In surahs one to eight it has been made absolutely clear that providing mankind with guidance was up to Allah but to act upon that guidance was up to mankind themselves for their own well being. Allah therefore provided mankind with guidance but mankind instead of coming together as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah remained divided into many factions basing their lives upon foundation of personal gains at the expense of each other. Since most of the people decided not to bother with following the guidance of Allah for one or the other reason therefore in this surah Allah too is proclaiming his independence of whatever mankind think and do against guidance of Allah whereby they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. In other words Allah is saying that if you the people are not bothered with following my set goals for you according to my provided guidelines for fulfilling my program for you then you are free to do as you please and face the consequences of your thoughts and actions. This situation is like that of parents and their children ie all parents can do is advise their children the best they can as to how to get on with each other by doing certain things in certain ways as they see fit but if their children refuse to follow their advice then parents tell them, do as you like but when you get into troubles with each other then dont blame us for that because we already told you what will happen if you will not follow our advice sensibly. In short Allah is telling mankind how to deal with each other to have a blissful, dignified and secure life but if that is not acceptable to mankind then Allah is free of his responsibility of providing guidance for mankind because he has done his part so the rest is up to people themselves. The Quran repeatedly tells mankind that Allah is on side of those people only who base themselves fully upon his guidance faithfully after understanding it properly. Since people are created knowing nothing at all and take time for learning and doing things properly therefore they are given the needed respite to do the best they can for themselves. If people use their brains, senses, bodies and all things provided properly then they end up with right mindsets, attitudes and behaviours otherwise they end up with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires which lead them to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. Basically the choice for mankind is either to follow the advice of Allah or do as it suits them. Since this divides people between followers of advice of Allah and its rejecters and opponents therefore this surah tells people that if you do what you are told then Allah will deliver to you through his set-up systems and laws what has been promised by him ie blissful, dignified and secure existence through working with each other for well being of each other but if you will not then set-up systems and laws of Allah will deliver the outcome that is consistent with your thoughts and actions ie painful suffering, death and destruction by hands of each other.

The Quran repeatedly tells mankind to seek a beautiful world for themselves in order to be awarded with even better hereafter. This is why the Quran uses words like FIDDUNIYAA HASANAH and FIL AAKHIRAATI HASANAH. Moreover it uses word HASNAAT for works that help make world a beautiful place and keeps repeated words like IHSAAN and MUHSINEEN etc. All these words are from root HAA, SEEN and NOON which is about beauty and balance in things and in thoughts and actions of mankind. So only HASANAAT(= works that help people bring about the beautiful world) can help people bring about beautiful world for themselves as a proper human community. Likewise the Quran uses words like AAMILOO SAALIHAAT meaning works that help repair human relationships so that rifts are removed and human brotherhood is restored so that people work for well being of each other rather than for harm and destruction of each other. Unless people stop doing things that harm and destroy beauty and balance in the world and within human community, things will always be terrible for mankind and so they will be if people became inactive or stopped each other from doing what needs to be done to make the world a beautiful place for mankind. So one can see why this surah is named AL-TAUBAH ie it is because Allah does not like what people do to each other for petty personal gains despite his provisions of all sorts including guidance. As previous surahs were about formation of an organised and regulated proper human community which struggles to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah so this surah deals with issues that arise when one community or kingdom deals with others. Since people have become divided into two main groups and practicalities of life force people to interact in certain ways with each other therefore existence of various groups in human population forces them to take certain actions against each other in order to gain support for their adopted ways of life. People who adopt way of life based upon guidance of Allah are supposed to form a community wherein each person is supposed to live for others and thereby bring about a proper human community. However people who choose to live by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other live that way and get on with inflicting harms and destructions upon each other thereby bring about a terrible world for themselves as a human population. Not only that these people who base themselves upon personal gains based way life inflict harms and destructions upon each other but they expand their transgressions and aggressions beyond themselves onto to those who wish them no harm at all. In other words they fight against the way of life advised by Allah by forcing themselves upon those who wish to follow the revelation based way of life. This leaves followers of the Quran no choice but to react in an appropriate way to their aggressions and transgressions. Allah even though does not want people to fight each other yet he has given mankind ability to choose therefore he has to respect their choice. However, he still advises those who listen to his advice to act appropriately against aggressors and transgressors and not go overboard in response.

Since plan of Allah is secure ie people who adopt way of life advised by Allah can never become extinct and can overcome their opponents here and there so their opponents are on the losing ground. It is because as time marches on and education becomes widely available more and more people see the need for guidance of Allah to base themselves upon because guidance of Allah gives people stable basis to build themselves upon as a proper human community. Not only that but as time goes on, the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other leads to concentration of power and wealth in fewer and fewer hands and so most of the human population ends up weak and poor. This is why no way of life based upon oppression and suppression, injustice and unfairness or cruelty and animosity can lead humanity to a beautiful and balanced existence. Any such way of life can only and only lead to divisions and fights and wars sooner or later so the end result cannot be other than painful suffering, death and total destruction for humanity. This is why the Quranic way of life must be adopted by mankind because it explains things beautifully and can deliver what it promises provided people take upon themselves the responsibility to study the message of the Quran properly and act upon it faithfully. This is why the mission appointed by Allah for mankind must continue no matter what, so Muslims are in no position to oppose it because it is appointed by Allah. However, this surah gives Muslims freedom to deal with people as they see fit in light of ground realities if they refuse to accept living by way of life advised by Allah. It is because oppressors and suppressors, unjust and unfair people lose right to be taken as reference or standard instead they are to be judged by the standard that is just and fair. This is why it is up to Muslims to retaliate against any people in kind or let go if any people commit aggression or transgression against Muslims. Mission of Allah is all about people understanding the message of the Quran properly and delivering it properly to others as widely as they can so that a community based upon the message of the Quran could come about which creates a kingdom based upon guidance of the Quran in light of real world realities on the ground. Situations and circumstances keep changing from the day the mission begins and the day it completes after going through various phases. There is a time when Muslims are part of a nonMuslim population and there is a time when people who accept the message built a separate human community among nonMuslims and then they go for a kingdom of their own. It depends on whether less people come aboard or more people come aboard the mission and how nonMuslims react to the mission imposed by Allah. If less people join mission then Muslims may need to migrate if persecuted and if even number of population joins the mission then division of the land becomes inevitable if nonMuslims try to impose their way of life on Muslims but if more people in the land come aboard the mission then it is a takeover by Muslims due to being in majority. Even if Muslims take over a land they must administer justice and fairness and must ensure well being of all people in the land including nonMuslims. However, nonMuslims are expected to cooperate fully so that all people have good life the kingdom offers. State within state is not allowed and anyone found conspiring against the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah will be dealt with appropriately according to the law of the kingdom. Individuals are not allowed to take law into their own hands nor are individuals allowed to force their constitutional and legal understanding upon others instead there has to be free consultation between members of the ummah for formation of constitution and laws whereby individuals can freely share their opinions and then decide upon which opinions are to be adopted as a part of constitution and law in light of goals and guidelines provided in the Quran and the ground realities that face the ummah. Once program, constitution and law is decided by the ummah then it is only matter of deciding upon plans of actions by ummah through mutual consultations and handing down instructions in priority order for execution to appropriate departments of the administration so that needs and wants of people are met appropriately.

Since this Surah leaves people at mercy of each other so Muslims must try to be as strong as they can be so that they are never overcome by nonMuslims and since nonMuslims refuse to accept living by way of life advised by Allah therefore they are on their own so this surah therefore does not contain the formula verse (bismillah) because Allah disapproves nonMuslims therefore does not promise them blissful, dignified and secure life due to the way they choose to live. It is because it is prerequisite of blissful, dignified and secure existence that people live by guidance of Allah but since they refuse so they can never have the kind of existence which Allah promises those who decide to live by his guidance. Also since people on their own can never have win, win situation therefore rivalries, animosities and wars are inevitable between them therefore Allah does not seal this surah with promise of his deliverance and salvation for those who oppose his guidance. However, even in this situation Allah is not opposing mankind but letting them have things their way so that they see the results of their own doings by themselves so that through results of their mistakes they could clearly see that they are wrong and therefore should turn to what is right. Not only that but people who claim to commit to following his advice are told by him not to transgress limits against those who take them for their enemies. In other words Allah still holds people back from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. No matter what there are only three possible ways to live for people a)total peace between all human beings at all times b)total war between all human beings at all times and c) in between these two extremes. Total peace for all times is not possible between all people unless all people educate themselves properly and learn to live by goals and guidelines the Quran provides and fulfil the Quranic porgram. Total war at all times between all people is also not possible because people do not have that much foolishness or that much energy or resources to do that even if they were all hell bent on destroying each other. As the Quran explains, Allah did not create mankind to destroy each nor people have the ability to destroy each other completely because Allah created the world for his plan that cannot fail to meet expected end. So the only options on the table are; more war between more people than peace or more peace between more people than war. Since all people never want fights and wars at all times with each other so humanity is bound to have periods of peace and it is all up to mankind themselves to increase these periods of peaceful existence so that mankind could make some progress and prosper and that in turn can lead to more and more peaceful periods between more and more people in more and more places. So we can see why this Surah is named AL-TAUBAH ie to save mankind from moving in direction of self destruction by putting forth proposals for people to come toward better terms and condition for a better end result ie unity, peace, progress and prosperity of human community as a whole. It is because when there are treaties in place and people can interact with each other it gives them opportunities to educate each other and over a period of time this could lead mankind to better end results because through exchanging ideas people can arrive at better conclusions about each other and this could lead to improvements in human communities including chances for unity. This Surah explains very clearly the divide between people who are consistent with the actual teachings of the Quran and their opponents. All this is down to who has the best goals for life and the best terms and conditions for unity of mankind and best guidelines for best future of mankind. All mankind as they educate themselves and each other are therefore going to move towards the goals stated in the Quran and under the terms and conditions stated in the Quran or guidelines provided in there. That is because humanity cannot think of better goals and guidelines or terms and conditions than those already stated in the Quran nor can it come up with any better program.

The rest of the Quran is all about explanation of these to settle any concerns, reservations and arguments mankind may have about the goals and guidelines or terms and conditions etc etc. So the people who claim to follow the Quran cannot join those who do not follow the Quran in matters where they differ but they can all come together on basis of the best common grounds they find between themselves and those grounds will always be found in the Quran. This is why discussions and debates between all people are necessary to find out where each side stands and why they take the stand they take and what are the common grounds between them and what could be common grounds between them for the betterment of both the people. The whole purpose of divine teaching is to encourage people to educate themselves so that they could become creative enough that they can find solutions for the problems that face them. As already explained Allah can only give people goals and guidelines and leave it to themselves how they choose to deal with each other. People who truly accept guidance of Allah cannot live by any other way of life than the one they are told to live by but since others do not accept that way of life therefore a clear line is drawn between followers of divine guidance and those who reject and oppose it. The main question is, if any people do not want to live by a way of life that turns them into a proper human community then what other way of life they want to live by? Is it then at all possible to live a life free of aggression and transgression against each other for personal gains? In other words either of the ways of life leads to a particular end result or outcome for humanity. The way of life advised by Allah leads to outcome clearly told by Allah and any other way of life is also going to lead to outcome clearly told by Allah. One outcome ensures well being of mankind through full cooperation of each other and the other its total destruction by hands of each other. In short one way of life is the best for humanity and the other most dangerous. However human beings are born ignorant and it takes them time to learn what is right and why or what is wrong and why therefore benefit of doubt is given to those who are willing to learn and do things with all due sincerity. So people who have received guidance are told to learn it properly and deliver it to others properly. Once this task has been carried out faithfully then it is up to people who have received the message to accept or reject it and get ready for the outcome of their thoughts and actions as they choose. If people end up with thoughts and actions that are necessary for ensuring well being of humanity then all is well and good but if people choose otherwise then they are responsible for their own thoughts and actions. This surah is continuation of previous surah wherein such people are warned who reject and oppose guidance of Allah and make it their business to attack those who stand for a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah in order to undermine the mission of Allah. They enter peace treaties then breach them at will yet expect the other side to do nothing. In this surah Allah therefore makes it very clear to mankind that he is not partial at all. He makes it absolutely clear that all people must live by his guidance or his guidance serves no purpose and people can do what they like to each other and wait for the outcome for going against his guidance. In other words Allah is providing people with level playing field. You want to live by peace then it is for all of you and if it is fights and wars you want with each other then go ahead and see what fights and wars can deliver for you in here and in hereafter. Here mullahs version of Islam proves utterly false who think Islam is religion of peace no matter what others do to people who accept message of the Quran. The Quran tells people how to live peacefully and that is true but what if some people want to do that but others do not let them live by Quranic way of life? These stupid mullahs tell peace lover to be slaves of warmongers.

This is not what the message of the Quran is and that is how mullahs prove themselves to be slaves of rulers and money lenders. In fact such people expose themselves as enemies of the Quran based message of Islam and humanity. The message of the Quran is very clear throughout that people who were sent by Allah as messengers were told to establish kingdoms based upon guidance of Allah for the blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as the basic goal. They did it by delivering the message faithfully and when people gathered around them they delivered them the kingdoms they promised them. The Quran is full of stories how they were fought against by those who rejected and opposed their message. The very foundation of message of Allah is education for mankind so that they can see the need for living with each other as a team for the well being of humanity and if any reject and oppose then they are not tolerated at all and the reason is if you tolerate anti social elements in human community then you will soon be taken over by them and they will soon make life of all human beings a terrible experience. Criminals therefore must be brought and kept under control at all times because if they get opportunities to show what they can do to humanity then humanity will always come to regret it. As explained already the message of Allah and the force based upon solid foundation go hand and in hand, each protecting the other for the well being of the mankind. The Quran does not teach people to carry out acts of random violence against each other because it has a set of clear objectives for people to accomplish and within provided guidelines that people must follow ie no hidden agendas at all. One objection of rejecters and opponents of the message of the Quran is that the Quran teaches its followers its superiority therefore it is unacceptable. It shows how stupid these people are who fail to realise the fact that any message that can unite mankind has to be of superior nature and unique so that people could see its uniqueness and therefore come to it instead of fooling about all over in confusion. After all how many of these people accept various ruling systems they live by are all the same ie tribalism, monarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, democracy, secularism, communism, capitalism or mixed economy? Why people have been fighting for each of these ruling systems throughout the world and wars are still on-going for the very same reason? It is precisely because some people believe their governing system is better than the rest. The Quran is challenging all governing systems and offering its own governing system, so compare them all to it and see which of your system is capable of beating it? None at all and on the other hand the Quran based ruling system beats all of them. No wonder then that the rejecters and opponents of the Quran based kingdom are clearly at loss in every way. All this explains why this surah is named AL-TAUBAH ie it is because Allah provided people with his guidance and they chose to reject it and decided to oppose it so Allah does not want to have anything to do with harms and destruction they inflict upon each other. A very strong slap on face of those who attribute all sorts of their nonsense to Allah, his messengers and his scriptures.

1) Through His messenger, Allah declares disassociation with thoughts and actions of such people who have chosen to live in opposition to His advised way of life to whom you people have given your word.

Word BARAA-AH is from root BAA, RAA and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is freedom from something in some sense. Also freedom from restriction or obstacle, being left free to do as one pleases, to be free from doing things that cause harm or destruction, to conduct oneself in a beneficial way so that it benefits others, to have mindset and attitude and behaviour according to a proper set standard to free oneself from confusion, to disassociate oneself from harmful and destructive elements or thoughts or actions, to disown something for some reason, an open piece of land, a wide expanse without any obstacles in the way, an even piece of land or landscape, to compliment or make things work together in such a way that they fulfil some end goal, harmony, creation of God, to create, to evolve, to cure, to prove someone innocence, to claim freedom from being associated with something, to be without blemish, to absolve, to exonerate, to heal, to cure or remedy, to wash ones hand of someone or something, to declare ones innocence, to deny responsibility or liability or obligation or guilt, to be free from, freedom or release from obligation or liability, exemption, revocation, rescinding, abrogation etc etc.

This verse explains position of Allah, his messenger, the claimants of following guidance and the rest of people. The Quran is full of verses that Allah is only and only with those who follow his guidance properly and not with those who do not even if they claim to be followers of his guidance but they do not in actual fact.

2) Say to them, carry on living as you wish in the world for personal gains at the expense of each other but be aware of the fact that you cannot defeat the plan of Allah because Allah lets those who work against His plan end up humiliating themselves by hands of each other.

Word SEEHOO is from root SEEN, YAA and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to carry on or keep going. Also something on going in some sense, travelling, being on a journey, to fast, to stop doing what harms or destroys something, an open piece of land, open space, room or space between houses, empty space, to be on journey for learning, courtyard, to create space or opportunity or a way for doing something ie to facilitate something or accommodate something for some purpose, to show open mindedness or be a big hearted person or be open to accepting an idea or a thing, water flowing above ground, people travelling freely from one place to another, to devote oneself to some cause or mission, to go about in the land, to be on a tour, to help people educate themselves so that they could solve their living problems that face them, to take people on a journey for learning to do things, to train or educate or both, to be on ones way, to do as one likes etc etc.

How do a people humiliate themselves by going against guidance of Allah? They humiliate themselves by accepting rule by each other in form of rulers, money lenders and mullahs. It is because each of these ideas has consequences for humanity. If one person has or is given an advantage and he uses that advantage for his personal gain then others are disadvantaged by him. That is, a strong person can take things away from the weaker people by force, a clever person can take away things from dumb people by using his tricks based upon his cleverness, a money lender can take away things from other by using power of his wealth or money etc as explained already using tricks and mechanisms. This is why the Quran forbids man ruling a another man, use of mazhab against deen and use of business for profit. One may say, why forbid business for profit? It is because when you give something to someone to make profit from him then you are getting something better than what you have given someone otherwise you could not make a profit so you are inflicting damage on someone that way. Since Allah has sent his message so that people benefit each other to ensure well being of each other and not inflict damage on each other therefore such an ummah cannot come about if people will inflict damage on each other in any way. This is why the Quran is all about brotherhood and ummah or family of humanity. This profit is called RIBAA by the Quran not interest and usury as mullahs will have us believe. Brothers and family members do not do business with each other for making profit from each other at the expense of each other because that way they will end up inflicting damage on each other and family will break up and go down. Similarly if Muslims are an ummah then business for profit is strictly HARAAM within the ummah. It is because all are supposed to be a single block for working hard to make sure the needs and wants of ummah are met as a family or brotherhood. Just as rulers use and abuse people and just as mullahs use and abuse people so money lenders use and abuse people using tricks and mechanisms based on money dealing. Since the Quran shuts all doors that lead to use and abuse of mankind by each other therefore any people who claim to be Muslims yet live like KUFAAR are in actual fact KUFAAR and not Muslims. One does not become Muslims just by declaring commitment to the Quranic program but also by doing all in his power to ensure its proper implementation. Saying one thing and doping another is not a true commitment to a cause or mission. The Quran is a book for a mission and not a bedtime story book. This is why it is structured very differently from other scriptures that exist in the world today. It is a book that has a program for humanity with goals and guidelines and in that context it talks about all other things. Mullahs have no sense that is why they think the Quran is just like any other scripture of any other religion so Islam too is just like any other religion. When you send people on a mission you dont give them stories to read but information and things necessary for fulfilling the mission ie goals and guidelines with program. In that context you tell them stories in a relevant way as well as other facts and figures. This is why only those works are useful that lead ummah towards fulfilling the mission and not useless rituals mullahs have been promoting as Islam. So if people want to get to know the message of the Quran then they must leave religious mindsets, attitudes and behaviour behind. Islam is not at all a personality cult. This is why there are no holy men with supernatural powers working miracles. This is why all authority rests in hands of Allah and he rules by his book and people must come together and decide things as a community and then employ individuals for carrying out tasks the ummah has decided upon through set up institutions under divine constitution and law as agreed upon by the ummah. None is above the law after ummah has decided its program, constitution and law for itself in light of the Quran and real world realities that face ummah on the ground. All this has been explained in detail here and there, so one must get familiar with it to see what the actual teaching of the Quran is. The Quran has nothing at all to do with mullahs make belief versions of Islam that have divided those who claim to be Muslims into many factions killing each other. The message of the Quran is clear that you are all a brotherhood and anyone who does not accept that as basis is an enemy of Allah as well as humanity. Therefore if you assume yourselves to be brothers on basis of the Quran then be the brothers that you ought to be and if that is not acceptable to you then be what you want to be it has nothing at all to do with the Quran.

3) Therefore this is an open declaration from Allah via His messenger for all the people about the time period of great struggle that Allah is free of being associated with thoughts and actions of those who live by opposite way of life to that advised by Him through His messenger. However if you people will stop living against His advised way of life then it will be beneficial for you but if you will keep away from it then be warned that you cannot derail the plan of Allah by not following it faithfully or opposing it. Therefore let such people know who oppose Our guidance that painful suffering will continue to be theirs as a result of their continuing of their course of actions

People have been hearing AZAAN of Allah always since the time of prophet Aadam. Allah always told his messengers to call people to his guidance and if they refused then whatever they did to each other was upon themselves. This AZAAN is same as people hear from each and every masjid=mosque in the world. However the purpose of this AZAAN was to call people to way life advised by Allah so that by following it through a binding covenant they prosper as explained already in detail. When mission begins it is a major campaign or push for getting message of Allah across to as many people as it is humanity possible for messengers of Allah. This AZAAN told about here was AZAAN by final messenger of Allah and his mission continues to date. People are daily invited to way of life advised by Allah by Muslim missionaries throughout the world. Mullahs have made work of Muslim missionaries very hard by misinterpreting the message of the Quran and misrepresenting it to people but if people educate themselves and examine the Quran sensibly they can overcome nonsense told by mullahs about deen of Islam. However if people refuse to answer the call of Allah then Allah claims freedom from their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other ie whatever harm and destruction they inflict upon each other in the name of Allah, Allah disassociates himself from that.

4) save those who live by way of life other than advised by Allah yet at least have honoured your offer of peace in every detail and aided none against you. Therefore fulfil your word to them to the end of their term because set-up systems and laws of Allah support only those who are consistent with guidance of Allah for the well being of the mankind.

In these verses Allah is letting Muslims give their word of assurance to all groups of nonMuslims that they will never be attacked by them if they will not do so themselves on the condition that they will never hinder them from delivering the message of Allah to mankind and if they are attacked by anyone in response they will never side with them against Muslims. However if they did any of this then word of assurance given by Muslims will become null and void and people who will back stab Muslims and those who will help them do that to Muslims will be dealt with appropriately by Muslims at their own choosing.

5) However if naked aggressions against you actualise thereby become exposed by any party of those who live by way of life other than advised by Allah then on that ground you are free to retaliate against such as disregard your word from among people who live by way of life other than the one advised by Allah as you see fit wherever you find them causing you troubles, you should seize them, besiege them and lie in wait for them to ambush them using any appropriate stratagem of war yet if they stop their hostilities against you and help you establish Our advised community network and thereby help attain freedom for mankind from harms and destructions then help them to be that way, surely Allah is protector of mankind through His blissful and dignifying program.

Word INASALAKHA is from root SEEN, LAAM and KHAA. Concrete meaning of this root is bring something into the open eg flesh of an animal by stripping off its hide. Also to bare to the bone, to strip naked, to strip one of his reputation, character assassination, conspire to destroy someone, extricate, depart from a reference point or agreement or standard or requirement, to depart or go away, to pass away, to peel off, to detach, to strip away, to cast off, to become detached, to abandon, to forsake etc etc.

Word AL-ASH-HURU is from root SHEEN, HAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is an open declaration of something eg when moon is cited it is an open declaration of new month. When sword is drawn it is open declaration of war. It also means to make manifest or known to public at large. This root therefore means fame or famous, something could be famous for good or bad reason. Something or someone notorious, something that comes to or is brought to attention of general public etc etc.

Word ALHURUM is from root HAA, RAA and MEEM. As explained already, it means something that someone is stopped from doing because doing it will lead to harm or destruction. The main things the Quran stops humanity from doing is fighting with each other and wars or bloodshed and things that can lead to that end.

This verse contains words AL-ASH-HURUL HURUM. In the context of this Surah they mean situations and circumstances not suitable for fighting or war. Things that prevent from fighting or war or taking some action for some reason. It also means open aggressions or declarations of wars or undeclared wars. It is because one people are committing acts of open aggressions against another that are forbidden between communities by way of treaties between them. So if that happens then the prophet and his community are free to retaliate appropriately till aggression is fully dealt with so that there is no longer any such threat any sooner again. This is necessary because if such situations are not dealt with sensibly and sincerely in time then they could lead to terrible consequences in time to come. However, it should be remembered always that not all problems increase with time but some also need time to decrease and become solved, so the point is to solve problems as appropriate time and resources wise. The other point made here is that people can switch sides at any time because as dialogues, discussion and debates continue between people and more and more people become more and more learned and educated they will change their minds so it is not right to treat anyone as a permanent enemy. This is why door must be kept open for reconciliation between warring factions.

6) Even if any party of those who live by way of life other than the one advised by Allah requests you first for assurance for peace and security, grant it the assurance of peace and security so that the party may hear about the goals and guidelines and program of Allah that is how you should lead it to a stage whereat it feels itself truly secure in its existence. This is to be done for such people because they are not yet aware of the message of Allah.

This verse tells followers of the Quran that even if any community that is not yet aware of the message of Allah requests for a treaty, grant it and take advantage of the situation by helping them educate themselves so that they could understand the message of Allah. It is because in the message of Allah rests program for peace and security of mankind. When mankind will understand the message of Allah they will find that it is a win, win situation for all human beings to act upon it but till then people who claim to be followers of Quran must remain ready to help each other as well as people of other communities ie the mission must carry on. The first leg of mission is to work towards a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Again it should always be kept in forefront of ones mind that Allah works according to a set program and plan of actions. He works by formulas and standards and not by thinking and doing things randomly and haphazardly. It is his goal to make human population become united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous through help of his revelation, so none can stop this from happening but since people are created in state of having no knowledge and they take time to become learned so Allah gives people time to grow up generation after generation. His standard is set and his plan is in action from day one, so people as they become more and more learned generation after generation they keep moving towards his set standard be it unknowingly by pushing each other in that direction. This is why one day enough people will become learned that they will declare themselves as supporters of kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. That time will only come when these people will have moved out of mazhab and into deen frame of mind. Till people remain religious ie they keep believing in make beliefs there is no chance of establishment of a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah at a large scale. It is because religion and secularism divide is fundamentally anti kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Just as Allah chose his messengers as per his set standard so he has set a standard for a people to meet before they can bring about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and run it. As explained already, having sense of concept of self organisation and self regulation is fundamental for such people who wish to bring about and run the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as a community or ummah. People are not to follow each other blindly but to support each other according to the set standard in the Quran because it is not the people who are set standard but word of Allah. The Quran does state that lives of his messengers are a beautiful example for people to follow but only in the sense of their following of word of Allah. They do not become a standard in themselves because even they made mistakes here and there and were corrected by Allah. So anyone who makes mistakes cannot be a standard on his own rather it becomes a matter of pick and choose. So messengers of Allah were an example to follow only so far as they themselves made no mistakes. Where they ended up making any mistakes, people should follow the actual standard and not messengers. This is why taking messengers of Allah as a standard in themselves is not correct because even messengers must follow standard set by Allah as explained already. People have loads of make beliefs about messengers of Allah so they need to correct themselves. Fundamentally all messengers of Allah were human beings and nothing other than human beings ie they were born as human beings, lived and died as human beings. They ate food and had wives and kids etc etc. In short they were not a case of they are human beings yet not human beings at the same time. It is confusing in itself to think that way due to contradiction. Allah chose them as his messengers because they met his set criterion for them to be chosen for his mission. The idea is very simple that Allah decided to create the world and planned things and in his planning he imbedded or nested his standards, criterions, formulas, laws and conditions according to which he was to do things to make his plan work and that is what TAQDEER or QADR is all about as explained elsewhere.

7) How can Allah advise His messenger to give word of assurance to people who take for a way of life other than the one advised by Allah when they keep on disregarding the assurance but exception is for likes of such as live by way of life other than the one advised by Allah to whom you gave word of assurance on behalf of Our kingdom and they never disregarded it? Therefore stick to your word about them so long as they keep sticking to it, because set-up systems and laws of Allah support those who are consistent with guidance of Allah for the well being of humanity.

In this verse clear distinction is drawn between communities that stick to their words and those who keep breaching their words. Peace treaties are not based on whatever people believe and do in the names of their religions. The context of the Surah is about entering the agreements between communities whatever their beliefs and practices may be. So long as any community gives no troubles to any other the treaty is fine. Treaty is only put aside when one community repeatedly ignores its agreed obligations and inflicts harm and destruction upon the other at each opportunity, so opportunist treaties are no treaties at all because they are only used as a ploy by one community for taking undue advantage of another community. Therefore Allah is alerting his messenger to be careful who you enter in agreement with and for what purpose.

8) So do not enter in agreement with those who repeatedly breach the treaty, how can you trust any such people who when they see any advantage over you breach the treaty showing no responsibility towards any relationship based on that agreement? So they simply try to take you into confidence by their smooth talk but in their minds they have other plans because most of them work against the way of life advised by Allah by causing divisions among mankind thereby they work against well being of humanity.

When a people prove by what they do repeatedly that they cannot be trusted then any agreement with such people is useless so there is no point in continuing this useless exercise. Instead they need to be taught a good lesson to drive home the point that antisocial mindset, attitude and behaviour to this degree is unacceptable and must be retaliated against to wipe it out for peace and security of mankind. When a part of body becomes so damaged that it cannot be repaired in any way and becomes a danger for survival of the rest of the body then time has come for amputation. Such people who have no respect for humanity therefore must be first isolated by community based upon international standard and if that does not work then they should be eliminated to save rest of humanity from their very dangerous thought s and actions. It is because each of the communities must follow some way of life whereby it could be judged whether it can be trusted or not for a workable inter-communal relationship. If a people fail even in up keeping with common human decency and become a danger for human race then humanity will have to be better without such people who try to damage and destroy humanity.

9) Such people have traded the terms and conditions of kingdom of Allah for the benefit of mankind for their individual gains at the expense of human community that is why they hinder others from His advised way of life. Harmful and destructive indeed is their course of actions for the human community.

The Quran keeps repeating that people sell themselves cheap for the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other in exchange for way of life advised by Allah based upon brotherhood of humnaity.

10) They neither help others by honouring the obligations based on social relationships nor observe the obligations of treaties with those who claim to have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. These are such a people indeed who have transgressed beyond all bounds necessary for survival of humanity.

11) Yet if they stop doing all this and accept responsibility for their wrong doings and start helping you establish Our system in order to help you attain freedom from all ills in the community then they are your ideological brethren under Our constitution and law. That is how We explain Our goals and guidelines in detail for people who wish to understand and implement them.

12) But if they violate their peace treaty with you yet again after agreeing to it and start interfering with your installation of Our program, constitution and law within your jurisdiction then you are free to fight with such chiefs and their personnel who are blood thirsty warmongers. Since their peace agreements prove worthless so war is the only way to stop them from their harmful and destructive designs against mankind.

Here Allah exposes enemies of humanity by telling us what is in the hearts of such people for humanity ie to enslave masses for their personal gains. This stands very true for bankers in our time. One has to ask, how did bankers get rich to begin with? They started with renting out security boxes to the public. In these security boxes people left their valuable things eg gold and silver etc. When they saw that people seldom take out their things in security boxes, they started renting out security notes as receipts on other peoples wealth in their security boxes and kept the rental income themselves ie they found out how to make money on wealth of other people. This is like you have a house and you have to go away so you leave a guard to look after your house and the guard instead of looking after your house rents out your house and keeps the rent himself while you are away for a long time. If that guard did the same for all the houses that are left in his security then he will soon become a rich man on property of others. The idea is same when people draw lottery ie you buy a things and start selling tickets for its to lots of people and that way you make much more money than the actual thing is worth that you are going to give away to the lottery winner. Individuals buy lottery ticket because it is worth more than the ticket they are buying so greed and dishonesty is at the very heart of all this kind of exploitation of masses. This is the way of life people adopt at the expense of way of life advised by Allah. They love cheating others and they love being cheated by others but once this lead to an end full of pain and suffering then masses start crying in pain but by then it is too late to turn back the clock. This is what the Quran warns against. This is what Allah frightens people with ie you will fall in this situation if you are not careful. This is what Allah means by our wrong thoughts and actions against his advice that lead to such outcomes. All this cheating and deception of people against each other for undue advantage only damages humanity and has no effect on person of Allah whatsoever. This is why properly understanding, accepting and following guidance of Allah is of vital importance for humanity and this is why it is necessary that people try their best to educate each other out of all kind of ignorance so that humanity could live a blissful, dignified and secure life. This is why people must fight if it comes to that against enemies of humanity in order to ensure well being of humanity. Allah does not want us to fight but if people create troubles for people then troublemakers must be dealt with or humanity will suffer terrible consequences for not dealing with dangerous elements within humanity. The Quran identifies for us who the dangerous people are ie people who oppose unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community. This is how the Quran tells us who the real Muslims are ie people who work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community. One is called party of Allah and the other party of opponents of his guidance ie Satans.

13) Why should you not fight against such people as have broken their peace treaties again and again and conspired to expel the messenger as well as they were the first to start the open aggressions against you? Are you people trying to show such concern for them that they do not really deserve? No, you shouldnt instead it is Allahs goals and guidelines that are more deserving of your attention if you really are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind because peace is not possible with people who only want war.

If a person moves away from fighting but the other keeps coming after him and starts fighting with him then it becomes necessary that the fighter is taught a lesson till he has learned it and never forgets it. The Quran does not allow people to give in to harmful and destructive elements in human society.

14) Therefore fight and defeat them that is how Allah will make them suffer the painful consequences of their actions by your hands in order to contain them that is why He will support you against them and that is how He will soothe the hearts and minds of those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by putting back their trust in human community.

When a people prove untrustable due to their treachery and deception, it is a big blow to international relations that is why it is a very serious matter. This trust cannot return till steps are taken to reinstate it by completing defeating such elements. This is why no individual or community must deceive anyone because then they will lose their support once found out. It is never easy to rebuild the lost trust or confidence. It is because people are very un-forgetful and unforgiving. As for they are concerned, once a cheat is always a cheat and once a liar is always a liar. This is why it is better not to fall from grace though that is impossible for human beings because people only learn from mistakes and practice makes perfect provided it is for the better and not for the worse.

15) That is how He will take away all the arrogance and rancour from their hearts and minds making them realise the truth after their defeat because Allah turns towards His blissful revelation whoever so desires and works towards it, that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that He alone is the ruler of this universe the one full of wisdom.

16) Do you think that if you fight them not then you will be left alone by these people? Not at all and Allah has not yet made known amongst yourselves as to which of you people have exerted your utmost effort in His cause and which of you did not rely on other than revelation of Allah through His messenger and those who claim to have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, that is how Allah shows that He is well aware of all that you people need to do.

17) It cannot be expected of any such leadership and its following that keeps breaching the treaties from among those who live by rule of other than Allah that they can install and maintain the constitutional institutions based upon guidance of Allah because they make it amply clear for all communities involved to see by their such actions against the goals and guidelines of Allah. It is such people whose actions lead to harm and destruction whereby all end up in painful suffering through fire of hatred against each other.

18) Proper institutions based on guidance of Allah for serving humanity can only be installed and maintained by those who really commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the program, constitution and law of Allah for the good of future of mankind by way of establishing the community network for attaining freedom from all ills in the human community by paying full attention to nothing other than set up universal systems and laws of Allah. It is they who are expected to abide by Our guidance faithfully.

Here attention of followers of divine message is drawn to a very important point that even though international relations are very important yet other people who do not yet accept message of the Quran cannot be expected to implement it. So followers of the divine message must carry on with their duty of implementing the divine program by using the Quran as a guideline for formation of constitution and law. They should put in place in the kingdom state institutions and administrations as told in the Quran for serving community faithfully. Once this is done and people of other communities see heavenly inspired kingdom working properly it should draw their attention to do the same for themselves for their better future. The other point is that no matter what any people claim, it matters not till they bring forth the evidence for what they claim. So the community that claims to follow the Quran, if their claim is true then they must have something to show for it, therefore one has to ask, have they anything to prove themselves as followers of the Quran? If other communities look at state of Muslim community, they will not be willing to accept the Quran is divine or Muslims are any better people than rest of them. This is because a tough question arises for Muslims to answer, if Muslims are truly following the Quran and it has landed them into this sort of terrible life then the Quran is definitely not divine in its origin. Or if the Quran is definitely divine then Muslims are most certainly not followers of the Quran by the look at the state they are in. This question needs to be answered by Muslim Ummah with certainty and soon. Unfortunately for the time being Muslims cannot answer this question because that needs knowledgeable people but currently state of education in Muslim countries is shameful. This is why people who ought to be leading mankind are left far behind in matters of importance. When Ummah is going to catch up with rest of humanity is anyones guess. There are not many proper universities, colleges and schools to cater for such huge ignorant population of Ummah. Muslims have grossly misunderstood the message of the Quran and are spreading worst ignorance based concepts about Islam so it is a spiral of downhill slide. Odd intellectual arise among Muslims but they are buried under tonnes of ignorant mullahs who are sent out of thousands of madrassas around the world funded by foreign agencies to keep Ummah tangled up in its ignorance so that it cannot play its real part in its international position among nations.

Before mankind could appreciate AL-ISRA= the journey of knowledge, it is absolutely necessary that they think over relationship between creation, divine revelation and mankind. If we ask ourselves, what happened after we were born? The only answer will be we started on our journey of discovery. Discovery of what? Knowing ourselves, our environment, our past and future. Let us take our self awareness first, did we know who we are when we were born? The answer is, no, we did not know who we are. In fact we did not even know if we have a brain or how it works. The first thing we learned on our journey of discovery was to learn how to use our brains. The brain needed external input before it could start learning its own use. Let us begin with eyes. Did our brains know how to use our eyes? No, they did not know how to get information from the eyes and what to do with it. However, once it tried to look at information that it received through the eyes, it tried to get more and more information from the eyes and then it started to make sense of it little by little. When brain tried to look at something it could not look at it straight away rather it missed the target again and again but gradually through a lot of trial and error it finally learned how to control movements of eyes. Please look at new born babies and see how long it takes them to focus their eyes properly. This is why the saying practice makes perfect. Brain learned through help of eyes to look at things then learned to make judgements about the information received from the eyes eg what the things is, how big it is, how far it is, what colour it is, what shape it is etc etc. So you can see that brain had to learn how to use itself and its senses eg eyes, ears, nose, tongue, limbs and rest of body etc etc. Now think about how much time was involved in each of these steps and how many mistakes were made during that time to master the techniques involved in learning each of these skills. Just as our brains made countless mistakes in learning how to use eyes properly, so they made ample mistakes when they started to learn use of our ears. The information received through the ears told us where the sound coming from, how far the sound is coming from, what is making this sound, from which direction it is coming etc etc. How long it took our brains to learn how to use our ears properly and how the brain made sense of the information received through the ears and how many mistakes we made while learning all this? So far there is no God or revelation journey just self discovery. How long it took us to perfect use of our hands and feet? Did you catch the ball the very first time when your mummy or daddy threw a ball to you? No, your hands were here, there and everywhere but nowhere near the ball to catch it. How long did it take us to learn how to throw a ball and catch it and how many mistakes did we make before we learned the skills? Think about how long it took us to sit up or crawl or stand up or to walk and run or jump etc? How many mistakes we had to make to learn each of these like skills?

After being able to learn about ourselves we began exploring our environment ie our toys, our relatives, our household and wider world. How long that takes us to learn skills to interact with things within our environment and in wider universe and how many mistakes are made along the way? Let us ask ourselves a question? Is it at all possible for humans to learn anything without making so many mistakes? The answer is, no, it is not possible. We humans are self programming robots. We are created with ability to learn things but along the way we are prone to making loads of mistakes because that is what being a human being means. All this is called life experience or information and understanding or knowledge. So far I have not talked about God and revelation. What does that tell us? It tells us God and revelation is not the start of the journey of discovery. It is the other end of it ie when we have learned about ourselves and our universe and things in it only then questions arise in our minds, what is all this set up out there, who set it up and for what purpose? Now comes the journey of discovery based on God and revelation after our life experiences force us to ask some very basic and very fundamental questions. Once we discover ourselves we are still like other animals, when we learn about our environment we are still like other animals because they too know how to use their brains and senses and find their way around to carry on with their lives just like people. The only time we rise above animals is when we start asking questions that animals do not ask. Those questions set us on journey to discovery of God through his revelation but in light of what we have learned so far already. If we did not have this experience, we could not understand the need for divine revelation nor could understand it in general because it is like seeing something the very first time or hearing something the very first time or feeling something the very first time. When our mothers called us the first time we did not know they were our mothers or that they were calling us. So think about it how could you understand the divine book if it was given to you before all this life experience? Now think also about the fact that if you were given anything that contradicted your self-awareness or your life experience could that be acceptable to you? The answer is, no. It is because your life experience is the only thing that you trust and live by and if anything takes that away then you have lost your whole identity or personality ie you will be like a brainless thing, not a thinking a person. This is why divine revelation ought to enrich and enhance human experience and personality, not destroy it. Not everyone rises to this level of thinking rather most people live like animals and die away. Those who start on this journey of discovery, they do not end up necessarily on the right spot. Why not? Because like our self discovery and discovery of our environment this journey is not free of making loads of mistakes either. Also life is a limited period of time in which one can only learn so much.

Here we must realise two things. a)God is God so his word must be supposed to be purposefully perfect. b) We must necessarily due to our life experience accept that man is created without knowing anything ie with brain like clean slate. The first step for man is that he must learn about himself and then about universe in which he is born because that is his environment and when he has learned enough he then should try and understand the divine revelation accepting the fact that he is going to make a lot of mistakes before he gets it right. What does all this tell us? It tells us people who are ignorant even about their own self or lack awareness of universal realities cannot be people who can understand divine message because they do not have the needed information that helps decode divine message. Let us take the Quran for example, how many people understand its text in its context properly? Not the people who live their lives like animals, not interested in learning things. It matters not what they claim to be, their level of information and its understanding exposes them whether they are truly learned or mere big mouth for their own reasons. Other than the Quran, all sources of information are human works. This includes works on the Quran itself ie tafaseer of the Quran. They are all either true or false attempts at getting what the Quranic message may be. I say true because not all people who try to make sense of the Quran are insincere nor all are sincere because all people only do what they want to do and all do as much as they think they need to do. So we all have our reasons for saying and doing things that we say or do. That either makes us sincere or insincere with work we undertake. Learning is an open ended thing, none can claim I know each and everything there is to know. It is a very long journey because it is a very long road to travel upon. All we can do is make our journey and cover as much of the distance as much we can and hope for the best. So all we need to do is make sure as much as it is within our capability to make sense of things purposefully. This helps cutting out confusion and chaos to some degree. This is why reading the Quran aimlessly is useless. If one reads it for finding out what it actually says then one has to spend some time on it because that involves a lot of thinking and going back and forth many times over to try to get as close to what it really means as possible. Leading lives by asking useless questions of others about God or his message and never using one's own brain leads one nowhere other than confusion and a useless life like animals. It is because it is a purposeless life. One must always remember the Quran is sole divine source of knowledge for deen of Islam in the whole world. Reports collected in form of Ahadith books are human source of information which is not free of fabrications and misinterpretations as well as misrepresentations so one needs to be very careful in using Ahadith books, particularly if one has no sense of the Quranic text in its own context. Relying on the Hadith reports more than the Quran is not a good idea. The main thing for all should be the Quran and after having learned the Quran one will have some idea how to use ahadith and which ahadith are more likely to be fine and which may not be sound or dependable for reasons explained by collectors and criticisers of hadith works.

The same idea should be used for islamic history books, biographies of the prophet and fiqh or islamic jurisprudence works etc etc. People have been inventing and attributing a lot of false information to God, his scriptures and his messengers. The proof is, the Quran has repeatedly said don't tell lies about God or so and so people lied about God or his messengers. By not trying to look at things in their proper context one is not doing oneself and others any favours. If it is difficult to understand the Quran , it is not easy to understand Ahadith works either. Was it an easy journey for us to become aware of ourselves? No. Was it easy to learn about our own environment and the universe? No. Why should then we expect that understanding the message of God will be a piece of cake? Skills are not learned easily that is our life time experience but that does not mean we should give up on learning things and live like animals. That humanity must never do or it will find its life more and more difficult, not easy. Humanity is one big family so this family must help each other out in order to learn things so that we end up with better life than we have. The Quran is a book that can give us solid foundation for our journey towards a better future. The main point from all this explanation one must realise is, never to interpret the divine message against real world realities because understanding of the divine message fully depends upon it. If you cut off the Quran from the real world realities then you have destroyed your base upon which your whole life experience is founded. Any book that is interpreted that way becomes useless for people and that is why people must not follow brainless people who claim to be scholars of holy books but interpret them in ways that they disconnect them from real world realities or set them against real world realities. Always remember if something is useless in this world it is useless in any other world that people can think of. People need help with way of living in this world to begin with. In other words God matters more in this world than any other world as far as humanity is concerned. So if God was useless in this world he will not become useful for any other world either. People need to have right concepts about God as he has told them in his message. This is why attributing harmful and destructive ideas to God is a very bad idea because this renders human differences irreconcilable, which defeats the very purpose of human creation and divine revelation. This should also explain what word ISRAA means, a journey to an imaginary world or something more down to earth? The Quran takes humanity on a journey of learning so that it could set up its world in a way that helps humanity live a blissful, dignified and secure life. The stories of past people are told as lessons for us as to what they got out of life when they followed divine programs, goals and guidelines and how they suffered and ended up destroying themselves by going about life like worse than animals. Choice is ours to learn things and make use of our learning for the benefit of ourselves or just do as we please and then see what happens to us as a human population.

People therefore should avoid nonsense stories ignorant people have invented and spread about God, his scriptures, his messengers and people of God. They are only invented for a purpose and people should try and discover that purpose from those stories. God sent his messages to turn a human shaped animal into a proper human being and not the other way round. No prophet was sent to be master of any other human being as his slave. Even God himself did not create man to be his slave. God created man to be a man to appreciate creativity of God through being creative himself. There is nothing wrong if we call God or his messengers or others masters in sense of teachers. We have wrong understanding of a lot words and terms used in the Quran because we have lost interest in studying the Quran objectively for its purpose. We have turned God into a tyrant monster and need intermediaries to save us from this tyrant. This is not how God introduces himself to us in the Quran. How many times we say bismilla yet never bother to ponder on the concepts attached to the words in this verse. We have not appreciated God yet as we ought to because we have not pondered over the text of the Quran in its proper context. That is what we should do if we are at all interested in knowing what is actually in the Quran. The mullahs we follow are not aware of even themselves let alone the universal realities. This is why they cannot teach us the Quran as it ought to be taught. This is why they interpret verses of the Quran as they wish and not on basis of real world realities. This is why Muslims as an ummah are a most confused people. This condition of ummah cannot change unless we start getting interested in learning real information about real things and understand it and then study the Quranic text in that light. Sir Syed told this ummah that but mullahs went after him, Dr Iqbal was also pursued by mullahs for similar views about Islam. May be it is time to reconsider stance of Sir Syed and Iqbal if we are at all interested in our rise as an ummah. In fact we need another Sir Syed for our time who could see into distant future as of today. We surely do not need stupidity of mullaiyat or priesthood any more if we really want to get out of this mess we have created for ourselves by going about things the foolish way.

19) Do you take as equals those who are committed to giving life to warfare and cultivating an environment against bringing about a kingdom based upon Our guidance to those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, constitution and law of Allah for the better future of humanity by struggling in the way of Allah? They are not same in the sight of Allah and Allah does not impose His guidance on those who work against it whereby they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

As explained already word AL-HAAJJ is from root HAA, JEEM and JEEM and it has various meanings including protest, campaign, agitation, fight, struggle, argument, to undertake journey for a purpose etc etc. SIQAAYAH means to satisfy ones thirst. It could be thirst for peace, knowledge, blood or water etc etc.

20) Those who truly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and leave their false ideas and homes in support of cause of Allah and struggle using whatever ways and means they have along with their people as a community are surely raised very high in dignity by Allah because they try to attain and maintain unity and peace through progress, for prosperity of mankind.

21) Their Creator and Sustainer gives them program for blissful, dignified and secure existence through revelation from Himself as a reference so that it provides for them the basis for blissful kingdom wherein are blessings of all sorts that last.

22) They abide therein for as long as they live by rule based upon guidance of Allah. Surely it is Allah in whose program rests a permanently rewarding existence for mankind.

23) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Support not your elders and your fellows in your communities if they love waging wars against each other for personal gains at the expense of each other instead of striving for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of your communities, so if any of you will back them up then such people are of those who transgress against program, constitution and law of Allah as well as human community whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other.

In these verses target of condemnation is personal gain at the expense of each other whereby people form groups or form alliances on that basis. In this way just as individuals compete negatively against each other for personal gains at the expense of each other and do not let community progress so do families, clans, tribes and nations etc whereby humanity is held hostage to these setbacks caused by people themselves due to their stupidity. As explained already the Quran does not allow rule by people, be they rulers, priests or money lenders etc etc. It is because no matter what, alliances formed on basis of individual personal gains spell disaster for mankind so all people must stay away from such alliances or be ready for seriously harmful or even destructive consequences.

24) Say to mankind, if despite their working against rule based upon guidance of Allah your elders, your youngsters, your peers, your team members you work with, the people you socialise with, the things you have acquired through hard labour, the things you have gained through trading for profit for loss of which you fear and the ways of life you have adopted in which you are settled are more valuable to you than struggling for establishing the rule based upon guidance of Allah through His messenger then wait till law of consequences as set-up by Allah shows its effects and remember, guidance of Allah guides not those who learn not His guidance properly and instead rebel against it and cause divisions thereby fracture human community.

This verse makes it very clear for humanity that if people are ok the way the life is for them then Allah will not do anything to get them out of it, he will only get them out of any way of life with which they are unhappy but he will only get them out of it the way he has told them in his message and not any other way no matter whatever they try. So if any people want any change then first thing they need to do is educate themselves about the state in which they exist and look for reasons that got them into that situation. After that look for state of existence that they would like to be in realistically and then look for realistic ways to get there and once all is sorted out work out an action plan and act on it and be there. A clear lesson for the mankind that it is all up to people themselves and not up to God to change the world for the better or worse. God has already provided people with all they need including his revelation so when people will educate themselves to use provided things properly and use them, their problems will become solved. So long as people stick to each other on baseless grounds they will remain as they are and keep facing the same results for their same actions. Only when they base their relationships with each other on foundation of heavenly revealed foundation they will have the proper change that will really benefit them. So God does not offer mankind magical, mysterious, miraculous or supernatural solutions at all. Instead he wants mankind to work very hard for what they want thereby encourages them to be creative and dependable and self reliant people as a community, not looking for saviours with supernatural powers. This is proof that the Quran is not word of other than Allah ie of human beings because it talks about down to earth solutions for problems of humanity the way human beings could not think for themselves, .hence the need for divine guidance for mankind.

25) Allah has indeed helped you on many occasions in life and most recently during the period of turmoil that faced you through His guidance because at the time you valued yourselves very high as individuals against each other due to your arrogance based on rivalries and animosities against each other, so your that mindset, attitude and behaviour did not help you at all. The land despite its vastness seemed closing in upon you as a people yet you retreated from the brink of destruction due to His revealed program.

Here Allah is reminding these people who are in two minds that he sent the Quran only because humanity was in need of guidance because it was at the brink of self destruction but this guidance is not going to guide them if they will ignore it and carry on living as usual or if they will try to use this guidance as a tool for using and abusing each other in the name of God . When people have gone so far in rivalries and undercutting each other through cutthroat competition then, animosity and hatred settles in and the hopelessness takes over because community spirit is no longer there so there is no compassion and goodwill in minds of people for each other. This is where divine help is still at hands if people decide to refer to it but if they do not then the setup divine systems and laws of nature remain constantly at work and people get what they deserve. The Quran is full of stories about past nations as to what they deserved and what they got by doing what they did.

26) And that was due to Allah sending His manifesto, constitution and law through His messenger for people to commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and thereby He revealed to you for your rescue forces which you did not realise before yet the opponents of the message remained in painful suffering and that is how He made opponents of His rule suffer the painful consequences of their own actions.

When people took themselves to the brink of destructions through their course of actions due to the way they lived by adopting ways of life that could only and only lead them to harm and destruction in the end, Allah dropped them a life line to cling onto to save themselves. Some did others did not. However, some who were saved then are at it again so they are reminded what happened to them earlier and same is going to repeat if they take things back to the way they were then. The other thing we are told about here are forces that these people were unaware of. Of course, the Quran reveals the forces it is talking about and those forced are knowledge and people who learn it and act upon it. That is how the divine messengers and their supporters were successful because they were able to educate themselves and their people thereby and were able to unlock the potential of their supporters for succeeding in fight for blissful, dignified and secure life or survival. Having proper knowledge of things is power and anyone who has the knowledge is very powerful indeed provided one puts that knowledge into practice faithfully. One only has to see where man is today as compared to when he was living in caves. Forces of nature need to be understood by mankind and used for their benefit is the lesson of the Quran. Allah has created all things for mankind to use them for his benefit through his own creativity and hard work. It is a matter of sky is the limit ie man is only limited by his own imagination as far as the Quran is concerned.

27) Despite their such mindset, attitude and behaviour Allah kept the door to His guidance opened for all of them so that any who make effort to learn it, benefit from it, because Allah is protector of all mankind but He secures them only through His revelation that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

The only way Allah helps people is by way of guidance other than the way he has set up the world to work. The guidance only draws attention of people to things which they otherwise may not think about as explained already. Education is all about bringing things to attention of people which otherwise people do not think about. This is exactly what human senses do to help human brain function by providing triggers due to observations that happen in real world.

28) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Be warned that no matter what those who have adopted ways of life other than the one advised by Allah they are of impure mindsets, attitudes and behaviours because they are fully submerged in harmful and destructive motives and designs against humanity therefore do not let them undermine the kingdom based upon program, constitution and law of Allah after a period of general amnesty and reconciliation so that they stop harming the community spirit and reform. If you are concerned about poverty of constructive thought and action in people, soon Allah will enrich you through His program because that is what His plan is about. That is how Allah makes evident for mankind that He is the ruler who has the wisdom to run the kingdom of universe.

Word NAJASUN is from root NOON, JEEM and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is something that is not free of impurities. Also charm, amulet, profanity, filth, dirt, impure, unclean or desecration etc etc.

In the Quranic context this word means harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour people have towards each other from which the Quran stops people because it harms humanity. Since the Quran wants people to be of pure human friendly mindset, attitude and behaviour therefore anyone who thinks and works against that ideology is considered as a person of dirty mind and action. Such people who are enemies of humanity cannot be allowed to come near kingdom based on guidance of Allah because they are bound to do things that can destroy it. Here the Quran is not talking about mere make beliefs and useless rituals but actual thoughts and actions of people whereby they fracture human community by turning brother against brother and when that happens any kingdom becomes destroyed due to infightings. The Quran distinguishes between two kind of make belief followers a) who keep their word and b)those who do not keep their word. The reason is that human beings are created ignorant but with ability to learn and do things and change with time for the better. So people who have no ulterior motives against humanity but due to lack of knowledge have wrong thoughts are not considered as a danger to humanity because that is natural state of human existence. However those who deliberately remain ignorant and play tricks on humanity in various ways to try and create troubles for fellow human beings for personal gains at their expense are considered dirty. For example a ruler, a mullahs a money lender is a dirty Kaafir even if one claims to be a Muslim because one is undermining humanity and message of Allah both.

Words AL-MASJID AL-HARAAM means kingdom or state or institution based upon divine teaching ie sacred kingdom or heavenly inspired kingdom. A kingdom based on the concept of submission to will of God for the benefit or well being of mankind. Any kingdom or any institution based upon guidance of Allah working against which is strictly forbidden by Allah for mankind because it ensures well being of mankind. The institutions that are put in place to carry out works based on guidance of Allah for serving humanity are also called AL_MASAAJID. This word does not mean temples or places of worship as it is usually translated because Islam is not a religion ie a dogmatic creed that needs places for carrying out religious rituals. Islam is AL-DEEN ie a program or a roadmap for mankind to live their lives by for accomplishing a set of goals ie peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

Humans are material beings and all their needs are material needs eg a biological body cannot come into existence or continue its existence without food and water and because people are born with brains so they need psychological food as well which is knowledge and due to being biological and emotional beings people need social interaction. People need God only because otherwise they cannot make sense of life. So understanding divine message and acting according to it is called spiritualism or divine inspired way of life. The superstition, the magic, the mystery etc etc has nothing to do with Islamic spiritualism. If human mind could get in touch with God all by itself then that would have eliminated the need for concept of divine revelation just like people do not need divine revelation for self awareness and awareness about the universal realities. All that is needed for that is brain and senses and ability to use them to feel the way around things. This is not the case when it comes to God and his revelation. In this case even though man is not capable of reaching God but God is capable of reaching man so if man wants to know what God wants of him then he has to look for his message in light of real world realities. Once man finds divine message and understands it and does what is required him then he will get the results of his thoughts and actions as promised by God.

29) Therefore keep campaigning hard to kill that mindset, attitude and behaviour of the transgressors from among the people of the book - who do not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah for the better future of humanity because they do not hold that forbidden which Allah has declared forbidden therefore they stop not each other from doing what Allah has forbidden through His messenger because they do not accept living by way of life that is proper for well being of mankind - until they become convinced and accept consistency with universal set-up systems and laws of Allah that are beneficial for mankind willingly as an outcome and give up fighting against it.

Word JIZYAH is from root JEEM, ZAA and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is result of an action. Wage for the work done or effect of a cause. The same root also means to stand in for, taxation, to pay tribute, requital, outcome, reward, verdict, recompense, to punish for bad deeds, to take the place of, to undertake responsibility for, to become liable for, to pay someone for something, to pay back, retribution, penalty, payment in return for some goods or services, head tax received by a Muslim emperor for a nonMuslim community under his protection, poll tax, decision or judgement etc etc.

These verses in the Quran are dealing with people belonging to different communities in different respects in context of Islamic state and its jurisdiction. The Quran tells its followers to make all people live by a way of life that is based upon common good of humanity. It tells its followers to keep on campaigning against all people in the world who live by programs, constitutions and laws against well being of mankind till they accept living by program, constitution and law that ensure well being of mankind as a whole. All this because the Quran is a book for a mission and not a book for pooja paat. It is book that is revealed for mankind to educate them to adopt a way of life that will lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence. People can have any make beliefs and rituals or liove by any way of life they choose so long as message of the Quran does not reach them but as soon as they receive the message of the Quran and become convinced about its divine origin and that it is for their own good and well being they should stop living by any other way of life and start living by the book of Allah as a proper community. This is done to stabilise world situation so that all people know clearly where they each stand with respect to each other. In a confused and chaotic situation people become totally stuck due to lack of trust between communities because no one knows what to expect at any moment in time so life becomes potentially hazardous for all as they fall victim to chaos and confusion. This is why if you accept to live within a certain jurisdiction you must abide by its rules or leave the state and go live where you can the way you want. If you live within a state then state laws apply and if you travel to other states then international laws apply as well as the laws of others states that you are travelling to or through. All laws regarding entry and exist or transit must be adhered to at all times or people will create troubles for themselves as well as others. In the context of the Quran these verses are not about starting of wars between followers of the Quran and the rest of human race because human race had been fighting long before the revelation of any book from Allah through any messenger of Allah always. The messengers and books were sent by Allah so that they give people basis for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by means of active educational campaigning. Of course if any people will oppose such a mission then wars will continue and blame is on the people who themselves who seek domination by way of undermining others. Allah never sent any messenger or book to teach people to dominate each other or undermine each other but instead each and every book and messenger came from Allah to help people live for each other. So how can Allah be blamed for stupid thoughts and actions of people against each other? Therefore blaming Allah for what people so is incorrect and look at the name of this surah.

It is telling mankind that they should live by the book of Allah otherwise Allah has no part in what people do to each other for their personal gains. This is how it proves that people who blame Allah for their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other are big liars and deceivers who try to pull wool over eyes of masses due to their ignorance. These verses tell mankind that all people must be made to live by some sort of standard they choose for themselves so that chaos and confusion could be taken out of inter-communal or international relation between people so that they could work together on common grounds. It is this kind of working relationship between people that lets people move from place to place and that is how people were able to bring about the world that we have today despite all the difficulties that faced humanity along the way. So in these verses the Quran urges all people to live by laws of lands and advises that all laws of all lands must be as beneficial for people as they can be so that humanity has a way open to keep progressing and prospering till it reaches its full potential. All people are urged to fight against laws in any land to change them if they are far too oppressive and suppressive that end result has to be chaos and confusion. It is left up to people to decide for themselves how much freedom they want for themselves from each other. Likewise non-Muslims living in Muslim lands must be given appropriate freedom in return for loyalty to Islamic state. None is allowed to create a state within a state be one a Muslim or a nonMuslim. Just as all communities need inter-communal or international working relationship so all the individuals within a state need a working relationship within the state. If anyone falls outside that then, one will have to face the consequences. This is why these verses are talking about people giving up their freedom in context of protection from the state. You cannot take up arms against the state and claim the citizenship of the state as well. It has to be one or the other. Islam is not interested in what people believe and practice in religious sense but it is very much interested in how human society is setup, structured or systemised for its procedures and practices for management of people and resources. All people are given equal rights to livelihood regardless they are religious or not. God has no problem with people but people do have problems with people and God shows mankind how those problems can be solved. It is up to people to make each other see sense and that is what missionary campaign is all about ie to help educate people so that they could bring about a better world for themselves.

This particular verse is used by Mullahs to tell us that the Quran imposes a special tax on nonMuslim living under protection of kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Is that really possible in the context of the Quran? The kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is not an imperialism whereby an emperor could expand his rule and land. Islam is all about cooperation of the willing. If people like the way of life told about in the Quran and they join the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah then that is there right so why should anyone pay any kind of tax for that because any communities that join the Muslim community that is already there becomes full part of it? The kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is strictly forbidden to start any war against anyone unless any people refuse to let Muslims carry out delivery of the message of the Quran or if they oppress and suppress their own people and they ask for help of kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Now if a people ask for help of Muslims then they are not going to do so if the Muslims are going to become their new masters, are they? Because that will mean out of frying pan into the fire for them. So before one could interpret the Quran to use it as reference for imposition of any form of tax, one has to show the case for it. That case cannot be proven at all. A clear proof that mullahs have been misinterpreting and misrepresenting the Quran on behest of rulers who claimed to be Muslims. It is they who have used sword for expanding their kingdoms and forced converted people and took over lands of people and used name of Allah, his scripture and messenger. The very same people misinterpreted the verses of the Quran to prove that the Quran allows people to be masters and slaves of each other. The whole Quran is free of such nonsense that has been attributed to it by rulers, mullahs and money lenders. That is the kind of Islam they spread among Muslims and nonMuslims and this is why ummah became confused and fell in chaos and so today there is no proper concept of ummah at all as it was introduced by the final messenger of Allah through his final message for mankind. This mullahs based Islam gave Muslims master slave status with each other and allowed business for profit among Muslims and so people became divided on basis rulers and ruled, mullahs and followers, money lenders and money borrowers and that is what ended the brotherhood among Muslims. Today Muslims have no second thoughts when they buy and sell each other in various ways. Little they know due to their ignorance about the message of the Quran that whatever they are taking as Islam is not the deen of Islam based upon the message of the Quran. This ruler, mullah and money lender Islam has not only destroyed ummah but also introduced such an Islam to nonMuslims which is now causing problems for all Muslims be they rulers, mullahs or money lenders but they have trapped themselves very badly and cannot get out. They are like a child who has locked himself inside my mistake and is now crying for help but there is no help on the outside. This child will now have to wait and grow up and think and get out of this situation all by himself. One cannot live on lies for ever because one day one runs out of all excuses which keep showing lies are truths for a time. So Muslim ummah is now facing situations and circumstances that it must give up falsehood attributed to the Quran and Islam by itself or perish and be replaced by some other people who can understand the message of the Quran properly.

30) The party of Jewish priests claims the priestly order established on the foundation provided by Ezra is proper Judaism according to Allah and the party of Christian priests claims the priestly order established on the foundation provided by Christ is proper Christianity according to Allah. That is what they claim on basis of hearsay accounts without any proof, borrowing the make beliefs and useless ritual practices of those who used to oppose rule based upon guidance of Allah in the past. Challenge of Allah is upon them to prove their claims so that they come to know how disconnected they are from His guidance due to giving themselves to make beliefs and useless rituals, so where are they heading with their such beliefs and rituals?

Here Jews, Christians and all other communities including Muslims are challenged by God to prove their religions are actually revealed by God. It is because God never revealed any religion at all. God simply revealed his programs, constitutions and laws for all people to abide by. The main sources for basis of religions are also revealed ie hearsay accounts about religious personalities. This verse leaves one in no doubt that Torah as claimed by Jews is not the actual Torah that was given to Moses in its original form that was just like the Quran. This writing the Jews have as Torah is attributed to Moses and Joshua not God. Similar is true about Injeel that was given to Jesus. That too was like the Torah and the Quran and not the Gospels that Christians have today that are attributed to disciples of Jesus. This does not mean that these books have no actual divine message in them but that that message is copies from the original sources and these books are not original divine works like the Quran is. They are more like Muslim collections of Hadith works wherein all information originates from human sources and some of it is false because it contradicts the Quran. Further more Muslims too are victims of Mullahism or priesthood just like Jews and Christians and Parses and Hindus etc etc. All nonsense beliefs and rituals are found among Muslims as well just like other communities which are against the actual teaching of the Quran. Humanity has a very long way to go yet before it can see errors in its ways of life that it has been adopting.

31) They have taken words of their Rabbis and priests to base their ways of life upon instead of taking the revelations of Allah through His appointed leadership of community of Mariam as foundation for their communities despite being commanded to take words of God as the sole basis for formation of laws for setting up a kingdom based upon His guidance because none has the right to rule but He alone. Blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind lies only in rule based upon His guidance and it is not possible through rule by any other and He is free of any partners and rivals in His sovereignty of this universe and that is why His campaign is against what they attribute to Him.

Here the Quran dismantles completely all the religions by telling mankind a simple fact that religions were invented by priests against what was revealed by God and why. In other words God is disowning religions and telling us what he actually revealed and why he revealed it. This can be proven from existing religious scriptures themselves ie they clearly contain commandments which only and only apply to human community relationships where as religions are private and personal affair of individuals. A clear contradiction between what scriptures state and what priests say. Priesthood among Muslims also suffers from same diseases that it tells people Islam too is just a religion like any other religion. The question is, why Muslim priests say the same thing as priesthood of any other religions? It is because when people turned to Islam in great numbers from all religions they overwhelmed existing original Muslim community so they kept living by same concepts they were brought up with in their original religious communities. Over a period of time their ideas became labelled as Islam because people who converted to Islam were much bigger populations than those who invited them to Islam. Whenever a smaller community will open its door for other communities it will become swamped if it is not careful. People should pay special attention to end part of this verse which is repeated in verses in the Quran and is generally translated as Allah is free of partners pagan attribute to him. The root SEEN, BAA and HAA has been explained already ie it means to work hard eg towards a goal. Allah is campaigning hard to educate people to give up their ignorance based beliefs and rituals and instead adopt what is told by Allah for their own well being.

32) These political, religious and economic personal interest based leaders wanted to extinguish the light of Allah's guidance by spreading their falsehood in form of religious, political and economic make beliefs and useless tricks and mechanisms in His name but Allah will establish His light of knowledge for guidance of mankind fully in due course despite the opposition of such like people who dislike and discourage rule based upon His guidance.

This verse is telling mankind, you can do all you like but in the end you will come to know that message of Allah is true because you will force each other into education even if you will ignore my teaching through my messengers. It is because as people set up themselves against each other as groups based upon vested personal interests they unknowingly help each other educate themselves as a result of by-product of their campaigns against each other. If people educated each other and learned from each other a lot of hassle will have been taken out of it but if that way is not going to be adopted by people then any way people adopt for themselves will still lead them along the same path to the very same end. A clear challenge for humanity to move away from what is stated here and prove what Allah is saying is wrong. No way mankind can do that if anything any passing day is only proving what Allah stated in this verse. This is how truth stands out but blind still cannot see and will carry on as usual.

33) Behold! It is He Who has sent His messenger with His goals and guidelines as a program, constitution and law for mankind so that He makes its benefits amply distinct in comparison to all other ways of life adopted by mankind for the reason that it becomes fully implemented in due course throughout the world despite the fact that those who invent and enforce other ways of life against it do not like seeing it fully established.

Here a clear promise is made by Allah that his revealed way of life will become known as the best for mankind in due course and gradually it will become adopted in full throughout the world despite the fact that there are people who will not like it see established. These people are not masses but rulers, mullahs and money lenders whose business will be no more. So far people have got themselves free of monarchs and mullahs so one more big step is to be taken by humanity before Islam becomes gradually established ie the end of money based way of life. This is why SALAAH and ZAKAAH are systems for people to become networks of communities and free themselves from personal gains based societies that divide humanity into castes, classes and places and races etc etc

34) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Surely most of the Rabbis and priests take away the God given rights of the people to His provisions by spreading their self invented beliefs and useless rituals in the name of Allah and that is how they hinder them from the proper way of life as set out for mankind by Allah. They do all this to keep all the treasures of useful things including gold and silver under their control as their personal wealth so they open not things of use for the cause of Allah to benefit their communities therefore make them aware about the painful consequence of their such actions.

This verse hits the nail on its head exposing imperialism by rulers, priests and money lenders fully and why these people do what they do ie to enslave people both mentally and physically. By controlling people through doctored religious indoctrination and by controlling things the people need they can be used and abused at will. So one can see why the whole world has ended up seriously confused and in chaos due to corruption by rulers, mullahs and money lenders. More and more people are ending up depressed and more and more are ending up committing suicide and billions are living below poverty line because they are forced to do so. All because there is a deliberate conspiracy against masses by rulers, priests and money lenders who are working as a team. No wonder then the Quran had to be misinterpreted and misrepresented to keep its real message hidden so that these people could continue their use and abuse of rest of mankind. This should also clear confusion about why mullahs are supported by nonMuslim sources to keep madrassas going to keep Ummah in this confusion through mullahs. Why not build proper schools, colleges and universities and hospitals and industries to enable a people stand on their own feet? Why conditions must be attached with aids given that actually destroy communities? Moreover little aid reaches those who need it most and most of it ends back in pockets of those who give it and loans are given to communities to keep them enslaved through interest on capital instead of helping them develop. A perfect setup, trick and mechanism for use and abuse of masses all over the world. All this shows lack of community spirit and personal gains at heart of individuals. No wonder then that hatred between communities is increasing due to spread of distrust through misinformation which lead to increase in suspicion and animosities. It is therefore important that just as dominant elite is united so should masses in communities to fight this domination for use and abuse of all masses in all communities throughout the world.

35) Unless they avoid this mindset, attitude and behaviour the day is surely coming in due course when their treasures which they stole from others will produce heat of hate like hell among their own people whereby their leaders, their team members and their backers and supporters or followers will end up being targeted by their victims for revenge. They will be told by them, this is the outcome of your act of stealing and storing the treasures for your future so taste the pleasure of what you hoarded for your future.

When a few people try to control land and resources and means of production and distribution and thereby mismanage or rather use and abuse human power and resources then needs of people cannot be met and when that happens people end up reacting to this in a terrible way. When some people try to destroy lives of others then they end up taking revenge for that and so whole communities end up destroyed. The Quran is full of stories about past generations of humanity and historical records back it up. So there is plenty to learn from if people educate themselves about things.

36) In order to avoid such unnecessary bloodshed and chaos by sudden outbreak of violence and upheavals by one party against the other it is prerequisite in sight of Allah that sound understanding of things must be allowed to prevail massively among mankind for a developed exemplary human community to come about according to the book of Allah, since the day humanity became divided into people in positions of power and down trodden masses and masses remained ignorant thereby stagnant and ended up in regression, progress and prosperity of mankind became restricted and strangled. That is the way mankind lived therefore do not keep your people in the same situation of painful suffering by keep going along the same path instead campaign against those who take for rulers other than Allah thereby follow ways of life other than the one advised by Allah altogether just as they campaign against you as a team. Moreover let it be known that Allah is with those who work for the well being of the mankind.

The verses in the Quran as already explained have complimentary layers of meanings so this verse is also about physical differences in humanity and the way people exploited those differences and the end results of those exploitations and the reason why Allah created those differences and what he expects people to do in order to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence. It has been explained already that there are two ways people can live their lives ie compete against each other and be rivals and enemies of each other or be a brotherhood and remove difficulties in the way of each other. In other words people can live as rivals or as helpers of each other. One way of life leads to one person winning and other losing or both losing and the other way of life leads to both people winning. It is a matter of living for the well being of each other or living for making life of each other hell.

37) Surely ignoring this advice causes increase in acts of revengefulness among people about which are in confusion those who oppose rule based upon Our guidance due to their arrogance that even though they hold it binding in some aspects sometimes, they ignore it in other respects at other times, so that that way they could create a situation that is consistent with their harmful and destructive ambitions and that is how they make lawful what is forbidden by Allah. Their suchlike harmful courses of actions seemingly give them advantage over each other that is why guidance of Allah guides not a people who instead of learning and understanding His program reject and oppose it.

The Quran is clearly calling on mankind to not to be ignorant fools to be trapped by scheming dominant people ie rulers, priests and moneylenders etc instead learn things and become educated through helping each other and stay alert and expose them what they stand for and campaign against their plots and conspiracies against masses as a team and save mankind from painful suffering. It is precisely because masses are not bothered with educating themselves and each other and getting up and rising up for their right to live blissful, dignified and secure life that dominant people use and abuse them. Here the Quran explains why it opposes other way of life people invent and adopt because they try to take undue advantage of each other using those ways of life and make the world a place like hell for a huge number of people in this world. The dominant people exploit the rest by making laws themselves for their own advantage and then make everyone follow those unjust and unfair laws that oppress and suppress mankind. A clear condemnation of so called shariah laws invented by mullahs on behest of rulers and money lenders. It is this very reason that mullahs of Bani Israel are condemned by the Quran. So Muslims who think mullahs know Islam taught by the Quran properly cannot be more far away from the actual truth about mullahs and their Islams. It has been explained already what Islamic law exactly is and how it is decided and brought about by ummah not any mullah on his own through any ruler.

38) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth for bring about the way life advised by Allah for the well being of mankind some of you cling to the ground? Are you becoming complacent to the terrible standard of life that you have at present for yourselves instead of trying to change it for the best in the hope of best future? If so even the little comfort you have will not last for very long because harmful ways of life will keep on spreading through these people if you sit idle and that will render your works you have already done to nothing and if you are already too late then any effort you make will be useless once you are fully trapped. Behold! Comfort in your life as your life is will prove short lived as compared to the life you can bring about for your future so letting that opportunity slip is not going to be anything great for you.

Here the Quran is telling people, it is not enough to declare commitment to the divine cause rather one must prove oneself true to the cause by acting for it and in time ie one has to prove ones words by ones deeds by fulfilling the goals according to provided guidelines. Actions must speak louder than words. You deem an objective good after clearly understanding it then why hesitate in supporting it by action so that it is accomplished as well? You want better life then work for it. It is not going to come about all by itself. God only helps those who help themselves as well. Sitting on prayer mat asking God to serve you is very disrespectful if one comes to think of it. God is like a good parent who gives advice to his children but it is up to children to live their lives successfully by working hard for that. Where is sense in turning round and telling your parent, go on you do the work as well I am going to sit idle or do other things that make things worse. This is disrespectful both for parents as parents and children as children. It shows one has no self respect and no respect for others. God tells people, he does not change condition of a people if they do not play their part in it. Part of God is to provide mankind the plan and things needed for it and part of mankind is to work on that plan and erect the community building in a place ie bring about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah.

39) Still if you do not see need for marching forth with the message for the well being of mankind then He will let you remain in your painful suffering as per His set-up systems and laws so in time He will find you replaced by another people because you cannot find any disruption in His setup systems and laws, for Allah has set-up universal systems and laws for disposing off all affairs about everything.

Here those who declare their commitment to divine cause are clearly warned that if they want results they must act for getting those results. God cannot be persuaded by praises or crying or condemnations. He has setup systems and laws and those who will do things according to that setup will get the results. It is same in any legal battle that if you do not fight your case you do not win no matter how much you praise the judge. Also God could not please everyone any way because all people have opponents and each side will be asking God for help so how can God help both people fighting against each other? This is why it is all system based and law based and if anyone uses the set-up systems according to their law then one will get the results accordingly. No prayers required. A prayer is more of a personal wish and to turn it into a reality one has to rely on systems and laws setup by God for running the universe and all its affairs. A call on God is all about refreshing the covenant or promise with God that you will live as explained by God so that mankind have united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous life.

40) It is unlike of you the people to not to support Our messenger because you know full well that he is supported by Allah for His mission. Call to mind the time when the opponents of his mission drove him out of his township and they were just two men at the time but look at your numbers now, the while they were in the cave during migration the second of the two said to his companion, worry not because Allah is with us. At length Allah fulfilled His word that was sent to him and in due course strengthened him with forces which you could not imagine at that time and that is how We rendered the influence based on arrogance of those who opposed rule based upon Our guidance ineffective because program of Allah is supreme and Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of the universe.

41) So march forth regardless equipped lightly or heavily and campaign for the establishment of rule based upon guidance of Allah in the world using whatever you have along with your personnel. That will ensure your well being for you indeed if you will bother to understand it and implement it.

42) As for the evaders of the campaign, had this been a short journey for the trade with vast personal gains then they would have certainly accompanied you but this journey for the mission of Allah seems too far and too hard for them to undertake. To justify their evasion they even call Allah to be their witness saying, if we were able to then we will have certainly marched with you. That is how they try to defeat the very purpose of existence of the community by not supporting their people in accomplishing their mission but Allah makes obvious through results of their own actions that they are inconsistent with their declaration of commitment to His mission.

43) Allah has granted you success in campaign without support of such people but why did you let them stay behind? It was better if you had not because it could become clear to you which of them declared their commitment to the mission indeed and which of them did not so they invented false excuses to be exempted from the campaign for the mission.

44) Surely those who are really committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, constitution and law of Allah for the better future of mankind, never ask you for exemption through false excuses from going on a missionary campaign with whatever they have along with their personnel. Thus Allah makes obvious those who are consistent with His mission for the well being of mankind.

45) Only those people ask for exemption through false excuses who are not really committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, constitution and law of Allah for the better future of mankind because their minds are filled with confusion about the success of the mission due to their remaining ignorant about it so they have no solid reason to support the mission.

These verses explain some very important points that people need to have some solid reason to do anything at all or to support any cause and unless one familiarises oneself with an objective and the need for it one cannot make up ones mind whether one should fight for a cause or not. A very strong refutation of mullahs who tell ummah, to use brain about matters concerning Quran is not allowed in Islam because Islam is just a matter of personal faith and following what mullahs tell people to do. The truth is Quran does not accept such people as true human beings who do not use their brains to learn sense and understand things properly, so how can such people be accepted as truly committed to cause of Islam or mission of God? The Quran wants people to equip themselves with proper knowledge of things to begin with or what is the point of God sending the Quran? After all it is book and books are for educating people and the Quran educates mankind about the mission that Allah has appointed for mankind.

46) Had they really intended to march forth with you then they would have certainly made some preparations for it but they did not, that is how Allah exposes them as not fit to go forth for His mission and instead He let them sit idle at home so they were told, stay at home along with those who stay behind.

47) Had they gone with you they would have added nothing but mischief and they would have made efforts to create disorder among your ranks and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. This is how Allah exposes those who still work against His mission.

48) Indeed they had plotted sedition before and created disturbance to make you unsuccessful until the truth became manifest and the plan of Allah prevailed even though they worked against it.

The more people try to undermine the mission of Allah the more it succeeds in ways people cannot think about to put a stop to them.

49) Among these people there is such a party that says, grant me exemption and put me not through trouble of learning and spreading the message of the Quran. Have they not fallen into trouble already by avoiding learning the Quran and the campaign against harmful and destructive forces? Surely painful suffering encircles those who ignore and oppose rule of Allah because letting ignorance and arrogance based harm and destruction have its way cannot lead to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

Here people are told not to let ignorant, arrogant, harmful and destructive elements in human community succeed or community will live to regret it.

50) If you gain any success in your campaign, it grieves them but if you face hardship or suffer any setback they say, we already knew this outcome of the campaign so they go back to their homes rejoicing.

51) Tell them, we do not expect any outcome for our campaign other than what Allah has planned for us according to His universal systems and laws. He is our supporter so in universal systems and laws of Allah should put their trust those who really commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

52) Say, how can you therefore expect any outcome for our campaign other than either of the two beautiful states, the state of struggling for installation of rule based upon guidance of Allah for betterment of humanity or state of its maintenance once it is fully in place? That is why we expect for you according to setup universal systems and laws of Allah a terrible life as results of your own thoughts and actions against each other or against us. So wait if you will we too are waiting for things to happen in due course to see who proves right in this regard in the end.

These verses make clear that whenever there is a divide between people, it is always based on some intended goal or expectation of each group of people as to what they want or how they want it. As struggle begins between the groups, things take time and ultimately one of the sides is proven right in what it stood for. Here we have two groups of people one clear in its mind about deen of Islam and other confused. The group with clear mind knows what it is fighting for and what will be the outcome of this struggle but confused group is here, there and everywhere ie has no real goal and expectation but a false hope that these people fail in their campaign. The human society at any given time is reflection of mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of its members because it is the resultant outcome of their participation in their world. Some people play active roles in various causes and others sit idle and yet others oppose those who are active for their goals and all this keeps society going in the direction the resultant end result takes it. In other words God has created this world, setup the systems and laws in it and left it to mankind to understand and make use of it. This needs self awareness before anything else then awareness of the universal realities and then making sense of all this in divine scheme of things so that we could make proper use of things for our own betterment or development and prosperity. It means even though we are born ignorant we cannot afford to remain ignorant if we want to know and open up our full potential. So people who sit idle cannot make any meaningful contributions to society. Not only that it is also very damaging if people deliberately keep each other ignorant and out of participation in society because this way people fail to contribute to betterment of human society so it loses its manpower for nothing. For example, if men keep women locked up then 50% of human power is gone and that will reflect badly on human development and the same will happen if powerful people locked up weak people in the community. Likewise will be the result if people were set up against each other on basis of all sorts of wrong foundations eg on basis of state and religion, rich and poor, class and caste, race and sexual orientation etc etc. Each negativity based division between mankind only dissipates time and energy of mankind which could have been spent for the betterment of mankind. This is why as time goes on human participation in this world leaves behind a trace as to where it was and where it is now and has it done better or worse for itself. This should help people plan their future participation better. The world we are given to live in is like a car, if we will know it properly then we will use it properly and benefit from it but if we will not bother to know it then we will end up using it abusively or fail to maintain it properly so it will give us troubles.

53) Say, regardless you participate in community during time of ease or in time of difficulty your participation is not for well being of the proper human community based upon guidance of Allah because you are such a people who work against program, constitution and law of Allah for personal gains at the expense of community life and thereby create divisions in the community.

54) This is why their participation is not acceptable to Allah and the proper human community because they participate to oppose program, constitution and law of Allah through His messenger by showing reluctance for working for establishing the community network so they participate or contribute in that cause reluctantly as if they are forced to take part in there.

In is generally true of people that they participate happily for what they think is right for themselves and show resistance when they have to take part in something they do not like. The concept of deen of Allah seems strange because it is against the natural way of life people are born and survive due to very limited sense they have. However people who have wider and deeper look at life they appreciate the way of life advised by Allah and once they do that they can give their all to this cause because they become aware that this way of life offers great life for mankind if it becomes successful.

55) For this reason let not be of any significance in your sight what they have or their following because Allah has setup the systems and law of consequences to reward such like people with painful suffering in the life as it is as a result of what they do to each other because they stay away from the campaign for His mission due to their ignorance and confusion and opposition to His program.

56) They call Allah to be their witness that they are indeed part of you the proper community based upon guidance of Allah but they are not part of you because they are a people of opposite mindset, attitude and behaviour due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for personal gain at the expense of each other whereby they create division in the community.

In these verses it is made amply clear what a true Muslim community is, it is fully based on teachings of the Quran both in word and deed. The Quran here makes amply clear that mere declaration that I am a Muslim because I believe in one God and messengership of Muhammad is not enough. One must have community spirit and form a community if it is not already there and live for it. Anyone who claims to be a Muslim yet lives on basis of personal gains at the expense of Muslim community is not a Muslim. The true test of a Muslim is whether one lives for the betterment of others or uses others for betterment of oneself at their expense ie the Quran here tells about two different mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. One lives for others and the other uses and abuses others to get what one wants. This however does not mean that one should not want anything at all but that one should wish for the same what one wants for others and try to get it if one can and at the same time one must ask others to help to get it as a member of the ummah. Islam is all about people working together as a team and not that one works hard and others sit idle waiting for him to bring everything to them. That is use and abuse which Quran wants to get out of human community. This is why the world is created the way we see it working ie none gets anything unless one works for it or all work together and produce what they need and distribute it among themselves as explained already in detail. Each and every person must do all one can then all share everything they have managed to get with help of each other as per their needs and wants. Wealth creation by all for the benefit of all is the lesson of the Quran. Islam is all about proper management of people and resources. If one is not part of human community this way then there is no community and no Islam and no Muslim. No matter what people claim to be, it is ground reality that matters.

57) If they could find a place of refuge or a cave or any hiding place wherefrom they could take everything they desire under their control for personal power, they would have certainly run to it with an obstinate rush.

This verse exposes mentality of such people who want to control everyone and everything but at the same time want to remain safe from the consequences for doing that so that they could enjoy being gods of all. They have this urge to be masters of all but yet do not want to anticipate the thought themselves being slaves of others. The truth is people who do not want to be slaves of other people must give up the desire to be masters of others as well otherwise interaction will always lead to fights and wars due to conflict of interest between people with similar mindsets, attitudes and behaviours as well as those who do not want to be slaves nor masters of each other because they promote human brotherhood instead.

58) This is why people like these raise false allegation against people like you the community administration concerning the assignment and fulfilments of rights about the community provisions. If they are assigned rights and are delivered of the provisions they are well pleased even though they are already self sufficient and if they are not assigned rights to provisions or delivered provision because they do not need it then they are full of rage.

As explained already word SADAQAAT is from root SWAD, DAAL and QAAF. It means meeting of words and deeds. If you say, you are going to do something then go ahead and fulfil your word then you have spoken the truth otherwise you have lied or you have proven yourself a liar. The Quran promises fulfilment of its stated rights for people by people who claim to be implementers of the Quranic program. So if Quranic program is brought to life properly then people are bound to have the rights and that their rights are bound to be fulfilled if people who claim to follow the Quran wish to be proven truthful indeed. SADAQAAT does not mean charity for poor that is false interpretation because Islam does not allow such divisions instead it wants to remove such divisions from among mankind through promoting brotherhood among human beings. A family does not give charity to its own family members. It is below human dignity. Humanity has to bind itself in a brotherhood through helping each other while maintaining human dignity and self respect for individuals. All are created by God and all are told to do certain things by God because all are indebted by favours from God. Therefore any who contributes to human community is doing it both for God and his own betterment. It is because if humanity does better than all mankind benefit including the contributors to the mission. That is because if society is not stable and in peace then nothing can get done, infighting and wars only harm and destroy humanity. Peace is only possible if all people are peaceful and to help people stay peaceful all must work together as a team, which mean all must contribute whatever they can through their hard works to keep human community on the track to blissful, dignified and secure existence. In these verses it is made plan that as individuals come together and organise and start working towards the set out goals it is a transition period and things that are to be expected at the completion of various stages must not be demanded before time when the community has not yet reached the stages whereat it can meet those demands. If people start controversy over this during transitional period then they are either ignorant or troublemakers. Ignorant need educating and trouble makers need to be identified and dealt with appropriately or they will end up destroying the whole thing. These verses also make clear that Islamic state is a welfare state however it is not possible to cater for all needs of all people right from the start, so things should be taken in steps and stages in stages. As state becomes more and more organised and manages its people and resources better and better, things will start easing after a while so all will have to endure hardship equally till state becomes self reliant and is then able to take on more and more responsibilities for looking after its citizens better and better. It matters not how bad the situation is at the beginning if there are enough hard working knowledgeable people in the community and they have enough land for resources then there is sufficient chance for its success. This will increase with time if community keeps up with missionary work properly because more and more communities will join in and more and more land and resources will become available through them and if the whole process is managed sensibly then state will go from strength to strength.

59) It will have been beneficial for them if they were consistent with what Allah had assigned for them as their proper right through His messenger and had said, rule based upon guidance of Allah will soon make us self sufficient because soon Allah will complete His program for our prosperity through His messenger. Indeed therefore to revelation of Allah we turn in that hope.

These verses expose what greedy people do and why ie they try to create troubles in community to break it up into fragments because they want to secure their position as leaders and once they get that then they gradually move into position to try and control land and resources and production and distribution because they know when they have succeeded in doing that then people cannot escape their trap. Because these people know that right to livelihood is very important for people so they try to tell them your rights are taken away from you in order to cause trouble through misinformation. Ignorant people follow their lead and cause trouble but people who have knowledge know what they are really up to. This is why Muslims cannot afford to be ignorant and stupid because then others who are cleverer than them can exploit their lack of knowledge about things. This is why one has to ask, why the Quran was revealed and why it was spread as a divine manifesto and used by people who came together as a constitution for their community and why its guidelines were used to help form laws for regulating the community? It was about educating people about everything necessary for them so that they could be good citizens of a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah that was to be brought about. Stupid people cannot build nations nor can they maintain them. So thinking that Islam is just a religion like any other is very silly indeed. It is a governing system for a state wherein a people live as united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous community.

60) Surely fulfilment of the assigned rights of those with needs and wants in the kingdom based upon Our guidance is an obligation by Allah upon their kingdom administrators to the point of satisfaction of their minds through feedback monitoring systems of institutions such as set the standards for various offices according to the program, constitution and law of Allah even when the kingdom, its administration and its community is going through process of transition for the betterment of all involved. This is a constitutional obligation from Allah and that is how Allah makes evident that His rule is based upon wisdom.

Word AAMILEEN is from root AIN, MEEM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is act. It depends on whether this root is used as a verb-fail, as a subject-faail or as an object-mafool. In this verse it is used as a subject in plural third person form, so it is about people who are responsible for distribution of assigned provisions to those who have right to have them from the administration of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. An irrefutable proof that Islam is a DEEN, not a MAZHAB.

Word RIQAAB is from root RAA, QAAF and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is keeping an eye on something or standing guard on something so that if something goes wrong it is detected right away and action is taken to put it right. This is why same root also means check post, monitoring tower, slave, prisoner of war, a person held by his neck, held in bond, to pay attention to something, stand in awe of something, keep in line with something or a reference point etc etc. In this verse this word is used for monitoring system of the community to ensure people are getting what they need as much as the state can deliver so that none is left without things of need by mistake of the state administration. This system also helps state see what else it may need to do to improve community life. It is a feedback system involving various ideas eg public complaining or demanding. Also administration people going out to find things out what else people need or want and what the administration people need to do to meet those needs and demands of public.

Word GHARIMEEN is from word GHAIN, RAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is burden or weight. The same root means responsibility, indebted, torment, be in pain for love, rival, opponent, a person who gets in debt for helping others, a person who gets in trouble for helping others, anyone who works hard to ensure well being of others etc etc.

These verses are clear indications of what a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah ought to be like, what its administration is supposed to be doing about its people and its resources and what its people are supposed to be doing. There is no free lunch in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah, because it is based on principle of all working hard as a team to make ends meet as a family to share the burden of community so that none of them is under excessive pressure that reaches the threshold which could lead any of them to depression and total breakdown. Work load if shared sensibly by a team then even its weak members can be of great help and get by. On the contrary rivalries and animosities and hatred etc between people could cause breakdown even of very strong people because they are under much more excessive burden from each other than they really need to be. No doubt all human beings need to do whatever they are capable of but if it is done through helping each other then more could be accomplished than if it is done by undercutting each other and undermining each other. In that case a lot of time and energy is wasted in beating each other to throw each other out of the game. When win, win situation is possible and can work better then why must people follow win lose idea or lose, lose idea? Is it because people love putting each other through painful suffering then why shed crocodile tears? In that case why condemn each other when people hurt and kill each other because we should accept the results of what we do to each other? If not, why not?

61) Despite his doing all this for the community there are still some ungrateful people among them who try to damage the prophetic mission by saying, he lends his ears to everyone. Say, it is all for your well being that he listens to all of you for what you have to say because he then does what benefits you the whole community as He is committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity according to program, constitution and law of Allah so he is committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of those also who themselves are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of those who are committed to working for unity, peace and prosperity of humanity from among you. As for those who try to inflict damage upon the mission of the messenger, they will end up in painful suffering if they stop not and reform themselves.

It is a very sad state in which humanity is that it does not appreciate things that it ought to appreciate because they could lead it to blissful, dignified and secure existence. Most people are rather happy supporting corruption and terrible state of existence whereby they are tearing each other apart like wolves. The same they did with divine messengers that instead of supporting them they back stabbed them every now and again and tried to bring down whatever they tried to build for them. This verse warns people that if you do not stop this mindset, attitude and behaviour then you yourselves could end up back in state that you were in before the coming of this message and this messenger and it were you people yourselves who asked for guidance to get out of trouble that you were in. Now that he is trying to bring you out of it you want to fall back in there.

62) They assure you the Muslim community in the name of Allah in order to regain your trust but the proper thing to do for them was to support implementation of the program, constitution and law of Allah along with His messenger if they were truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

63) Dont they know that any people who oppose guidance of Allah by opposing His messenger are bound to end up in life of painful suffering for as long as they live unless they stop doing so and reform? That surely is the worst humiliation that such people bring upon themselves.

64) These hypocrites the evaders of community responsibilities are afraid lest a Surah is sent about them revealing to Muslim community what is really in their minds. Say, fool about if you will but Allah is to bring to light all that you are trying to hide in due course through your own actions.

In the Quran there are plenty of verses talking about hypocrites but the question is, what does the Quran mean by hypocrites? It is people who do not accept Islam as a deen from Allah but they are ok with it as a dogmatic creed and set of useless rituals. That is what people did in the past communities ie they divided people on basis of state and religion. These people who are hypocrites are dominant people of society because they believe in personal power and wealth ideology and not in community spirit. Such people only turned Muslims by name because rest of their people accepted Islam as a deen because their previous community divisions led them to terrible life from which they wanted to escape and come out for the better. These people who had good life by making others their slaves and keeping them that way want to turn the clock back. This is why they are at it every now and then and dont miss opportunities for trying to derail Muslims from their proper path. This is why their interference in prophetic mission is a very serious matter indeed. If these people have external support as well then one can imagine what these people can do together to the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and that is what they did after the prophet passed away within 1st century. As Islam expanded rapidly Muslims were left dumb founded because they were swamped by the incoming communities as they could not educate them properly and people within Muslim community were already waiting for chance to bring back their old way of life so all this played a big role in bringing the prophet built kingdom based upon guidance of Allah down.

65) If you questioned them as to what are they up to? They will say, we are just discussing things to pass time. Say, are you taking program of Allah and His set goals and guidelines through His messenger for a joke as you do not go forth on a campaign for their accomplishment?

66) Make no excuses you have committed yourselves to opposing guidance of Allah after declaring your commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. Even if we Muslims accept repentance and reformation of some of you, we will punish others of you due to their harmful and destructive actions because they are such criminals who refused to repent truly and truly reform.

In any community it is very tricky to handle conspirators because some people truly become their supporters from within the community who lack in information and its proper understanding and this creates a situation of civil war. It is particularly difficult thing to handle the while community is going through transitional stages and these people also have external links that support them to bring down their community setup, systems and structures etc. If a people already have internal fights then people from other communities get discouraged from becoming part of the new community.

67) The leading hypocrites and their hypocrite following back each other. They promote what is harmful and destructive for the proper human community and discourage from doing what is beneficial and constructive for the proper human community that is how they make moves to take things into their control. They ignore guidance of Allah so He lets them ignore it and face the consequences because hypocrites do things against the program and plan of Allah whereby they try to break up the proper human community based upon guidance of Allah.

68) It is promise of Allah to the leading hypocrites and their followings as well as to the open opponents of His guidance that they are bound to end up in fire of hatred and remain therein which they have ignited themselves for as long as they will live as a result of their own thoughts and actions unless they repent and reform. Allah lets them move away from His blissful, dignifying and secure existence providing program as they choose therefore they are bound to suffer the terrible pain that lasts unless they repent and reform,

69) just like leaders who ruined themselves and their people before you because they were even mightier oppressors of their people than you people are for having much more personal wealth and children at the expense of their masses. That is how they enjoyed their participation in the world and you are enjoying your participation in the world just like the people before you enjoyed their participation in the world, so you participate in the world just like they did. Such are the people whose works are of no benefit for mankind in this world nor in the world to come and that is why people such as these end up in utter loss.

If we know human history the generations of people long gone had leaders with more power over their people because they had absolute authority over them eg absolute monarchy. The rule was based upon dynastic politics and economies were all centred around kings and their noblemen. This is not the situation today because no single person is as powerful today as some individuals used to be but use and abuse of masses continues due to rulers, mullahs and money lenders.

70) Have they not heard the news about those who have gone before them? The people of Noah, Ad and Thamud, the people of Abraham, people of Madyan and the like cities that adopted the personal gains based way of life at the expense of each other that turned them upside down through upheavals and civil wars. Their messengers came to them with clear goals and guidelines warning them against their adopted ways of life, that is how Allah tried helping them to prevent them from harming and destroying each other but instead of benefitting from the advice of Allah they rejected and opposed it and that is why they continued harming their own people so much so that they ended up destroyed through atrocities against each other.

Word MOTAFIKAAT is from root ALIF, FAA and KAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is something that does not fulfil the purpose it is put in place for. Also falsehood, lie, deception, to turn upside down, to change things in some way, to turn away, to accuse falsely, to dissuade, to make a move to deceive, to beguile, to persuade someone away from something, to persuade someone to not to do something, to turn someone away from something through persuasion, to snare, to trap, to fabricate, to fake, to pretend, to feign, to trick someone away from something, to slander, to overthrow, to subvert, the cities that turned upside down, to ruin through falsehood, to destroy through deception, the inventors of lies etc etc. In the Quranic context this word is used here for invented way of life against the way of life advised by Allah by adopting which people end up ruined through infighting due to rivalries and animosities.

71) This is why the managers of communities committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and the managed communities committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind are supporters of one another as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. They promote what is beneficial and constructive for human community and discourage what is harmful and destructive for human community and that is why they struggle for establishing and maintaining community network for attaining freedom from all ills in the human community and that is how they keep themselves consistent with guidance of Allah through His messenger. Such are the people through whom comes unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind that is promised by Allah, surely Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of the universe.

72) Allah has promised the managers of the communities committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and the managed communities committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind blissful, dignifying and life securing kingdoms in which flow rivers of all they will need and desire to abide therein for as long as they will live by rule based upon guidance of Allah, and they will have beautiful mansions in these blissful kingdoms full of all kinds of raw materials. They will achieve all this due to faithfully following the guidance of Allah, the great and that will be the grand achievement for them.

73) Therefore O you the prophet! Strive hard using the Quran with utmost effort for convincing those who oppose rule based upon Our guidance openly as well as those who oppose rule based upon Our guidance secretly through conspiracies and be steadfast in this struggle against them making clear to them that painful suffering is their destiny and therein they will remain unless they repent and reform and that is the worst of states of existence to be in.

These verses make it amply clear what jihad means in the context of the Quran. A very hard and constant struggle for educating mankind as to how they should live properly in this world with help of the Quran. Of course fighting with sword is not ruled out against those who stop followers of the Quran from delivering its actual message faithfully for trying to educate people out of all sorts of ignorance and troubles. Unfortunately ummah is lost itself today and has no idea how to come out of its confusion looking for saviours after the prophethood and the revelation has come to an end, so how can it deliver the message of the Quran to others effectively? That is why if Muslims want to regain their status as true followers of the message of the Quran then first they need to turn to the Quran themselves for its proper understanding and then take on its mission of teaching it to others and see the result. Preaching make beliefs and useless rituals as Islam is never going to educate people therefore bring ummah out of its ignorance and troubles nor anyone else. If anything it is going to ruin ummah yet more and others will have to wait for the message of Allah or make their own efforts to get it and educate Muslims as well. That may be possible if Muslims are no longer able to make any worthwhile effort towards bringing about a beautiful world. The point made in these verses is that just as it is important for Muslims to get to know the message and implement it so it is important for their opponents to get to know the message because the world cannot become a beautiful place unless all people who live in it join together on this basis. If some people do not want a beautiful world for themselves then they can isolate themselves but they cannot be allowed to make the life of rest of humanity hell, so fight can only be avoided between people if they accept each other otherwise fight to the end is inevitable. So jihad must go on till opposition to guidance of Allah is no more and all people have blissful, dignified and secure existence as explained by the Quran itself for those who have learned how to be wise and proper human beings.

74) They call upon Allah to be their witness to assure you that they said and did nothing against the struggle for kingdom based upon guidance of Allah but they said and did things in opposition to struggle for kingdom based upon guidance of Allah after their declaration of commitment to struggle for bringing about a peaceful kingdom because they thought of a plot which they were unable to carry out. They had no reason to be revengeful instead they had every reason to appreciate that Allah through His messenger has enriched them by His revelation based unity, peace, progress and prosperity. So if they repent and reform it will be better for them but if they turn back to their old ways of life then Allah will let them fall in painful suffering from start of their journey to its finish and they will have none in the world to support and protect them.

These verses are a very powerful message for all who declare their commitment to struggle for success of the prophetic mission. It is not just a matter of declaring their commitment in words to the cause and doing nothing to make it an actual reality. As explained already, the first leg of the mission is bringing about a proper human community and then creating and maintaining a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Anything else follows that. Today people who claim to be committed to the mission of the Quran can see for themselves how far they have progressed in the direction told by the Quran or how far they have distanced themselves from it. This should leave none in doubt whether one has worked for what one says one believes in or not. Islam is a deen appointed by Allah and not a make belief and useless ritualism based religion. It is because rulers, mullahs and money lenders have derailed Muslims due to their becoming and remaining an ignorant people that the whole ummah is clearly in serious troubles. So if people want to get out of all these troubles then people must turn to the Quran and try to understand its actual message clearly and then act upon it faithfully as individuals to become a proper human community once more and then stay that way. The lesson here is that once one declares his commitment to the struggle for the fulfilment of the mission appointed by Allah then there is no point in being in many minds and doubts and saying and doing things against the mission even in desperation. It is because half hearted struggles never succeed so one has to be willing to give the cause his all.

75) There are some among them who made a promise with Allah saying, if He bestows us with His provision in abundance then we will surely use it for the well being of others and thereby become truly of those who truly work hard for unity and peace between people by removing rifts from between them,

76) but when He did bestow of His bounty upon them they became stingy and turned back on their promise and became evasive instead.

77) That is how He found hypocrisy taking roots in their minds, which showed through their attitudes and behaviours instead of what they declared so this hypocrisy will last in them till the day they meet His set out consequences for it because they breached their commitment to goals and guidelines of Allah whereby they denied rights to provisions of Allah for others.

78) Did it not dawn upon them that Allah makes their secret motives and their secret counsels obvious through results of their own actions in due course because Allah makes obvious in due course all that is hidden from them?

79) It is they who falsely accuse for mismanagement those who are part of the management of community and resources of those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for delivery of provisions to them as their right and that is how they throw ridicule at those who offer their services for the benefit of the proper human community upon Our guidance. Soon Allah will show them results of their ignorance and arrogance based accusations and ridicules because in due course their this mindset, attitude and behaviour is bound to land them in painful suffering.

80) Therefore it is the same whether you assign them with rights to provision for their security and satisfaction or not they will continue doing what they do. Even if you assigned them with rights to manifold more provision yet Allah does not find them feeling secure and protected under His program, constitution and law. That is because they oppose the rule based upon guidance of Allah as revealed to His messenger. So guidance of Allah does not guide such people to blissful, dignified and secure existence who do not learn and implement His program and instead work against it.

81) Happy they were in their opposition and in their sitting idle at home against the call of the messenger of Allah for putting up a powerful and constant struggle for the fulfilment of the mission because they hated joining in the struggle using whatever they had and their personnel for the mission of Allah. Moreover they say to each other, do not join this struggle due to the hard work and hardship it involves. Let them know that the hard work for personal gains at the expense of each other and the hardship that comes about as a result of it makes life even more hell due to fire of hatred between people from which they are being saved but only if they could realise it.

82) Let them not be too happy about it because they have a lot to cry about as a result of what they did to their community by staying away from the struggle for implementation of the program of Allah in order to accomplish His set goals for them according to His provided guidelines.

83) As of now if Allah brings you among them again to set out on another mission and any of them asks for your consent to go forth on a campaign say, you are not allowed to accompany me anymore nor fight an enemy in my company. You chose to sit idle at home the last time therefore you can sit idle this time as well along with those who stay at home ignoring my call.

84) Moreover you should never support any of these people who are heading for their self destruction as a result of their own course of actions nor ever accept their ideological foundation because they oppose guidance of Allah through His messenger whereby they cut themselves off from the proper human community because they are a people who cause fractures in the community through causing frictions between people.

85) So let not be of any significance in your sight what they have or their following because Allah has set the law of consequences to reward them with painful suffering due to their own thoughts and actions in this very life as they are cutting themselves off from this community because they are still keeping themselves confused therefore they oppose the guidance of Allah.

86) All this because when a Surah is revealed by Allah telling people to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, constitution and law of Allah and strive hard along with His messenger to spread the message, the leading people from among them say, leave us with those who are to stay at home.

87) They choose to be with those who stay behind as a result of resistance they have developed in their minds against working for the well being of the human community and they show this by avoiding learning for proper understanding of benefits for striving hard for establishing the rule based upon guidance of Allah.

88) On the other hand the messenger and those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with him strive with whatever they have and their personnel. They are the ones who will end up with benefits and they are the ones who will be successful in their struggle for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

89) Allah has prepared for them a roadmap to land them in blissful, dignified and secure life providing kingdoms in which flow rivers of all things of their need and desire wherein they will abide for as long as they deserve and that will be a worthy grand achievement for them.

This surah leaves one in no doubt at all as to what the Quran is all about and what its actual message is for the humanity as a whole. It is mainly about struggle for learning and doing things to make this world a beautiful place for mankind with help of guidance of creator and sustainer of the world. Education is necessary for eliminating ignorance about things so that people could stop living the ways that harm and destroy them by hands of each other. It is also about creativity that helps people turn this world into a blissful, dignifying and secure existence place for mankind.

90) Just like them some from among the desert Arabs also came with their excuses begging for exemption from partaking in the campaign to stay behind, that is how those who make false declaration of commitment to program of Allah through His messenger sit idle and contradict their words by their deeds. Soon a painful suffering will seize those of them who actually oppose Our program instead of supporting it.

91) Surely there is no blame - on the old, the disabled and the sick or those lacking the ways and means - for staying behind so long as they stand for the implementation of the program of Allah with His messenger. There is also no blame for staying behind on such as are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and work for it within their own capacity within their own assigned places because Allah is protector of such through His revealed blissful guidance.

There is no blame for not going on a campaigns for spreading the message of Allah on those already working in their offices or stations in their capacity serving the community already nor on those who are in some way not capable of being a part of campaigning force due to being unfit or community not being able to use them yet due to being at an early stage of the campaign. However, campaign is of vital importance because without it message of Allah cannot be spread nor effectively. It is top duty of ummah to make sure there is always a group of people set aside for this purpose alone that is capable of delivering the message of the Quran effectively. The people who are supposed to be part of this group have to be fit people because it is highly demanding task that needs people who have brains and awareness of things so that they can educate people about the message of the Quran properly. It is because when anyone is going to be told about the message of the Quran there are going to be questions by people that will need to be answered properly. People lacking in self awareness or awareness about the real world realities and ill prepared regarding the message of the Quran will only end up exposing themselves as ignorant fools and drive people away from deen of Islam instead of bringing them to it. This is why the first thing needed for campaign is effective message delivery in the first place so that people end up accepting the message of the Quran and join the ummah. Of course when that happens those who will lose free labour will come after Muslims and these people in order to put a stop this carry on and then another group of people will be needed that is fully capable of defending the ummah by force of arms. Masses once become educated will not be able to refuse acceptance of the message of the Quran but they will be stopped by their rulers, priests and money lenders using all means at their disposal and if help is not there to save them from these vultures and wolves then these people will become victims of their terrible atrocities so ummah will end up suffering greatly as a result of ill preparation. This is why all messengers of Allah had to prepared two wings in the community for this purpose ie the deliverers of the message and the fighting force. There was never random preaching and fighting under any messenger because they came to bring about an effective ummah that was based upon guidance of Allah and that is why they were able to bring about exemplary kingdoms based upon guidance of Allah. In short ummah is not a random crowd of useless people having no sense what they doing and what for. Ummah is a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah that is fully organised and regulated human community. Looking at things from the Quran perspective in the so called Muslim ummah today, one cannot find much right in there and people are trying to make things worse than they already are in the name of Allah, his book and his messenger. So time for individuals to think about things as to what they believe and do and call it Islam and what is the outcome of that for themselves and others. Ummah is only a name nowadays with very little unity, peace, progress and prosperity so those who claim to be Muslims must be doing something very, very seriously wrong otherwise this ummah could not be expected to be in such terrible state of existence. Of course, ummah can start waking up and becoming what it is supposed to be in light of the Quran but someone will have to start somewhere to wake people up and help them see what the actual message of the Quran is. People have become infected with disease of make beliefs and useless rituals and claim to be best of the people while lying in the dust like drug addicts living in their own little world in their own heads having little sense about themselves, real world realities and the message of the Quran. So there is a lot of ground to be covered even if people wake up today and start getting on with what they are supposed to doing.

92) Likewise is the case of those who came to you the messenger and the community requesting the conveyance and you said, I am unable to provide you the conveyance and they returned home with their eyes streaming with tears because they were filled with sorrow that they had no resources for going along with you on a campaign for the mission.

93) The blame is only on those who begged for exemption although they are a people of means and physically fit so they had no excuse to remain behind yet they chose to be with those who remained at home because Allah found them with resistance in their minds against doing things that could benefit their own community as they bother not to learn what is really of benefit for them to do.

These verses expose fully people with certain mindset, attitude and behaviour ie those who only do things for their personal gain at the expense of community. This is major sign of hypocrisy. Today, all Muslims live for themselves as individuals having no sense of community due to accepting ruler of man over man in form of rulers, mullahs and money lenders. If people want to be an ummah then they must rid themselves of rule of man over man and all the rest of evils that come with it and adopt the way of life told by the Quran as explained already in detail.

94) They will apologize to you when you come back to them after the campaign. Say, apologize not now because we will not accept it of you as Allah has already informed us about your affairs. That is why Allah and His messenger will see how you conduct yourselves in the future therefore you are directed to guidance of Allah Who makes known in the future results of peoples present actions and that is why He informs you as to what you ought to be doing for your better future.

95) They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them in order to assure you about their loyalty and support so that you may let them off the hook. Therefore leave them on their own because their heads are filled with opposition against rule based upon guidance of Allah therefore agonising has to be their state of existence as the fitting consequence for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions.

96) They will swear to you under oath in order to assure you so that they are accepted back into the community by you the community but even if you do accept them back Allah will never approve of such tricksters who promised to work for the implementation of rule based upon guidance of Allah but actually did nothing to fulfil their this declared commitment.

97) Some of the desert Arabs are worse in opposing and conspiring against the installation of program, constitution and law of Allah because they are least inclined to learning and abiding by the set limits that Allah has revealed through His messenger whereby Allah makes it obvious that He rules the kingdom through wisdom.

Despite Allah assuring mankind that he rules his kingdom wisely, people still do not accept the truth and so they rather live by rule of their own as it suits them and face the consequences. One can therefore see what this surah is all about ie Allah let mankind know the best way to live their lives but they are not interested, so Allah is saying have it your way and see what you end up with because that is what you choose for yourselves. That is how people set themselves against each other and end up doing to each other terrible things and put the blame on their creator and sustainer. The message of Allah is very clear but people are not bothered with learning and knowing things for themselves for sure.

98) It is due to their ignorance based arrogance that some of the desert Arabs look upon the assigned community responsibility in form of community revenue as a penalty and wait for some misfortune to befall you. Misfortune can strike them due to their such mindset, attitude and behaviour if they do not repent and reform through learning and doing what is required of them, that is why Allah makes obvious for mankind to learn and do what they must learn and do through His advice because He is comprehensive in His knowledge of things.

Another very important point raised in these verses is that there is no community if people are unwilling to contribute for the well being of each other. What kind of parenting is that which does not take responsibility of raising its kids properly? What kind of community is that which does not care what happens to its members? However if you do decide to become a community then you have to be willing to take on the burden of community life and community has to be willing to take on burden of its members. It is a two way process and that is why word UMMAH must be paid full attention. It is root from which come word UMMI-mother of nation as well as word IMAAM-father of nation. Just as parents need to work hard for raising their children and children work hard to lookafter their parents so nation is mother and father of individuals and individuals are children of UMMAH. Each must work hard in order to ensure the other is fine. If each worked to harm or destroy other then it will not take long before human race becomes extinct as a species. There is no guaranty the last man will live because he too could be killed by diseases present in the environment. So there is no sense in rivalries and animosities and there is every reason that people must learn to live as a family. This calls for open ended commitment by all without any unnecessary barriers that work against survival and betterment of human race.

99) It is because some of the desert Arabs are learned therefore they are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, constitution and law of Allah for the better future of humanity so they look upon whatever they are assigned as the community responsibility in form of community revenue as a means of bringing them closer to establishing the rule based upon guidance of Allah through supportive networks set up by the messenger. Surely closer they are brought to their objective by their such thoughts and actions therefore soon Allah will land them in life of prosperity through His program for blissful, dignified and secure existence because Allah is protector of mankind through His guidance whereby He leads mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

100)This is why those who took lead to begin the movement for bringing about the beautiful world for mankind and those who supported them from among those who migrated mentally and physically and those who sheltered and supported them beautifully of the host community for purpose of bringing about the beautiful world for the mankind, Allah found them consistent in their commitment to His cause and their course of actions for it and they too found His guidance consistent and fit for its purpose. That is what He prepared His plan for to land them in life of bliss, dignity and security through kingdoms in which flow rivers of all things they need and desire wherein they can live for as long as they maintain them faithfully and that is indeed an achievement that was worth their effort.

101) Just as those people were consistent with Our guidance so there are some from among the desert Arabs around you hypocrites and so there are some from among the residents of the city fanatical in their hypocrisy. You should not accuse them instead let Our set-up systems and laws expose them in due course through results of their own actions because soon We will find them caught up in twice as much in agony where in they will suffer severely.

This verse gives people an important advice that you should never accuse each other without proof merely by your words against each other instead wait till they expose themselves by their harmful and destructive words and actions against the proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. This way the risk of divide in the community can be avoided. It is because whoever holds any harmful and destructive thoughts about anyone will try to act on them to get what one wants and when one will do so one will become exposed all by oneself.

102) There are also some who have owned up to what they have done wrong. They have mixed records constructive as well as destructive. It is likely that Allah will turn to them through His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing guidance should they work according to it because Allah is protector of mankind through His blissful program.

103) Do accept from them fruit of their labour they offer happily for the well being of the proper human community based upon guidance of Allah and that way free them from their assigned responsibility towards the community and thereby free them from all ills by making them support each other through setting up a supportive network for them. Surely your making them support each other through a supportive network will bring them self confidence and thereby peace of mind and that is how Allah makes evident for people that He is comprehensive in His wisdom.

The Quran makes it very clear that deen of Allah is all about well being of mankind this is why brotherhood or ummah concept is the very foundation of it and it is not just coming together of the people but for the purpose of removing all ills from human society that otherwise are impossible to remove. This is not simply a case of some human friendly people coming together and starting up a deen because those who are clever enough do not need a human friendly deen to survive and those who are not smart enough are not able to produce work like the Quran because it explains all things in detail and with consistency. Clever and strong people take undue advantage of others who are weak and dumb not support them. This is why the world is the way it is because that is the best human beings could come up with so far. A clear proof that the Quran is not a book written by human beings because they are not that smart even today never mind 1500year back in time.

104) Know they not that Allah appreciates those of His human creatures who turn to His guidance and do things as explained by Him therefore He accepts their services they offer in His name for supporting each other? That is how Allah appreciates any people through His blissful, dignifying and life securing guidance?

105) So tell them, conduct your affairs as you should being aware that Allah and His messenger as well as those committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity are watching your thoughts and actions as members of the community because that is the reason you are brought to His program under His constitution and law Who makes obvious the results of your thoughts and actions in due course as you carry them out, that is why He informs you about all that you ought to be doing and whether you are getting nearer to your goals or moving away from them.

As explained already the verses of the Quran have multiple complementary meanings, so they need to be studied carefully. This is another reason as to why the Quran is very difficult to translate using word for word translations. It is therefore a good idea that one learns the language of the Quran for its better understanding.

106) There are yet others regarding whom Allah still has not made His decision obvious. It is up to His set-up universal systems and laws whether they will suffer the painful results of their own thoughts and actions or whether He will find them turning to His advice and reforming according to it that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that His rule is based upon wisdom.

The Quran makes it absolutely clear that humanity can only survive as a community if all its members show genuine concern for well being of each other and thus keep each other in check and on the proper path for better future as a community as explained by the Quran.

107) Yet there are those who out of opposition to Our guidance have installed another institution for harming and destroying unity between those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind on the directions of such a leadership that is already at war with the way of life advised by Allah through His messenger, they will indeed call upon Allah to be their witness in order to assure you that their intentions were only for well being of the community based upon guidance of Allah but Allah has made their thoughts obvious through their own actions so they are a bunch of liars.

This verse is very, very important to understand because it explains how people in due course expose themselves by doing what is in their minds. People who did not want to contribute to well being of the community set-up by the people along with messenger of Allah they set up another organisation and put in place a new institution and claimed they have done it for the benefit of the community. The fact is, the like minded people have come together to plan demise of an emerging ummah but the interesting question is, what sort of system they wanted to set-up? A system that has been explained already in the verses gone by ie to turn Islam into religion because that way they become leaders of people and set-up priesthood in the name of Quran and Islam and off they go into business of making fool of masses as they used to. This is same thing which some of the people did to community of Moses. The priest in time of Moses, the Samarian tried to turn those people religious so that he could recreate a status for himself among those masses. He failed and these people are trying to do the same among Muslims and they too are caught in time and their this step is rendered ineffective. It were these like people who took advantage of confusion after the prophet and turned deen of Islam into a religion. This is having its effects and people are again looking for ways to get out of this situation. It is only a matter of time before people realise that religions are utterly false things because they lead people to ignorance and poverty by diverting their attention and focus from vital goals and guidelines which help humanity survive and prosper. This verse explains how hypocrite work from within the community to harm and destroy deen of Allah therefore masses must never accept living in ignorance or they will always be made fool opf themselves and enslaved by those among them who are always looking for chances to go their own ways and harm and destroy them. It is because their way of life is always going to be based upon idea of use and abuse of masses for their personal gains. One has to realise how dangerous these people are ie they try their best to get their way even when a messenger of Allah is among them so one can see how even more dangerous they can prove when there is none to stop them. The danger mentioned in the verse was spotted by people and eliminated straight away only because people were told by Allah to remain alert about what is going on in the community. This is why people who want to work for unity of ummah have to be on high alert so that ummah is protected against all internal and external conspiracies and dangers. If people think they can bring about and maintain an ummah by being lazy and crazy then that cannot be more than just an imagination of such people. If an ummah could come about all by itself then Allah will not have sent thousands of messengers and books and had not told people to be on their feet. This is why each and every messenger of Allah and each of his supporter worked day and night for bringing about and maintaining a beautiful world for themselves as a community. So there are plenty of lessons in the Quran how people should start and complete their struggles for bringing about a blissful, dignifying and secure existence for themselves. The coming surahs will explain all that in detail. This surah is last of the series which explained all people needed to know to make decision for themselves as to which sort of way of life they want for themselves. After that it is time for putting up struggles to get that kind of way of life. One can either live as a member of a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah wherein one lives for the well being of others or one can choose to live as an individual for oneself at the expense of all others. The outcome is already fully explained in either case so it is left up to an individual to think and act as one likes.

108) So never stand with this sort of bunch of people ever. Instead there is a community that is based upon consistency with guidance of Allah as well as with each other from the very beginning of the movement, so the proper thing for you to do is, stand by it. It is because in that community are people of their words who love to be free of all ills and guidance of Allah is fit for those who love to be free from all ills.

Masses need to be very careful in supporting any people, their set-up organisations and their set-up institutions, programs, constitutions and laws etc because they must find where do they stand exactly and where are they going to end up in time to come. So finding out about their goals, guidelines, programs, constitutions and laws etc is of vital importance or blind support and following could cost people all they have for nothing to gain at the end of the day other than painful suffering and regrets. Only if any people go by the Quran they should be supported ie if they are really there for the well being of human community. If instead they are for inflicting damage on masses then people should get together and bring them down in order to secure their own future by organising and regulating themselves as a proper human community based upon the actual guidance of Allah. This is a very serious matter so it needs a lot of learning and getting to the core of the matter before taking any steps. They must ensure that they are going about things the proper way or they may end up destroying something that actually is for their benefit. This again shows how vitally important education is, because people always need knowledge of things before they could properly oppose or support anything with full confidence and peace of mind. Ignorant people could end up supporting things that cause them damage and opposing things that help them. This is why mullahism is a very dangerous thing because it tries to impose ignorance thereby make beliefs and rituals on community by force where it can. This renders community lifeless and so people who give in to make beliefs and adopt useless rituals become stuck and end up destroyed over a period of time after prolonged painful suffering. The Quran warns people again and again about all this.

109) Which person has proper knowledge and takes proper action the proper way, he who builds the building of community on the solid foundation provided by Allah for the well being of mankind according to His guidance or he who lays his building of community on an unstable crumbling foundation that tumbles down with him into the ditch to destruction? However guidance of Allah guides not such people as learn not His program and do terrible things to each other for personal gains.

Allah has given people the goals and guidelines to organise and regulate their human community according to but if they do not learn his message and do as they like then they are left to do as they see fit for themselves. However that does not mean that people will not hurt each other or react to each other when they hurt each other. If one person abuses another then reaction could come as the one abused decides. It could be inaction, abuse in return or an even worse reaction. Each of these reactions decide whether mankind make life better or worse for themselves as a whole through this interaction between themselves.

110) The structure of those who so build is never free from instability even in their own minds pulling their minds in different directions thus their structures end up torn apart. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind to see that His program is based upon wisdom therefore provides a stable foundation and structural map for building a proper human community.

These verses explains that just as each and every aspect of a building must be paid full attention if one is going to build a building so one should when one builds a nation. The foundation of any building is its purpose and then a proper building plan and then worked carried out exactly as required by the plan using the proper material. If a building has no purpose to begin with or plan is drawn by a person who has no idea what is involved or work is carried out by people who have no skills then end result is obvious. This is why if mankind want to be a proper Ummah worth the name then they must give their backing to learning knowledge so that they know how to build a proper human community. Backing ignorance and stupidity is not going to get humanity anywhere other than deeper and deeper into the ditch of hell. So people who claim to be Muslims need to start learning and doing things properly instead of backing their rulers, mullahs and money lenders.

111) Surely Allah has agreement of those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity that they will work hard together to bring about blissful kingdoms using their personnel and whatever they have. That is why they should struggle hard to deliver His message to accomplish goals set by Allah according to His guidelines for the well being of humanity even if it leads them to fighting those who are hell bent on making life hell for mankind and even if they themselves are fought against by them due to taking up this cause. This agreement was always the same as was stated in the Torah and the Injeel and now in the Quran and who has more right to have fulfilment of His agreement with mankind other than Allah? Therefore fulfil the agreement with Allah and enjoy its fruits as He promised you and that will be a great achievement for you the mankind.

This verse takes us back to very first Surah wherein Allah introduces himself and then asks mankind to live by his program to be united and in peace through progress for prosperity. If humans will go by the book of Allah then universal systems and laws set-up by Allah will not fail to deliver humanity whatever they deserve as a result of their thoughts and actions. Also it is a constant struggle on two fronts a)to do what is needed to be in peace ie make progress and be prosperous but b)people become divided every now and then and this also needs to be taken care of. This is where a lot of effort is needed to educate people to become united and stay united so that all could work for the same goals using same guidelines and end up with similar outcomes of their thoughts and actions. Since not all people are interested in education things become problematic for mankind eg some do not want education because it needs hard work from which most people shy away. Also some people want to keep information under lock and key because knowledge is power and those who have some do not want others to have this power therefore the copyright laws and then spying on each other to see what we are hiding in our closets. This prevention from learning then takes form of rivalries and animosities and so fights and wars between people become inevitable as a consequence of such like mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. This is why this verse deals with all that needs doing to get the job done. Muslims must never shy away from struggle for the well being of mankind even if they have to go to war for it to keep in check antisocial elements among mankind. It is because if playing field was left at the mercy of harmful and destructive elements in society then we had to forget about well being of mankind in this world. People must distinguish between priesthood created make beliefs and useless rituals in forms religions and the actual messages in the allegedly divine scriptures. That is how they will discover the actual message of God from the very same scriptures they have. No scripture tells people to deceive or lie to each other or to take human life in vain. One has to question, what happens if people deceive each other or lie to each other? If we all did things scriptures stop us from then what kind of world will come about for mankind to live in? All scriptures show they are not religious scriptures at all because religions are a private matter not something to base human community life upon. On the contrary scriptures contain commandments for formation of a good human community. This is how conspiracies by politicians and priests and moneylenders become so obvious for masses to see but only if they have learned some sense. Politicians, priests and moneylender do not turn up on community functions because they are Godly people but because they are all one in fooling public at large. Why kings sat at feet of priests and vice versa? And the same is true about moneylenders. All these people look for opportunities to exploit humanity in various ways ie politicians use and abuse people politically, priests religiously and moneylenders financially using tricks and mechanisms of their trades respectively. If they were truly Godly people then politicians will know scriptures properly and live by them and so will mullahs and money lenders. What does that mean? It means they will look for ways to manage people and resources in ways that work perfectly for mankind. Priests if they knew scriptures they would be most knowledgeable people on face of the earth leading humanity not hiding behind people. Moneylenders will not be bloodsuckers sucking humanity dry. Instead they would look for ways to make production and distribution of goods and services work best for mankind not what is best for profiteering for individuals at the expense of the rest.

112) Such as those who stop living the harmful and destructive way and declare commitment to living by guidance of Allah and work for bringing about a community that makes manifest glory of way of life advised by Allah therefore they make missionary journeys and mould themselves according to requirements of missionary works and carry out duty of promoting such participation and interaction between people as is beneficial and constructive for mankind and discourage any interaction and participation between people that is harmful and destructive for mankind, and that is how they observe and guard the limits set by Allah for the well being of mankind, therefore give glad tidings to such people who are so committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

113) It is therefore not right for the prophet and those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind that they should support such people as adopt and promote any way of life in opposition to that which is advised by Allah and rebel against the kingdom that provides blissful, dignified and secure existence based upon guidance of Allah even if they be their own blood relatives after it has become obvious to them that these people are enemies of guidance of Allah and well being of humanity because they are totally consumed by fire of hatred and animosity of mankind.

This verse takes us back to people mentioned in the verses above who built an alternative institution in order to undermine the mission of the prophet through trying to cause divisions in the community. The Quran is making it absolutely clear that troublemakers from within kingdom are not welcome if they are hell bent on destroying the kingdom and its people or their way of life. As explained already lazy and crazy people cannot live in any kingdom that is demanding let alone the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah which is most demanding. In this kingdom none can sit idle or do anything that causes any harms to any other person, so mischievous people will be facing punishments every now and again till they sort themselves out or leave the kingdom for elsewhere or are thrown out of the kingdom or are killed for their serious offences against the kingdom and its people.

114) Just as it was not right for Abraham to support his community leader beyond the word he had given to his community. That is why when it became clear to him that he was an enemy of guidance of Allah and well being of humanity, he disassociated himself from him. The fact is Abraham was a right minded and a tender hearted person.

The Quran is telling mankind very clearly that they should never try to support and protect any way of life that is adopted by people which is founded upon personal gains at the expense of each other and the reason is because it leads mankind to harm and destruction by hands of each other due to rivalries and animosities. This is why any rule based upon that way of life is anti Quran therefore anti Quran based Islam. This is why one cannot be a Muslim and a ruler, a Muslim and a mullah or a Muslim and a money lender or their supporter. Of course people are given time to learn and do things but when they have learned what is right and why and what is wrong and why and yet they support what is wrong and oppose what is right then they are out of pale of deen of Islam and they are no friends of God or humanity or even themselves. It is because if you harm and destroy your own society then you yourself are not going to be very safe for very long. One is as safe and secure as ones environment in which one participates and interacts. So any person who has little bit of sense will try his best to secure his environment for ones own peace of mind. The dangerous the environment people create through their harmful and destructive interaction and participation with each other in that environment the more danger it poses for themselves. This is why beneficial and constructive interaction and participation of people with each other is absolutely necessary if they want to turn their world into a blissful, dignified and secure place.

115) It is not the way of Allah to allow people to continue living in chaos and confusion after He has granted them His guidance that is why He makes clear for them what they ought to protect themselves against in order to prosper because Allah has taken it upon Himself to make obvious for mankind all things necessary for them to know and do to prosper.

It is responsibility of Allah to provide mankind with his guidance but if they ignore it and go their own ways then terrible consequences they are bound to face is their own fault because Allah is free of harms and destructions people inflict upon each other. So individuals may get away with murder in this world but they are bound to face full accountability in hereafter because life does not end with death of people.

116) It is Allah alone to Whom belongs the kingdom of the universe including this earth. He brings nations to life when they follow His program and lets them perish if they do not. That is how you should come to know that you have nothing other than guidance of Allah to protect you and support you.

117) That is why through His revelation Allah turned to the prophet and those who migrated and their host supporters who stood by him in the time of hardship even though a party of them changed their minds thereafter but they came back to their senses and that is because Allah proved to them that He is a ruler who bestows bliss and dignity through His program for life of security.

118) Likewise He turned to the case of the three whose case was pending for decision. So despondent were they that the earth with all its vastness seemed strangling for them and even their own people seemed to close their doors upon them suffocating them yet more. That is how they were made to realise that there was no protection against the set-up systems and laws of Allah save in abiding by His revealed plan. That is why He turned to them through His guidance so that they turn to His advice and reform. Surely Allah turns to mankind through His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing guidance.

This verse could be talking about three individuals who made excuses for exemption from campaigns or three leading groups of people eg the tribal chiefs, the priests and the wealthy people who decided to create an alternative movement in opposition to the program of the prophet and were caught red handed. It seems from the verse that they stopped their activities against the state and became reformed members of the community. In either case there is no death penalty involved even in case of treason but threat of expulsion from the state is present for anti state activities unless people repent and reform. If they do then they must prove from then on by their word and deed that they are loyal to program of Allah and their community. If they do then they should be accepted as part of community otherwise threat of expulsion should be carried out. The Quran does not hold people responsible for their make beliefs or useless rituals so long as they do not cause interfere in affairs of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. People can believe and do whatever they like in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah but they cannot act against the kingdom whereby they endanger lives and liberty of each other or end up destroying whatever has been built so far.

119) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah in deeds for the well being of mankind, so be with those who prove their declared commitment true.

The Quran is full of verses asking people to honour their declared commitments in deeds and that way prove themselves true to their commitments. So people who claim to be Muslims and think just because they declared their commitment to deen of Allah they will be saved from life of hell even without needing to do anything can see for themselves how wrong they are. As explained already in detail, you only get what you work for. If you want to build a house, it is not enough that you get the map for the house and you will end up with a house magically. The world is not set-up by Allah to work that way rather this world is set-up to work on basis of cause and effect. So if you do not cause something then it does not happen or if you do not work towards what you want then nothing happens, so if you want a house, build one. The Quran is a road map for mankind for making this world a paradise for themselves so if people instead of being active and creative towards that objective will sit idle or do the opposite of what is needing doing then not only the world will not become a paradise but it will become a hell hole for mankind, so choice rests with people what they want out of this world and how they intent to get that. As explained already, the Quran is a book that helps mankind organise and regulate themselves into a fully self disciplined ummah and that is why it sets goals for humanity and provides them with guidelines for fulfilling the divine mission or program or plan. It is all about bringing about a great human society.

120) It was therefore not right for the people of the City or the desert Arabs of the neighbourhood to oppose the mission of the messenger of Allah by making demands for personal benefits at the expense of others against the very foundation of the program given to the prophet. It is because a people struggle not for removing lack of knowledge and poverty of all sorts or suffer any hardship for implementation of the program of Allah nor take any step which provokes the opponents of Our guidance or receive any injury from an enemy but it is credited to them because Allah does not let go to waste the hard works of such people who take the necessary steps to mend rifts between individuals and communities in order to achieve unity and peace for mankind for making progress towards prosperity of human community.

121) Moreover they use not anything small or large or cut across any valley for preaching or battle but is written to their credit therefore Allah rewards them according to the best of their actions for the well being of the mankind.

122) Remember also that it is not proper that those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind should all go forth all together at once on any missionary campaigns rather a reasonable party from each community should stay behind as well so that they learn the proper understanding of Our program, constitution and law and pass it on to people on the mission when they return so that they too become aware of any new information and abide by it.

This verse tells Muslims that not all of them should go out on missionary work among other communities rather a reasonable number of people must stay back so that community life at home is not affected or suffers because of it. Moreover opponents should not be given chance to attack homes of people on mission finding them easy targets. Home security is emphasised along with missionary duty. In other words all things should be done in a sensible way so that people do not suffer any setbacks due to making silly mistakes along the way. Here ummah is told to organise and regulate themselves in such a way that all needs and demands or wants are met sufficiently and efficiently. A clear proof that the Quran only tells what people should be doing and how and for what reasons in a general sort of ways and leaves rest to people themselves to use their own power of creativity and make action plans and carry them out. This is why any person who remains ignorant cannot be a Muslims because one does not meet the Quranic criterion or set standard for being a Muslims. Being born ignorant is one thing but staying ignorant is unforgiveable. A clear proof that nonsense of mullahs should not be listen to or people will regret it for all their lives.

123) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Strive properly against those who attack you from among the opponents of rule based upon Our guidance so that they find you indefectible. That is how you should make it obvious to them that guidance of Allah provides solid foundation for those who are consistent with it for the well being of humanity.

Word YALOON is from root LAAM, WOW and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is turn. It also means to twist or cause severe dispute or to attack something to turn it back from something. To cause something to wither away from something, to bend , to coil, a banner etc etc.

The Quran is not telling its followers to fight against their opponents like mad but to keep the objectives in forefront of their minds and do what needs to be done to achieve the stated objectives. This fight is not based upon permanent rivalry and animosity but on finding common ground and once that is achieved people become one and fight ends. The Quran does not tell its follower to stick to the Quran but the idea of common grounds that ensure unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. It is inevitable consequence of reflection that one cannot find any better foundation than the one found in the Quran so by that reason all people are bound to bounce back to the Quran no matter whatever they claim to be.

124) This is why whenever a Surah is revealed some of them ask others, whose confidence in commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind has this Surah increased from among you? Certainly the confidence in commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind has increased of those who have already truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind therefore they rejoice over its revelation.

125) However those in whose very core of their person rests rivalry and animosity against rule based upon guidance of Allah and well being of humanity it further adds rage to their existing agony so they are consumed by it the while they oppose it.

126) Do they not see that they are put through hardship every year once or twice? Yet they neither accept their wrong doings nor repent and reform or learn any lessons from all that is happening before their very eyes.

127) This is why whenever a Surah is revealed instead of doing what they are told each of them looks at others to see if anyone is watching his behaviour in response to it? So if they see none is watching them then they go back to their old behaviour. Allah has found at heart of their personalities no interest in learning from His guidance to discipline themselves accordingly because they are a people who are bothered not with learning things properly for their understanding and thing them properly.

This verse explains why Allah revealed his messages so that people learn sense on top of what they already know through their own brains and senses as their life experiences ie self awareness and awareness of real world realities. After that people must go for self discipline through organisation and regulation so that they do not need any police force to discipline them or any such body to organise and regulate them but a life style based on regulation book as already explained in detail. In short people need to rise to a level of thinking whereby they become aware of how they should not live and how they should live and live the way that is best for their future as a proper human community.

128) Surely there has come to you the mankind a messenger from among yourselves a human being who grieves at your loss and who is excessively anxious desiring your unity, peace, progress and prosperity and who also tries his best to do all he can for well being of those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

129) But if they still turn away from Our message that you deliver to them then say to them, set-up systems and laws of Allah are sufficient for me to rely upon for fulfilment of my mission. There is no sovereign in the kingdom of this universe but He. Upon His universal systems and laws I rely, for He alone is the ruler of all this huge kingdom of the universe.

This surah is a very powerful message from Allah for guidance of humanity and a serious warning as well that if people will ignore this message then because this is the end of messages from Allah so they will be left to find their own way to Allah by beating each other up towards that end till they get there. So the message is clear, learn and follow guidance of Allah or be left in darkness and keep fighting each other in the darkness of ignorance till you get fed up and look for light at the end of the tunnel.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: DARSE QURAN by Alaama Parwez

Surah 10 Yoonus-Man with a mission, what he has to learn and do for bringing humanity out of its self created problems to set it on the road to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper community based upon guidance of Allah

This Surah is named with word YOONUS which has three roots. NOON, WOW and SEEN, ALIF, NOON and SEEN, and NOON, SEEN and YAA. These roots include meanings like people, mankind, lowly people, peace, peaceful, mate, gentle, tender, soft, friendly, helpful, destructive, destroyer, subordinate people, masses, party, gift of God, accomplisher, community, intimate friend, man, women, person, cobweb, rubble, oblivion, deprived, forlorn, friendly, tamed animal, to forget or to be forgotten, to shake, to detect, to perceive, to seek gently, to come to know, to gather information, to be blown about, to drive an animal, to slacken, to hang down, to abandon, to overlook, to move about, sociable, dove, to oppress or vex or do wrong, mire, something that has no foundation or basis, an erratic journey or an uneven path or differences and divisions that hold back from progress and development, someone who sets on a journey to smooth out things for people, something of little value or in simple state of existence, things that are weak on their own but if they come together become strong as a unit, things that derive their strength from each other etc etc.

The reason this Surah is named with word YOONUS is not because it is name of a prophet and that that prophet and his community is mentioned in this Surah but because in this Surah the Quran deals with what community spirited humanity is all about. Word YOONUS means a person who has mindset, attitude and behaviour of a person who thrives on community spirit and concern for well being and betterment of others as opposed to a person who thrives on a mindset, attitude and behaviour of a selfish person who does anything to others in order to gain personally. The Quran wants mankind to rise for blissful, dignified and secure existence by being a proper human community and stop living for personal gains at the expense of each other putting each other through hell for personal gains. If this advice is not adhered then there is no way for mankind to unite and live peacefully and make progress to be prosperous. This is why the Quran start in this Surah with discussing the Quran itself and the need for it and brings in what happened to nations before this people and why that happened to them. All this after the Quran has explained things fully in surah one to nine. This surah is first one that explains in detail what has been pointed out in surahs before it.

Proclaim! In the name of Allah, the provider of psychological, sociological and biological needs of mankind,

1)Alif Laam Raa. These statements are evidences of the book that is full of wisdom for helping mankind to become wise.

It should always be remembered that many of the verses of the Quran have multiple complementary meanings. For example word AAYAAT has meanings such as evidences, proofs, signs, statements, verses, landmarks etc as explained already. Likewise word KITAAB also has various meanings and so does word HAKEEM. It is because the Quran is revealed for a set purpose therefore when one interprets its verses one has to keep the context of the Quran in mind as already explained. This verse tells us that statements in the Quran are proofs that this book has information which can make people wise by drawing their attention to things which are of vital importance for human beings to understand and do for their progress and development in each and every way. It is a very wise statement to draw attention of people to their own brains and senses and bodies etc as to how they work and what purpose they serve so that by knowing things about themselves people become wise through self awareness. Likewise the Quran draws attention of people to real things in the real world for the reason so that by knowing things in the real world people could become aware of them as to their origin, function and purpose they serve. After reaching self awareness to a stage and becoming aware of real world realities to a stage one is ready to think at higher level for achieving higher goals and according to higher set of guidelines. So a person has to rise stage by stage from the day one is born till one dies. So first stage for a person is to find oneself ie become self conscious then find other things or become conscious of other things and then go for God consciousness. When one becomes self conscious one only becomes aware of ones own needs and desires but when one becomes conscious of other things as well then one becomes aware of their needs and desires as well and finally when one becomes God conscious then one becomes aware of his plan and requirements for a human being ie why he has created him and what he expects of him. Until and unless mankind go through these stages of self awareness and development they cannot be taken as proper human beings. It is because when people become God conscious they become aware of need for self regulation or self discipline and self organisation. All this helps such human beings to come together as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. So when there comes about a community based upon guidance of Allah it therefore becomes highly advanced civilisation. Becoming a wise person is of a huge importance because without becoming self aware one has no sense of ones needs and desires ie one is like a new born baby. Becoming self aware is not enough either when it comes to fulfilling ones needs and desires because to do so one needs other things beside oneself therefore becoming aware of other things also becomes necessary so that one could see what one needs to eat and drink etc to survive. Even after becoming aware of other things one is not yet ready for proper use of things or for ensuring ones well being. It is because anyone who is self aware and aware of other things then tries to take undue advantage of others things just to ensure ones own survival. So one only reaches stage of struggle for survival and in order to survive one does as one thinks is to ones advantage. This struggle for survival causes serious problems for mankind because due to not being aware of how to live sensibly people do terrible things to each other not knowing what is right or wrong and fall into unending cycle of rivalries and animosities and hatred. This is why another stage for self development and progress must be reached and that is impossible to reach without external help ie revelation of creator and sustainer. This is where comes in the Quran and draws our attention to higher wisdom, so that we could become aware of our creator and sustainer and come to know our origin and how we should function in higher scheme of things and fulfil purpose of our creation.

2) Are these people surprised that We have revealed Our guidance to a most courageous human being from among themselves so that he warns them against inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and delivers Our guidance for better future of those who commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, so that they base their community upon a truly solid foundation provided by their Creator and Sustainer? Those who reject and oppose Our guidance the rulers, the priests and the money lenders say, this man is surely a promoter of clear falsehood.

3) Verily that is not the case rather your Creator and Sustainer is Allah Who has created the farthest galaxies as well as this galaxy in gradual simple to complex stages and by that right He proclaimed and established His sovereignty over the kingdom of the universe because He runs the affairs of this universe through His set-up universal systems and laws. Nothing can intervene or can be made to happen in His jurisdiction without being part of His planned processes and mechanisms. Such powerful and wise ruler is Allah your Creator and Sustainer, so abide by His program, constitution and law. So will you people not reflect and spread His message among yourselves?

4) Because ultimately to His guidance you will all turn for guidance and that is how promise of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by Allah will prove true when guidance of Allah is acted upon by mankind. He is the One Who initiated the process of creation and automated it for continuation so that He awards those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by taking actions for mending rifts between mankind according to His properly balanced standard. Likewise those who reject and oppose His advice giving themselves to thoughts and actions based on fire of hatred due to rivalries and animosities among themselves will undergo painful suffering as a result of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other because they hid and prevented the message of Allah from reaching each other.

5) He is the One Who through His set-up systems and laws gave the sun ability to burn brightly and the moon its ability to reflect the light pleasantly whereby He set her phases that thereby you could learn to compute the years and other such measures. Allah evolved them for a set purpose as He has explained in His revelations for people who observe and learn to understand things.

6) Indeed in the mechanisms whereby alternation between the night and the day is achieved and in the mechanisms whereby whatever else Allah has created and put to work throughout the galaxies including this galaxy there are evidences for those who want to be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah for the well being of humanity.

7) As for those who do not look forward to meeting Our set standard due to being fully submerged in life of this world for personal gains and are satisfied with their personal gains ignoring Our guidance, such are the ones who fail to realise the fact that even their personal peace, progress and prosperity does not lie in their neglecting of Our set goals and guidelines for them,

8) instead they will remain in state of agony due to agitations, worries and anxiety as a consequence of whatever harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for personal gains.

9) On the contrary those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and work hard to remove divisions from among mankind to reconcile them to accomplish Our set out goals according to Our provided guidelines for the well being of the mankind, their Creator and Sustainer due to their commitment backed by their works for cause of unity, peace, progress and prosperity will guide them to kingdoms wherein rivers flow with all they will need and desire.

10) That is why they will proclaim therein glory of guidance of Allah because their lives based upon it will land them in blissful, dignified and secure existence and that is how by their deeds to the end they will manifest glory of Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

11) Had Allah set up the systems and laws for results of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of mankind in quick succession as they look for the quick gains regardless of the consequences of their actions then the respite given to the people would not have been put in place. However We decided to leave those alone for a set period of time to think and do as they please who entertain not the hope of meeting Our set standard to wander about in their rebellion as some make others suffer for their personal gains for personal gratification.

12) That is why when consequences of human on human violence affect mankind severely then humanity turns to Our set out goals and guidelines till it establishes Our program, constitution and law and gets itself relieved of its painful suffering thereby therefore either it continues on this path or as soon as We remove its affliction, it walks away from Our guidance as if it never needed to rely upon Our set out goals and guidelines for removing that affliction which touched it! That is how works of those who work in contravention of Our guidance for mankind seem proper to themselves.

13) Likewise We found generations before your time destroying themselves by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other despite the fact that their messengers came to them with clear goals and guidelines for their guidance but they did not learn and commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! That is how We let them face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions who committed crimes against each other in contravention of Our guidance.

14) Then We made you people their successors in the world so that We let you have a period of time to demonstrate your abilities and potentialities in response to Our guidance and each other in light of Our guiding standard.

15) Yet when Our clear goals and guidelines are proclaimed among them, those who look not forward to meeting Our set standard for well being of mankind say to you, bring us a Quran different than this or make some changes to it. Tell them, it is not my right to change it because it is not my word rather I am supposed to follow what is revealed to me by Allah. Surely I cannot be inconsistent with my Creator and Sustainer and mankind because I fear that if I did that then I too will end up doing harmful and destructive things to others like yourselves and like you I too will end up with their consequences bringing about the terribly painful period of time upon humanity.

16) Say, if Allah had decided to leave you the mankind without His guiding message then I could not have proclaimed this Quran to you, nor could He have given you the ability to become aware of Him through His message. Indeed a whole lifetime I lived among you before His revelation and never proclaimed anything like it. Why do you then not develop and use your ability to understand things to know them properly?

Word LABISTU is from root LAA, BAA and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to lack movement. Also inactive, stay, to stay put, stop, stationary, remain, stopover, abide, lingering, mixture, low profile, go unnoticed, lack life and vigour or noticeable movement, to tarry, to spend time in same state or place, to hesitate, to be reluctant, to linger on, to be slow, to be a gradual movement that takes time to build up, to be late in coming, a journey that involves a lot of starts and stops, a cross-section of various things or people etc etc.

Word UMURAA is from root AIN, MEEM and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is build or prepare something. Also age, life, life-span, to live long, to grow old, to cultivate, to inhabit, to populate, haunted house, to intend, to worship, headgear, a sub group of a tribe, to civilise, to harmonise, to make habitable, to maintain, to frequent, to give life to something or a cause, to bring a cause to life, to cause to live beyond the normal old age, to make a journey for, to start a cause and make it grow, to make a journey to visit a holy place or to work towards a goal, to make a journey towards a destination, to tend to something, to lookafter something, to fulfil some need of something, to take care of something, to maintain something, pilgrimage etc etc.

Here it is made clear that it was plan of Allah to guide people through his revelations by way of sending messengers from among people themselves. The aim is to start up an education based mission for development and progress of humanity. Such a revolution cannot take place without foundation of divine revelation and the proof is that before the revelation of the Quran no such revolution was there as was brought about by the final messenger of Allah after he received the message from Allah. A clear condemnation of mullahs who tell people, it is not necessary for them to know the Quran because mullahs are their to guide them if they need to know anything about God from his book. This is how by giving people false sense of security they misled ummah from deen into mazhab. These people are hooked on make beliefs and useless rituals so much so that they have no qualms about inflicting any harms or destructions upon anyone but have huge regard for their beliefs and rituals. In other words mullahs have created a lot of mentally sick people who have no regard for humanity which is the main reason why Allah sent his books and messengers ie to educate mankind so that they become aware how to get on with each other for the well being of all human beings. This is how the Quran exposes falsehood presented as truth by rulers, mullahs, money lenders, their touts and supporters or followers.

17) So who can be more harmful and destructive than the party of rulers, priests and moneylenders that itself forges a bundle of lies and attributes them to Allah for denying people His assigned rights for them to His provisions and that way opposes His goals and guidelines? Indeed individuals and populations that commit such crimes can never unite humanity to prosper.

18) Because they put themselves under rule of rulers, priests and money lenders instead of Allah who can neither protect them from harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for personal gains nor can secure them a blissful and dignified existence yet they say, they can intervention for us before Allah. Say to them, are you telling Allah about something He knows happens not in the heavens nor in the earth? Right of rule belongs to Him alone and He is far above needing partners they attribute to Him in sovereignty of this universe.

19) Remember always, it was never fitting for well being of humanity to be anything other than one single family under rule based upon Our guidance yet they remained divided through inventing and adopting various harmful and destructive ways of life for personal gains at the expense of each other. Had your Creator and Sustainer not given His plan to mankind for a period of time to live in this world then the matters in which they differed could have been settled a long time ago.

Allah planned the whole things regarding creation for his own purpose and told about it to people in detail so things will have to be that way no matter what people think, say or do. In other words plan of Allah cannot be derailed by people. It is therefore proper for well being of humanity to learn the plan of Allah about them and work towards fulfilling his plan instead of being stupid and working against it and harming and destroying themselves in the process.

20) As to their saying, why no proof has been sent to His messenger from His Creator and Sustainer? Say, to decide about matters relating to better future of mankind rests with Allah and that is what He has told in the Quran and that is the way He sends His proofs so wait if you will, I too am waiting along with you for promised results of our thoughts and actions.

The Quran deals with demand for proof decisively in this verse that only Allah has full knowledge of things because he is the one who has planned them so he is the only one who can guide people properly and that is why he has sent his scriptures and his messengers for guiding mankind to a blissful, dignified and secure future. Anyone who goes against that guidance will soon find out in this world as well as the next what he has lost as a result of going his own way. If the way of life told in the Quran makes perfect sense for humanity to adopt for its well being then it proves that it could only and only come from Allah because no human being is able to come up with any way of life that could ensure well being of human community. If they could then they will have done it already and we will have found many books like the Quran in the world telling us how to live properly but we only find the Quran on its own. A clear proof that the Quran alone is word of Allah in the world today.

21) However when We show unity, peace, progress and prosperity to mankind due to following Our guidance after they have suffered at hands of each other, the dominant people from among them begin to conspire again and plot against Our very goals and guidelines that brought them salvation from all ills they were suffering at hands of each other. Tell them, set-up systems and laws of Allah are strict in letting your plots take you down again by surprise because Our set-up systems and laws are put in place to deliver to you results of your own thoughts and actions.

When people understand properly and follow faithfully guidance of Allah they get blissful, dignified and secure existence as outcome of their thoughts and actions but when they become slack in studying and following his guidance properly and start going their own ways then they start falling into ditch of hell of their own making.

22) He it is Who due to those set-up systems and laws enables you to travel in the land just as when you board a ship and travel by sea. That is how the ships sail with them aboard due to favourable wind so they are happy with it but when comes a stormy wind and the waves reach them from all sides and they think they are going to be drowned by them then they rely sincerely upon the set-up systems and laws of Allah alone saying to each other that if we are delivered from this trouble then we will become a people who use provisions by Allah properly.

This world is a ship in which whole humanity is passengers and this ship can run smoothly if people in it behave but if they start making holes in the ship to drown each other then ship will not land them on the shore or on the right shore where they are heading. This is why, all people must find out where they are heading and why and make sure they are boarding on the right ship and are willing to travel together for the same agreed destination. No point fighting in the middle of journey over things people should have known before they boarded the ship. It must always be remembered that such Quranic verses have complementary meanings. In this verse word BARR not only means smooth vast piece of land but also trouble free area or zone etc. Word BAHR not only means sea but troubles and problems, crisis, critical moment etc. Likewise word REEH means wind but wind can blow for or against. So when humanity is on the right path then it travels smoothly but when it loses its right path then it becomes tangled into all sorts of problems that it cannot see way out of those problems. That is when people call upon God to show them the right path out of their troubles. However when they are free they start doing silly things gain.

23) Yet, when He does deliver them from their self created troubles through His guidance the very same people become rebellious in the land having no proper regard for each others rights to His provisions. Say, O mankind! Your rebellion against each other is only harming and destroying your own kind because you destroy each other for the transitory pleasure of this world which you can also have by working for well being of each other rather than against each other. No matter what in the end you will turn to Our guidance and when you will from then on We will tell you how to live your lives properly.

The Quran contains plenty of verses that set the ideals and tell mankind to try and achieve those ideals ie learn to live by the book through self regulation as an organised human community. Allah knows he has set a proper standard for people to achieve and that he has created mankind for rising to that standard and that people are going to take time to reach that standard in their own time as explained already. The Quran does not tell us that Allah created man in top form and then he fell from grace. If top man fell from grace then rest of humanity has no chance to rise to grace because they are defective human beings in that case. If the best could not maintain his status then how can the worse? This is why the Quran tells us man was initially slave of nature till he became self aware and then aware of real world realities and looked for guidance from somewhere and so Allah guided him. That guidance process has been succeeding since then and continues and will continue till all mankind become properly guided. This is why the first messenger Adam did not have as many supporters as last messenger Muhammad. It is because there were not many people there at the time of Adam nor were many that were aware of needing guidance. As time marches on more and more people are going to become more and more aware of things and they are going to realise the need for guidance and come to it and that is why one day our human world is going to be one family as told already by the Quran.

24) Another example of Our set up universal systems and laws in life of this world is that of water, We send it down from the heaven then it is absorbed by the soil which then helps vegetation that becomes food for the people and the animals to grow till it covers the land with beauty like gold ornaments and as the people think they can now harvest it there comes fulfilment of Our decree by the very same water as storm by night or in broad daylight and mows it down thoroughly as if nothing existed there a day before. That is how We explain Our evidences for those who will observe and learn to think to understand things properly.

People suffer due to natural disasters because they have not bothered to educate themselves about nature so that they could do things to prevent harms and destructions to themselves and to be able to use these forces of nature for their benefit. The more people fight each other and let a huge amount of man power go to waste instead of organising and working together properly to explore universe to overcome the problems nature poses for humanity, the more mankind are going to suffer and delay their own development and progress.

25) Through these like proofs Allah invites you the mankind towards blissful and secure life because He guides any people who want to work along this path of life that is firmly founded for this purpose.

26) So those who compete more and more for well being of each other the most they will never face bleak future nor will they suffer any situation that puts them to shame. Not only that but they will also be a people who will end up in blissful, dignifying and secure life giving kingdoms wherein they will live for as long as they carry on living that way.

27) As for those people and communities that inflict harms and destructions on others, they are bound to face the results of their own thoughts and actions likewise therefore disgrace will cover them because they will have none to protect them from set-up universal systems and laws of Allah. Their sorrow will be visible on their faces as if their faces have been covered with patches of the dense darkness of night. They are the people who will abide in agony for as long as they live unless they stop inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and change themselves by living by proper way of life as advised.

28) Because they inflict harms and destructions upon each other that is why in due course We find them gathered together in painful suffering so We tell them, stay in the state and condition that you have brought upon yourselves, you and the people you have taken for your masters, rulers, priests and money lender. We find them in due course divided and in pitched battles against each other because those whom they take for their masters disown them saying, you never really took us as your masters, you rather stuck with us due to your petty personal gains

29) and testimony of Allah is sufficient as an evidence between you and us so we disregard claims of your service to us.

30) That is how each person/nation will come to know in time what it has sent forth for its future as they are made to face the results of their own thoughts and actions through set-up universal systems and laws of Allah their rightful sovereign and that is how their false claims and make beliefs will leave them in the lurch.

People can argue with each other all they like but in the end it is the result of their own thoughts and actions that they will have to accept. If people will harm each other then result is not going to be really great for humanity that it could be proud of.

31) Ask mankind, who provided you with sustenance from the heaven and from the earth? Who provided you with sense of hearing and sight? Who raises nations from the dead to life by giving them His program to follow and who lets them perish when they fail to keep up with His set-up systems and laws? Who regulates all affairs about everything in the universe? They will soon enough reply, Allah, after facing the dire consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions. Say, if it is all due to Allah then why are you not consistent with His program, constitution and law for the well being of each other?

This Surah explains the set-up universal system and laws and how they work and never fail to deliver. The point made in these verses is that origin of all things is due to Allah. It all shows an intelligent being at work. There are only two possibilities for existence a)existence is eternal and b)it is finite or limited. Since finite existence does not explain eternity or infinity therefore existence has to be eternal. If existence is eternal then it has to be either intelligent or random. Random existence could not give rise to intelligent existence therefore it makes better sense to accept existence of an eternal intelligent being ie God. If we suppose there is a God then we cannot discount possibility of divine revelation. The question therefore arises, do people have any such claim that God revealed anything to anyone? Yes, there were always claims that God has sent messengers. This leads us to next question, how do we know if what is claimed as message of God is in actual fact message from God and not just a false claim by some people to take advantage of each other? This we cannot know unless we enable ourselves to examine the alleged divine revelations. If we wish to examine alleged divine revelations then we must remember that we must presume or suppose certain things and see how they come together and once all necessary points come together fine then suppositions become solid facts. It is not possible to start things without a supposed starting point and then adding supposed points in there and then seeing whether they make any sense or not. For example, we suppose existence of God then along it we put revelation and then what that supposed revelation tells us and then see if it all fits together or falls apart. If one supposed point sticks with the other fine then the whole thing become a solid ground that gives us solid starting point to build the rest of things upon it. This is how we grow out of our childhood or this is how we learn science. In fact any invention we come up with is merely result of our thought process. Only when we think it can work we turn it into a reality. The same idea is there when we wish to build a house. We first design the house in our minds and then put it on paper and finally when we are happy we hand over the house map to builder to make it into an actual house. Even though all our thoughts comes from our minds but they come in our minds only because we have collected a lot of data in our minds through observations. So we get information from outside into our minds then process that information in our minds and then bring it out after processing to affect outside world.

32) That is how Allah proves to you that He is your Creator and Sustainer indeed. What way of life is left for you to follow after you give up following what is right and proper other than straying into fallacies or make beliefs? How can you do such a thing having being bestowed with such powerful brain and senses?

33) Thus have the set-up universal systems and laws of your Creator and Sustainer proven true as regard those who rebel instead of committing to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

34) Ask them, can any of them whom you have taken as your masters instead of Allah create anything like Allah and then automate it for continuation? No, not at all. Say, Allah created the universe and automated it for continuation. Then how is it that you are so ignorant and confused about it?

35) Ask them also, is there any among those whom you have taken for your rulers who can guide you to the way of life that is proper for you the mankind? No, not at all. Say, Allah guides to the way of life that is proper for you as proper human community. Then who is more worthy to be followed as a guide, He that can guide to the right path or he that cannot and is himself in need of guidance? What is the matter with you, how did you arrive at the wrong conclusion that you have?

36) The fact is most of the people follow nothing but make beliefs and make beliefs in no way can be substitute for the provable reality. Surely Allah makes people aware of all they do through results of their own actions.

37) It is due to such stated facts in it, it is not possible that this Quran could have been produced by any of those whom you the mankind take for rulers instead of guidance of Allah and also because it is the set standard for confirmation of the revelations that were sent before it and it explains what was written in all the earlier scriptures as guidance for the mankind, so there can be no doubt in the fact that it is from the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

Words TAFSEELAL KITAAB mean making things distinct from each other for clarity that are told about in this book as compared to what mankind have invented by themselves ie there is a clear distinction between work of God and work of man in everything the book talks about. So people should educate themselves to a level whereat they can see this clear difference. Manmade things, manmade programs, manmade laws, manmade books etc etc.

The points made in this verse are very important because they prove the Quran is word of God or not. The main point is that mankind cannot create or change the universal systems and laws they can only discover them and use them to benefit from them. The program, the constitution and the guidelines for laws are best possible that are stated in the Quran that cannot be equalled or improved upon. So to come up with anything parallel to the Quran is therefore impossible for mankind. They have difficulty even in understanding the scripture due to their lack of knowledge let own be able to produce one like it.

38) Do they still claim he has invented the Quran all by himself? Tell them, if what you claim is true then produce a book containing a program with goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws like it that explains all essential things in such great detail within such a limited text, you may call to your aid any of those whom you take as your Masters instead of Allah.

39) No, they cannot produce the like of it rather they deny and oppose that which they cannot fathom with their level of knowledge and they have not yet seen its predictions unfold. The same harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour was shown by those who passed before them towards Our similar books earlier. However, they should also see what was the end of those who indulged in make beliefs and useless rituals against Our guidance. They ended up destroying each other.

The Quran is very powerful book because it draws attention of people to things human being could never think about if they were left on their own. It is only through prompting from senses and teachings they learned to be wise, so how could they produce a book that contained information which was beyond their own capability? Moreover even if people know things today which are told in the Quran they cannot reproduce them and claim credit for them because they are there already now. So you cannot produce something that is already in existence. It will be like reinventing the wheel. Since the Quran tells mankind the best possible way of life for them already therefore none can come up with any other way of life that could surpass it as explained already therefore the Quranic claim that none can bring a book like it is true in actual fact.

40) Of these people there are some who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but there are others who do not and your Creator and Sustainer surely makes people aware about those who conspire to cause rifts and wars between people by denying each other Our set out rights to Our provisions for them.

Again and again Quran tells people that unless you respect God given rights of each other and help each other to get them you are a useless, harmful and destructive people no matter whatever you claim to be by your own mouths. A very strong slap on faces of mullahs who tell people Islam is a mazhab. What has mazhab to do with food and drink of people or their daily needs? Mazhab is a personal thing nothing at all to do with community building mission.

41) If they still continue denying each other Our set rights for them to Our provisions then tell them, for me is responsibility that I must fulfil through my works and for you is responsibility that you must fulfil through your works and it is up to Allah to make mankind aware through their work about people who are warmongers.

If people refuse to accept God or his word or his authority then this does not absolve people from their responsibilities to humanity itself. People still need to come to some sort of understanding so that they could live in peace with each other ie they have no other way than to live and let live or rivalries and animosities, fights and war, harm and destruction cannot be avoided. The Quran makes both ways clear for people ie to live by guidance of God or follow your own ways but at least take care of your responsibilities to each other as human being. Failing that man is labelled worse than all animals not worth the name.

42) There are some among them who can hear you delivering Our message but they are not bothered with using their brains, how can you then get the message across to such people who are not bothered with thinking things through to understand them properly?

43) There are also among them some who stare at you as if you are something strange for them, how can you guide such people who are utterly ignorant and not bothered with learning at all so that they could understand things through development of their mental faculty?

These verses are not condemning ignorance in people by birth but their mindset, attitude and behaviour that they have no curiosity about things to find out about them. A people who have no questions and are not interested in answers never learn so they die as they were born. No change for the better in the world can be expected through such people. The divine message only resonates with people who are lively toward getting information and trying to make sense of it. This is why people ask no questions of each other or the right questions because all this needs self awareness as well as awareness of ones environment in which one interacts and tries to make sense of it. For this much one needs nothing other than ones own brain and senses. Only such people then could think about higher level of information and ask that kind of questions and look for those kinds of answers. A person who has not yet thought about how to use his own brain and senses cannot understand universal system and laws of nature. This is why if people have no idea what are all the scriptures about it is not surprising. It is one thing to memorise information and another to have understanding of it. This is why there are millions of people who have committed the Quran to their memory but have little idea what it is all about.

44) This explains the fact that Allah does no harm to mankind in any way but that people harm themselves by not using the provided capabilities and facilities properly and that is why they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

45) However in time through His program and their effort for learning He will bring them together under His constitution to abide by His law to fulfil his plan and they will think they have lived in painful suffering just for a short while till the light of knowledge enlightened them that is how they will recognise each others contribution among themselves for getting out of that state of existence. That is because they will come to realise that those who denied themselves opportunity of meeting the set standard of Allah have always perished due to denying themselves the benefits of Our guidance.

Word SAAAH is from root SEEN, WOW and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is spectrum. It also means spread, range or scale, to go grazing, to spread out, to facilitate, to give room to, a period of time, a section or segment of time of the day, a portion or part of, to leave something alone, a moment in time, an hour, an event or a momentous event etc etc.

Allah has created mankind in simple state of existence to develop themselves through self learning like self programming robots and rise to power with help of divine guidance where that becomes necessary so that one day they could be proud of their such high level of creativity that is only second to God himself the creator and sustainer of the universe. Allah did not create mankind to put them through test to know what they were going to do and to punish or reward them for acting like slaves to Allah or going against his orders about some religious rituals. To think like that is actually an insult to majesty of God as well as humanity itself, so people need to come out of this mindset, attitude and behaviour. No matter what people do to themselves or each other it is all adding to their life experience which in turn is gradually leading them in the right direction. The proof is right before our eyes that world is not where it was and nor humanity is where it was when it began. Whatever humanity has accomplished so far it was through learning experiences of all the past generations of human beings. Had mankind followed divine guidance it would have helped mankind cut down on time and effort and a lot of painful suffering but if humanity is happy to go mainly by its self learning experience then so be it. It is therefore not fault of God if humanity has taken its own road and along the way it has to suffer the consequences till it has learned its lessons the hard way.

46) Regardless We show you (the people) some of the results of your actions as We promised them or as We promised you, to Our constitution their return is inevitable because universal systems and laws of Allah are ever standing guard monitoring all that they do.

The Quran repeatedly tells people that they are bound to face results of their own thoughts and actions as a human community but when exactly the balance will tip is only going to happen when all conditions for warnings are met. So it is all a matter of if and then. When people are warned about uprisings, revolutions and revivals it is all condition bound warnings as per laws of cause and effect and results of peoples own thoughts and actions. So it is up to people to bring such events about or avoid them or to try to avoid them as much as they can. However when stated conditions are met then events will happen as told in the Quran.

47) Remember, for every nation there has been an appointed messenger and when their messenger came to them Our criterion for judgement was passed on to them for justice so that they do not inflict harms and destructions upon each other.

48) They ask you, when will this promise of result of their thoughts and actions be fulfilled for them if what you say is true?

This is a question by people who have little sense because they have let themselves to be misled by their rulers, priests and moneylenders etc. They told their followers some strange criterion for recognising divine personnel which is not met by anyone from God. It is because they have been led to believe in supernatural beings and supernatural powers of people therefore unless one fulfils their criterion one is not a divine messenger so they can mock him as much as they like. It shows how people can put each other on wrong path about anything unless people have learned to be sensible for their own good. So this dialogue is between two parties who stand on two different grounds. One believes in all sorts of nonsense and others is trying to educate it out of its ignorance through straight forward explanations that involve no magical stuff but confused people can only come out of their confusion if they decide to educate themselves about things properly.

49) Say, as a human being like yourselves I too on my own have no control over anything even to prevent any harm to myself or to secure better future for myself unless I work according to the plan of Allah. For every nation there is a set period of time based on certain conditions and when their tipping points are reached then they cannot delay them even for a moment just as they cannot advance them for a moment so you too will be dealt with the very same way.

50) Say, have you considered that if His stated painful suffering in form of your revolt against each other falls upon you by night or by day, how will you survive it? What then is there that those who commit crimes against humanity against advice of Allah wish to hasten other than their own painful suffering at hands of each other?

51) Will you commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind only when such painful suffering by hands of each other actually overtakes you? But then you will wish for its removal although it had been your own wish to hurry it on.

52) At that time it will be said to those transgressors who will then declare their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, taste the painful suffering you asked for the while it lasts. Why should you not be made to face the results of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions when all others before you have been put through the very same process?

53) They want to be informed by you, is what you are telling them really true? Tell them, yes, according to revelation of my Creator and Sustainer because what is told proves true through its fulfilment. You are not in any position to control set-up systems and laws of Allah to derail this process.

The proof for truth of divine revelations is fulfilment of what is explained within them. The explanations given in them are purposeful and work the way they are explained and all points fit-in with each other purposefully neatly.

54) The requital process at work is so strict and certain in its operation that even if each person who has inflicted any harm and destruction on others possessed all that is in the earth he will surely be willing to pay it for avoiding to go through this process of requital, however regretful shame will cover such when they come face to face with painful suffering at hands of each other and that is how the matter will be decided between them on basis of requital process and they will not be made to go through anything beyond that.

The Quran explains a process Allah has set-up for correction of humanity in the world when it loses its track as to how people should live in this world according to plan of Allah. So when people do not live for well being of each other by way of life advised by Allah and instead adopt a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other then in due course humanity becomes divided into haves and have nots and soon groups become set against each other and because each time those who have lose therefore they at last minute offer whatever they have to those whom they used and abused but it benefits them not because they are hell bent upon revenge. This is why these are called bloody revolutions because they are full of death and destruction. This is why people need to be sensible and need to show sense before things end up that way. This is why the need for Quran based revolution so that humanity becomes educated and deals with each other proper ensuring blissful, dignified and secure future for itself. There is always a big debate about public ownership and private ownership by individuals but the real problem is sufficiency and efficiency of goods and services for well being of humanity. So the real question is, how to achieve sufficiency and efficiency? The public ownership is right thing because whatever there is in a piece of land belongs to all people of that land. The problem is not public ownership of land and resources and means of production and distribution but lack of awareness in individuals in the community about their responsibilities towards their human community therefore people fail to meet their needed targets due to lack education. For public ownership to be successful, community must work as an efficient community that is fully organised and regulated so that its needed targets are met through hard work by effective planning and execution as has been explained already. As for capitalism and privatisation, it is not the right way to go because it is most inefficient way of production and distribution. It is because land and resources, means of production and distribution become property of a few. Some become rich at the expense of others through use and abuse. This increases poverty and all sorts of problems as wealth concentrates into a few hands. The primary concern in capitalism and privatisation is profit for the people who invest their capital for profit ie shareholders. The welfare of mankind and workers is not of any concern to capitalists. In privatisation people get rewarded for what they do though it is very limited because capital is main income generator for capitalists so those who sit idle or have no skills to sell have no stake in any such set-up or venture. Such people are either forced out of existence or live on handouts through charities because if they were left totally on their own then they could pose a serious threat in due course to those who have accumulated wealth for themselves. Not only that people who are unable to work through no fault of their own also suffer seriously because they cannot have life they deserve and rivalries and animosities develop due to divisions in society. Through privatisation outsiders can trick the people of the land sucking their resources dry. It makes it possible for people and countries to use their money to buy things cheap from one country and sell them dearer to another and thereby poverty can be increased among people which gives capitalists free or slave labour and the list goes on and on. This is why the Quran is a very powerful book that deals with all these kinds of problems perfectly. Community life is motivated by divine sanction instead of capitalism therefore if a community is organised and regulated on basis of the Quran there is no chance for its failure so long as people stick to this plan strictly. On the other hand faults in capitalism based society are obvious which prevent capitalism from being a successful economic system because success does not mean making money but welfare of humanity as a whole. One person becoming rich or one country becoming rich while others are getting poor is no success at all. A game played on basis of winners and losers can never be free of causing divisions among people and that is biggest failure of any political or economic system that humanity can ever come up with. This is why future only and only belongs to a way of life advised by the Quran because human beings need and want unity, peace, progress and prosperity and only and only Quranic way of life deliver that for humanity.

55) Be aware, all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah and be aware that promise of Allah is a self evident truth yet most of the mankind bother not to learn what they should be doing to avert the life of painful suffering in this world.

56) They should know that He is the One Who brings nations to life through His program and He lets nations perish if they fail to follow His program so to His advice you all should turn for guidance.

57) O you the mankind! There has surely come to you an advice from your Creator and Sustainer, a protection against any harmful or destructive ambition or desire you may otherwise harbour in your minds against each other, a guide for those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity.

58) Say, this Quran is based on wisdom of Allah as a program for blissful, dignifying and secure existence revealed for your guidance, so let the mankind create a blissful, dignified and secure life for themselves by using it, for it is more beneficial to do as it says than all that they can gather as personal possessions through harming and destroying each other for personal gains.

59) Say, do you realise that out of all that Allah has provided for your use to have a peaceful, progressive and prosperous community life, you yourselves have declared some things lawful and others unlawful to take undue advantage of each other whereby you inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains against the guidance of Allah? Ask them, did Allah permit you to do that or do you attribute such falsehood to Allah by inventing lies?

This verse should leave one in no doubt that Allah never declared unlawful any interaction or participation in community by anyone save on the basis of its harmful and destructive results on human community and its individuals within community framework. Declaring anything unlawful therefore on any other basis for any other reason is against the advice given by Allah in the Quran. Allah only commands mankind to do what benefits mankind and forbids them to do anything that harms mankind. Allah does not forbid things but their possession or use for purpose of harming human community. Just as Allah does not allow anyone to interfere in his set-up systems and laws in the universe, so he does not allow any human being to break his set limits or people will end up inflicting damage on human community. Word limit must be paid attention to because it carried sense in it of range within which one must remain. Stepping outside that set range causes confusion and chaos. For example, if people play football game without set limits of the game then what will be the result? How will people know who has won or lost in the game or who has played the game well and who has performed badly in the game? Not only that but if people take out the referee from the game then who will ensure that each and every player is playing according to rules of the game? In the verses before this verse the main things was whether the Quran is divine or not in its origin but after putting forth irrefutable explanations about the origin of the Quran God now emphasises the vital importance of setting limits or restrictions as to how mankind should live so that they could have unity, peace and progress in order to prosper. It is not right of a human being to limit or restrict freedom of any other human being and mankind could never do that properly anyway because they lacked necessary information needed for this purpose and that is why limits set by Allah must be adhered to for the well being of humanity. Even today a huge majority of people is not much self aware let alone being well aware of universal realities. This is why even those who oppose idea of God are still seriously confused even today as to what should be the basis for their formation of law. This is why those who have a little power over others make laws as it suits them and keep them going for as long as they can till there arise problems for the rest of mankind and they rise up against those laws and the people who legislated them and enforced them. All this happens because unjust people legislate unfair laws and enforce them unjustly and that leads to painful suffering of many people who then react the way they can to make it known they no longer accept this nonsense and stupidity of politicians, mullahs and moneylenders.

So called religious leaders become focus of these angry people in particular because they talk about God and utopia state ie they tell them, if rule of God was implemented then all will be ok but in fact the law they talk about is law of mullahs just like law of politicians and law of money lenders. This is why if these priests are brought to power, they do with them exactly the same as the politicians and money lenders but in the name of God, so as painful suffering increases people start slapping around mullahs and then it is turn of politicians again who pretend they are their saviours. These foolish masses go for mullahs again and so the cycle keeps repeating because these people do not learn to be sensible themselves. The same happens when a state is based on multi party democratic system. One party is brought into power by masses by being fooled by them and after they have had enough of use and abuse they bring into office the other party but in actual fact all parties are part of the very same system and game plan so nothing much really changes for the betterment of people involved. However mankind do learn some lessons from all this use and abuse so there is a chance that one day when they are educated enough they will bring in the scriptural system and law and play the game by the book. This needs a lot of time or a mass educational movement that helps people think better for themselves and others. So long as education is a very controlled process and people have rivalry and animosity based mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other that is unlikely to happen any time soon. Meanwhile painful suffering of mankind will continue because unless people themselves change this state of affairs for themselves it is not going to change itself. The Quran only gives a program for people who have educated themselves sufficiently to make sense of its program therefore people who keep depending on others to save them will remain in the state that they find themselves in. The rivalry and animosity based system that is in place only dictates that each is for himself. This has turned world into dog eat dog world. When there are enough sufficiently educated and thoughtful human beings in the world then they will be able to change it into a world that is good for well being human beings.

60) And what are thoughts of those today who invent lies and attribute them to Allah about the time when they are made to face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions as deen of Allah becomes established? Surely program of Allah is for bestowing blissful, dignified and secure existence upon mankind through their own hard works yet most of them use not the things provided for them appropriately as advised.

The results of not having or not doing things on basis of criterion provided by Allah leads people to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and in time that is bound to lead to lawlessness and total chaos due to breakdown of human community because of fractured relationships between people. The point is simple that having or doing things the wrong way never leads to good end results. When bad results of peoples deeds face them they wish to avoid them and regret doing those deeds but it is too late. This is why the Quran invites people to learning sense and deciding matters on basis of their outcome with which mankind would be happy. This is like building a house without paying much attention to it and when you are in it, it collapses on you. Then regretting is useless when you have suffered the consequences already. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to things when one is building the house so that there are no defects in the building while it is being built because no point in crying after it has collapsed due to bad workmanship or other defects like bad design or planning or material etc. YOWMAL QIYAAMAH is not necessarily any set apart day but a permanent state of living under divine system and laws that keeps dealing with situations as they occur. What matters is why things are decided, how things are decided and that they must be decided appropriately within appropriate time period. If you place your hand in fire it burns you and that is how you do something wrong and face the consequences. This is why it is a good idea to plan ones actions with outcome in forefront of ones mind so that ones plan of action is full of defects due to thoughtless planning. You sow the seed and you reap what you sow in due course as appropriate. Likewise when people do wrong to each other and it spreads widely then one day lots of people get fed up with this way of life and stand up against it. This is rising up day when revival of community spirit starts taking place. Humanity will keep learning and improving itself here in this life here in this universe for as long as it lasts. It will one day become so advanced that it will increase its life span and be able to live on other planets as well in this universe. Humanity in a way already has permanent life because it survives through its future generations. This can be thought of as family tree of life. This is why our struggle should be to make our world a better place for all of us rather than killing each other in the hope of afterlife which is not going to be pleasant for anyone who has not made anything good out of this life. Moreover YOWMAL QIYAAMAH also means standing system and law in place as a reference point whereby all things happen or are supposed to be judged or decided. Word YOWM does not mean just day or a period of time but a period of time based on light of knowledge and knowledge is all about law and way of doing things properly or in an orderly manner to achieve an end result or objective. YOWM also means universe, the world, the time, an era or a reference point etc. Likewise word QIYAAMAH also had many meanings including something standing like a guard to ensure all is functioning or working properly. YOWMAL QIYAMAH also means the period of time when DEEN becomes fully established in the world and all mankind live by it. So many words, phrases and verses used in the Quran have complementary meanings that help understand the message of the Quran better.

61) No matter whatever affairs you are engaged in and no matter which part or what stage of the Quranic program you are working on yet whatever you are doing Our systems and laws are present and fully engaged in there, because there is not even an atom of anything in the earth or in the heaven that is beyond control of set-up systems and laws of your Creator and Sustainer, not even anything smaller than that or even larger than that but it is governed by clearly set-up universal systems and laws.

This verse fully explains what is told in the verses above ie what is meant by judgement of Allah. It is simply how set-up divine system works and how laws in it operate to keep things on course for fulfilment of plan of Allah for which he has created this universe and mankind in it. This is why there is no escape for humanity from the set-up and judgement of Allah and that Allah is not waiting for judgement rather it is being carried out all along as things happen though final and complete judgement is yet to come, particularly for those who did wrong to others individually for personal gains at their expense.

62) Behold! The people who work for accomplishment of set goals of Allah for them according to His provided guidelines have nothing to worry about or anything to regret about.

The true supporters of mission of Allah are only those people who work with full intention to the best of their ability towards establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Anyone else who claims to be supporter of mission of Allah is only supporter of mission of Allah in name. The Quran calls such people hypocrites and deceivers and tricksters etc.

63) Such as commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and prove themselves consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah for the well being of humanity,

64) for them there is a good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence as soon as they start living by the Quranic program right to the end of their lives so long as they continue living by the Quranic program because systems and laws put in place by Allah will never change to ensure that outcome always so they remain ever present and fully engaged constantly. Being that successful therefore will be a worthy achievement for those who decide to take that path.

65) So let not the falsehood invented by those who attribute lies to Us damage your mission. Remember always that dignified life for mankind lies only in the way of life advised by Allah because He makes His program known to mankind due to His comprehensive knowledge of all things.

66) Be aware! Whatever is in all the galaxies including this galaxy belongs to Allah alone so those who declare their allegiance to rulers others than Allah follow nothing but self deception and preach nothing but falsehood whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains.

The Quran is questioning reasons due to which people invent and follow make beliefs and useless rituals. It is because inventors of falsehood have reasons of their own for inventing falsehood. For example, why mullahs invent beliefs and rituals is the main question that people must come to think about. Had mullahs not invented beliefs and rituals people could not have fallen victims to priests through religions. Rulers and money lenders could not have taken advantage of people through make beliefs and useless rituals. It is because people have become confused due to religions that they do not know which way to turn for solutions of their real daily life problems. Mullahs tell them Allah will provide but when they sit and pray nothing happens and rulers and money lenders do all they can to masses and get away with it because it is all fault of Allah for not fulfilling needs of people instead of people themselves. If people had learned things and had obtained proper understanding of the scriptures then things could been done the right way to solve all problem of humanity and that is what the real problem is and it is created by mullahs to begin with and added to by rulers and money lenders. This is why mullahs are most to blame for what they have done to scriptures and people through misinterpretations and misrepresentations of the scriptures due to their ignorance and unwillingness to learn things properly due to which they become stubborn and mislead people in a sense deliberately. Mullahs are effectively atheists because they have no respect for God and humanity. It is because they do not look for truth, if they did they will never be able to mislead people with their nonsense instead they will have led people to the truth if they had it in their heads to begin with. The same is true about rulers and money lenders and all people who accept use and abuse of mankind as a way of life. Anyone who accepts existence of God and his scripture cannot even imagine to go again guidance provided by God. But such people will do all in their power to try their best to educate themselves about themselves and other things and people and God and not believe anything without finding out how all things fit together and work properly. This is why ending make belief and useless ritual based culture is very important for the ummah if it wants to be on the path that is proper for mankind to follow.

67) He is the One Who has brought about the night for you to reach state of equilibrium through resting during it and the day so that you could see and do things that need doing. Indeed there are evidences in all this for those who observe things to heed Our guidance.

Allah has designed things for his set out objective and that is why he explains his plan and program for mankind and all that is observed in the universe shows a designed existence of things.

68) Some even claim Allah has begotten a son! Sovereignty belongs to Him alone and He is self-sufficient! To Him alone belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. Have you any proof for what you claim or are you so ignorant that you are attributing to Allah something about which you have no sensible explanation based on evidence whatsoever?

Allah claims all work people see in form of universe and things in it is work of Allah alone. No one helped him in thinking, planning, designing and creating anything at all. How could Allah claim all credit for everything if he was not an all alone creator? Moreover even if anyone else was there with Allah then that being also deserved mentioning by Allah or he could have sent his own messages and messengers and we could compare them to the Quran to see which is from God or more powerful God. The absence of scriptures like the Quran from any other God is proof that there is no other being we human beings could call God other than Allah.

69) Say, those who attribute lies to Allah will never be able to prove their lies and for the very reason that they attribute lies to Allah they cannot work for well being of mankind.

People who invent lies and attribute them to Allah do so for their own reasons and those reasons include personal gains at the expense of others ie use and abuse of each other for personal gains and if that is the case then how can such people help mankind unite and have peace between them so that they could work hard to make progress and prosper? The whole purpose of telling lies is to derail a process. By telling lies about God people throw each other off right course advised by God and the result is infighting between mankind and death and destruction. This is why telling lies is a very dangerous thing to do if people could reach that level of thinking.

70) Even though they may have gathered some personal gains at the expense of being a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah they are bound to come back to Our guidance even if due to facing terrible consequences of their thoughts and actions because of their opposition to Our guidance.

No matter which way people head in the end when they will have had enough they will come back in search of right way of life and that is when they will find the same guidance they rejected earlier guiding them aright. It is all about wake up call for mankind and different people wake up at different times in their lives so things are going to take their time before they take the right turn. This is why people who claim to follow scriptures must ensure they know the scriptures the way they ought to be understood and acted upon.

71) Relate to them the story of people in time of Noah. Once upon a time Noah invited his people for an open dialogue saying, O my people! If gaining ground of my viewpoint is difficult for you to accept because I spread the messages of Allah for I rely upon guidance from Allah for convincing people then you too can get together for your response to my campaign along with those whom you take for your rulers ensuring your task is not obscure for yourselves then argue your case against me and give me no time to prepare myself for this discussion.

This verse explains how people who understand and follow a scripture from Allah think, say and do things. They do not show confusion once they set out on mission for delivering the message of Allah to their people. It is because they have already prepared themselves for this purpose therefore they cannot be defeated. This is why such people can challenge their opponents to argue their cases against them if they can since they too claim they are on the right path and are not telling lies about God. This is why discussions and debates reveal the difference between educated and ignorant people and those who are true to themselves always follow the true outcome. This is why there is very strong hope that one day when mankind have educated themselves properly and discuss things with each other all will become convinced by whatever the true position is because the best possible explanation is bound to get through to peoples minds and stick for good. This is why the idea that any messenger forced converted people is a false one because you will be the most foolish person to think one can force so many people into slavery of anyone against their will for good. This is why the need for religions was realised by rulers and money lenders and they created priesthood in order to confuse people so that they could thereby take undue advantage of masses. It is because people are convince that whatever they do will be forgiven if they believed certain beliefs and carried out a set of certain rituals that is why no one thinks before inflicting harms and destructions upon others because after whatever wrong they do to others they ask God for forgiveness and all is forgiven. Who told people all this rubbish? The mullahs. This is why people are not bothered with how they should live their lives properly. If people became aware of the fact that God is not going to forgive anything to anyone they do wrong, they will think many times over before they inflict anyone with their atrocities. This is why understanding the difference between deen of Allah and the mazhab of mullahs is of vital importance if we want to make our world a paradise for ourselves. This is why people must kick out mullahs and religions and follow the divine messages properly by educating themselves and doing what needs to be done.

72) But should you people turn away from discussing this matter openly and sensibly with me then I do not expect any worthwhile outcome of my hard work for helping you understand the message of Allah. However I still expect good outcome for my hard work for the well being of mankind from Allah because He has advised me that I should commit to promoting and abiding by His guidance for life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

73) Yet they denied him the opportunity to openly discuss with them Our message to him so We saved him and those who were with him in the same boat through that message and We made them successfully inherit their land and We let drown those arrogantly ignorant people in their own mischiefs who rejected and opposed Our goals and guidelines so they ended up destroyed by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other due to ignoring Our message. Therefore you can see what was the end of those who were forewarned about the consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions.

Communities in due course fall away from guidance of Allah and end up in troubles and Allah raises people to help them re-establish themselves but not all listen to reason therefore some continue living the wrong way that lands them in their mutual destruction the while others who heed the message that brings nations to life make a comeback from the brink of mutual destruction. Allah does not send books and messenger to destroy people but to stop them from mutual destruction by hands of each other. It is because messengers are always sent due to infighting of people in order to stop them from destroying each other and so that they learn sense and start living their lives like good human beings. A clear proof how mullahs have misinterpreted and misrepresented divine scriptures whereby they ended up telling mankind Allah is so cruel and unjust that he destroyed through sending punishment upon them. This concept is totally alien to what the Quran teaches. Humanity is evolving from its simple state of existence to complex state of existence and if Allah destroyed people generation after generation for their errors then humanity could never become a developed community. If you keep killing children for making mistakes then no human being will grow into an adult ever because children make loads of mistakes as they try to learn things as explained already. Adam was sent as a first messenger only because people were fighting each other and some began to realise they needed external intervention and that is why Allah sent his revelation for them in order to stop them from bloodshed. Mullahs have failed to understand the message of the Quran in its proper context. In the world we live in grown up do not grow into children instead children grow into adults. So life began as a simple organism and evolved into complex organisms and not the other way round as mullahs will have us believe due to their foolishness. The idea remains same about guidance that earlier human beings were not as knowledgeable as later people because later people have total sum of knowledge that is accumulated by all the past human generations. This is why scripture and messengers were sent to earlier human beings because more of them needed more help to learn sense ie a child needs more help than a grown up person. Likewise when human came into existence it was simple as compared to today.

Word FULK is from root FAA, LAAM and KAAF and it has been explained already but beside orbit it also means cycle or whirlpool. This cycle could be repetition of things good or bad eg in case of bad cycle repeating itself it could mean troubles that keep coming back or a cycle of harms and destructions people inflict upon each other as a culture of revengeful tit for tat actions begins. This is how nations fall or rise by adopting one or the other way of life. Living for each other has good outcome for nations and living at the expense of each other brings nations down.

74) Then at length after him We sent messengers to their descendants because they fell apart repeatedly as a community in due course. The messengers came to them with clear goals and guidelines as to how they should come together to be a successful community but some of them did not commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a community on the basis of Our guidance which some of their ancestors had rejected before them. That is how We let those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains isolate their minds from Our guidance.

People who are given to mindset of living at the expense of each other for personal gains develop that sort of attitude towards each other and so they start behaving that way against each other and in due course community spirit is no more in them and so community disappears by hands of each other as already explained because such people seldom listen to anyone or look beyond their own personal vested interests till it is too late.

75) Then later on We sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our instructions. But they too showed arrogance because they were a people that opposed Our guidance and inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains.

76) When Our guidance came to them they said, this is a clear falsehood.

77) Moses replied, is that the best you can say about the guidance of Allah when it has come to you? Is this really a lie when I am helping you to learn to be good to each other? Conspirators never educate their enemies to be good to each other rather they take undue advantage of them by setting some of them against the others thereby put them on the road to their own destruction therefore they can never prosper.

This is a very important point that is made in this verse that enemies never try to make their opponents clever than themselves they know they will take undue advantage of them. Only people who have real concern for betterment of whole mankind go and do such things as educate even those who consider them as enemies and bring them on solid ground for their secure future. So long as a people have provably sound values and stand on that solid ground then try to help others to use same values as have helped them develop then to consider such people as enemies is nothing less than paranoia. However people who are already living on basis of rivalry and animosity based divided society, they cannot consider anyone their friend and well wisher unless they think they can gain something out of it according to the values they live by. This is why they look suspiciously at those who try to help them because they are living a life based on misinformation and disinformation, mistrust and distrust and suspicion because this is the end result of negative competition based society. Each person is looking for a chance to undercut and undermine others so how can one trust others in such a foolish society? This is why people need to come out of such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours if they really want to make their lives worth living or lots of people are bound to suffer unnecessary worries leading to paranoia, depression and anxiety who find themselves not being able to fight their corner to survive.

78) They said, have you come to turn us away from the way of life of our forefathers in order that you two become the rulers in the land? We will never commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with you.

79) Pharaoh said, bring me every skilful person who is well versed in the art of debate and delivering sermons.

80) When the experts in debate delivering sermons came Moses said to them, demonstrate whatever arguments you wish to put forth.

81) So when they had demonstrated their skills Moses said, the claims and arguments to prove them which you have put forth, the revelation of Allah can surely undermine them because Allah does not let works of those succeed who cause divisions and wars amongst people in the world.

82) By His words alone Allah proved what was beneficial for well being of humanity, much as to the dismay of those who opposed His guidance and worked against it.

83) None of the people committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with Moses save youths from his own community because of fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs lest they persecute them and certainly Pharaoh was so powerful in that land that he did not hesitate to cross any limit.

84) Moses said, O my people! If you are really committed to working for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, constitution and law of Allah then you should rely upon His set-up universal systems and laws and get on with doing what you ought to be doing if you have really submitted to work for peace and prosperity of mankind.

85) They replied, upon systems and laws of Allah we rely and they said, our Creator and Sustainer! Do not let us suffer at the hands of a people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains,

86) and deliver us through your blissful, dignifying and life securing program from the nation of such trouble makers who oppose installation of rule based upon Your guidance in the kingdom.

87) We revealed Our plan to Moses and his brother saying, take your people and set up in Egypt organised institutions and make your those institutions basis for organisation of your people to help establish Our system in order to implement Our program for prosperity to bring about good news of blissful life for those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of human community.

88) But Moses said, our Creator and Sustainer! You let Pharaoh and his chiefs have control over things that make life blissful for mankind in life of this world but our Creator and Sustainer, instead of behaving appropriately they have misled people about Your set goals and guidelines and have taken away rights of people to Your provided sustenance. Our Creator and Sustainer, let us go for whatever they have taken from us because of their terrible mindsets, attitudes and behaviours due to which they will not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity unless they see the painful suffering with their own eyes.

89) Allah said, your concern will be addressed in time but remain steadfast and follow not the path of those who ignore Our goals and guidelines.

90) That is how We led the ideological children of Israel across the sea of troubles because Pharaoh and his hosts pursued them relentlessly with animosity and oppression until they saw themselves drowning in their own self inflicted harms and destructions, he then said, I now declare my commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in His name other than Whom there is no ruler, He in Whose name are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind children of Israel so I too am of those who submit to His set goals according to His provided guidelines.

91) He was told, now you declare your commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity when you have lost your position of power but a while before you were terribly rebellious and one of those who conspired for divisions and wars in the land.

92) However We will save you in your body of works now so that you are a lesson for the succeeding generations even though most of the mankind pay no attention to Our revealed information for their guidance.

This verse informs about a few things eg a)a person in power if he does not benefit humanity but instead oppresses and suppresses people and inflicts harms and destructions upon them and thereby he is brought down by people due to his atrocities against them then there is no strength in his word if he gives himself up to people and promises them heaven because he is in no position to deliver. b)people who are oppressed and suppressed will find a way in the end to fight back if the oppressor and suppressor does not stop his atrocities against a people. c)even names and works of harmful and destructive people should be saved as a reminding lesson for coming generations to steer them away from going in the wrong direction so that they take the right road. d)people who oppress and suppress do end up destroyed through divisions and infighting among themselves in the end so this is not the right way to live. e)it is never a good idea for people to discriminate against each other because that is start of harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour. Any country, any community, any family, any organisation, any company that is based upon discrimination is bound to face self destruction or at least strangled progression. It is like people are trying to race with their feet tied up. All forms of negative discriminations must be ended among all people if world has to be a better place for all the people as a single human family.

93) That is how We founded children of Israel upon foundation of provable truth and provided them with beneficial things for life. However they ended up in rivalries and animosities between themselves for personal gains at the expense of each other despite having received Our guidance by stepping aside from it. Surely your Creator and Sustainer decides matters in which such people dispute among themselves when His deen becomes established by way of set-up systems and laws that are at work permanently.

The judgement of God is ever present in form of his set-up systems and laws in the universe to bring things back into equilibrium after they are upset by mankind. This is why when humanity reaches the end of range and crosses its set limits nature takes its course as designed and people start taking revenge against each other and when they get fed up they look for a way out of the situation they find themselves in and when a knowledgeable persons shows them the way, they follow him and that is how their divisions come to an end or else they perish by hands of each other. It is because learning is only possible in three ways a)you learn because you are taught b)because you have curious mind which keep asking questions so you look for answers and c)you are forced into learning something by your situation and circumstances. Only when one is in learning mood one learns things not otherwise and mood is controlled by curiosity or hardship experience one under goes.

94) If at all any of you the people are in doubt regarding what We have revealed for you in form of this Quran then consult those people as well who have been studying, following and proclaiming Our revealed information before you faithfully. You will surely find that it is a confirmable truth indeed that has come to you from your Creator and Sustainer therefore you people should not be of those who are confused and in doubt,

95) therefore support not those who deny rights of others to provisions of Allah and thereby oppose goals and guidelines of Allah or you too will end up of those who are divided and fighting among themselves over things therefore end up in loss.

It is important that people judge the divine truth as individuals on basis of a solid criterion based on reason and rules of wisdom. Therefore people must learn things needed to judge the message properly before sitting to judge the truth of the statement of Allah. Listen to nonsense of rulers, mullahs, money lenders, their touts and supporters is not the right way to judge the Quran. Wisdom can only be judged on basis of wisdom and to learn wisdom people must use their brains and senses and all that is provided for this purpose.

96) Despite Our guidance, explanations and forewarnings those concerning whom universal set-up systems and laws of your Creator and Sustainer must fulfil the outcome of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions, they will not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity

97) even though every kind of explanations had been brought to them until they see their own painful end by their own hands as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions.

Here the Quran explains the fact that some people are so harmful and destructive due to harbouring ambitions and desires to dominate others by undermining them for personal gains through use and abuse that no matter what you do to try to help them out of it, it is not going to work for them. It is because they are fixated on their harmful and destructive ambitions and listen to none. They only hear those who go along with them but in the end they all end up destroying themselves. However, people who are not that ignorant and stubborn do see sense be it after reaching the brink of destruction and that is why they are pulled back from path of total destruction and put on the right path to blissful, dignified and secure existence by each other with help of divine guidance and a man of God.

98) Was there any township as a whole which foresaw the revolt coming and fully committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a community and their commitment to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of each other then benefited them except the people of Yoonus? When they committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of their community We saved them from the harmful and destructive revolt and let them enjoy their life of this world till they remained on that course of actions.

99) Had it been a matter of enforcing His will for your Creator and Sustainer then all the people of the world together will have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but He let them have their freedom of choice, so will you then compel mankind against their will to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind instead of letting them choose to do as they please and face the consequences of their thoughts and actions?

From point of view of Allah people are free to do as they please and the duty of a messenger of Allah is to deliver the message of Allah to them and let them respond as they choose but the consequences of their thoughts and actions people cannot avoid because that is the way Allah has set-up this universe and things in it for his plan to fulfil. Since all people are free to do as they choose therefore those who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind are also free to respond to those who think and do things against them. This is why there is no contradiction in the idea that if people are free to do as they please then why supporters of the message of Allah force their way of life upon others instead of minding their own business. It is because those who oppose proper way of life make life of all other hell and to stop such people is inevitable or humanity will let itself fall into a very deep ditch of hell as explained already. If anti social elements are allowed to succeed in a human society then there cannot be a proper human society at all. So community is forced to act against those who act against it otherwise community cannot survive or live a blissful, dignified and secure life. This situation is like that of a correction centre for people ie you educate people like children and teach them how to live properly but if after teaching some elements still fall apart and become a headache then they need to be dealt with effectively so that rest of society is saved from such elements. This could be achieved by isolating individuals or putting them to sleep if all else fails. Not only that but if such elements become too many then fights and wars become inevitable to bring them under control. Such wars could be called jihad for peace. This also explains the fact that killing anyone or wars are lost steps. Education and correction are main objectives but use of force is never ruled out. This is the context in which one can decide whether the Quran is a manual of peace or manual of war for peace. To think and use the Quran for hegemony is not possible because anyone who reads the Quran will find in the Quran goals and guidelines that oppose such use of the Quran for harmful and destructive purposes. However, false propaganda is a different matter and that is what rulers, mullahs and money lenders have been always to turn deen into mazhab and then use name of God for all the wrong reasons. If those who claim to follow the message of the Quran yet do not know what is written in the Quran became educated as they ought to then they could fight off the false propaganda against the Quran and Islam but since they are not educated and they do terrible things in the name of God and Islam so the message of the Quran will remain a mystery for mankind till the time they educate themselves about things properly. One can see why mullahs are mainly to be blamed and then their blind followers.

100) Since people are given the ability to choose to do things, it is not possible for anyone to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind unless they pay attention to guidance of Allah to understand it properly and act upon it faithfully otherwise He lets people remain in their ignorance and harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour who do not use their brains and senses to learn to be wise.

Verses such as this leave one in no doubt that people must use whatever they have been provided by Allah properly otherwise it is not possible for mankind to have blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world nor in hereafter. Such verses prove make beliefs and useless rituals promoted by mullahs absolutely false because such thoughts and actions do nothing good for well being of humanity which is the main reason why revelation is sent in the first place and the very reason mankind have been given brains, senses and freedom to choose to think and do as they like.

101) Say, observe whatever is in the heavens and the earth for the benefit of the mankind but Our set goals, guidelines and forewarnings do not benefits those who do not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

As explained already the verses of the Quran have complementary meanings so here the Quran is also telling people to look at the people in positions of power and the masses stuck in the ditch and see that set goals of Allah for mankind and provided guidelines and forewarnings do not benefit such people as do not pay due attention to them and commit not to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to them.

102) Are these people also waiting for the similar days to befall them like the ones that befell people before them when ignorant followers revolted against their harmful and destructive leaders? Say, wait if you will I too am waiting with you till the coming of such times and situations.

Here it is made clear that oppression and suppression is not put up with for very long even by ignorant people but whenever they react they bring about bloody revolts not organised education based changes or reforms. So better not go down that road or think about what happened in the times long ago. The Quran brings in only relevant points of human history to prove its point and not as a lesson in history of the world. The same it does when it brings in scientific evidences for proving its points ie it deals with points in sense of philosophy behind them be it related to history or any other field of human knowledge or science.

103) However be aware that whenever such a time came, We saved Our messengers and those who committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and this has been Our way of doing things, We take it upon Ourself as Our responsibility and their right upon Us that We free from all problems those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in deeds.

A clear challenge for mankind that you can never get rid of such people ever who work for the well being of humanity try all you can. A clear proof that world is gradually moving towards its God set target according to his plan. Even though world is gradually moving towards its betterment through participation and interaction of mankind but it will be better for mankind to participate and interact in this process sensibly than foolishly. Effort made by people on basis of learning and teaching will always be better than learning and doing things the hard way. The Quran is a book that sets the ideal standard and provides guidance towards it but it is up to people themselves to get to that standard through knowing where they are and where they ought to be and how they can get there and get there. So far only messengers of Allah and their nurtured people have reached that stage and the rest of human world is still to catch on. This ummah fell off that standard shortly after the final prophet and is still falling so if people want to get back to that standard again then they better stop falling any further and start re-climbing and catch on. This ummah was united once upon a time and it can do that again by doing the same what it was taught by the Quran. People must free themselves of magic, mystery, superstition, make beliefs and useless rituals and adopt works that help fulfil goals set by the Quran according to guidelines provided. This is why mankind must get themselves rid of rulers, mullahs and money lenders by learning and doing things they need to learn and do.

104) Say, O mankind! If you are in doubt concerning my proposed way of life for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind then know this that I will never support any way of life adopted by those who take for rulers other than Allah for I follow the way of life advised by Allah whose set-up universal systems and laws deliver to you the outcome of your thoughts and actions because I am commanded to be of those who commit themselves fully to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

105) Therefore set yourselves upon the way of life that is perfect for its stated purpose and be not of those who adopt ways of life other than the one advised by Allah.

106) So never rely for well being of mankind upon any way of life other than the one advised by Allah because it cannot ensure your well being nor can protect you against inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. If you will still adopt any other way of life after all these explanations then remember always that you will always end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

107) Remember always that if set-up systems and laws of Allah let a calamity afflict you as a result of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other even then none can help you overcome its effect but He alone by guiding you out of it and if He lets a blissful favour come your way then again none can withhold His provision for you from reaching you. However He bestows His blessing in form of prosperity upon whichever of His people work for it according to His plan because He is protector of mankind by means of His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing program for them.

108) Say, O mankind! Surely truth in form of testimony of your Creator and Sustainer has come to you with proofs to verify. So any nation that follows His guidance follows it for its own well being and any that turns away from it does so to its own destruction and I am not here to control your affairs for you because that you will have to do for yourselves as a proper human community.

Here it is made clear that kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is not a police state but a state where each and every person must watch his own words and deeds as well as of each other in light of revelation of Allah as well as their effects on his community and oneself. If what one is doing harms oneself and ones community, one must stop and take corrective measures without delay to remedy the situation. If need be inform authorities. This does not mean there should not be any department for policing the community because that is always necessary so that state remains alert about its people and people remain alert about their state and each other. This is the only way to ensure internal and external security of community and its people. Monitoring community is necessary for state in various ways to keep track of things and that everything is taken care of on time so that problems do not arise or remain unsolved and become bigger problems in due course. A kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is such wherein individuals live by the book as already explained.

109) Therefore support by your words and deeds that which is revealed to you the mankind and be steadfast till Allah brings about rule based upon His guidance in the world because He is the wisest of all those who claim to be rulers in this world.

This surah is all about how an individual can play his role by learning and doing things to bring about the blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind. One needs to find out the solid foundation to begin with so that then one could inform others about it and if people become informed and convinced that this is the best way of life for them and are willing to give it a good try then they should become a fully organised and regulated community that works towards stated goals according to provided guidelines. Once people do that it is only matter of time and effort before the promised end result shows up in form a kingdom wherein people have blissful, dignified and secure existence.

SURAH 11 HOOD-What is proper way of life and why, who is the properly guided person and why, what is his task and how he fulfils it and what happens to him, his supporters and opponents and what lessons can be learned from all that by human population today

This Surah is named HOOD from root HAA, WOW and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is a rock that becomes uncovered or visible by itself and it is then used as a landmark by people to find their way in the land or something hard that protrudes through surface from below the surface. A person who learns oneself and becomes visible to community as learned person and to whom then community looks for help to learn and do things for its well being. A guided leader also a person belonging to Jewish community, a learned or tender hearted person, a person who stops doing wrong things and reforms, a person who mends his ways, a person who gets involved in things to help betterment, a person who always has tendency toward reconciliation in case of a dispute but on a solid foundation, a person who does things gently but solemnly, a person who facilitates or makes things easy for others, a person who sings, a person who intoxicates, repentance, a person who turns to God for guidance, to be a Jew or be of Jewish race or faith etc etc.

Like previous Surah this Surah is not named HOOD because it is name of a prophet but because it deals with subject matter that is related to the name given to this Surah. This Surah is mainly about guidance ie what is guidance, why it is needed for people, where it comes from, how it reaches people and how people guide each other and how divine guidance plays its part in life of mankind. After making clear that the Quran cannot be from other than God, the Quran starts bringing stories of past people to inform people what happened to those who followed the Godly advice and what happened to those who did not and why it will continue happening always for all people to come. Not only why things happened but also how they happened. The set-up universal systems and laws are explained for mankind to observe and live by so that mankind save themselves from unnecessary hardships and troubles. It is made clear that keeping an eye on nature as to how it works man can plan his life very nicely eg people can become aware when to plant seeds and when they will be ready for them and what problems can occur and how to overcome them etc etc. The Quran keeps emphasising need for self awareness and awareness of local, national and international, global and even universal environment. The Quran is very scientific and technical in its teachings as well as very much about politics and economics because the whole purpose is to guide mankind towards becoming a proper human community or an ummah based upon guidance of Allah for its own well being.

Proclaim! In the name of Allah, the provider of psychological, sociological and biological needs of mankind,

1)Alif Laam Raa. This is a book statements of which are consistent due to being well founded in wisdom whereby wise and fully aware ruler of this universe makes distinct proper way of life for mankind to live by from the way of life that is harmful and destructive

It should always be kept in mind that words used in the Quran can never be translated fully according to their derived meanings because then each verses could become a very, very long explanation of a verse. For example, word KITAAB has many meanings eg book, writing, law, rule, constitution, program, manifesto etc etc. Likewise word AAYAAT has many derived meanings as explained already eg verses, statements, goals, guidelines, laws, landmarks, articles, items, elements etc etc. Since verses have various parallel meanings that are complementary so words used in verses also need to be interpreted in the context of a verse. If word kitaab is taken as a constitution then word aayah will be taken as an article or clause of the constitution. If word kitaab is taken as manifesto then word aayah will have to be taken as an item of the manifesto and likewise if word kitaab is taken as a book then its aayah will have to be taken as its sentence or verse. It is because word kitaab stands for a whole and word aayah stands for its part. Only if one has sense of how language works and how aware one is, one can understand the Quran properly. Why word kitaab should be taken as a book or something else is also dependent upon the fact why this book is sent or what purpose it is supposed to serve. Since Quran is a book for a mission and the mission is about education based revolution so one has to translate the book the way it suits its purpose. Any other rendering of this book will turn it useless for its purpose. The basic goal set by the Quran for mankind is to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Such a kingdom cannot be brought about unless there is a fully organised, regulated and motivated community of a people, so one has to be very careful how one interprets verses of the Quran. This verse explains very clearly that the Quran is not a religious holy scripture but a divine constitution for mankind to abide by forever. Its articles or clauses are lasting and firmly founded ie it is not possible for mankind to come up with anything like the Quran. The reason is because it provides mankind permanent and durable basis to find their community upon and keep building on that solid foundation. If they will do that, they are guaranteed united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous life forever. However people are given the ability to choose so they can go their own ways they like but consequences have been fully explained for doing that. Going their own way only means mankind finding their ways of life upon nonsense and unstable foundations that lead them to self destruction in due course.

2) so that you live by no other way of life than the one advised by Allah and I am from Him to you the mankind a warner and a bearer of program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

This verse advises mankind not to set-up or take any other ruler than Allah. When a person declares there is no ruler save Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, it binds that person to prove that declaration true by deeds ie by working for and abiding by program, constitution and law of Allah. If one declares that I accept no ruler other than Allah and then happily lives by rule of other than Allah that means one is not living up to ones words or one is not true to ones commitment one has declared by his words. When there are contradictions in words and deeds of people the Quran declares them **********. ********** are such people who say one thing and do another and the Quran declared them ********** because they declare commitment to the Quranic way of life yet live in opposition to its instructions or injunctions. The problem with that kind of living is that one can never achieve united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous life for mankind because one fails to bring about a united community that is needed for having peaceful, progressive and prosperous life. Community cannot come about if people say one thing to each other and do another because this kind of life gives rise to all sorts of deceptions among people which brings about mistrust, distrust and suspicions leading to all sorts of destabilising factors.

3) Therefore you should seek blissful, dignified and secure existence of your Creator and Sustainer by turning to His guidance so that He provides you with beautiful sustenance for an appointed time as per His set-up universal systems and laws. That is how He bestows His abound provision and sustenance on every people who work for it as explained. However should you ignore and turn away from His advised way of life then I fear for you a very long period of time that will be full of painful suffering by hands of each other.

This verse tells mankind the fact that building a proper human community is not an easy task at all. If the set goals and the provided guidelines by Allah are not given vital importance in lives of people then, humanity will have to suffer for a very long time before it learns from its mistakes and changes its direction gradually by forcing each other and thereby ending up in fights and wars. The very first verse of the Quran tells mankind that Allah has provided all that humans need for building a proper human community including his roadmap. Failing to make proper use of divine revelation, manpower and resources is not going to help humanity prosper instead the gap between where people take themselves and where they ought to be will become very large with time till they have reached dead end and then start their journey back.

4) No matter what in the end you the mankind will have turn to roadmap of Allah because He has set-up systems and laws for governing everything including guidance for organisation and regulation of human community.

Human life is also organised and regulated along with other things but in two different ways a)naturally ie natural systems, processes and laws are at work and b)mankind are also given goals and guidelines to organise and regulate themselves accordingly. This guidance tells people very clearly that they have a creator to whom belongs everything and they should learn about things and use the provided things properly so that they do not end up in problems unnecessarily. This is why the more people become aware of things the better they become at using them but they need guidance for proper use of things because due to misuse of things humanity suffers a lot of setbacks by hands of each other.

5) Although you make clear for the masses what things are and how things work as well as how they should used, be aware that rulers, their priests and money lenders will still twist things for them due to their twisted mindsets, attitudes and behaviours so that they could hide the true sense of what things are, how they work and how they should be used properly from the masses so that they could keep their make beliefs and useless rituals alive in minds and lives of masses so that thereby they could use and abuse them for their personal gains. However even when these rulers, priests and money lenders think they have covered up scriptural truths fully with their invented beliefs and useless rituals to prevent masses from knowing things properly yet Allah makes the truth manifest for all to see regarding that which they hide and that which they disclose in order to confuse people. Indeed He exposes every secret within their minds through results of their own actions.

This verse is disclosing the fact that some among the people twist things in order to deliberately cause confusion. Their motive is discussed in the next verse ie to control land, its resources, means of production and distribution. However it is made clear that if people learn then even in what these people have tried to cover up will become visible to them. It is because truth has its ways to shine through if one has the eyes to see it. As explained already almost all priests of all religion have covered up the divine message by twisting scriptures in to religious books for personal faith and salvation yet if one looks in the twisted translations and interpretations of the scriptures one cannot remain blind to the fact that all scriptures worth the name have instructions that are for founding a good human community. This proves the point that scriptures do not teach personal faith and salvation but good life for all through a well organised and a well regulated human community. Likewise people themselves can observe at macro and micro level how things work based on cause and effect principle. So all make belief ideas are false and people with little bit use of brain can see all this themselves. People will find that the whole universe is a systematic unit and involves processes and mechanisms. It is an automated thing and that is the way it had to be because God wanted man to learn things through self experience like a self programming robot at a very high level. God did this to be appreciated as a great designer, creator, provider and sustainer. This is why God created man knowing nothing with a very powerful brain and senses to make sense of universe and revelation and discover his own full potential in order to appreciate God. God did not create man for test but for struggle from simple state of existence to the most sophisticated state of existence. This is very much obvious from development and progress of humanity over the ages ie is man still living as ignorant as he was right at the start? Is he where he was in the beginning, if not why not? Worshipping ritualism needs no much sense even a kid can do all that but living a life well organised and well regulated needs a lot of use of brain power. This very clearly knocks out religious reasons for human creation by God. God created man for reasons of DEEN for accomplishing great tasks using his self learned creativity to show what God has created in form of a human being. So twisting of scriptural texts to tilt them towards religious make beliefs by priests is very clearly evident as well as evidence of their ignorance and foolishness. The other point is very simple ie the motivation. It is because by fooling masses some people can grab their things the while they are busy doing something else and not paying attention to things they should pay attention to. If one wants to steal your things he will try to direct your attention elsewhere so that he gets the opportunity to nick your things. That is how adults fool kids when playing games with them. How can grown up people be so stupid that they let fellow human beings fool them so easily in the name of God, religion and scriptures especially when scriptures themselves expose these con artists? Every scripture including the Quran tells people look out for con artists who will try all they can to con you by fooling you. So people must learn things to the level that they help them stay safe from the imposters. Likewise this verse tells people at large be careful because there are people who help you know things properly but there are also people who are Satans who twist everything to fool you to dispossess you of your God given rights to his provisions. They hide what they should tell you because it is beneficial for you and tell you what they should not because that is harmful for you.

6) There is not a living being or a moving creature in the world for whom Allah is not responsible for its provision and sustenance but that He enables it to know its way to get to its provision on time because that is the way to its development and survival. It is all systematic and according to universal laws.

Word MUSTAQAR is from root QAAF, RAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is short stay on a journey. Also a period of time when species pass from one kind to another during process of gradual evolution. A temporary stay or a place where one stays for a rest and then moves on, cold, chilliness, to be cold, to abate, to settle down, urban area, to deposit, container, sediment, bottom of a ravine, abyss, basis, to decide, decision, to become carefree, to become tranquil, to stay, to remain, to settle, to concede, to accept, to affirm, to remain firmly in position, depth, secure place, abode, hold, stability, endurance, root, satisfaction, peace, tranquillity, rest, comfort, pleasure, happiness, consolation, to alight, brighten up, that which lasts or remains, durable, lasting, that which comes to an end, that which serves its term, a fixed abode, a place of settlement, a term to be served, glass, glassware, things made of glass, goblets, bottles, to freeze or become frozen, pregnancy, to become pregnant, to become obvious as an end product after going through stages from the beginning till completion as a baby develops in the womb of a mother, a structure used on the back of a camel to facilitate women to ride on a camel, saddle, seat, women etc etc.

Word MUSTAWDA is from root WOW, DAAL and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to leave or vacate. Also to agree to do something, to agree to end the war, an agreement, trust, security, to offer something as security for something, to put something in some secure place, to empty, organic evolution or gradual development of things to their final stable form, the end product after going through various stages of development, prosperity, comfort, pleasure, to say good bye, to let go, a safe place, a depository, serenity, to place in good keeping, to bid farewell, to see off, to leave behind, to leave alone, to cease hostility with, to exchange pledges of mutual peace, to ignore, to dismiss, to stop, to refrain from doing, to abandon, to forsake, womb, grave, long stay, a place where-in one stays for a long time etc etc.

This verse explains the fact that Allah is creator and sustainer of all that exists but he has put in place systems, processes, mechanisms and laws according to which all is supposed to happen automatically. As for human beings they are also given books in which they are told to go by the book and you will do fine otherwise suffer the consequences and dont complain because it is mainly all your own fault if you do not educate yourselves and do as taught by the book. What does the book tell us? It tells us to come together to form a proper human community by organising properly and regulating ourselves and getting on with whatever we need to do for having peaceful, progressive and prosperous life as a united human family. What does humanity need to do? It needs to find out what it needs and wants and why then explore the existing world to see where it can get things from and how it can get them etc etc. If more than half of the world is starving it is not because there are no enough things in the world or world is not able to provide for human needs but because we are busy reproducing to kill and maim each other instead of using each and every person available to us to get the job done. So long as we stop so many people from education and education based works and then pick fights with each other and that way waste our manpower and resources then is there any wonder we are not getting where we ought to be? Who is to blame for all this carry on? This is why all societies based on personal gains of individuals at the expense of community spirit are dangerous because that leads mankind to harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour. This is the main problem with mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of rulers, priests, moneylenders, their touts and supporters. This is why true scriptural foundation needs to be found out to base our human community upon and then get on with life to make it beautiful for all. This verse explains evolutionary mechanism for survival ie in order to survive things must learn to get what they need in time from wherever they need to get it from. If they fail then that is the end of them. Not only that but as people fail to get what they need things will become less and less and then time will come when people will end up fighting each other over them. This is particularly an important point in case of human beings that they have been given a great brain to use for this purpose. If instead they misuse it then consequences are going to be terrible every time. So why misuse something to our own demise than properly using it to reach a life of bliss, dignity and security? This verse leaves in no doubt that life is a tough struggle for mankind and so long as they do things as told they will keep rising stage by stage or strength to strength but as soon as they become stagnant things will stop and then start rolling backwards and regression can takeover. This is the real message of this verse ie keep moving with time or you will live to regret it.

7) That level of designer and creator is He Who brought about - by means of planning and putting in place systems, processes, mechanism and laws - all the galaxies including this galaxy in simple to complex stages and His ability of creating all this kingdom of universe rested upon the fountain of knowledge, in order to put you the mankind through struggle to demonstrate to each other which of you the mankind work for the well being of each other to rise through ranks of dignity to appreciate your Creator and Sustainer through understanding His works. However when you tell them that due to this program by understanding and using it properly you the people will indeed rise to heights of blissful, dignifies and secure existence after you have lost the hope, the opponents of this program will certainly say, this is nothing but a fantasy and a false hope.

This verse like some other verses is using words SITTATI AYYAAM. Word SITTAH is usually translated as number six but it also has other meanings as well eg it means two things joined in such a way that on one end they are same but very different at the other end. If we take a linear graph or a ramp and imagine it is cut into sections then if we can see how at the cut one side is going downwards and the other upwards. The very point at which one section ends and the other starts is called sittah. So in these like verses the Quran is telling us very clearly the evolutionary stages of the universe. Not necessarily just six stages but consistent and constant stages one after the other. It is like a tapered object that is thin at one end but gets thicker and thicker towards the other end. Since universe began as a small thing and expanded therefore this process of gradual expansion and complexity is called sitta. It is like a main process with lots of embedded processes in it. It is as if one process completes and others start and so it continues. So universe is constantly running nonstop and these stages or processes just come and go at their own time and in their own way.

8) However through this knowledge when We move away from them the harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for personal gains for a limited period of time, they ask, what is holding it back? Beware! The day it arrives nothing can hold it back from them and they are completely encircled by that which they take for a joke.

The way the systems are set-up to work according to laws of nature, it keeps people safe so long as they go by the book of Allah because it explains all this that is going on but as they fall away from that guidance, things take their natural course. When people stop living by the book the unity and compassion between them turns to rivalry and animosity and cruelty and hatred and gradually in due course people reach their lowest state of existence and end up in despair. This is not punishment from God, it is result of what people are told not to do but they do it anyway. They were told not to live this way because it will cause them problems but they did. Fire is created for benefit of mankind but if they will misuse it, they will get harmed by it. Just because God created things does not mean you must misuse them and get harmed by them. People have invented knife, gun and car etc but they did it for the benefit of people. If some misuse these things then is that fault of inventors or misusers? Only foolish people take a serious good advice for a joke. It does not mean advice is necessarily laughable but it could mean people have no sense to understand and appreciate it.

9) The fact is when We let mankind taste prosperity due to following Our program thereafter in due course We find mankind caught up in hardship due to moving away from Our guidance. Surely it is due to mankind not using Our provisions properly.

10) And if We let mankind taste any prosperity again due to coming back to Our program after adversity has afflicted the mankind, the mankind claims, all its sorrows are gone because of its own efforts and in due course mankind become intoxicated due to power and rebel against Our guidance

In these verses mindset, attitude and behaviour of certain people from among mankind is explained that these people when suffer due to their own actions against divine advice they blame God but when they succeed in life they claim all credit for themselves as individuals, not thinking of who has contributed to their this success and how. This lack of sense then misleads them and instead of they too contributing back to society sensibly cause problems by trying to undermine others. As they get a bit of dominance over others they become arrogant and treat other human beings with contempt and put in place divide as masters and slaves. However, not all people are like that rather some people take things differently and try to inform and educate others. So this becomes a struggle between constructive and destructive elements in human society. Since being constructive is a much more difficult task so human society remains stuck in rut for a very long time and gets deeper and deeper in trouble till it finally decides to listen to some sensible voice which then puts it back on track. It does not take very long before human society falls down again but each fall and rise results in more lessons being learned by humanity and this process will continue till mankind have learned enough to guard against coming about of destructive elements. Once humanity succeeds in doing that then the only way will be full speed ahead. As the Quran says, our mistakes do not damage us because we learn from our mistakes but dwelling on those mistakes and making them a way of life is what sets humanity back.

11) save those who remain steadfast in their hard works for reconciliation between mankind for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity, such are the ones for whom is secure, blissful and dignified life as a great outcome of their thoughts and actions according to Our plan.

The Quranic wording is not possible to translate word for word because there are no words that can express the very same message in other languages. It is all an exercise to translate the message rather than the word and that is also not easy because each and every verse uses words in such a way that same verse leads us to parallel concepts that make perfect sense eg take words SABAROO and SAALIHAAT. SABAROO is not only about showing patience when things are out of ones control but also about showing steadfastness when taking action. SALIHAAT is not only about reconciliation or repairing broken relationships among mankind but taking such actions that benefit or make things work ie it involves sense of coming up with ideas, systems, structures, processes, procedures and practices that lead mankind somewhere in sense of progress. It is as if Quran is telling us good people are those who are inventive ie those who come up with new ideas and invent things for benefit and well being of mankind. Putting these meaning of these words side by side with what mullahs have been feeding masses the contrast is self evident. Mullahs have turned people lazy and crazy instead of lively and inventive. Creativity is key foundation according to the Quran and the very purpose of human creation yet this is what mullahs forbid and suppress in people. How did they manage to fool masses so much, why masses let them do that and are still letting them get away with it?

12) So O messenger, never think about giving up any of this program which has been revealed to you or feel defeated within yourself just because the opponents of this program say, why has he not been sent with a treasure or why has he not been sent with a person with power over people? Surely you have not been sent to conquer people by shear use of force instead you have been sent with a message to educate and forewarn people against inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains, so that they become fully aware that Allah deals with all affairs as per His plan according to His set-up systems and laws.

This verse makes it clear for those on missionary work that in this task there lie ahead tough times and difficulties so they should prepare themselves mentally and physically for all eventualities to be able to deal with them as they come effectively but properly. People who have not prepared themselves cannot fulfil conditions of missionary task properly. In short unprepared people could cause more harm to the Quranic mission and humanity than benefit. This is exactly what mullahs have done and their missionary centres and personnel. They spread misinterpretations of the Quran whereby they misrepresent the message of the Quran which creates terrible uphill struggle for proper scholars of the Quran because people after having come across the false propagators do not want to know the message of the Quran assuming it to be another lie by another people. Ummah is funding wrong people for missionary works but since ummah itself is full of ignorance they do not know anything better. Of course such people will remain in the state of suffering till they perish or repent and correct themselves through educating themselves. The curse of rulers, mullahs and money lenders is not going to be lifted any time soon because education of masses takes time provided people make effort for educating each other.

13) Do they say, he has created this program himself to fool mankind? Say to them, bring then a program like this for bringing about such a human community by yourselves and invite all those you can to help you do this other than Allah and see if you can prove your this claim true.

This challenge is repeated in the Quran and if we look at the state in which we find humanity, it is very clear why such a program cannot be from mankind themselves. If people were so clever then they would not be doing the stupid things to each other as they do and the world will have been a great place but it is not. People are so jealous of each other and rivalry is so rampant among people that animosity and hatred is order of the day. After all who are we making the weapons of mass destruction for? Why are we hiding all kinds of things from each other and why do we spy on each other to find out what we have in our secret cupboards? Why we have copyright on information as intellectual property and our inventions patent catalogued? We claim we have human rights laws yet we do not help people suffering from diseases and poverty. Instead of getting busy with creating opportunities for each other to contribute to human society we are busy plotting and executing those plots in order to deliver knockout blows to each other. Keeping all this in mind, who has the time or money to write books and spend time to help educate others unless one truly accepts existence of God and idea of goodwill towards humanity? People with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours due to damaging ambitions and desires cannot be expected to do things for the benefit of mankind. If humanity has this kind of personality because in their view if they do not then they cannot survive in this dog eat dog world then who is going to waste his time in trying to get people out of this mindset, attitude and behaviour? If people have this mindset, attitude and behaviour, why the hell anyone will bother writing a book that tells people to change their way of life 180 degrees? Why would anyone write a book that nobody wants? There are a lot of questions that people need to think about before they can really say scriptures are not divine in their origin. In other words it is not going to be easy even if not impossible to prove the Quran is a human work and that is because of its program for mankind for implementation as a goal with a set of guidelines. Any book written by people ought to further human ambitions which are anti Quran. Even rulers, their priests and money lenders had to bend scriptural teachings by force to fool ignorant and uneducated people to get them to do their dirty works. Evil done by humanity is so obvious that anything good that came out of it seems merely a by product. It is because if humanity has been doing good then evil as by product could not have damaged the human mind, attitude and behaviour so badly as we all witness it everywhere all around the globe. Word ASHAR not only means ten in count but also a community based way of life. Word SUWAR is plural of SOORAH. It means a protective wall around a fort or a castle. In the Quranic context it means ways of life that gives human communities security. It could also mean ten suras like the suras of the Quran. The ideas is again not just text but a text when it is acted upon results in true human community because that is the message contained in the suras of the Quran.

14) But if they fail to respond to this challenge then mankind should come to know that this Quran was sent for making evident program of Allah for them so that they come to know that there is no ruler of this universe save Him. Will you the mankind then submit to program of Allah and live by this way of life that leads to peace, progress and prosperity?

15) Those who adopt a way of life that helps them make alluring personal gains at the expense others We reward them with full results of their thoughts and actions without any loss.

All things get what they work for including humans but it is better if people live by way of life as told by the Quran ie having community spirit rather than living on the basis of personal gains at the expense of community spirit. The problem with life based on personal gains is that in the end rivalry leads to animosity and hatred and fights and wars and so end result is not any good for anyone at all.

In the Quran words HAYATUDDUNYAA does not mean life of this world but life lived at lower level ie living like animals having no sense of higher life. Lower life is living for oneself and higher life means living for others. This is why living for oneself does not and cannot bring self respect and good life whereas living for others brings good life and self respect both. This is why end results of two ways of living are very different from each other. However most of the mankind live a very confused life.

16) They are the ones who have nothing to gain in the end save painful suffering whereby they come to know their greed and make belief based actions are wrong because they were harmful and destructive for others as well as themselves.

17) Can they be same as those who have self evident program from their Creator and Sustainer and to whom a messenger from Himself proclaims and they also have the book given to Moses before them a guide towards blissful, dignified and secure life? Such are the people who really commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind due to the scripture but those factions who oppose Our guidance will have their promise fulfilled to them that they will end up in agonising life. So O people, be not in any doubt about the Quranic program because it is a confirmable truth from your Creator and Sustainer even though most of the mankind do not commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it,

This verse tells us that people who claim to be committed to working according to the scripture may not be actually doing that if their words do not match their deeds, which means their verbal commitment cannot be taken seriously.

18) and who can inflict more harm and destruction upon mankind than the one who invents lies and attributes them to Allah? Such people in time will be confronted by those with understanding of program of their Creator and Sustainer thereby they will prove that these are the people who have invented lies against Allah their Creator and Sustainer. Be aware! Those who go beyond set limits of Allah in fact keep away from blessings of blissful, dignifying and secure existence providing program of Allah unless they stop and get themselves on the right path.

19) Such are the people who hinder others from the path of Allah and seek to make it obscure because they deny the masses the blissful, dignified and secure life that could come about due to Our program if people understood and followed it faithfully.

20) However these people cannot prevent forever His program from reaching the mankind throughout the world ultimately because time is coming when they will have none to support them against the plan of Allah, so their task will become twice as hard because they did not heed the guidance of Allah nor did they bother with understand things properly.

21) They are a people self centred who are lost in themselves so the nonsense they invent and spread against His guidance for personal gains will leave them utterly confused and in chaos.

22) There can be therefore no doubt that they will end up in terrible state of existence in time to come.

In these verses Allah leaves people in no doubt that his program will reach mankind ultimately through mankind themselves and opposition to it will fade away gradually as education takes root among mankind and people realise the need for divine guidance. It is obvious that as more and more people will come to right path less and less people will remain on the wrong road so opposition to message of Allah will ultimately fade away. The bigger the effort people make in helping each other educate themselves the sooner this period of darkness will disappear. If we read the Quran about SHAHRI RAMDAAN, QURAN, LAILATIMMUBAARIKAH, LAILTUL QADR and SOWM etc, it becomes clear that Allah revealed the Quran during period of darkness of ignorance therefore rifts and strifes in order to provide mankind with measures to counter ignorance and strife for bringing about a proper human community through gradual enlightenment.

23) However those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind therefore strive very hard for reconciliation between mankind with help of guidance of their Creator and Sustainer, such are the people who will end up in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah wherein they will stay for as long as they maintain it.

24) The example of these two sections of people is like two persons, one of whom is blind and deaf, and the other who can see and hear. Are they equal? Will you then not learn to understand the lesson and spread it among rest of mankind?

When the Quran uses certain words they need to be understood in sense of the message they convey. Here words blind and deaf tell us about a person who lacks sense to understand things as well as to observe things properly and both of these are needed to reach proper understanding of thing or right decisions about issues. Words seeing and hearing mean being able to observe and understand things properly so that one is able to decide things properly or deal with problems appropriately. This seeing is with eyes of mind not eyes on the face.

25) That is why We sent Noah to his people saying, I have come from Allah to deliver to you His program for your proper awareness before things fall apart for you,

26) so that you adopt no way of life other than the one advised by Allah because otherwise I fear for you the consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and action against each other in form of a painful period of uprising.

27) The chiefs of his people who opposed Our advised way of life said, we do not see you but a man like ourselves and we see that no one has followed you except the people who work for their living among us to put it simply, so we find nothing in you which gives you superiority over us therefore we think you are a bunch of liars.

28) He said, O my people, consider this that if I have a clear direction from my Creator and Sustainer because He has bestowed upon me a program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind from Himself but you are unaware about it, should I then impose its learning upon you against your will?

29) O my people! I do not ask you to pay me for educating you about it because the outcome for my this work rests with set-up systems and laws of Allah so I am not going to drive those people away who have committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with me because they are sure they can work hard to meet the ideal standard set for them by their Creator and Sustainer but I sense that you the chiefs are acting out of sense of dominance over others for undermining them.

30) Moreover tell me O chiefs of my people! Who will support me against Allah if I drive them away if what I claim is true? Why dont you even try to understand such a simple thing?

31) I do not say to you that I have the treasures of Allah in my personal control nor do I claim that I have the power to know the outcome of my thoughts and actions for certain or claim to be an emperor and I do not say to those who are useless people in your eyes that Allah will not grant them blissful, dignified and secure existence because only Allah can let them manifest what is in their minds through their actions. If I claim anything to mislead you then I will indeed be transgressing my God set limits.

This is what makes truth become distinct from falsehood. If people who claimed messengership from Allah were not true people they could have made fool of people by making up things just as con artists do instead these people tell people if you want to be successful here is the roadmap to follow. There is no magic, mystery or superstition involved. The message is simple that prophets says, I have received guidance for a great way of life so let us join together and work along that line and see the results for ourselves. There is no miraculous or supernatural solution involved for solving peoples problems other than revelation. This is why people who claim to be men of God yet fool people with all sorts of tricks telling them short cuts to better life prove themselves false. One can see how Quran educates people out of make beliefs and magical tricks so that they come to observe real world realities and do things that need to done to get the results they need or want. A clear proof that Quran is not a holy book for pooja paat but a book that has real solutions for real problems that face humanity.

32) They said, O Noah! You have argued with us and argued far too much, now bring upon us the revolt with which you threaten us if what you say is true.

33) He replied, Allah will surely let results of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions be upon you in due course as He has planned and you cannot escape them.

In these like verses it is made clear that judgement of Allah comes constantly and persistently as per set-up systems and laws of Allah. When tipping point is reached things happen but exactly when this tipping point is reached is anybodys guess. This is why people need to observe ground realities and see the state in which humanity is at any given point in time. If it is in good state of affairs then society is healthy so bad things will not happen but if state of humanity in the world is terrible then actions and reactions decide what is going to happen and how soon. Not only that but if humanity pays attention to its well being then it will find out things in time and take corrective measures and that will keep humanity safe from all sorts of disasters. Only when people fight each other that they lose attention to other things and then when disasters strike them they are caught unaware. This is why a driver cannot afford to not to pay attention to things on the road because as soon he goes to sleep on steering wheel or others with him draw his attention away from the road an accident happens. Likewise if rulers, priests and moneylenders will fail to fool the masses they will lose control over masses. When that happens, master slave relationship will end unless these people succeed in re-establishing their control over masses by some new ideas. This is how absolute monarchy ended and this is how priests lost control over masses and now it is turn for money lenders to lose control over masses. When there is fight between rulers, priests and moneylenders that is the time when masses will get chance to be free from all sorts of master slave relationships. When exactly that will happen is anyones guess.

34) My counsel will not benefit you no matter how much I desire to give you good advice if set-up systems and laws of Allah your Creator and Sustainer find you on the wrong path because according to His set-up systems and laws alone you are made to face consequences of your thoughts and actions.

35) Do they still say you Our messenger have invented all this Quran? Tell them, if I have invented it indeed then I ought to have some personal motive to benefit myself at your expense that ought to have harmful and destructive consequences for you which ought to be all clear to you, yet I am free of inflicting any harms and destructions upon you which you inflict upon each other due to your such motives, so how do you explain your accusation of forgery against me when I am instead stopping you from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other so that you do not end up destroying each other?

A very strong slap on faces of those who claim the Quran was produced by anyone other than Allah. It is because to invent anything people have motives but all usual motives for which people invent or do things are missing in case of the Quran. It does not give anyone any advantage over anyone else ie the Quran is useless for that purpose and if anyone tries to misuse it then it becomes a lethal cocktail for humanity as a whole. In other words the Quran is beneficial for humanity as a whole if its used properly for its purpose and if it is misused then it is lethal for whole mankind so you either live by the Quran or die by the Quran and there is no in between. As explained already Allah has revealed the Quran so that mankind live as a proper community based upon guidance of Allah otherwise the Quran leaves people to themselves to decide matters the hard way, which involves endless bloodshed and painful suffering for humanity for a very, very long time to come. So it is up to people themselves how they wish to go about living in this world. Allah has plenty of time to wait till people get fed up with their own tricks against each other and gradually turn each other towards message of Allah.

36) Regardless of their false accusations against you the messenger, it was made obvious to Noah that none of your opponents are going to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity save those who have already committed themselves. So there is no point in you grieving at their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other.

37) Instead go build a separate kingdom away from these people according to Our guidance as we revealed it to you and remember not to side step Our guidance on behalf of those who oppose Our program by working against it because they are all set for mutual destruction by their own hands according to Our set-up systems and laws.

Word FULKA not only means boat but an institution or kingdom as well. The idea revolves around orbit or circle eg a circle of friends or community circle or a team. A group of people who become a group for fulfilling some goal or need or want etc. Since the Quran is a book about community life and its set-up therefore a people involved in same thing are all in the same boat or are workers towards same end. Each and every messenger was sent by Allah to bring about a community based upon guidance of Allah and it is only possible if people have a kingdom of their own in which they can live freely according to guidance of Allah. Therefore Allah is telling Noah to set-up a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah in some other place away from these people who refuse by guidance of Allah. However, when he goes away to do so he is followed by his opponents who keep attacking his kingdom because he is still keep taking away their people from them whom they used as their slaves or as their slave labour.

38) So he started building a kingdom based upon Our guidance away from them but whenever the chiefs of his people came to it, they tried to conquer it. He said, if you will keep trying to take over our kingdom then we too will try to take over your kingdom.

39) Then soon you will come to know who will end up in painful suffering and humiliation and upon whom will come to rest painful suffering permanently.

40) Finally when time for fulfilment of Our warning came because the social environment heated up with hatred in society and the troubles broke out so We said to Noah, take into the kingdom you built each of the community of people and its leadership to settle along with your own community who have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity letting those who want to stay behind remain there against whom the law of consequences is already in place so they will face outcome of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. However those who committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity with him were only a minority.

After Noah set-up a kingdom the people he came from fell into disputes and infighting so many of the people of that kingdom decided to escape the situation by joining Noah and his people and he took them aboard and absorbed them as a part of his newly found community based kingdom.

41) Thus he said to them, undertake this journey to a new way of life in the name of Allah according to whose laws is its beginning and its completion, surely guidance by my Creator and Sustainer alone is protector of mankind because He is provider of blissful, dignifying and life securing program for them.

42) That is how Our guidance took them along a journey to safety through troubles and hardships like mountains. Even during this troublesome and hardship time Noah called upon chief of his community who had lost his power over people saying, O son of my community come aboard with me and be not of those who oppose living by rule based upon guidance of Allah.

43) He said, I rather betake myself to join some chief who saves me from living by rule based upon guidance of Allah. Noah said, today none can save anyone from set-up systems and laws of Allah save His blissful, dignifying and secure life providing program. That is how dispute between them turned into a troublesome wave of destruction, so he ended up among those who were destroyed.

Some people never learn so their stubbornness leads them to their own destruction in due course along with their people.

44) Thus Noah said to down trodden masses, O masses, learn and do things to regain your proper place in community and O dominant people, end your mindset, attitude and behaviour of dominance and undermining of others and that is how Our program helped them even out their differences so they ended up a great community based upon generosity towards each other and that is how they said goodbye to the way of life based upon personal gains whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other.

Word IBLAI is from root BAA, LAAM and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to take in something the right way. Also to swallow, to take something down the throat through mouth, to accept something without resistance, to take a dose of something, the place where grain enters the grinding mill for flour making, to drink something, to learn something, to absorb something properly, to understand something when explained, to make sense of something, to become part of something, a glutton, a drain, to draw off the surface water, to drink all the content, to deplete gradually, to replenish, to regain what is lost in some sense, to flow off or out, to discharge something, a gradual loss or gain of something etc etc.

Word AQLIEE is from root QAAF, LAAM and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is stop being something in some way. Also coming off of something from its place or position, to become dislodged or displaced, to resign from a position, to give up position or place, stop dominating, stop being or doing something, to become uprooted, to move away, to get out of the way, to give up something, to pull out, to remove, castle, stronghold, to cease, to desist, to abstain, to abandon, to sail, fever, temperature, hatred, rage, jealousy, envy, ulcerative stomach, to stop acting in a certain way, to abate etc etc.

Word GHEED is from root GHAIN, YAA and DWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to lack something. Also to be faulty or incomplete, to dry up, to absorb, abortion, to abort, to become undermined, to become low, something that becomes misshaped or deformed for some reason, to reduce or decrease something in its being or action, den, thicket, bush, to disappear, to recede, to dwindle, to abate, to diminish, to shrink, to fall short of, to fail to grow, to stop growing, to stop making progress, to stop developing, to sink into something, to become low profile etc etc.

Word JOODEE is from root JEEM, WOW and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to be constructive and beneficial. Also horses, to seek a horse, generosity, generous person, goodness, excellence, nobility, rain laden clouds, chargers, magnificent, the select, well bred or nurtured horse, a racing horse, a person capable of hard work or solving problems, a person who can trusted to fulfil his given role or responsibility absolutely etc etc.

The troubles broke out among people of Noah because it was a divided society without sense of community spirit so when there use and abuse reached its limits things turned ugly between them but Allah saved those who decided to live by way of life that was advised by Allah. When troubles start making life of people hard rulers, priests and money lenders have no solutions for their problems so they turn against each other and rulers are killed by masses in rage to avenge the use and abuse they received by their hands for so long.

45) Behold! Noah called out to his Creator and Sustainer at the time when he thought chief of his people was in trouble saying, O my Creator and Sustainer! My community chief is part of my community and surely Your promise to save my community is true because You are the only true ruler of those who claim to be the rulers.

46) Allah said, O Noah! He is not of your community because he is not of those who act to put things right for the well being of the human community. So do not ask Me concerning things you have no knowledge about. I inform you so that you do not act like those who act foolishly.

47) Noah said, my Creator and Sustainer! I seek refuge in Your revealed wisdom so that I do not question your decisions due to my lack of proper understanding of things but unless You dignify me through Your guidance I surely will be in loss.

When divine messengers came their battles were mainly with chiefs of their communities because they turned masses into their personal slaves instead of leading people to a successful and prosperous life so that people could develop and grow and humanity could progress and prosper. This deliberate mismanagement of human populations and natural resources created divisions among people which led to terrible bloodshed between people for no good reason. However it was always hope of messengers that they succeed in their divine missions without hurting people and causing loss of life but in real life things depend on all participants and not just on God, his prophets and their followers. If opponents do not see sense and keep carrying on their onslaught against humanity then drastic measure become inevitable to put a stop to all this carry on though minds of divine messengers remain open for people to stop and change their way and join them but most of the times it only remains a wish because people with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours rarely change the last minute.

48) It was said, O Noah! Settle down properly now on basis of program, constitution and law for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity from Us so that there is unity, peace, progress and prosperity for you and for the people that are with you. As for generations to come from them, We will grant them also their provision thereby but if they learned not and behaved not properly then they will have to face painful suffering as per Our set-up systems and laws.

49) O messenger, these are some of the facts from the past which We have now revealed to you, neither you nor your people knew about them before this revelation as told. So be steadfastly persistent because the success in the end is for those who are consistent with guidance of Allah for the well being of humanity.

These like verses do not mean people had never heard any stories about past people but that they had not been explained to people by their priests in the context the Quran explains them ie in non-religious context. People twisted even the texts of their divine books turning them out of their proper contexts. The same is happening today that most people only buy into religious nonsense rather than looking into scriptures themselves and discovering the true sense that the scriptures give rise to in their own contexts. Religions have given people wrong reasons as purposes for origin of creation. God has been portrayed as a tyrant who gets angry at drop of a hat and destroys nation after nation and a whole load of other nonsense. This is why if people want to know the truth about God and creation then they need to give up religious mumbo jumbo and look into scriptures in light of universal realities that face humanity.

50) Likewise to people of Aad We sent their brother Hood. He said, O my people! Live by program, constitution and law of Allah because you have no ruler save Him. Surely you live by nothing but make beliefs and falsehood that is harmful and destructive for living as a community.

51) O my people! I do not demand of you anything for personal gains at your expense instead outcome of my work for the well being of humanity rests upon set-up systems and laws of Him who has originated me. Will you then not use your sense to understand and do things properly?

52) Therefore O my people! Seek blissful, dignified and secure existence of your Creator and Sustainer by turning to His guidance and shape your community life accordingly. He will send for you from the heaven abundant rain of good things and He will add strength to your strength. So turn not towards His guidance to oppose it to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains.

53) They said, O Hood! You have not come to us with any clear proof that we demand so we are not going to leave our rulers, priests and money lenders just on basis of your claims and arguments nor are we going to agree to terms and conditions for our unity, peace, progress and prosperity that you propose.

54) The things you tell us to do are such that it seems to us you have been badly misled by one of our chiefs. He said, I present testimony of Allah as my evidence for my claim and I call upon you too to present your evidences as well for your claims otherwise I am staying clear of those whom you take for rulers

55) instead of Allah, so plan all of you together a full dialogue with me and give me no time to prepare myself for this debate.

56) I rely upon universal set-up systems and laws of Allah the Creator and Sustainer of mine and yours. There is not a living creature whose purpose of existence is not decided by Him through His set-up systems and laws. The guidance from my Creator and Sustainer surely leads along the path of life that is firmly founded.

57) So even if you turn away from debating the issue with me sensibly, at least I have fully conveyed to you the message I was sent with. If you will not abide by His program then in time my Creator and Sustainer will raise some other people in your place and you can do Him no harm whatsoever. Indeed my Creator and Sustainer has taken all measures for security and proper functioning of all things in the universe.

These verses very clear show two parties arguing about some issues in their own ways. The main thing to realise here is that one is party of religious people using its scripture for religious purposes as explained already and the other party that uses divine scripture as it ought to be used. The religious party is made of rulers, priests and money lenders supporting each other against masses by justifying why each party has the right to be there in sight of Allah and masses eg kings put in place priests and priests provide basis for kings to be kings on basis of religion ie these people are chosen by Allah to rule them so they must be obeyed or Allah will curse them and make their life hell. Money lenders spend what they make from masses to build temples and tombs and other religious structures to further the same aims and objectives and because they spend money in the name of Allah so they are loved by Allah and they too should be given respect in society and obeyed by masses. Poor are poor because that is the way Allah made them to be and they will get whatever they desire when they die provided they accept the will of Allah and live as the men of Allah tell them ie the priests. So it is a complete way of exploitation of ignorant masses and this is why religions are known as tools for exploitation of masses. This was the case always accept when some divine messenger came along and challenged this whole empire of faith and defeated it. However it never failed to make a comeback because people do not keep up with education and learning so being born ignorant and avoiding education and learning does not go well for mankind. This is why empire of faith still stands strong because top elite is ensuring ignorance prevails. There are no absolute monarchs today or priests with absolute powers but that is only because money lenders have replaced them ie today rulers and priests are controlled by people with money ie the bankers. It is difficult to say how long this money based rule is going to last but once it too saturates that will be the end of it. That is the time when new world order will come about and that will be free of monarchy, priesthood and capital based ideology. Allah sent human values will become restored gradually because they are firmly based on idea of well being of humanity as a whole. This is where Quran will become fundamental text as basis for new set-up in the new world and rest of scriptural world will follow the lead provided by the Quran. That seems to be the final world order that will come about to stay forever and once humanity has sorted itself out it will concentrate on turning this world into a paradise or divine kingdom. So we are long way away from where we ought to be as far as the teachings of the Quran are concerned. That is how prophetic mission will become fully established.

58) So when Our law of consequences delivered them results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions in due course We saved Hood and those who committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity along with him through blissful, dignifying and secure life providing program from Us and that is how We saved them from life of terrible painful suffering.

59) Such were the people of Aad. They opposed the goals and guidelines of their Creator and Sustainer and did not support His messenger but instead supported the rule by every terrifying oppressor.

60) Therefore they were followed by life full of humiliation right from the start through rivalries and animosities for personal gains till the day of uprooting of their way of life. Be warned! Aad denied set rights of their Creator and Sustainer to each other to His provisions for them so be informed that Aad the people of Hood were let distance themselves from His blissful and dignifying guidance.

These verses explained how the messenger of Allah by name of HOOD delivered his message to his people who were called Aad and how they responded and what was the end of these people. Here the Quran is not talking about make beliefs and useless rituals and anger of Allah but stupidity of people themselves who did what was harmful and destructive and so they ended up destroyed by hands of each other. There is no concept in the Quran Allah destroying people out of anger because they did not listen to him as mullahs will have us believe. It is simply a case of Allah trying to educate people through his guidance and people ignoring the guidance of Allah and doing things their own way which destroys them. It is like a person tells another person, do not jump into the fire because you will end up burnt alive. Instead of listening to the advice the other person goes ahead and jumps into the fire and ends up burnt alive. All because fire burns and that is the way Allah created fire to be to serve the purpose it was created for. If used properly fire is a very useful thing but at the same time if it is used improperly then one using it will regret it.

61) To the Thamud people We sent their brother Saleh. He said, O my people! Abide by program, constitution and law of Allah alone as you have no ruler save Him. It is He Who brought you forth in a simple state and evolved you therefrom so that in due course you seek your security through unity, peace, progress and prosperity by referring to His guidance and moulding your life according to it as a proper human community. Indeed the guidance and the set-up systems and laws of my Creator and Sustainer are ever present and respond to your needs, wants, thoughts and actions.

62) They said, O Saleh! Till now you were the one in whom we had great expectations! Will you now stop us from serving the rulers, the traditions and the customs that our forefathers put in place and served? Indeed we are strongly suspicious of that to which you are calling us.

63) He said, O my people! Consider this, if I have a clear proof from my Creator and Sustainer that He has granted me a program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of human community from Himself, who then will help me against set-up systems and law of Allah for consequences if I abide not by His guidance? What can you add to my person in that case other than making me yet bigger loser than yourselves?

It is clear for anyone to see what is the actual argument between people ie it is all about how people are living or should live and why or how they should not live and why not. It is all about living on basis of personal gain at the expense of each other or living on basis of well being of all as a community. One way of life leads to mutual destruction in due course and the other to heights of excellence.

64) So O my people! This beneficial guidance of Allah is a reference for you to live by so let it rule in the world of Allah freely and hinder it not otherwise you are bound to find yourselves caught up in severe consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

Here a messenger of Allah is telling his people, I have been send with a mission by Allah to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah ie to build a proper human community. Since to build a community one needs a foundation whereupon or on the basis of which people could be brought together to work as one, so this guidance is to serve that purpose therefore self impose living by it. It is a matter of self organisation and self regulation so that people become a community upon some agreed formula which is pointed in this verse. The Quran does not talk about miracles and magic instead it is very down to earth book telling people facts and ideals to learn and live a life worth living.

65) But they prevented its implementation so he said, gain personally as much as you can at the expense of each other through your institutions based upon foundation of personal gains for a limited number of days because consequences are to follow and that is a forewarning that cannot fail due to the fact that set-up systems and laws of Allah never fail to deliver results of peoples harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

Word AQAROO is from root AIN, QAAF and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is render ineffective or not to let something happen. Also to cut off a tree from its roots, to cut off a tree from its trunk, to stop something from growth or development, to stop something from taking roots, to stop or prevent a tree from producing fruit, to prevent something from doing something in some sense, a women who is incapable of producing children, barren land, to injure, to be savaged by an animal, to hamstrung, to kill potential in something for development or growth, to place obstacles in the way of something, to be barren, to be sterile, to be intoxicated, to be alcoholic, to cut off hind legs of a camel, to prevent something from happening in some way, to kill by stabbing something fatally, the main part of ones dwelling, real estate, landed property, residence, furniture, medicine, remedy, solution of problem or cure of a disease etc etc.

66) So when Our set law of consequences began showing its dire effects after things reached the tipping point, from that period of humiliation We saved Saleh and those who committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity along with him through guidance from Us for their survival and prosperity. Surely your Creator and Sustainer is consistent and powerful enough to see through His plan.

The Quran tells mankind about a constant struggle between people for survival and growth ie it tells people that it is survival of the fittest idea at work in nature and mankind need to rise above that using guidance of Allah to learn and live like real human being with sense. This is the main reason why Allah sent messengers and books. If people will keep on living like other animals then the situation told about in the stories of the messengers will continue. The only way to break this cycle of violence and painful suffering is to learn things and interact and participate in human society as told by the creator and sustainers. This is why the Quran needs to be understood properly and followed faithfully.

67) That is how after a long period of harmful and destructive interaction between themselves sudden uprising took by surprise these inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other and in that way the new era in their jurisdictions uprooted their rule,

Word SAAIHAH is from root SWAAD, YAA and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is a sound that is produced with full strength. Also loud cry, shouting, to become frightened, to die with fear, looting, to tear the calm by a loud noise, to disturb by loud cry, a sound at the time of earthquake or volcanic eruption, to yell, to cry out, to hail, to dry up, to ripen, a cry at the time of an attack by a party on its enemies etc etc.

Word JAASIMEEN is from root JEEM, SAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to stick to something and not let it go. Also the sitting of birds on their breasts, a bird or an animal that is killed after it is tied down and used as a target, something that lies in a place without any movement, to become a piled up, a person or an institution that stops functioning the way it should, something that becomes stuck in some way, something that opposes change for some reason, something that becomes still, body, organisation, association, corpse, structure, to crouch, to lie down on ones chest, to lie face down, to be heavily laden, lying flat, strewn about motionless, to stick to or hold onto a place or a position etc etc.

When a people keep living the way that increase harms and destructions in their population then in due course tipping point is reached when some of them over throw the rule by old rulers replacing them with new ones to make a new start. These are bloody revolutions because new rulers keep old ways and so it is only a matter of changing faces or to give a new people chance to rule to see if this will work for a while. That too comes to an end in time. So long as people do not wake up to education based revolution, bloody revolutions will keep coming about. Once people become aware of things through education then they will be in better position to see exactly what they want and how they can get it. All this necessitates cooperation and coordination and that can only come from following truly divine scripture as foundation to start from. Words DAYAARI HIM do not mean their personal houses but their government buildings or offices and institutions and jurisdictions that helped them run their terror campaigns against their own masses.

68) as if they had never flourished there. Be warned! Thamud people denied each other rights to provisions in opposition to guidance of their Creator and Sustainer. So gone are the people of Thamud due to their harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour against each other.

The Quran leaves us human beings in no doubt that if we will not live sensibly by cooperating and coordinating our effort for mutual benefits then force will always be used by some people against the others and all interaction and participation will always be decided on that basis. Only proper education which provides humanity with proper basis for mutual interaction and participation can lead us out of these like crisis otherwise wars and painful sufferings through use and abuse of each other will never leave us alone. It is because if a person has wrong foundation to based his or her life upon then whatever one learns one will use it in that context and this is why education that has no moral foundation is of no real benefit to humanity. A person who is hell bent on using and abusing others will learn new skills and ways to do so to expand on what one does. Likewise a person who is given to helpful mindset will always learn and use his skills to be more and more helpful so one can see how vitally important is to have a proper moral foundation that is beneficial to ensure well being of humanity. If the human world will only promote professional education and invents and mass produces things but leaves use of things to ignorant people then world will only become more and more destructive than peaceful and prosperous. Therefore to ignore moral side of life is to ignore proper foundation for humanity and that is not going to be without serious consequences. If we make people clever by giving them more skills and ideas and leave them on foundation of use and abuse then we are creating more people in the world with greater skills and tricks to use and abuse more people more effectively. Therefore when reaction comes by those who have been used and abused for a long time is going to be more and more dangerous ie each bloody revolution is going to be worse than the one before it. This is why our learning institutions must learn what is of fundamental importance, technological skills or moral foundations? This is why deen of Allah must be taken seriously so that we stick together and work hard to mass invent things and mass produce things for the good of all. Where is sense in inventing new drugs but selling them for profit thereby making them out of reach for those who need them? This is how we are wasting contributions by those who have made any for the good of humanity. It will therefore seem that they did not work for well being of humanity but for profit. A slap on faces of those who did something for humanity but got paid for it and their things did not reach those for whose help they did things if at all. If we do not have proper foundation then whatever we think we do for each other has no credibility because profit or personal gain is at its very foundation. In this sense whatever good we do it is just a by product of our desire to gain personally. This is why we need to reverse our way of life to make it according to the Quran so that we have full credibility that we all deserve for our contributions for well being of each other as a proper human community.

69) For the very same reason there came to Abraham Our missionaries to help him with program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of his people. They said, we come to you to offer our help to you for bringing about a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous human community. He said, you are welcome to help me establish a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous human community so he did not wait long to bring them a fully worked out action plan for the missionary work.

Word HANEEZ is from root HAA, NOON and ZAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is something that is fully prepared or properly cooked eg a properly worked out plan of action or properly cooked meat etc. Also slimming a horse through working out ie a horse is taken through tough exercises to make it fit for its purpose, to mix wine with water, roast meat, hot water, to make something sweat through cooking or exercise or training, roast, to cook meet between two stones, to cook meet by sealing it up inside a fire, to finalise something or to actualise something according to an existing plan etc etc.

Word IJLIN has various meanings as already explained but here in this verse it means a plan of action to get the job done eg a means to an end just as a ladder is used to get from one end to another. Also camel litter, rush, hurry, calf, ladder, wheel, make beliefs, religion, seat of power, throne, sacred cow, a mechanism for achieving an end etc etc.

These people came from another nearby community and were sent by their prophet to deliver some messages to Abraham. This verse shows there were at least six divine messengers present at the same time for different communities eg Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Lot, Jacob and this prophet who sent Abraham his missionaries to deliver him messages and to help Lot and his supporters etc.

70) However he sensed hesitation on their part because they did not seem to take the matter further so he felt concerned about their response. They too noticed his concerned look and said to him, worry not about it just now as we are on another mission concerning people of Lot.

71) It is because his society became stuck in the rut and an object of scorn so he became worried about it therefore through these people We gave his community good news about leadership of Isaac as well as Jacob.

In the Quranic context, it is not necessary that Isaac and Jacob were biological son and grandson of Abraham but because Abraham was a community leader therefore he was a father figure for his community members. However ideological children can be biological children as well but not necessarily the other way round.

72) The community said, alas for me! How can I get a good successor for leadership when I am not able to produce one and the leadership I already have is not able to deliver? This news is indeed a strange thing!

73) They said, do you the community find the plan of Allah strange whereby Allah will land you in life of prosperity in abundance O you the supporters of the nation building program, constitution and law? Surely He alone has the right to sovereignty of the universe.

As explained already words AHLAL BAAIT in the Quranic context mean people of the program, constitution and law ie people who prefer or desire living by rule of law provided by Allah. This does not mean it does not mean people of the household or people who work in an institution that is build to carry out program given by Allah or people of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. As stated repeatedly the words and verses used in the Quran have parallel complementary meanings. It is absolutely necessary to acknowledge this fact for anyone who reads the Quran or one will become totally confused about the Quranic text due to the very same word having so many different meanings or the very same verse having various meanings. This has been explained already how language came about and works and why the revelation by Allah had to be this way and that it could not be any other way. Unless one keeps in mind things that have been explained, they will seem difficult to understand when we come across them again and again, particular when people are only used to professional education and have little sense of importance of moral education that is based upon solid foundation. It is because people want to have proof about things and they never think what proof means when it comes to revelation of Allah. It is due to lack of this sort of education that people give no importance to scriptures as moral guides. This mindset, attitude and behaviour only began with rulers, mullahs and money lenders replacing the way of life advised by Allah with make beliefs and useless rituals which all educated people know are false to their very core. Mullahs cannot debate anything intellectually because they have no real knowledge about things and they do not want anyone else to have any either because then they will be questioned and they will lose their place of power among masses. This is why if anyone questions their nonsense they immediately issue their fatwas to get rid of such people and masses stupid as they are fulfil their dirty wishes knowing not that if you will keep killing or undermining intellectuals then community will not be able to develop and regress into oblivion. Ummah has to leave mullah following or it will keep suffering painfully. This is what we see in these stories of the prophets told in the Quran. Therefore if ummah wants to have good life in this world and in hereafter then it must let mullahs go their own way or bring them under proper supervision of proper intellectuals in the ummah.

74) When concern of Abraham was addressed through good news that reached him, he began asking Us if anything could be done to stop people of Lot from doing terrible things they were doing to each other.

75) Indeed Abraham was easy going and tender hearted for the mankind because he was fully devoted to carrying out Our mission.

All people who have proper moral base have good heart for well being of humanity which increases with more they learn about things and all people who lack it have envy, rivalry, animosity towards others which increases with more they learn about things. This is why moral people stick together for their own reasons and immoral people stick together for their own reasons. Each offer justifications or reasons they think further their way of thinking. However one people have a proper proof and they can prove it but others have nothing to stand upon. Each time they try they are shot down by their own lies. Here the Quran also tells mankind people who truly become part of divine mission work very hard to make it a success. A clear proof that to make way of life advised by Allah become way of life of all mankind is duty of mankind themselves. It is not at all up to Allah himself to use his power to do things he has left for mankind to do. This is why to say Allah should feed the poor or save the victims of crimes from being victimised by the criminals etc etc is wrong way of looking at thing in the light of the Quran. It is because Allah have given people guidance to set-up this world of theirs in a way that makes things work properly. This is why Islam is a deen and not a make beliefs and useless rituals based religion.

76) We said, O Abraham! Dont put yourself into worries over this matter because the set-up systems and laws of your Creator and Sustainer always deliver to people results of their own thoughts and actions as they are already forewarned, so they are all set for facing the terrible results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and that is an unstoppable process.

77) Later on Our missionaries came to Lot, he was alright with them except that he was hesitant to go along with them as regard their plan. After hearing their plan he said, this is a very distressful time.

One should realise from these verses of the Quran that it is very , very disliked thing that anyone should harm or destroy anyone but mankind have no much room to move about. So even when it comes to taking lives of people who inflict harms and destructions upon others, it is of grave concern to those who are going to do it. It is a situation like amputating a persons limb to save his life. Ultimately people who do not stop inflicting harms and destructions upon community must be isolated or eliminated no matter how painful that exercise may be. This also tells mankind that people who stand for mission of Allah fight for winning and not for losing the battle. This is why they must remain fully prepared so that when they have to enter a battlefield they do not lose or the whole exercise will be in vain. This is why the Quran tells its supporters to remain fully prepared for the battle always because you never know when someone will attack you seeing you unaware. This is why ummah has to be there to begin with so that battle line is drawn properly. So people who are busy trying to divide people in the ummah on baseless divisive grounds are to be taken as enemies and should be eliminated, mainly through proper education and those fail through isolation or mercy killing. The people who divide ummah on baseless grounds are rulers, mullahs and money lenders because they use social, political, religious, economic and financial etc tricks and mechanisms to do so.

78) Behold, there came rushing to him his people when he called upon them who were long addicted to all sorts of atrocities against each other so he said to them, O my people! Here are my foundational nation building guidelines to help you, they are necessary for you to adhere to in order to free yourselves from your wrong doings against each other. So be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah for the well being of each other as a proper human community and do not undermine my hard work in presence of my visitors among us. Why there cannot be a man among you of an appreciable leading character if you follow my advice?

Word YUHAROON is from root HAA, RAA and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to run fast. Also to drive, to make some run fast, to run about in confusion, to have strong desire for something, lion, agitate, urge, tremble with fear or rage, to move towards something fast with happiness, to move fast towards something in an emotionally charged way, to go in haste, to hurry, to walk briskly, to flow, a weak person, to speed up etc etc.

Word TUKHZOON is from roots KHAA, ZAA and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that falls short of a set standard. Also hanging ones head low in shame, debasement, disgrace, lack of honour, something that feels troublesome or causes worry or anxiety or regret, to be in a sorry state of existence, to feel ashamed, to feel hesitant, to feel unhappy about something, to fail to achieve or accomplish something, to fail to live up to ones responsibilities, to distance oneself from grace or happiness or prosperity, lacking zest or vigour, lacking honour or self respect, to compel, to manipulate, to exercise self control, to humiliate, to humble, to abase, to shame, a disgraceful act, abasement, to suffer humiliation etc etc.

Word DAAIFEE is from root DWAAD, YAA and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that inclines towards something. Also guest, visitor, inclination, having tendency towards, nearness, to host, to bend towards, a person who becomes surrounded from all sides in a battle, refuge, shelter, protection, enclosure, sides of a valley or a mountain, to belittle, to add something to something else, the time near the time of sunset, to seek hospitality, to seek help, to fear, to be cautious, to proffer hospitality etc etc.

Word BANAATEE from roots BAA, NOON and WOW/YAA has been explained already. It means basis, ground, building, male or female off-spring ie son or daughter, roof, ceiling, dome, terms and conditions of an agreement, goals and guidelines or aims and objectives of a constitution, a structure, a construct, to raise a building upon provided foundation, to built upon, to raise etc etc.

Any man who has self respect feels ashamed of his people in front of another people from outside particularly when his people misbehave in presence of strangers. It is because such behaviour reflects very badly on the leadership of the nation as well as on the nation itself as a whole. This is why ummah and its individuals need to become self aware and aware of universal realities and rise to gain respect in eyes of the nations of the world so that people look up to ummah instead of looking down on it. This ummah is brought such low by its rulers, mullahs and money lenders through their touts, supporters and followers. All for sake of personal gains at the expense of each other therefore so long as people of ummah will live on basis of personal gains at the expense of each other they can never become a proper human community. Not only that but in the world today it is not possible for disadvantaged nations to become advantaged nations against those nations that are already established because they have all the tricks of the trade under their sleeves. It is they who invented the game and they knew how to play it before anyone else, so it is very difficult to beat such nations at their game if not outright impossible. This is why building up strong defence is necessary to fight off any aggression by such nations instead of trying to be economically successful against such nations. Borrowing more at higher interest rates is not good for poor states that cannot produce enough to pay back the loans. Such nations can never come out of debt unless they give up being part of this use and abuse based mechanism for defrauding people. It is therefore very important for mankind to understand how money based dealing works for the rich individuals, families and nations so that they could find alternative that is offered by the Quranic way of life due to which mullahs are funded by these crooks to cover up the actual message of the Quran. Only a handful of people are causing all the problems in the world though use and abuse tricks and mechanisms.

79) They said, you already know your goals and guidelines are not acceptable to us and you also know well how we want to live our lives.

80) He said, I wish I had the needed strength to prevent you from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains or that I could betake myself along with my people to some rightly guided powerful community.

Word RUKN is from root RAA, KAAF and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to lean on something that is reliable in some sense. Also to incline towards something powerful, to turn towards a dependable solid support, corner, power, might, strong ally, family or community, calm, foundation, confident, to incline towards for support, to rely upon, to seek support in, to find satisfaction or comfort in, something that could provide shelter from something, to look for refuge in something, to bend towards something, to have soft corner for, to have need or desire for, to have overwhelming force to overcome something, something irresistible or that cannot be opposed or overcome or defeated etc etc.

During struggle for mission there could come a stage when a person could feel stuck because no more people listen to sense and one has not yet managed to build a community that could stand the ground so one looks for help from some other corner in order to take the mission forward. Strategic alliances therefore become necessary if there is no other way to move forward. This is a situation when one does not want to live by way of life whereby one is forced to inflict harms and destructions upon others in order to survive but he is not allowed to live his own way by others of whom one is a part. In a society that is based upon personal gains way of life at the expense of each other, one cannot live his own way because one is on his own and survival becomes impossible so you either become sacrificial lamb or make others your sacrificial lambs. This is why one can live like others to some degree but can try moving towards the other way of life that is good for human community by trying to educate people to help them change for the better. It is because there are only three ways possible to survive a)have a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah b)rely on natural way of life and beat rivals at their game and c)form strategic alliances to get from natural way of life based upon survival of the fittest to community based way of life based upon guidance of Allah. There is no other way for people to live in this world. This is why each and every person has to live his life along one of these ways of life. It is for this reason having sense of proper moral foundation is absolutely necessary so that one does not unnecessary live by a way of life one does not need to. This is why when humanity has already brought about kingdom based upon guidance of Allah then they cannot live the way animals live in jungle on basis of survival of fittest. They can only live that way till they know not the better way to live. Civilisation and culture does not mean technological advancement of humanity but its advancement on moral grounds. If a people have the best technology but they are not good at using what they have for the well being of humanity then they are just animals with more tricks, mechanisms and weapons to destroy each other. This is why such people cannot be labelled advanced civilisation. The Quran simply states foundational ideals for humanity to build upon but humanity will have to keep developing and progressing to reach that standard as already explained. It is always possible for people to measure or have some ideas where humanity is in relation to its origin and where it ought to be as its ideal. So it is all mater of turning a jungle animal to a highly civilised and cultured person who becomes fully self organised and self regulated and lives by the book as one ought to.

81) Upon witnessing all this envoys said to Lot, O Lot! We are sent to support mission of your Creator and Sustainer and majority of these people have made it clear that they are not going to support your mission of building a proper human community so leave this place with your supporters as darkness of ignorance still covers it therefore let none of you stay behind but rebellious people of your community only. It has chosen for itself that it should face the same fate as its chiefs, their priests, money lenders and their touts. The new beginning that was promised to them, has the time for that new beginning not arrived for them yet?

Word ASREE is from roots SEEN, YAA and RAA and SEEN, RAA and WOW/YAA and has been explained already but also means a stream flowing quietly or troops moving towards their targeted enemies without being noticed under the cover of the darkness of the night, to transport someone by night, to seep or spread, to travel by night etc etc.

Word YALTAFIT is from root LAAM, FAA and TAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to change direction. Also to prefer or give preference, to turn back, renegade, become an apostate, go back to original state, revert, to turn aside, to turn to one side, to look back, to divert, to distract, to dissuade, to twist, to take care, gesture, to cause someone to turn away from something etc etc.

When messengers are sent to people by Allah they tell them about great future if they accept their message so many people join them in the hope of better future. The messengers want to reach as many people as they can so that more and more people could have the opportunity to be part of this great life that will come about if people accepted their message. However there comes a time when no more people listen so now messenger has a very limited choice ie if he has managed to get majority support then he takes over the community as a whole but if not then minority has to move elsewhere to start a new life on their own as new community with a new ideology to live by. Missionary life is full of hardships and troubles because opposition is always fierce till the community comes about and start functioning as such. So mission work is no task for any weak hearted or foolish person. One can see how strong and clever a person has to be to not let people hurt him and not hurt anyone unnecessarily. This game is far more complex and sophisticated than survival of the fittest. It is because one is trying to survive oneself in this very dangerous world and one is also trying to help others survive to lead them to safety. In comparison therefore it is relatively much easier to kill others in order that one survives oneself. This not only shows how great people were the messengers of Allah but also how great people need to be those who want to follow them. A strong slap on faces of mullahs who think their stupidity will help then conquer the world for Islam. It due to their such nonsense ummah has been going from bad to worse and still going down because people have no idea what the message of the Quran is thanks to mullahs who have confused them to such degree about the message of the Quran.

82) When time for fulfilment of Our promise came We caught the place of people of Lot turned upside down by sudden revolt because We made obvious to it importance of properly organised and regulated institutions and record keeping in a classified way,

Phrase AALIHAA SAAFILAHAA means to ruin, to turn upside down, to raise bottom of the pile people to high positions of power and to bring down people in position of power to level of down trodden, to destroy a place or people in such a way that it is totally ruined, to turn people in power into slaves and slaves into masters etc etc.

Word AALIA is from root AIN, LAAM and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to rise or be high in some sense. Also sublime, supreme, high, honourable, noble, high class, civilised, cultured, to mount up, height, exaltation, loftiness, grandeur, to ascend, to tower, pride, notables, tops and extras etc etc.

Word SAAFILA is from root SEEN, FAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to go low. Also low, down trodden, bottom of the pile, low class, uncivilised or uncultured, to be base, to be vile, to be wild, lower part of an object, low in position, debased, degraded, vanquished, humbled etc etc.

Word HIJAARAH is from root HAA, JEEM and RAA. It has been explained already but it also means intellect or intelligence because that keeps people from straying or wandering off all over the place in their thoughts, something that confines something for some purpose, organised and regulated institution or kingdom or household etc etc.

Phrase WAMTAR ALAIHAA HIJAARAH means to let one lose ones sense of direction, to one become confused or remain confused or in chaos, to let become insane due to bundles of problems that as if rain down upon a person or a people, a state in which one loses ones sanity. The volcanic mountain debris that fall down after being shot up by force of volcanic explosions, the debris that fall from sky coming down to earth from outer space etc etc.

Word SIJJEEL is from root SEEN, JEEM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is official records. Also scrolls, scribe, overseer of records, written scrolls, tablets of baked clay upon which official records are kept, brimstones, stones upon which records are scribed, stones, a place wherein official records are kept, an office of records, official accounts, historical records, huge buckets completely filled with water, taking turn in handling something, relay, team work, dialogue, conversation between people speaking in turn, generosity, something that becomes completely filled with something and turns upside down, a population that becomes filled with atrocities and becomes ruined etc etc.

Word MANDOOD is from root NOON, DWAAD and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to lay things layer upon layer. Also things that happen one after the other or successively and persistently, to put things together in an organised way to suit the purpose, the rock and stones that lay upon each other in layers, sediments, layers of clouds, pile of things, bunches of fruit growing in rows over one another, stack of stones, the family elders, things arranged in a rows or stacked up on top of each other, clustered things, sequenced things, marked things for purpose of some sort of arrangement or organisation etc etc.

The promise talked about by Allah is to both people ie those who support the message as well as those who oppose it. Each people are promised outcome of their own thoughts and actions be they good or bad. So those who support the message get the promised beautiful life through help and support of each other and those who oppose it end up destroying each other by fighting with each other as explained already.

83) as described by your Creator and Sustainer. Yet they ignored all this therefore such uprising is never far away from those who instead keep inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains in opposition to Our guidance.

These verses show us that God wants people not to waste their time in petty quarrels among themselves over little things instead they should get busy in educating each other and organising and regulating themselves as a proper human community based upon divine constitution for fulfilling the heavenly set goals according to provided guidelines. So long as people keep ignoring this and keep wasting their time in all sorts of nonsense, they will keep going through this cycle of aimless existence and painful suffering till they have learned to be proper human beings as a community.

84) And likewise to the people of Madyan We sent their brother Shuaib who said to them, O my people! Abide by program, constitution and law of Allah because you have no ruler other than Him. So do not fall short of the set standard as measure for balancing human community properly. I see your future bright if you will follow my advice but I also fear for you the time when the results of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against this standard and each other could encircle you.

Word MIKYAAL is from root KAAF, YAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to measure something against something in some sense. Also to set a standard, to take a measure for some reason, to measure social interaction or participation against a set standard for social interaction and participation to avoid troubles and problems in a society, the tool with which something is measured, the measured thing, the program, the constitution, the law, the objective, the guidelines, the term or the condition, yardstick, standard weight, volume, measurement, to measure in volume, dry measure, to compare, to evaluate, to estimate, to pay back in kind, unit of measurement, measuring instrument or vessel etc etc.

Word MEEZAAN is from root WOW, ZAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to distribute the weight in such a way between uneven things that all are comfortable with carrying it as per their actual capacity. Also weight, measure, scales, to weight, to weigh out, to see pros and cons, to estimate, to compare, justice, to be wise, to be parallel with, to be equal or equivalent to, to balance the scales, properly proportioned, weight distribution that makes things work properly, proper distribution of legal rights and responsibilities between members of a community or society so that society functions properly, principles for true justice, firm foundation that is properly balanced for fulfilling a set purpose, rules and laws based upon solid wisdom that ensure well being of mankind etc etc.

85) So O you my people! Fulfil your needs and wants according to the measures set as standard that is properly balanced and do not defraud people out of their rightful provisions so that you do not end up causing rifts and wars between people in the world.

86) Following that standard which is proper in sight of Allah because it guarantees bright future for mankind is beneficial for you if you will truly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of human community and remember I am not set upon you as a guard to stop you from harming each other by force rather it is up to yourselves to organise and regulate yourselves as a proper human community.

In these verses the Quran leaves no room for ifs and buts as to how humanity ought to organise and regulate itself for its own well being and bright future. It is never possible to keep an eye on anyone by anyone so none can take that responsibility but if people want a community life then they will have to educate themselves so that they can see why they need to organise and regulate themselves as individuals and as a community. People can never stop each other from crimes against each other it has to come from within each person and community as to why they should not commit crimes against each other. Unless people have confidence in the message of Allah and know that they will have to face his set measures in here and in hereafter they can do anything they like to each other without fear of being caught by anyone. If people do not accept existence of God or that they will have to face his justice in the end, they can feel free to do anything they like to anyone. This is why most of the world is living the way it is and people are comfortable with using and abusing each other for personal gains because either they do not accept the idea of existence of God or they follow mullahs version of God who spread the message of intercession and forgiveness just through uttering a few words for atonement of their so called sins. All this because such people think God is all about make beliefs and rituals, not about goals and guidelines for living in this world for a purpose according to a set plan of God as told in the Quran. So no wonder the world is turned ugly by teachings of mullahs who are selling salvation very cheap that anyone can buy. Mankind therefore must educate themselves to see through this falsehood spread by mullahs in the name of God or they will be buying into false hope which will turn them blue when they will have to ultimately face the set-up systems and laws of Allah in hereafter just like mankind are facing set-up systems and laws in this world. Here it is also made clear what is meant by having freedom to choose to follow deen of Allah or not and what is meant by messengers not sent as guards over people. It is because people must behaviour properly themselves and not look to others to make them behave. This is why laws legislated in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah are only to help regulate society and not to ensure none will commit crimes because we have good laws in place and good measures to detect crime and catch the criminals. However people who are well aware of benefits of a properly founded human community which is properly organised and regulated to ensure as much as humanly possible well being of people why will they deliberately destroy that kind of society themselves and fall victims to all kinds of problems? This is why education is absolutely necessary so that minds of people are fully satisfied with guidance of Allah. Another strong slap on faces of stupid mullahs who teach people make beliefs and useless rituals instead of proper knowledge that Quran contains for them.

87) They said, Oh Shuaib! Does your way of organising and regulating human community demand that we give up serving rulers whom our forefathers served and that we give up our customs and traditions and the right to do what we like with our own things and yet you regard yourself the only tender hearted person and the only person wise enough to understand things properly?

This verse is about real argument between the two sides a)the one that regards owning things its birthright for individuals at the expense and exclusion of each other and b)the one that regards all things property of Allah and therefore the rights of all human beings as assigned to them by Allah. The world belongs to Allah and he has given its management right to mankind as a community. If therefore community through consultation and agreement of all its individuals assigns right of having and using anything only then individuals have right to have and use whatever they are assigned by the community. This is why none has the right to use and abuse anyone through mismanagement of human population or the resources. It is because Allah is owner of everything therefore he has full right to dictate to mankind how they should use his provisions for them properly so that well being of mankind is ensured and so that plan of Allah could therefore reach its fulfilment. All this has been explained in detail already.

88) He said, O my people! Consider this that if I have a clear proof of guidance from my Creator and Sustainer and He has granted me a beneficial program for setting up His provided sustenance for the well being of mankind then how can I go against that? I am not opposing you in what I am forbidding you just because I intend to harm and destroy you rather I desire nothing other than your development and progress through reformation for the benefit of all of us so far as it is within my capacity. My success depend only upon my own hard work according to guidance of Allah, so upon His set-up systems and laws I rely because I refer to His provided advice.

Word TOWFEEQEE is from root WOW, FAA and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is consistency between things. Also harmony, agreement, to match, to be in harmony with, to come upon by chance, to occur at the time of something, to succeed, to be right, to be well guided, to inspire, to bring about reconciliation between parties, state of being suitable, accord, to be as required, to be equal, coincidence, to make things ready for some task, to provide things needed for fulfilling an objective or task, to make ready things needed for a task, to make produce something according to specifications etc etc.

89) So O my people! Let not your disputing with me bring upon you the doom similar to that of the people of Noah and Hood or Saleh and people of Lot are not far off in time from you either.

90) Therefore seek blissful, dignified and secure existence through guidance of your Creator and Sustainer by turning towards it. No doubt guidance of my Creator and Sustainer is capable of turning mankind into a people who ensure well being of each other out of love for each other.

Just as word MOMIN means the one who is in peace and brings peace to others through their mutual cooperation and harmony so words RAHEEM and WADOOD mean he who is full of mercy and love and brings others the same through harmony between themselves. The attributes of Allah are not told about in the Quran just for informing humanity about being of Allah but also so that people work themselves towards being a people that reflect his nature in themselves through interaction between themselves and the rest of thing in this universe. Some attributes of Allah appear to contradict each other but the use of them is meant to be in such a way that is proper in its result eg Allah approves thoughts and actions of people when they do what is beneficial and constructive for each other and disapproves their thoughts and actions when they do what is harmful and destructive to each other. The outcome of thoughts and actions of people is a fixed outcome that is delivered to them by set-up systems and laws of Allah according to his plan for the purpose he has created this universe and things in it. There is no randomness at work in this universe because Allah does not work haphazardly. It is stupidity of mullahs who have learned no sense so they deliver to others their own nonsense whereby they attribute all sorts of foolishness to Allah and his messengers and revelations.

91) The chiefs said, O Shuaib! Most of what you say makes no sense to us so in our opinion you are standing on a weaker foundation and were it not for the strength of your supporting community we will have thrown you out of our midst but still you cannot overcome us with the support you have.

Word RAHT is from root RAA, HAA and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is a group of reliable people who support each other. Also family, clan, tribe, community, party, a group of people men or women or mixed who rely on support of each other, a crowd of people, a governing body, staff, a number of people who work as a team, regime, a group of people who create divisions in the family or clan or community or society through rivalries and animosities, a group of several leading people, ring leaders, mound covering one of the entrances to the jerboas tunnel, ways or means used to escape predators or enemies, tricks or mechanisms used to confuse or fight off an enemy, an escape route or a way out of a situation or danger, a secret tunnel to get an enemy unaware or to escape an enemy with being noticed by the enemy etc etc.

Word RAJAM is from root RAA, JEEM and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to distance oneself from something or distance something from oneself for some reason. Also to keep away from something or keep away something for some reason, to stone, stones, to kill by stoning, to accuse, to accuse falsely, to slander, to abuse, to rebuke, to throw out, to boycott, to isolate, to break away, to terminate a relationship, to curse, have nothing to do with something or someone any more, sling, a mechanical thing for throwing stones, to guess, to assume, to conjecture, to keep one away from things of need or necessities of survival or luxuries of life, baseless thoughts or ideas or concepts, claim or accusation without evidence or proof, astrology or palmistry or any other such art used for conning people, soothsayer, a person who falsely claims to be able to foretell future events to trick others for personal gains, fortune teller, make beliefs, superstition, to stack stones on each other, to pile up or heap up stones, to drive away, to expel, doubt, shooting stars, divining, to gauge or estimate level of water in a well, missiles, projectiles, rocks, to cast out or castaway, outcast, untouchable etc etc.

92) He said, O chiefs of my people! Do you regard my community more powerful than guidance of Allah that you spare us due to our strength while you disregard His guidance and use and abuse each other and take Allah for something extra just in case you need Him when things you rely upon leave you in the lurch? Surely within grasp of guidance of my Creator and Sustainer is all that you are supposed to be doing.

Word ZIHRIYAA is from root ZWAA, HAA and RAA. Already explained that it means back up but also means to take along something extra for assurance in case things go wrong and it becomes useful eg an extra camel on a journey in case it is needed like people take a spare tyre in their cars just for feeling a little bit more assured. Here the idea is to tell people to stay away from treating concept of God like it is not really needed by you when things are going ok for you rather use his guidance so that you never get into trouble in the first place.

Here the mullahs are targeted along with rulers and money lenders. The point made here is that you people take God for something spare that is used in spare time if need be instead of taking him as basis for living your lives because he has the knowledge to guidance you how to live your lives properly. This is like treating God like people take a spare tyre in a car that is hardly ever used unless things go wrong ie one of the normal tyres on the car wheels punctures. The Arabs used to take extra camels when they went on a journey just in case any of their used camels became unfit to carry on the journey in the middle of their journey. This verse therefore tells people to not to take God in religious sense as an imaginary friend for personal comfort when all others leave you on your own when things you rely on in your life fail you. So make beliefs and useless rituals are of no use in sight of Allah instead people should learn to make sense of things in light of real world realities and guidance of Allah and bring about a proper human community and kingdom based upon guidance of Allah so that none is left in isolation throughout ones life. In short Allah is telling mankind to create a human society that is good for all human beings for all their lives everywhere. Dont live on basis of personal gains at the expense of each other and thereby destroy community spirit in each other or you will have no help from Allah or humanity in this life or in hereafter so you will live a life full of worries and regrets in this world and after life is not going to be any better either, so why knowingly make a mess of your own life as well as of lives of others? Moreover strength of community of Shuaib did not come from people themselves but because they based themselves upon guidance of Allah and that is why once a number of people joined on basis of guidance of Allah as a brotherhood their chiefs could do no more ham to them anymore. So if a people join together as a brotherhood on basis of goals and guidelines that guaranty their bright future then nothing can harm or destroy them so long as they maintain their formation by keeping up with its requirements. A clear lesson for ummah today as to how they too can come together and take a solid stand against all other people who are based upon ways of life that are founded upon personal gains at the expense of each other. In order to do so the ummah will have to get themselves rid of rulers, mullahs and money lenders who stand in the way of unity of ummah because they work for keeping divisions in the ummah alive on basis of social, political, religious, economic and financial grounds. This is not true only for this ummah but in case of whole of humanity at large. If people in the world want blissful, dignified and secure existence then they have no better choice than properly understanding and accepting the message of the Quran and following it faithfully. If they will do that then within a few decades whole of humanity can stand on its feet and rise to heights of excellence. Nothing is impossible even is if a considerable minority of the people in the world decides to go for it whole heartedly. This is why people who claim to be Muslims if they really become an ummah on basis of the Quran, they can work wonders but will they ever do that? So far they have not bothered much but may be they will in the future as life gets harder and harder for them due to the way of life that is already at work among them thanks to their foolishness and stubbornness.

93) Therefore O my people! If you do not accept true what I am saying then you keep on interacting and participating among yourselves according to your adopted way of life and I along with my supporters will participate and interact as a community among ourselves according to way of life adopted by us and soon you will find out which of us will end up at a dead end and humiliated due to adopting a way of life that only and only leads to that outcome and that way proves one of us on the wrong path, so keep an eye out for the outcome of your thoughts and actions if you will, I too am keeping an eye out for the outcome of our thoughts and actions.

Here and elsewhere in the Quran the final test of the truth of the message of Allah is to put it into practice and see for yourselves whether it delivers the foretold results or not. If it does then it is true but if it fails then it is false. The truth of divine guidance has been proven repeatedly in each and every household throughout the world through out times the question is, how? It is because each person is born into a family and any family that works as one succeeds and anyone that does not fails, particularly the one that is involved in infighting. The same is true about all villages, townships, cities and countries. This is why the divided world is a failure and united world is a success. The truth of the message is therefore already obvious for us to see unless we deliberately want to play blind and keep on making our world hell and keep making each other suffer due to our stupidity and putting blame on God for not providing us with right sort of guidance.

94) So when time for fulfilment of Our foretold results came, We delivered through Our program promised outcome to Shuaib and those who committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity along with him according to Our guidance but the uprising took the inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other against Our advice by surprise that is how new era in their jurisdictions uprooted their rule,

95) as if they had never flourished therein before. Behold! Like Thamud gone are the people of Madyan!

One can very clearly see how nation after nation ended up destroyed by its own hands because they did not live by advised way of life by Allah and instead adopted a way of life that could only lead them to that end instead of brilliant future. These verses prove the Quran a down to earth book free of nonsense that mullahs attribute to it due to their stupidity.

96) And thereafter We sent Moses with Our goals and guidelines with authority that was self evident

97) to Pharaoh and his chiefs because they lived by rule of Pharaoh and rule of Pharaoh was not founded upon proper guidance.

98) That is how he led his people to the day of uprising because he led them into the fire of hatred. How awful was the state of painful suffering in which they landed themselves?

99) Humiliation followed them into this state of existence and so they ended up facing the day of uprising and upheavals. The harmful and destructive result of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions.

When a people start from an affluent position and stop paying attention to things that bring them that progress and prosperity then gradually prosperity begins to disappear because progress slows down and finally halts and people become stuck and things start going backwards ie regression begins and at any of these stages masses could rise against their rulers, priests and moneylenders as rivalry based animosity leads to hatred between people and finally civil war begins as people start robbing each other for living. All these are part of concept of YOWMAL QIYAAMAH because that is how a nation is made to face results of its own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions.

100) Such are the stories of the nations that went before you which We reveal to you, of them some people have survived and some have ceased to exist.

101) It were not Us who harmed and destroyed them rather they harmed and destroyed each other and thereby ended up destroying themselves as nations. The rulers they served instead of Allah did not avail them at all when the law of consequences set by your Creator and Sustainer showed them results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions because they added nothing to their lot but mutual harms and destructions.

Again and again Allah explains that he is not a tyrant punishing people for their sins. That is not what he created this world for. He created mankind to learn things and improve themselves so much so that one day human beings become proper managers of the universe for their own well being and see glory of Allah in their own creativity. So the ways of life people invite each other to must be properly examined before being adopted for short term personal gains at the expense of rest of humanity. Here it is also made clear that none can intercede or intervene in set-up of Allah outside his plan and guidance. A clear proof that make beliefs and useless rituals and personality cults are all useless to adopt. The real things is doing what is right and that is the only way people can save themselves from all sorts of self created problems. Here and elsewhere the Quran contradicts the idea that anyone can save anyone outside the set-up systems and laws operating in the universe. This is world of cause and effect, so only those thoughts and actions matter which can have effect on the real world realities. If one is hungry then one can only get food if one does something that brings him food.

102) And likewise your Creator and Sustainer found nations caught in consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions whenever He found a township inflicting harms and destructions upon each other against His advice, surely going against His guidance has such terrible consequences.

103) In fact, there is an undeniable proof and lesson in all this for such individuals and nations as pay attention to the terrible end results of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions and therefore do not go down that path. That is why there is to come a period of time that will unite all the people and that is the era worth bringing about in actual reality,

104) so We delay it not but according to plan for which We have set-up universal systems and laws to work.

A time is coming when mankind will start living by divine standard having failed to find anything better after so many trials and errors. By then humanity would have learned the lesson the hard way that living by a properly balanced rule of law is the only way to live in unity and peace to make progress and be prosperous.

105) When that period of time comes about none will do anything but it will be judged according to set standard of Allah. That is how it will be decided who is a law breaking person and who is a law abiding person.

106) As to those who oppose rule based upon guidance of Allah they are bound to end up in state of terrible painful suffering wherein they will have only cries, sighs and sobs.

107) They will remain in that state of existence for as long as the heavens and the earth endure as per plan of your Creator and Sustainer. Surely your Creator and Sustainer decides matters as per His plan according to His set-up systems and laws.

These verses mean that time will come when people will become a community based upon guidance of Allah and they will decide all matters accordingly as a properly organised and regulated people. However, such a thing will not happen till people keep on living their lives on basis of personal gains at the expense of each other. So if people want to bring about the proper human community then they must learn the Quran properly and spreads its message properly far and wide so that humanity could be educated about it and so that it then comes together for this purpose and turns it into a reality.

108) As to those who support rule based upon guidance of Allah they are bound to end up in blissful, dignified and secure life providing kingdom and they will remain in that state of existence for as long as the heavens and the earth will last as per plan of your Creator and Sustainer. A lasting gift without break.

This verse does not mean individuals will live in this kingdom for ever but that community that will live by divine law will keep on prospering for as long it abides by program of Allah just populations that will oppose his guidance and therefore will keep on suffering. This however does not means that mankind will not discover one day the way to live much, much longer than today. It is possible that humans will overcome things that cause them to age and may also be able to stay young for longer and longer. It is because a proper human community will be top human community due to being progressive and productive. So nothing will be impossible for it to achieve or accomplish in this universe. As explained already, the Quran sets ideals for a proper human community so people will have to evolve to those ideals in their own time in their own ways as it suits them or as they choose.

109) Therefore be not in confusion concerning the people whom these masses take for their rulers instead of Allah. They do not take whomever they take for their rulers but just as a matter of tradition of their ancestors before them not using properly their given brains and senses by Us. So We too will keep making them face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other without any let or abatement.

This verse makes it clear that if people do not take the one who has right to rule and take every other tom **** and harry as their ruler then they should not complain about what those rulers do to them. There is no point in humanity supporting such people from among themselves who have no right to rule them and then crying to Allah for help to get rid of them when they do to them what they promised. Also it is important for people to note that Allah does not help people by doing things himself what people ask for but he guides people how to do things by following his guidance. So no point in banging ones head on the floor for help of Allah instead of reading the Quran and preparing oneself for the task ahead as explained by Allah. It is the very reason that Islam is not a set of make beliefs with some useless rituals but a way of learning and doing things for certain set out goals and according to provided guidelines. Allah no longer talks to anyone after his final messenger has come and gone leaving behind his message for humanity to get to know it and do as it says. All that people seek is provided for within the Quranic text so people should see what problems are facing them and what the Quran teaches them to solve those problems. The Quran is not a book of pooja paat or holy mantras or magic words to recite and all will happen supernaturally and people will have nothing to do. The Quran teaches mankind to prepare themselves for a lot of hard work with steadfastness and consistency and go through with what needs to be done till objectives are achieved. Mankind need to stop personality cults and people or idol worship and concentrate on educating each other about abiding by proper rule law handed down by Allah instead of desiring one thing but working for something else. If you desire to build a house you must work towards building a house otherwise house cannot appear all by itself magically by your saying, O Allah, please build me a house. Allah has provided everything so that all needs of mankind are fulfilled but how can mankind know this unless they study the Quran the way they should. Even people who claim to be followers of the Quran think it is a book for getting their dead forgiven of their sins. They are seen lying on graves everywhere seeking help for real world real life problems of the dead. This is where one ends up when one is foolish and reads the Quran for all the wrong reasons because it only guides people who are self aware and aware of the world in which they live, not baby minded people who have never bothered to learn any sense at all in their life. This is terrible waste of God given brains and senses by such people. They should not be worst than animals despite having much sophisticated brains and senses.

110) Even though We gave Moses the book as a manifesto, as a constitution and as a law to unite people according to it yet divisions were created in its name. The very purpose the book was sent to them by your Creator and Sustainer was so that they decide all matters between themselves according to it but instead of learning to understand it properly to implement it faithfully and abide by it they remained ignorant therefore confused and in chaos.

No book or information is useful for such people as do not bother to use it properly for the purpose it is given. People just do not bother getting out of make beliefs and useless rituals, personality cults and self gratification through personal gains etc. For proper development process of gathering information and process of making proper sense of it are very important. We need to understand what information is and what understanding of information is and how we come to understanding of anything at all. The questions that each person needs ask oneself are, what is information, do we discover it or does it come to us or is it a bit of both but in what order if any? To think about such questions is very important because then we come to realise difficulty and hard work involved in all this process. Once we come to know answers to such questions only then we can appreciate what difficulties we ourselves have been through and what difficulties and hard works others have gone through in this regard due to which we are where we are ie because of contributions of each and every person whether we know people personally or not. The world of knowledge we have inherited we did not created it nor did we create ourselves. So information whatever we have and whatever we are going to discover is just an effort of discovery on our part. Some discover more of it others less depending on our individual circumstances and situations. The basic fact no matter what, is that we either get information or it is fed to us ie either we learn things by ourselves or we are taught things by others. When we learn things ourselves, we have our own reasons to do so and when others teach us they have their reasons to teach us and we have our reason to learn it. So whatever we know is not necessary unadulterated but it is possible to get what is beneficial and leave what we think is harmful. This is where having a proper criterion becomes fundamental to see why something is beneficial or harmful and whether it is personal gain at the expense of community that should be important for us or gain of community whereby all its members including ourselves can benefit. The other questions are also important eg why we learn things, why we learn one thing rather than another, why others teach us what they teach us, why they teach us one thing rather than the other? We must think about these like questions seriously, why? It is because then we come to realise we have motives and agendas to satisfy. When we come to realise these like points then we become aware of problems and pitfalls which we should avoid so that our conclusions become satisfactory rather than biased and prejudiced unsatisfactory and confusing, leaving us in lurch. This is why we need clear criterion to judge things at each and every step of our way. The problem with most of us is that we take things as black and white but that is never a reality. World is what it is and people are what they are. Ideologically we can have a starting point and we can have a finishing point. But we must never overlook the middle bit or the grey areas.

We each start from somewhere therefore we cannot dispute that. However, we must question where we are going from where we are and why we are going where we are going? If we could help it we should never have started our journey without knowing where we are going but that is where we are lost. That is because once we are born we start our journey without knowing where we are and where we are going. Ask yourself if you knew at the time of your birth where you were and where you were heading and that will sort the problem out for you. Mankind were on the move as soon as they were born but they did not know where they were and where they were going. It took them ages to become self aware ir to find themselves and the reason is they are self learning robots to begin with. People are unable to learn about their own environment till they become self aware to that degree whereat they can learn about other things. It takes years for one to learn how to wipe his back side properly. This is why we are not in school as soon as we are born because we know we cannot learn things we are taught at school level at that age and we need more experience and leaning before school age. Even when we are of schooling age, we do not start at the very top level of learning instead we start at the very beginning and as time goes on if we are interested in learning we complete our school education. All this shows our development in stages with time and effort we put in doing things. This means you do not end up at the end of your learning journey as soon as you start rather it takes its time and your effort or hard work. This being the case, how right are we to dismiss people about their views and their contributions to human society? Why we expect others to be Gods but it is ok to be as we are for ourselves? Why do we expect people to not to make any mistakes when this is not even our own life experience about ourselves and others who develop right before our own eyes eg our younger brothers and sisters and our own children etc? Not only that it is not human to not to go through trials and errors in learning process. This is the way we humans are designed to be. There is nothing inherently wrong with this process itself. What we need to learn is to appreciate what each of us has managed to learn and better ourselves and each other. We need to put ourselves in a frame of mind whereby we look at each other as humans full of mistakes but some of us getting better of themselves and rising above the rest in minimising their mistakes or overcoming them. It seems we have been indoctrinated through make beliefs far too much to think we were perfect in every way right from the start but we have fallen from that perfection, the question in that case is, how could we be perfect if we fell down? What kind of perfection was that which fell apart at first hurdle or trial? If being perfect we have fallen apart then what gives us hope that being broken into pieces we are going to become perfect again? If pieces can make us perfect then how could our perfection right from the start could not keep us perfect? Is it therefore not better to accept that we were not perfect at the beginning but we are becoming perfect through learning and practicing? A clear proof that evolution is a fact not a fiction as mullahs will tell us. The whole Quran is full of statements about gradual progress of humanity and all other things as well. This is what we are looking at when each baby comes into this world and starts his journey of discovery. As one learns so one improves oneself and that is why there can be hope that one day man can rise to a level of having information and its understanding that he will be surprised by himself. A human is like a seed that grows into a tree with time given the right conditions to develop to its full potential. So we must become self aware and environmentally aware and rise to level fit for humanity with help of divine guidance. This is why we should not be critical of those people in a destructive way who have proven themselves to us they are great human beings just because they have made mistakes along the way. Making mistakes is part of being a human being otherwise a human being cannot learn and develop. They are examples or role models for us to follow in things they achieved and we do not need to follow them where they have made mistakes. That is how they have shown us the way. They were perfect in their individual ways for given or undertaken tasks if they were worth pursuing not otherwise yet they were never free of going through life of trials and errors. Even God sent messengers turned grown up people from babies and suffered similar trials like other human beings. As we can see a lot of knowledge is needed to realise what they accomplished. None of them was free of trials and errors and it is foolishness to think human beings are not human beings but Gods. Turning God into a human is as silly as turning a human being into a God. Each is fine in his own place and we will be doing ourselves a great favour by not mixing up things for ourselves and thereby getting confused.

111) However it is a fact that your Creator and Sustainer always made each of the nations face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in full and that is how He made obvious for mankind that He is fully aware of all that people do to each other and therefore He is able to advise mankind as to what they ought to be doing for better outcome of their constructive and beneficial thoughts and actions for each other.

112) For that very reason stand firmly upon this revealed foundation as you are commanded altogether along with those who have turned to program, constitution and law of Allah along with you and transgress not the set limits therein by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and remember, He is ever watching all that you do.

113) So never support those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other lest you too end up in painful suffering as a result of your harmful and destructive interactions and participations among yourselves because you will have no protection against set-up universal systems and laws of Allah nor will you have any foundation to rely upon for support.

114) Therefore strive as hard as you can from the start of the day till you are well into the night to establish Our advised community network. Surely actions taken for creating a properly balanced beautiful human community removes the causes for harmful and destructive effects. This is a lesson for those who pay attention to it and think about things thoroughly to understand them properly and spread the message.

115) Be steadfastly persistent in your missionary works because set-up systems and laws of Allah never let the efforts of those who work hard to make their world beautiful for mankind go to waste.

116) Just think about it, why despite Our provision of guidance there were not among the generations before you any people with sense who could educate each other out of mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon rivalry, animosity and warmongering in the land save a minority whom We delivered from the harms and destructions of each other? It is because those who had harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours pursued their worldly ambitions and desires against the way We advised them because they chose to establish themselves through committing crimes against each other for personal gains at the expense of each other.

117) Behold! It was never the case that set-up systems and laws of your Creator and Sustainer destroyed any townships the while their habitants were committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of their human communities.

This verse totally destroys the idea of God putting people in hell for their sins as their punishment. Instead God created this universe for his purpose of expressing himself in form of his creativity to be appreciated by mankind but through self development and personal effort and creativity. Not at all blind faith and stupidity created by priestly classes to fool masses. The case is simple that God put in place systems and laws and informed mankind how things work and warned them that going about life the wrong way has serious consequences. It is then left up to people themselves to keep each other on the right course as they see fit. So now if people instead of going about life the right way take wrong turns and end up in their self created troubles then how can God be responsible for their this behaviour? If people live the right way they will end up in a beautiful world made by their own hands as guided by God but if not they will land themselves in an unpleasant world. This surah tells about what happened to people so far and what will keep happening, so is it not the time for mankind to change their ways of living their lives in such a way that they could end up in a life that is blissful, dignified and secure?

118) Had your Creator and Sustainer so planned He could have created mankind as a pre-programmed single community but He chose to give them ability of choice with guidance and put them through struggle to accomplish unity, peace, progress and prosperity for themselves, so they will continue to differ

119) except those whom He has bestowed with ability of understanding things properly and they used it properly because that is what He created them for. That is how the plan of your Creator and Sustainer will find its fulfilment and He will find most of the harmful and destructive leaders and their followers ending up in fire of hatred and wars among themselves.

120) All these stories of the past messengers and their people that We relate to you the people are for strengthening your mind through them. By way of these stories you the mankind have received the correct information about things as well as those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind have obtained proper advice and guidance.

121) As to those who do not commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind say to them, do as you wish and so will we.

122) Wait if you will for results of your thoughts and actions, we too are waiting indeed for results of our thoughts and actions. That will prove decisively in due course, who are the people on the course of actions that leads to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and who are the people on the courses of actions that lead to divisions, rivalries, animosities, wars and destruction.

123) It is because to rule based upon guidance of Allah alone belongs the future in the heavens and the earth so it is prerogative of Allah alone to set goals and guidelines for everything including human beings therefore serve His program, constitution and law by founding yourselves as a human community upon His guidance and remember always that your Creator and Sustainer is never unaware of whatever you need to do or whatever you end up doing.
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