Pakistan's war against Khwarijis and biased moderators

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پرفیکٹ سٹرینجر

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
welcome back @Atif how are you.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
اگر وہ قادیانیوں کے خلاف بول رہا تو آپ کو کیوں غصہ آرہا ہے ؟

میرے لئے یہ لمحہ فکریہ انگیزیہ ہے ۔


پا جی کیوں انا غصہ کر جاندے او ، قسم لے لو مجھے نہیں معلوم تھا کیا معاملہ چل رہا ہے ، میں تو عزیز من کے جلال پے جل پاشی کر رہا تھا

پرفیکٹ سٹرینجر

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
bhai ab zara mohtat ho jao kuin ke kuch loog aap ko permanent ban kerwane k liye active ho chukkay hain , aap ki baaton ka ab in ke pass koi elaj nahi hai lihaza mohtat ho jao , bhool kar bhi gaali na dena warna in ko mmoqa mil jai ga

آپ فکر نا کریں۔ ایسا اگر اب ہوا تو وہ ایڈمن بھی ان کے ساتھ شامل ہونے پر ہی ہوگا۔
گالی کا جواب گالی سے کبھی نہی دوں گا۔ اس کا مظاہرہ کل آپ نے دیکھا ہی ہو گا۔ بلکہ گالی کا جواب گالی سے نا دے کر بندہ زیادہ انجوائے کرتا ہے ۔

بس اب بات کرنی ہے تو بس دلیل سے ۔ یہی خلاصہ ہے اب یہاں رہنے کا

پرفیکٹ سٹرینجر

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

پا جی کیوں انا غصہ کر جاندے او ، قسم لے لو مجھے نہیں معلوم تھا کیا معاملہ چل رہا ہے ، میں تو عزیز من کے جلال پے جل پاشی کر رہا تھا

معاملہ بڑا خطرناک غضب ناک کرب ناک نازک صورتحال میں چل رہا ہے ۔ تُسی سائڈ تے ہو جاو۔


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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Pakistan's war against Khwarijis and bias moderators

[/SIZE]Sohrab Bhai you r Great....... Really Great.......... Beautiful language!
Brother! do u know anything except Galian?

He only knows how to abuse family members. There will be no context in the replies. More interestingly, moderators will delete you post ; )
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Minister (2k+ posts)
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I am sorry, you are bias ....bias...and bias. First go through this thread. I kept my silence...but see how your FRIENDS are replying. Now what will you do ? You will ignore their post or you will delete this thread ? I please request you to revisit your decisions.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Pakistan's war against Khwarijis and bias moderators

[/SIZE]Sohrab Bhai you r Great....... Really Great.......... Beautiful language!
Brother! do u know anything except Galian?

I was simply replying to different threads by defending Pakistan Army. He and his friend, started personal attacks by using language which is not acceptable. I kept my calm and replied by using words like, Fool, Filth, Stupid and Dog. These all words were directed towards Khwarijis. In reply he started abusing family members.

Now, what our moderator did ? The same what he is doing right now. He deleted all comments by taking sides. He was online, first he allowed him to use that filthy languages and then deleted all comments. I can bet, now this moderator wants to delete this thread.


Staff member
Re: Pakistan's war against Khwarijis and bias moderators

He only knows how to abuse family members. There will be no context in the replies. More interestingly, moderators will delete you post ; )
If you quote those abusive posts in your replies with inappropriate response.
We have requested the members that please do not quote abusive post and do not respond to those post, report those posts and any Mod on duty will take care of it.
Re: Pakistan's war against Khwarijis and bias moderators

I was simply replying to different threads by defending Pakistan Army. He and his friend, started personal attacks by using language which is not acceptable. I kept my calm and replied by using words like, Fool, Filth, Stupid and Dog. These all words were directed towards Khwarijis. In reply he started abusing family members.

Now, what our moderator did ? The same what he is doing right now. He deleted all comments by taking sides. He was online, first he allowed him to use that filthy languages and then deleted all comments. I can bet, now this moderator wants to delete this thread.

Do not worry brother! Let them use all the tactics in their quiver! Defeat is their Destiny!
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