Lets see how Far Freedom of Expression Go Now..


Senator (1k+ posts)
Now it's getting REALLY dirty: Outrageous film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures is sent to a MILLION swing voters

  1. The film claims that Mr Obama's real father is left wing poet and Communist party activist, Frank Marshall Davis
  2. 100,000 copies of the DVD, containing extraordinary claims, have already been mailed to voters in Ohio with up to three million more planned to go out
  3. As Mitt Romney lags in the polls the material could be potentially damaging for the Obama campaign
  4. It has already won the support of Alabama's Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead
  5. Democrat consultant Steve Murphy called the accusations 'low' and motivated by race and money


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Claims of this type have been made in the last elections. It is not going to get anywhere. It just might backfire on Mr. Romney.


Minister (2k+ posts)
and unicorn is there to defend his master... they should hire you and i can guarantee your loyalty to them...


and unicorn is there to defend his master... they should hire you and i can guarantee your loyalty to them...

Yes, Unicorn is here to defend America. A country where I came as a peasant, a country that gave me everything. America is not a perfect country but there is no country like it. If you find one let me know. I will defend it against unfair criticism. They don't need not hire me my loyalty is for free and so is my life!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
i m not concerned about what happens there.it is people of USA to decide for them. i know that all the governments work for the interest of their country and people first and they should. in fact every government should do like them. they set examples to follow. i wish if v could do like them.


Councller (250+ posts)
Good work. After America dies out (very soon), your skills will be required to defend Israel. Long Live America - Long Live Israel (In Hell, of course).

Yes, Unicorn is here to defend America. A country where I came as a peasant, a country that gave me everything. America is not a perfect country but there is no country like it. If you find one let me know. I will defend it against unfair criticism. They don't need not hire me my loyalty is for free and so is my life!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Yes, Unicorn is here to defend America. A country where I came as a peasant, a country that gave me everything. America is not a perfect country but there is no country like it. If you find one let me know. I will defend it against unfair criticism. They don't need not hire me my loyalty is for free and so is my life!!

and if someone else give you all what america gave you...would you change your loyalty to them... is this how u define your loyalty. And you just don't defend unfair criticism you defend fair and unfair, everything whatever they do. you don't see anything bad in them, this is your problem


and if someone else give you all what america gave you...would you change your loyalty to them... is this how u define your loyalty. And you just don't defend unfair criticism you defend fair and unfair, everything whatever they do. you don't see anything bad in them, this is your problem

The answer is NO. I have taken criticism and I have criticized as well in strong terms ie Iraq war.


Minister (2k+ posts)
The answer is NO. I have taken criticism and I have criticized as well in strong terms ie Iraq war.
i will be keeping eye on you for your criticism on U.S because Iraq war was not the only blunder they made but let see... and remember wherever i see you criticizing U.S for their wrong policies i will appreciate you...


i will be keeping eye on you for your criticism on U.S because Iraq war was not the only blunder they made but let see... and remember wherever i see you criticizing U.S for their wrong policies i will appreciate you...

I did say its not a perfect country that in it self is criticsm.


Let me show you guys how to be gracious winner:

Thanks Pakistani players your efforts were not good enough today. You are capable of doing better. Better luck next time(clap)(clap)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Obama with his unknown roots seems to be a proper b@st@rd and should be called exactly that! I am just propogating freedom of speech here.


Councller (250+ posts)
Great Criticism. For the killer of humanity the best criticism is to say "Not a perfect country".
Well no country is perfect. So implying from your criticism, US is like any other country. Either you want to say every country is a killer of humanity or perhaps USA is not one of them.

I did say its not a perfect country that in it self is criticsm.


Great Criticism. For the killer of humanity the best criticism is to say "Not a perfect country".
Well no country is perfect. So implying from your criticism, US is like any other country. Either you want to say every country is a killer of humanity or perhaps USA is not one of them.

You should be the last one to say anything. you have received billions of dollars from them going back to with in the first two weeks of the birth. US has been your ally since then until now. I find it very strange you calling them " Killers of humanity "


Councller (250+ posts)
I criticize Pakistan leadership too as they are also serving this "Killer of Humanity". The leadership of USA however is the mastermind behind this atrocities and you are one of its vocal supporter. However, I am not a supporter of the leadership of Pakistan.

You should be the last one to say anything. you have received billions of dollars from them going back to with in the first two weeks of the birth. US has been your ally since then until now. I find it very strange you calling them " Killers of humanity "


I criticize Pakistan leadership too as they are also serving this "Killer of Humanity". The leadership of USA however is the mastermind behind this atrocities and you are one of its vocal supporter. However, I am not a supporter of the leadership of Pakistan.


So the main problem is with you. Your support for the " Killer of Humanity " Starts with " Baba E Quom " , Mr. Jinnah to the present leader ship and everyone in between. You are very much in the partnership with the " Killer of Humanity " I mean not personally you since you did not supported any one these above mentioned people.


Councller (250+ posts)
I don't know what you mean to say. You start by saying that I AM the problem and you end by saying that I am NOT the problem. I find that very strange. Anyways, I find it very heartening you accept that I don't support this Killer of Humanity - and very disheartening you accept that you support this Killer of Humanity. May Allah help us see the things as they really are, rather than as they appear to be.

I do not wish to continue on this as I feel it has gone into the area of personal attacks rather than a healthy discussion - so I am out of it. Just one clarification though - except for "Baba-e-Qoum" and a few other leaders - IK being one of them, I do not support any of the leadership.

Take Care and May God Bless You.

So the main problem is with you. Your support for the " Killer of Humanity " Starts with " Baba E Quom " , Mr. Jinnah to the present leader ship and everyone in between. You are very much in the partnership with the " Killer of Humanity " I mean not personally you since you did not supported any one these above mentioned people.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
i m not concerned about what happens there.it is people of USA to decide for them. i know that all the governments work for the interest of their country and people first and they should. in fact every government should do like them. they set examples to follow. i wish if v could do like them.
yes all governments work for the interest of their country exept Pakistan


Councller (250+ posts)
Even US does not work for its people. It works for the people of Israel and thats because if they don't - the zionists will get another one. Very soon you will see USA crumbles under its own weight and the new leader of the world - Israel - will emerge as the new super power.
yes all governments work for the interest of their country exept Pakistan