Business community demands army deployment in Karachi - Need comments from members


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Please read the article and let me know if anyone else also thinks that this whole Karachi situation seems to be a conspiricy to move Pak Army and get them in a situation where they would become embroiled in things that would distract them from their primary task that is defending Pakistan and the nuclear arsenal?



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

Personally, I strongly agree with the demand of business community as the incompetency and conspiracy of politicians on the payroll of MI6/CIA has paralyzed our financial hub. And it is becoming a national security threat to Pakistan. Elimination and protection against anything which gets threat, whether internal or external, to the sovereignty and security of Pakistan is the duty of Pak Army. This the duty for which Pak Army is raised for. Any theories which call that dragging Pak Army in Karachi situation shall be detrimental to national security are just rubbish. This could be the line towed by stooges of Zion not of any patriot.

sarbakaf - Blogger
Re: Need comments from members

legit demand
but army against whom ?

who will call army....... PPP who is in govt ? mqm who is in govt ? ANP who is also in govt ???

and who will army kill /capture ..mqm...PPP and ANP ???

or if army comes on its own initiative it will be called MARTIAL LAW AND KILLING O ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC GOVT...which is most likely what all these stake holders want .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

legit demand
but army against whom ?

who will call army....... PPP who is in govt ? mqm who is in govt ? ANP who is also in govt ???

and who will army kill /capture ..mqm...PPP and ANP ???

or if army comes on its own initiative it will be called MARTIAL LAW AND KILLING O ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC GOVT...which is most likely what all these stake holders want .
I understand your thoughts but lets look at what the enemy wants. They for sure want to weaken the armed forces and the whole exercise going on in Karachi may be on behalf on certain powers. We all know how loyal these parties are to Pakistan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

Personally, I strongly agree with the demand of business community as the incompetency and conspiracy of politicians on the payroll of MI6/CIA has paralyzed our financial hub. And it is becoming a national security threat to Pakistan. Elimination and protection against anything which gets threat, whether internal or external, to the sovereignty and security of Pakistan is the duty of Pak Army. This the duty for which Pak Army is raised for. Any theories which call that dragging Pak Army in Karachi situation shall be detrimental to national security are just rubbish. This could be the line towed by stooges of Zion not of any patriot.

Brother wadaich, the business community know better then the people
out of the area and city. Army should intervine and courtmarshal
the terrorists and punish them. Police has not much resources to
control the situation.
My friends from Karachi and I have the same openion that our
PAK ARMY should takeover the control of Karachi.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

I agree with all of you above .There is no arguing situation calls for army control in karachi BUT don't you agree that this situation is created by all three interested parties in Karachi ? Don't you agree that the federal government is a player in this situation ? Don't you agree that the federal government doesn't want Karachi peaceful ? Don't you agree that Kyani won't do anything against Zardari's call ? Don't you agree ARMY will be another controversial figure if they did what federal government told them to do ? Don't you agree that in such case zaradri will try and protect it's workers from the wrath of the Army ? Don't you agree that most swift solution to the situation in Karachi and in the whole country is to topple this government ? Don't you agree that Army shouldn't only take control of Karachi but the whole country ? and hold fair and free elections within 90 days ? Just my thoughts , no offense to anyone.
Killers may die!

1 ummah

Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

havent read the thing but bro army is envolve in destabalizing,the counrty they are sold(the authorities)
leting agencies in,ignoring drones,supproting war against islam!!!!
they wont help karachi,will american god order them??


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

I think enemies of pakistan are at work all around pakistan and all this is due to lack of understanding as to why pakistan was created. The lack of knowledge about two nation theory in public has made them ignorant and cowardice has settled in as a result of confusion that has been created by mullahs who want islam for their theocracy and secularists who want democracy for furthering their capitalism and free market.

Unless we start educating each other about real purpose of creation of pakistan and do it fast we are in danger of disintegration. No one is working for pakistan if one does not even believe in purpose of creation of pakistan. Pakistan was created for show casing islam for mankind as a pilot project. It was created just like the prophet created madinah state as a pilot project to show mankind what divine kingdom on earth looks like and what it can do for mankind.

So let us all wake up or we are sleep walking in to a trap from which we may not be able escape when we wake up.

There is no point in calling army unless there is some clear purpose to it otherwise we will damage army itself by bringing it in to this confusion. What we need is a team of such people who understand things and really believe in cause of pakistan. Government should be kicked out by public not army and an interim government should be set up under that team by public support this should continue so long as public is happy with its performance. The team should know what changes to make in the systems, structures and practices. We need to control land and resources, means of production and distribution to get all people to work for the good of themselves and the country and continue till our country is back on its feet. So long has we give freedom to a few people to grab more and more land and resources and control more and more means of production and distribution the country is bound for destruction.

We need to educate ourselves about the world as to how it works and stick to the unsurpassable terms for peace and goals and guidelines set by the quran as understood by jinnah the real leader of this nation. So long as we do that there is no power on this earth that could do any damage to this nation.

If people do not want pakistan of jinnah and islam as understood by jinnah then nothing is going to work no matter what ruling elite do along with their mullahs.

Even if army is called in nothing will change for the better because heart of nation has to be in it. Battle is not fought with weapons but with brain that is fully submerged in the cause. If in our hearts we do not believe in pakistan we will not be willing to make sacrifices that we need to. Causes succeed or fail on basis of their backers.


Re: Need comments from members

Inspite of my hate for the MQM . . . . Calling the Army would be a great blunder . . . . As it will give the MQM sympathy vote for the next elections . . . . That is for what MQM is trying like the PPP who wanted its own government to be toppled so that they could play the Sindh Card during the next elections . . . .

There are already a lot of ghundas/thugs under custody, belonging to MQM,ANP and PPP . . . . Just try them in courts and hang them . . . .


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Need comments from members

KHURRAM.k keep in mind that in federal government these three parties are stake holder so what ever is happening they all are responcible more over black mailer fazloo mulla is also helping them n please don't forget noora kushti party so called noon league is the main culprit nawaz always said that he ll be the protector of this system n will not allow any one to topple the govt. so nawaz is fully responsible for what is happening


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

are you a human? but humans have brains, do you have some


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

havent read the thing but bro army is envolve in destabalizing,the counrty they are sold(the authorities)
leting agencies in,ignoring drones,supproting war against islam!!!!
they wont help karachi,will american god order them??
are you a human? but humans have brains, do you have some


MPA (400+ posts)
Demand of Business community is not bad at all but what will hapen if Army will also start curroption and lootimar ???

In 1977 Zia came and said that Elections will held within 90 days but nothing hapened and then he remained in Power till his death in 1988

swisspak - Blogger
Karachi needs honest Leaders and efficient Police Force. Army has Other duties to perform. We Need cctv Cameras all over karachi!

I am here:,9.503486


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
No body more power ful then state. PPP is fully involved in this genocide. As per a recent report there are 6000 people have been killed in karachi.
Govt will not take any action, they are bunch of criminals. These politicians have corrupted the Police. PPP is supporting Liyari gangs they are often in pictures with PPP ministers. If they take action they will be exposed. Look at the top leadership of PPP, the bigger the criminal you are the faster you grow.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Need comments from members

are you a human? but humans have brains, do you have some

Who was that for?

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
total state of emergency and army deployment is the only solutions.

What we have is not a democracy, its shaitanat and firauniat.

the current situation proves that Zardari is not a Muslim. A Muslim can not play with blood of 1000's of people.

I favor an all-out Martial Law, kill all office bearers of ANP, MQM, PPP, and the gangsters, including the local and national offices bearers. They are nasoor and must be surgically removed.

Only an martial Law can do it. but it must be ensured that Zardari, Gilani, and Malik do not get any chance to board urgent flights.


Re: Need comments from members

Inspite of my hate for the MQM . . . . Calling the Army would be a great blunder . . . . As it will give the MQM sympathy vote for the next elections . . . . That is for what MQM is trying like the PPP who wanted its own government to be toppled so that they could play the Sindh Card during the next elections . . . .

There are already a lot of ghundas/thugs under custody, belonging to MQM,ANP and PPP . . . . Just try them in courts and hang them . . . .

No please . we dont need your vote keep doing gulami of jalee degree leaders and keep doing gulami of jagirdar and wadar you deserve it. They use you as bathroom tissue use it and flash it.


Re: Need comments from members

No please . we dont need your vote keep doing gulami of jalee degree leaders and keep doing gulami of jagirdar and wadar you deserve it. They use you as bathroom tissue use it and flash it.

Thug/Badmash like you people really don t need votes but a kick down your rear . . . . Ha ha ha ha ha ! and what is your new term Bathroom Tissue after your famous Tammy . . . .

These are known as Toilet Rolls which the MQM has made you people . . . . The supporters of Mafia Thugs . . . .