jali accounts ky bary main hukomat ky pass black and white saboot han ! Shazad Akber


Councller (250+ posts)
I'm not so sure, this Shahzad Akbar seems more like a bluffer so far as he hasn't managed to do anything of substance. All he has done is to get the overseas prisoners back in the country which is a bit of a defeat as other countries are crying to send Pakistani prisoners back to Pakistan. I'm wondering if he has sweet talked PMIK to get this job. I'm hoping to be proven wrong but I have my doubts.


MPA (400+ posts)
I'm not so sure, this Shahzad Akbar seems more like a bluffer so far as he hasn't managed to do anything of substance. All he has done is to get the overseas prisoners back in the country which is a bit of a defeat as other countries are crying to send Pakistani prisoners back to Pakistan. I'm wondering if he has sweet talked PMIK to get this job. I'm hoping to be proven wrong but I have my doubts.
If getting black money is so easy why the first world getting around it in 21st century why know these countries making laws why not in last two century what’s happening now you idiot think about it.