Prophet saw Musa praying in his grave

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Yes yes i can see you have parroted a hadith from muslim itself wherein certain orders were given by my prophet SAW against writing of hadith, but you lack the context of it, not that you'd want to understand it either because it just conveniently hits the spot for you. I do not need to explain that context to you and exactly opposite proof of it too, because what is clear is that Hadith is not the problem here, Islam itself is the real problem for Hadith rejectors. You'll tow the same line forever anyway. This is like talking to a patwari or a flat earther.

So as a rejector of basic pillars of Islam, e.g., Salah, you do not have right to talk about Islam. The argument you should be focusing on: Are you even a muslim considering that you reject Salah as a basic pillar of islam -- and mind you in theory and concept. If you want to prove anything, start with that first.

Also next time, do not pick something you don't even believe in in first place to try and prove your point. It's kinda dumb.

That's called cooking up numbers in excel. Looks legit. lol. He is the source himself, like Maulana fazlu.

I am not disagreeing with you, it's just that I had a figure of 124,000 forged ahadith for Bukhari but didn't have the figures for other and just wanted to know where you got them from.
Bukhari chose these narrations from a collection of 600,000 narrations he had collected over 16 years. The narrations are distributed across 97 chapters covering fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), among other subjects. Each chapter contains references to relevant verses from the Quran.



MPA (400+ posts)
I do not have to prove anything to you, as you are a blind follower of fake, full of contradictions and some disgusting narrations that outright mock, humiliate, and insult Prophet Mohammad by your favorite Majoosi Imamas.
Show me one verse from the Quran that says that the ahadith are the basic pillar of Islam.
Allah has mentioned in the Quran that the Deen has been perfected. This Book is complete & detailed and after reading these basic and straightforward verses, if one still wants to drag non-Quraic books into Islam, then he should get his head examined.
There he goes dodging the question. No boy. Prove to me first that you being a Hadith/sunnah rejector in its entirety as well as rejector of basic pillars of islam like salah, still qualify to be called a muslim and you'll unlock the achievement of asking further questions. Until then go show off your excel skills with fake numbers to world. Nothing you say will have any value if you can't prove your basic beliefs.

The problem is Islam never was a religious issue for your kind, it's a societal problem that your are trying to solve: How to be an alcoholic, lgbt+, rejector of basic pillars of islam in theory, soodi haram khore, but still be worthy of retaining the tag "muslim" at a bare minimum level to be accepted in your "muslim" circle. Don't make it a religious issue. It's a societal problem for you.


MPA (400+ posts)
I am not disagreeing with you, it's just that I had a figure of 124,000 forged ahadith for Bukhari but didn't have the figures for other and just wanted to know where you got them from.'s almost as if you can see through his home cooked BS but don't wanna call it out because you yourself wanna believe in that BS. He was just trying to show off his Excel gradutation to you. You took it too far. Otherwise you know it he is full of it.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
There he goes dodging the question. No boy. Prove to me first that you being a Hadith/sunnah rejector in its entirety as well as rejector of basic pillars of islam like salah, still qualify to be called a muslim and you'll unlock the achievement of asking further questions. Until then go show off your excel skills with fake numbers to world. Nothing you say will have any value if you can't prove your basic beliefs.

The problem is Islam never was a religious issue for your kind, it's a societal problem that your are trying to solve: How to be an alcoholic, lgbt+, rejector of basic pillars of islam in theory, soodi haram khore, but still be worthy of retaining the tag "muslim" at a bare minimum level to be accepted in your "muslim" circle. Don't make it a religious issue. It's a societal problem for you.
Dodging the question? Again, you are not worth discussing what I believe or not.
This is a typical mindset of a defeated person who lacks logic & rationality when it comes to pondering and reflecting on the Quranic verses.
A person like you will even dodge or neglect the Quranic verses just to satisfy a flawed and inflated ego.
I have discussed Salah several times on this forum, but to date, no one can provide the exact method of Salah either from the Quran or the Ahadith. Maybe you are the one who could do it for me; I hope you will not run away now.
I would also like you to define what a Muslim is as per the Quran.


MPA (400+ posts)
Argument with a Hadith / Sunnah rejector:

How do you pray Salah?

Uh’ There's nothing like doing Salah in Islam but if you want to, by imagining of course!

So forget Quran, forget sunnah, forget hadith, heck forget even 1400 years of known history of salah practice and billions of muslims doing it to date. That’s all wrong. Imagining is all you ever need to do.?

Yes. Pretty much if you must.

Ok fine. And how would you say you fly a plane?

Eh’ … By a wire. Of course. Because it’s fly-by-wire! Lol.

Totally absolutely 99.98945% true. And no i did not make up that number in Excel cuz that would be so wrong.

Bring out the trophies.


MPA (400+ posts)
Dodging the question? Again, you are not worth discussing what I believe or not.
This is a typical mindset of a defeated person who lacks logic & rationality when it comes to pondering and reflecting on the Quranic verses.
A person like you will even dodge or neglect the Quranic verses just to satisfy a flawed and inflated ego.
I have discussed Salah several times on this forum, but to date, no one can provide the exact method of Salah either from the Quran or the Ahadith. Maybe you are the one who could do it for me; I hope you will not run away now.
I would also like you to define what a Muslim is as per the Quran.
I am not the one inventing a cult here. You are.
State your beliefs in black and white and you'll earn the right (may be) to be called muslim and ask questions.

State your beliefs in black and white first as i asked you excel!
Last edited:


MPA (400+ posts)
Dodging the question? Again, you are not worth discussing what I believe or not.
This is a typical mindset of a defeated person who lacks logic & rationality when it comes to pondering and reflecting on the Quranic verses.
A person like you will even dodge or neglect the Quranic verses just to satisfy a flawed and inflated ego.
I have discussed Salah several times on this forum, but to date, no one can provide the exact method of Salah either from the Quran or the Ahadith. Maybe you are the one who could do it for me; I hope you will not run away now.
I would also like you to define what a Muslim is as per the Quran.
You will also need to prove that 99.989% or whatever numbers you cooked up on your excel sheet is a real proven figure with credible evidence to back it up. The lady couldn't muster courage to ask you but consider me asking on her behalf. Start from there then go on to stating your beliefs as a cultist. And we'll take it from there.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I am not the one inventing a cult here. You are.
State your beliefs in black and white and you'll earn the right to be called muslim and ask questions.

State your beliefs in black and white first as i asked you excel!
Cult followers are those who depart from the Quran and follow the filthy and foolish Majoosi writings.
For your little brain, I only obey the Quran, which is all that Allah Almighty requires.
Let us now examine how you do Namaz from the Quran or Ahadith.


MPA (400+ posts)
Cult followers are those who depart from the Quran and follow the filthy and foolish Majoosi writings.
For your little brain, I only obey the Quran, which is all that Allah Almighty requires.
Let us now examine how you do Namaz from the Quran or Ahadith.
State your beliefs man. Do i need to shout at you? What are you Pentium 1?


MPA (400+ posts)
Cult followers are those who depart from the Quran and follow the filthy and foolish Majoosi writings.
For your little brain, I only obey the Quran, which is all that Allah Almighty requires.
Let us now examine how you do Namaz from the Quran or Ahadith.
Here is something to help you even if you do not believe in hadith (when you want) and believe in it (when it suits you like you cultist fellow up there cherry picking to his dumb needs)

This is called hadith e Jibreel. This is the established definition of Islam.

You do not believe in it. So as a cultist, read it carefully and state your beliefs!

Narrated Abu Huraira: One day while the Prophet ( ['God bless him and grant him salvation']) was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you."


MPA (400+ posts)
Cult followers are those who depart from the Quran and follow the filthy and foolish Majoosi writings.
For your little brain, I only obey the Quran, which is all that Allah Almighty requires.
Let us now examine how you do Namaz from the Quran or Ahadith.
You can't move on until you state your deviant cultist beliefs from A to Z about everything that islam is known for. I am not the one inventing a islam lite 2.0 here in which lgbt alsochol and all is OK for societal acceptance. You are.
Come clean now.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Here is something to help you even if you do not believe in hadith (when you want) and believe in it (when it suits you like you cultist fellow up there cherry picking to his dumb needs)

This is called hadith e Jibreel. This is the established definition of Islam.

You do not believe in it. So as a cultist, read it carefully and state your beliefs!

Narrated Abu Huraira: One day while the Prophet ( ['God bless him and grant him salvation']) was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you."
There is no "Angel" Gabriel in the Quran. Tell me how Prophet Mohammad performed Namaz.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
You can't move on until you state your deviant cultist beliefs from A to Z about everything that islam is known for. I am not the one inventing a islam lite 2.0 here in which lgbt alsochol and all is OK for societal acceptance. You are.
Come clean now.
Namaz, please? Or do you follow a Majoosi cult?


MPA (400+ posts)
There is no "Angel" Gabriel in the Quran. Tell me how Prophet Mohammad performed Namaz.
My God. And you claim to be a follower of Quran.
You know nothing.

At least Google before you type in whatever comes to your motor mouth.
Go and google 'Jibreel in Quran' now. Like right now. The Angel is mentioned BY NAME few times.

And you want me to engage in an argument with you?

Go play ludo man with a cow. lol.


MPA (400+ posts)
There is no "Angel" Gabriel in the Quran. Tell me how Prophet Mohammad performed Namaz.
Hence proven you're not even a Quranist.

I knew it. Just wanted to show it to all.

Show some shame now and get lost lol. Or keep at it. Who cares.

Ayya bara quran ka follower. Alif bay ka pata nahi tujhay quran ki.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
My God. And you claim to be a follower of Quran.
You know nothing.

At least Google before you type in whatever comes to your motor mouth.
Go and google 'Jibreel in Quran' now. Like right now. The Angel is mentioned BY NAME few times.

And you want me to engage in an argument with you?

Go play ludo man with a cow. lol.
Where does it say that Gabriel is an Angel?
Are you that dumb to not understand the basic verse?
Go play Gulli Daunda or come up with the exact method of Namaz.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Hence proven you're not even a Quranist.

I knew it. Just wanted to show it to all.

Show some shame now and get lost lol. Or keep at it. Who cares.

Ayya bara quran ka follower. Alif bay ka pata nahi tujhay quran ki.
Mr. cultist, running away from Namaz by deviating from the subject?

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Hence proven you're not even a Quranist.

I knew it. Just wanted to show it to all.

Show some shame now and get lost lol. Or keep at it. Who cares.

Ayya bara quran ka follower. Alif bay ka pata nahi tujhay quran ki.
This verse fits on cultists like you!

"And when it is said to them: `Follow what Allah has revealed!’ They say: `Nay! We will follow what we found our ancestors following.' What! Even Though their Ancestors were void of wisdom and guidance?" (2:170)


MPA (400+ posts)
Where does it say that Gabriel is an Angel?
Are you that dumb to not understand the basic verse?
Go play Gulli Daunda or come up with the exact method of Namaz.
LOL....You're worse than a patwari.
At leats now you know why they're like you.

Quran quran karta rehta hay...pata tujhay yeh bi nahi jibreel kaun hay...aur where and how many times he is mentioned...