
  1. K

    Pakistans troll problem

    Cultural and religious conservatism in Pakistan turn online harassment against women into real-world violence. Last June, an eighteen-year-old student at Edwardes College, in Peshawar, Pakistan, opened an e-mail to see a picture of her face digitally superimposed on the naked body of another...
  2. Bilal_Mushi

    LG system restored in Khi, Hyderabad, Ordinance issued

    LG system restored in Khi, Hyderabad, Ordinance issued Updated 6 minutes ago KARACHI: An ordinance promulgated to restore Local Government System in Karachi and Hyderabad has been issued here Sunday (1:00am) Geo News reported. Sindh...
  3. Asif shah

    Iceland did something unthinkable!Refuse Banksters Blackmailing

    First Time in the World History any country Challenge these Banksters Monster(IMF,WALLSTREET) Iceland votes to refuse banksters blackmailing.But it just the start to say no to bailing out the Banksters which create the mess.Iceland Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir warned that the...
  4. News Watch

    News Watch - 22nd April 2011 - Member Parliament Blackmailing by Political Agent, Drone Attacks, Sit