
  1. Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

    Two found dead at Japan nuke plant

    Two found dead at Japan nuke plant Two missing workers in the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant have been found dead at the site, Japans Kyodo news agency reported Sunday, citing the operator Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO). The victims had been reported missing since an explosion...
  2. haqiqat

    Sales of spaces in U.S. doomsday bunker soar 1000% after Japan quake

    Going underground? Sales of spaces in U.S. doomsday bunker soar 1000% after Japan quake reawakens nuclear fallout fears Artist's impressions of luxury shelter to house 950 people in Nebraska Reservations for a doomsday bunker in the U.S. have rocketed since Japan's catastrophic...
  3. PkRevolution

    Pakistani Beware - Cars from Japan - Japanese cars could be Radioactive. Ban Japanese Product import

    Japanese car manufacturers such as Honda, Nissan, and Toyota persuading if there were no cars or parts of products they are contaminated nuclear. This answer doubts many world countries which fear it will bring manufacturers of radioactive particles from leaking nuclear power plant in...
  4. mohib

    Japan Earthquake: Two Weeks Later

    Two weeks after northeastern Japan was struck by a massive earthquake and tsunami, the cost of the disaster is becoming clearer. The Japanese government has estimated the direct damage at as much as $310 billion, making it the world's costliest-ever natural disaster. As of today, more than...
  5. karachiwala

    Japan a robot power everywhere except at nuclear plant

    By Jon Herskovitz TOKYO, March 17 (Reuters) - Japan may build robots to play the violin, run marathons and preside over weddings, but it has not deployed any of the machines to help repair its crippled reactors. While robots are commonplace in the nuclear power industry, with...
  6. Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

    Japan disaster dead, missing toll tops 18,000: Police

    Japan disaster dead, missing toll tops 18,000: Police By AFP Published: March 19, 2011 The number of people confirmed as dead or listed as missing by Japan's national police agency tops 18,000. PHOTO: AFP TOKYO: The number of people confirmed as dead or listed as missing by Japans...
  7. News Night With Talat

    News Night with Talat - 18th March 2011 - Dr Samar Mubarakmand - Blast in Japan Atomic Reactor and

  8. biomat

    YouTube Has Been Restricted In Japan. A Last Message Sent Out From Man In Japan.

  9. Wadaich

    Zalzala-Tu-Sa'ata- A column by Abdullah Tariq Sohail

  10. Geek

    Why is there no looting in Japan?

    The landscape of parts of Japan looks like the aftermath of World War Two; no industrialised country since then has suffered such a death toll. The one tiny, tiny consolation is the extent to which it shows how humanity can rally round in times of adversity, with heroic British rescue teams...
  11. Nawazish

    A Mother strokes the head of her dead Daughter - Must see Image of Japan Devastation

    A Mother strokes the head of her dead Daughter Dead body of a Mother Holding her Child, I literally Cried at this Scene :'(
  12. biomat

    JAPAN 8.9 EARTHQUAKE DONE BY HAARP??? - MAJOR earthquake tsunami usa next? NEW MADRID

  13. Geek

    Quake Moves Japan Closer to U.S. and Alters Earths Spin

    The magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday not only violently shook the ground and generated a devastating tsunami, it also moved the coastline and changed the balance of the planet. Global positioning stations closest to the epicenter jumped eastward by up to 13 feet...
  14. Geek

    Japan ground cracking open and moving

  15. R

    Earth Quake in Japan - 099 Surey Al-Zalzalah.mp3‏

    Paste the following link into the browser to listen and understand Surey AZ-ZIZAAL. May Allah Give us courage and strength to understand and Implement Orders of ALLAH given in QURAN (AMEEN). http://download1.quranurdu.com/Al_Quran_Basit _New/099AlZalzalah.mp3...
  16. hans

    Did supermoon spark quake?

    JAPAN'S devastating earthquake comes just days after a warning that an extreme "supermoon" would spark chaos across the globe. On March 19, the moon will loom large in our skies and be at its closest distance from the Earth in 18 years. And weather bloggers noted there was a supermoon just...