
  1. A

    The Norway Terror Attacks: A Media PsyWar Exercise

    Here is an eye opening video, it is self explanatory and vey interesting, must watch.
  2. L

    Blaming Muslims for terrorism caused Norway attack. Former Norwagen Primier

  3. biomat

    Norway massacre copycat? Fears Anders Breivik 'Manifesto' breeding

  4. harisuae

    Norway Attacker's Remote India Connection.

    By IANS Varanasi, July 26 (IANS) Norway's mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, whose bombing and shooting spree in Oslo left atleast 76 people dead, has a remote Indian connection. The combat badges of the 32-year-old's militant outfit were supplied by a weaver here...
  5. L

    Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False Flag (Interesting Report)

    Please Watch both the clips to understand the full report, you will find it interesting.
  6. Geek

    Conversation between a soldier Maulvi and Takfeeri Mufti

    This is a very interesting dialouge between a soldier molvi who has some good knowledge about Deen and a takfeeri mufti. the mufti is justifying the killing of innocent people and call all those murtid who don't accept their ideology. even he called Imam e kaaba a puppit and munafiq.
  7. B

    Oslo attacker feared Pakistanisation of Europe!!!! (SHAME ON EXPRESS!) KARACHI: Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed more than 90 people in two attacks in Oslo, was mortally terrified of the idea of several ‘mini Pakistans’ appearing all over the map of...
  8. A

    Lawyer: Norway suspect wanted anti-Muslim crusade

    Norwegian mass killer wants to oust all the Muslims from Europe . The man blamed for attacks on Norway s government headquarters and a youth retreat that left at least 92 dead said he was motivated by a desire to bring about a revolution in Norwegian society, his lawyer said Sunday. A...
  9. crankthskunk

    Norway "we wouldn't be NAIVE": Zionist Plot recognised

    It shouldn't amaze anyone, that when it was done by Blue Eyed White Caucasian, a Christian zealot, with hatred for multicultural society, the western media was out in force to make it a one man show. Off course, the Whites and Christians can not belong to an organisation which can cause so much...
  10. S

    Norway massacre by right wing fundamentalist Christian terrorist

    I am very saddened by the massacre of 91 innocent human beings by a Christian fanatic terrorist in Norway yesterday. I have always condemned violence and consider violent acts of stomach-churning atrocities anywhere as a disgrace to humanity, and a harsh reminder that terrorism in its...
  11. S

    Pakistan Will Resist American Attempt To Link It To Norway Carnage

    3Share The Oslo terror attacks come as boon to lobbies in Washington that want to continue the Afghan war. In July 2010, CIA is suspected of having tried to blow up Chinese targets in Oslo. CIA station office in Germany planned the attacks and recruited Chinese Muslims, along with...
  12. L

    Explosion rocks Oslo, Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office

    A large bomb blast has hit government buildings in the Norwegian capital Oslo, killing at least two people and injuring 15 others. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, whose offices were badly damaged, described the situation as "very serious". Officials said some people were still inside the...
  13. biomat


  14. Adeel

    Norway Tops Nations in Quality of Life

    THE GIST With its 81.0 years of life expectancy, average annual income of $58,810 and more, Norway tops a recent UN report ranking quality of life. Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Ireland took the following places in the top five. Zimbabwe, where...