اسلام میں لونڈیوں کے ساتھ جنسی تعلق کی اجازت کیوں دی گئی؟


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is the weirdest explanation I have ever heard from a Mirzai. Who said having sex is a taboo? Where does it say in the Quran that it is allowed to have sex with the concubines?
Imagine the following scenario: During the war, the non-Muslims captured Muslim men and women, how would you feel if they were to use the women as their concubines, allowing their men to have sex whenever they pleased and the men as slaves?
Our mullahs have translated many words wrongfully, which results in weak-minded people like you who easily get into their trap of nonsense.

Man you are hopeless - I will say this to you one last time as I do not have the patience and time to win a useless debate or get one over you. The Quran is the book of guidance and the meezan which is the source of absolute morality. You have to seek guidance in it not try to restrict it to the 'moral' framework of 21st century.

P.S: 'weak minded' - come on man. This is a bit rich coming from someone who makes a meagrely living buying and selling stocks.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Man you are hopeless - I will say this to you one last time as I do not have the patience and time to win a useless debate or get one over you. The Quran is the book of guidance and the meezan which is the source of absolute morality. You have to seek guidance in it not try to restrict it to the 'moral' framework of 21st century.

P.S: 'weak minded' - come on man. This is a bit rich coming from someone who makes a meagrely living buying and selling stocks.
I'm hopeless for closed-minded blind followers of mullahs and ancestors.
If you accept that the Quran is a book of guidance, then what makes you think that Allah Almighty will allow such nonsense that you are allowed to have sex with the concubines? You can embrace the Quran in its totality or the written works of Majoosi narrators.
Thank God, I have dealt with a lot of people like you, but sadly, none of them knew anything about the Islam found in the Quran.

P.S. As per my meagerly living, it should not be a concern of yours.

Arrest Warrant

Minister (2k+ posts)
Thanks to kafiri recordings and cameras,
Dr. sahb died in a very thin time of transrformation between, knowing and happening.