دورہ ترکی ملتوی: کس نے وزیراعظم شہبازشریف کو شرمندہ کروایا؟


Senator (1k+ posts)
A few year back I booked Tigerair ticket for Melbourne. At airport first they announced that Flight is 30 min late. Later they announced that flight has arrived but will be delayed for an hour as there is a sick passenger in plane and until an ambulance arrives and paramedical staff get him off plane passengers will have to wait. Later they cancelled flight with the pretext that Melbourne weather does not allow to fly.

I spoke to my brother in Melbourne and checked Melbourne weather. It was perfectly all right. We, passengers knew that they cancelled flight that only few passengers booked that flight and they didn't want to take empty plane to Melbourne.

That reminds me humiliation of Puppet PM at the hands of Turkey and earlier this month by UAE, when I saw cancellation of Prime Beggars visit to Turkey. This stupid PM why wanted to go to Turkey at that time when knowing that no one will be happy on his arrival as they are busy in rescue mission of their people. Unlike these puppet slave Beggars they are true to their nation. I don't know who the idiot gave this idea to this prime stupid.

It is not the first time. A few days back UAE President cancelled his Pakistan visit which was never scheduled. These stupid on the helms of affairs forced him to make his private visit to Pakistan into Diplomatic visit. First he said and later realizing the uselessness of this one hour visit to PM house and his own schedule, he cancelled this forced visit.

There is consensus among diplomatic circle that on both occasions, Presidents just refused these visits knowing that Beggars only use their visit as publicity stunts.
Someone in associates should have asked these Beggars that in which country foreign dignitaries visits after such natural disasters. Instead of taking FM and tubber of 50 and spending millions of dollar, why not send that money to Turkey.

These Beggars are now reason of ongoing humiliation for Pakistan and Pakistanis should strive to get rid of these foreign puppets as soon as possible.


Senator (1k+ posts)
A few year back I booked Tigerair ticket for Melbourne. At airport first they announced that Flight is 30 min late. Later they announced that flight has arrived but will be delayed for an hour as there is a sick passenger in plane and until an ambulance arrives and paramedical staff get him off plane passengers will have to wait. Later they cancelled flight with the pretext that Melbourne weather does not allow to fly.

I spoke to my brother in Melbourne and checked Melbourne weather. It was perfectly all right. We, passengers knew that they cancelled flight that only few passengers booked that flight and they didn't want to take empty plane to Melbourne.

That reminds me humiliation of Puppet PM at the hands of Turkey and earlier this month by UAE, when I saw cancellation of Prime Beggars visit to Turkey. This stupid PM why wanted to go to Turkey at that time when knowing that no one will be happy on his arrival as they are busy in rescue mission of their people. Unlike these puppet slave Beggars they are true to their nation. I don't know who the idiot gave this idea to this prime stupid.

It is not the first time. A few days back UAE President cancelled his Pakistan visit which was never scheduled. These stupid on the helms of affairs forced him to make his private visit to Pakistan into Diplomatic visit. First he said and later realizing the uselessness of this one hour visit to PM house and his own schedule, he cancelled this forced visit.

There is consensus among diplomatic circle that on both occasions, Presidents just refused these visits knowing that Beggars only use their visit as publicity stunts.
Someone in associates should have asked these Beggars that in which country foreign dignitaries visits after such natural disasters. Instead of taking FM and tubber of 50 and spending millions of dollar, why not send that money to Turkey.

These Beggars are now reason of ongoing humiliation for Pakistan and Pakistanis should strive to get rid of these foreign puppets as soon as possible.

You wasted your time for mental Shabaz. Shahbaz knows what is doing? Shahbaz have become PM of Pakistan and Shahbaz was CM of Punjab. So you or me can't be more clever than Sharif mafia. Mafia is mafia. A mafia has nothing to do with shame or logic.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Showbaz beggar keeps embarrassing Pakistanis.First the president of UAE snubbed him and refused to visit Islamabad.Now Turkey told him to bugger off.No one takes this joker seriously.