پی ٹی آئی کے دور میں قرض میں 13.9 ٹریلین کا اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ محمد زبیر


Minister (2k+ posts)
اس کالئے خنزیر زبیر چوڑے مثلی کنجر اور میراثی کی شکل دیکھ کر ہی ابکائی اور متلی ہوتی ہے اس نطفہ حرام اور کرپشن کے دلے کا کام صرف اور صرف کسی اصلی اور نسلی کنجر میراثی مثلی کی طرح کرپٹ لوگوں کی شٹ اپنی زبان سے چاٹ کر ان کو پاک صاف کرنا اور انکی حرام خوری چوری فراڈ کا دفاع کرنا ہی ہے اس کالئے کنجر زبیر جس کو چکلے میں اپنی بائی جی کے گاہک ڈھونڈھ کر لانے کی اوقات ہے اس کالے منحوس مکروح اور بد صورتے کو گورنر لگا کر اس منصب کی ہی توہین کی گئی ہاں اسکی اوقت گورنر ہاؤس کے ٹائلٹ صاف کرنی کی تو ہے اب یہ نطفہ حرام اپنے مالکوں کی گندگی اور شٹ اپنی زبان سے صاف کرنے کی ڈیوٹی پر واپس آگیا


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Calibri Jhooti's spokesperson won't tell you that it was already known that whoever forms government in 2018 will have to take around $12 to $14 billion immediate loan to cover the huge deficit of $19 billion by PML-N.

The loan taken in the initial year by PTI, belongs to PML-N not PTI.

Also worth noting that PML-N had destroyed the export sector by keeping the imports cheaper through artificial control of dollar rate, and such a move not only exhausted Pakistan's reserves, but were also the cause of the huge current account deficit of $19 billion which ultimately compelled Pakistan to not only run for loans but we also saw the huge devaluation, surge in taxes, electricity prices, reduced subsidies, and increased inflation to cover that deficit, which was upon us due to the faulty policies of PML-N.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
If we do a simple math here is the actual picture. As we have to pay our loans in USD so we need to convert the numbers in USD
As per Zubair Sahib the current debt of Pakistan is Rs 39.9 Trillions and based on today's exchange rate of 166.74 this will convert to USD239.29 Billions
As per Zubair the debt left by them was around Rs 26 Trillion and based on exchange rate on June 1, 2018 115.6, the amount converted to 224.91.
This means PTI added a debt of USD 14.38 billions. By dividing it to 3 the result is USD 4.7 Billions a year
If we took the Zubair Number of Rs 10 Tr added by PMLN and at the conversion of 115.6, its coming out to be USD 86.5 billions. By dividing this by 5. the result is USD 17.3 Billions a year.
Indeed PMLN is a party of experienced people.

Tabbot Mein Keel

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
yaar yae zubeir such baat nahee kurta

itnae favors PMLN kae laechukaa hae corruption kae phuns gaya

arrae bhai, we are not getting any aid from usa qatr uae and saudi when PMLN go around to beg for them cry wolf,

ubh mulk patri pae aachuka hae bc zubair jhootae insaan PMLN kae khurzae joe subh nae loota

we are all pakistanis and muslims keeyoun khunzeer bakwas kuraha hae jhoot pae jhoot
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