4 presidential candidates join Afghan war protest


Minister (2k+ posts)
Following Obama Nobel speech, Nader, Kucinich, Gravel and McKinney speak out against the war .


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why is the USA in Afghanistan?



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I have to tell Gen kiani that he must watch these videos to get an idea what the americans really are after. 9/11 was not done by alqaida and still not their concern but their real concern is to make bases in afghanistan to keep an eye on Russia,China,iran and pakistan since pak is a muslim nuke country.The americans and india have already helped pak talibans with money and arms,made them against us and inflamed the situation.Americans also created crises for pak and civil war in swat and fata area.Now they want to expand this to North wazirastan so pakistan stretch to its limit and get weaken by fighting a broad base civil war.Gen petreas and Gen Mullen came not for our help but to tell us get involved into more fighting with talibans. Mr.Gen.Kiani you are a very professional and loyal military person,dont get into their trap.It was never our war and they made us to fight it.If U.S dont listen ,just tell them we are sorry we cannot help you,we cannot disintegrate our country for you thats what you want because U.S main aim is "CRUSADE".The america's new world order means they wanna be the policemen of the world and neocon right wingers in america,their biggest enemies are muslims and want to finish them but Allah will finish the Americans,they will face humiliation and death.Afghanistan will be their viet nam2. Mr.Kiani kick all the DYNCORP and other security persons from the country and dont ask for any aid from these bloody americans who are our real enemies.They dont want to see pakistan stabilize and want to neutralize our nukes.I have mentioned before our biggest enemy is america and we should be very careful from ,getting too close will be very harmful for our country.Since the Blackwater arrived,see how much damaged have been done by them,kicking them out of our country will bring peace in the country.U.S wants pak to get into fight with afghan talibans so they will inflame the crises from behind.pak should not at any cost fight with afghan talibans,they are not our enemy but the U.S is . Why america dont get out of afghanistan,they are occupying the country against the will of the people. If they dont fight with these occupiers then what they should do ,get killed by these cruel nazi type neocon,but instead they chose to fight back so let them teach the americans a lesson,pak should not get involve in their fight. Musharraf was a traitor ,acted like they wanted now our own security is in danger and we should think first about our own country.When Obama made a speech in Cairo,i thought he is serious and want mend the differences with muslims but no its not like what i thought.He is surrounded by jews who are dead against us,this is reality.SO BE CAREFUL FROM THE U.S TRAP.THANKS.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Since the jews gave president obama noble peace prize in the plate ,they will expect him to do the job for them.That job is to go after the muslim world specially pakistan because of its nukes.After 9/11,in U.S pakistanis were the only target for illegal immigration,7000 were jailed and deported but 50000 left for canada,most of them were green card holders.This was the conspiracy against pakistanis by the zionists in america,so there is no doubt in any body's mind that america is a zionist country thats why they have not done anything to solve the palestenian problem in the middle east.The israeli lobby is sitting in the U.S congress and senate to back israel all the way .Their main targets are the muslims around the world.But the zionists should not forget the wrath of the nature.When it struck them ,it will finish their evil designs because nature is watching them and there is a limit of nature's patience.The zionists have control over most of north america and in europe but still wants to control the resources of other countries,it does not matter even they have to go to war.Once Israel said they dont have to go to war because america is fighting their war.pakistan should be very carefull with U.S because they are not sincere with pak,they dont mind to back stabbing to their ally when it is in their favour.Pakistan should tell the U.S nicely and politely to make a deal with the afghan Talibans because the Pashtun are 60% of the population,let them rule the country if you dont then minority cannot rule the majority.There will be problems among them.According to Willam Engdahl,Talibans were never danger to U.S and nor it will be,the talibans are so far away to pose any danger.the U.S wants a permanet base in afghanistan so they could control that region.Its their own defence analyst.Americans are following the line of zionists who will be the reason of america's downfall and eventually their destruction.If you destabilize a nuclear country,you cannot expect any peace or stability in your country,its a logical myth you understand it or not but whoever, does something wrong will pay the price.Talibans wants to live their life,let them live.Dont make their life a real hell ,you will pay the price for that.Just leave afghanistan alone for the sake of peace in the region and in the world.We know everything you are cooking with India and israel.dont bring the end to the world so fast,live and let live.Pakistan have been trying its best to normalizi its relations even with israel but that jewish country is busy with india and U.S to destabilise pakistan.They want pakistan to engage in fighting with afghan talibans so pakistan stays busy in fighting and be destabilized so much that at one point U.S and nato attack pak and neutralize pak nukes.That is their evil designs against their so called ally,Pakistan.To hell with them,just kick those evil yankis(Dyncorp and other contractors) out of the country who are making blasts in different parts of the country.