9 مئی کےمنصوبہ سازوں کے خلاف آرمی ایکٹ کے تحت کاروائی شروع ہوچکی،آرمی چیف


Minister (2k+ posts)
Great 👍
Ispr or government should share the details about who were the actual plotters and abettors.
they will never that is why british brough this secret act.........which means do whatever can be done secretly...........1947 was the time that british left but they leave behind their dogs who are ruling forcefully. First they killed Jinnah and his sister then they break Pakistan and now again they are trying to do the same.......and want to rule only punjab...

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This letter was written by a widow of a PAF pilot on the eve of vonc and captures the sentiments of officers and their families so poignantly. The feeling of betrayal people felt, betrayed by their own, sadly. It must be reread and reshared because it is more relevant than ever. ----- It has been a long time since I've argued with anyone. I used to be opinionated and vocal, but life's push and shove has taught me that neither am I all-knowing nor is it worth my time to become entangled in confrontations. I have opinions, but I keep them to myself. In fact, mostly I wonder if I'm even right about anything. This last week has tested my resolve to avoid confrontation. I'm not stooping to disrespect but I admit I've been uncharacteristically vocal. Exhausted, I am forced to question myself: Why? Why this intense need to express, defend, and sometimes attack? Introspection has brought the understanding that I must not stay neutral, I can not afford to exclude myself anymore, and that it is really about one tiny thing: how the events of a gut-wrenching week have made me FEEL. I was speaking with my dear friend Ruby Saleem today. We are both PAF brats, brought up on "PAF ration" as my dad would proudly say. Ruby's husband, also a PAF brat, used to quip "Hamarey baap ki Air Force hai!", literally. Ruby's father and I served together for many years. Her mother who died young taught my mom, a new PAF bride, how to stitch and crochet. My father flew missions in 3 operations, was awarded Sitara e Jurat in 1965 and is a celebrated PAF hero. All their lives, our parents enjoyed a warm and loving relationship. Ruby's generation and mine nurture boundless love for the Pakistan Air Force. When we think family, we conjure up the "Blue”; PAF is family. Ruby's husband Saleem Nawaz and my Razi attained shahadat together. She was left with four children as was I. Saleem Bhai and Razi were buried on the same day, next to each other, in Islamabad. Common citizens lined the streets from Chaklala to Islamabad as their janaza passed, many crying openly. There were upwards of 75,000 people at the prayer, I was told; unknown people who had nothing to do with us. Someone said, "We buried our Chief, Mushaf Ali Mir, in Lahore and here we bury two future Chiefs - Saleem Nawaz and Rizwanullah Khan - together. What a loss, what a sad day for PAF". Thus, Ruby and I have a bond beyond friendship, into shared history and indescribable tragedy, and I imagine we will find a way to happily die together. Ruby is livid, and I'm pretty sad too. I asked her "Rubaji, I didn't feel this helpless when Razi left me. Did you, when Saleem Bhai went?". "No Seemi" she said confidently. "They were soldiers, shahadat was their desire and destiny. We married them knowing this, didn't we? And we are shaheeds' wives, not widows - wives. Why would we feel helpless? Allah has promised to look after our children, shaheed ke sadqey". And look after them Allah has - all 8 of them happy, strong, good human beings living their lives not seeking pity or favor, holding their heads high because their fathers served with pride and died honorably. "A good death is its own reward," someone said. Ruby and I, and hundreds like us, have attained Sabr through this philosophy. So why this angst, this helplessness, this desperate feeling of being cheated, betrayed, being utterly and permanently humiliated, now when our Qayamat has passed and we have survived? We should be content and relieved that our Azmaish is nearly over, and whatever disgusting, miserable events are coming to pass, what does it matter to us? We are protected, physically and spiritually. I have tried to deconstruct the emotional upheaval I am experiencing and have arrived at the great #mayaangelou’s wise words. Losing the most beloved beings in our lives, our children orphaned, our parents devastated and our lives uprooted had a direct bombing-like impact upon us. We were destroyed and reconstruction seemed impossible.
