A Shamefull Lesson for "Indian Supporters"


Councller (250+ posts)




MPA (400+ posts)
come on anti-muslim properganda machines lets here your reply to dr zakir naik, speaking to millions on his TV show and a proud indian himself.............what you got to say..... :shock:

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
Looks like nobody wants to comment on this important topic. Yes of course these riots are shameful to all Indians. They are the dark periods of our history. Lets hope that our political culture has matured enough so that these events are never repeated. But because of the vote bank politics of India we cannot be too sure. Lets hope that though late justice is served and the criminals are severely punished to set an example. Nearly 200 Hindus and 600 Muslims died during Mumbai riots. Riots whenever they happen shows the weakness/ or unwillingness of the government. India's free judicery and media gives me hope. Though these numbers are very large, India is just a developing country with billions people with thousands of ethnicities, religion and culture. I am sure India will emerge from her past ghosts to become secular developed and kind nation. The spiritual center for the world.
I urge Pakistanis that Indian Muslims are Indians and they are fighting shoulder to shoulder with Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, jains, Christians, Jews, Persians, atheists etc for an equatable and better India. India for all. They are not your concern. You will never see any Muslims running towards Pakistani border, like Hindus and Sikhs (from Pakistan) are running to Indian border nowadays. Let us fight for Indians and you guys fight for Pakistanis. Indian Muslims don't want your help.
I don't care for Mr Naik, but he has raised some valid points. Justice must be done....


Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan is a gift from ALLAH to all the Muslim. It is the reflection of order of ALLAH given in QURAN Surey Al-Nisa, Ayut 97-98:

Verily! As for those whom the Angels have taken (in death) while they are wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory to them), they (angels) asked them, "In what condition were you?". They replied, "We were weak and oppressed on earth". The Angels asked, "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to migrate therein?" Such men will find their abode in Hell - what an evil destination! Except the weak ones among men, women and children who were unable to devise a plan, nor are they able to direct their way
ALLAH created Pakistan to give chance to the Muslims to stay away from Hindus Disbelievers.
The peoples who followed order of ALLAH are the real Muslims and the peoples who opted to live with Hindus are bearing the results of disobeying ALLAHs orders. Their conditions are worsening then the lowest cast Hindus Dilates.

So whatever, these peoples of Hindus influenced says, must be consider in the light of basic order of ALLAH given in QURAN.

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
ALLAH created Pakistan to give chance to the Muslims to stay away from Hindus Disbelievers.
The peoples who followed order of ALLAH are the real Muslims and the peoples who opted to live with Hindus are bearing the results of disobeying ALLAHs orders. Their conditions are worsening then the lowest cast Hindus Dilates.

So whatever, these peoples of Hindus influenced says, must be consider in the light of basic order of ALLAH given in QURAN.
[hilar] [hilar] [hilar]
Looking at the situation in Pakistan today and looking at the number of people killed for making the Pakistan. It looks like Allah is on the side of Indian Muslims and must have hated the creation of Pakistan. Thats why he again broke it into two. Lets see what future holds.


MPA (400+ posts)
takjhank said:







Senator (1k+ posts)
Despite the corrupt leadership, still Pakistan is a better place to live and see how the Muslims live in India like slaves. They violated QURANS order and now bearing result of it. The situation can be realize from the fact that at the time of independence only a small segment of Urdu speaking peoples living in UP, CP, Bihar etc. migrated to Pakistan. It was due to their non-faith of ALLAH and Pakistans survival as was of Hindus. The complete migration was done in Punjab and Bagal.
After passing few years these Urdu speaking peoples of India witnessed the existence of Pakistan then they start coming to Pakistan after selling their properties and bringing fake degrees and property documents to get claims in Pakistan. It can be visualized from the facts that the population of Karachi was about 6 laces till 1952 and the rapid increase in their population was the result of their illegal migration after long time of independence. But still the peoples of Sindh gave them full accommodation from their shares and eventually they become the privileged classes.
But still after getting undue share in the wealth their hearts are full of love with Hindus as seen from their criminal leader altaf speech in India, where he termed the creation of Pakistan the biggest blunder, which amount to disobey the order of ALLAH given in QURAN.

We can clearly visualize what will be their fate at Qaiymat.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
There is a big difference between problems in India and problems in Pakistan.

Problems in India (or should I call it Bhari Rat?) is that its within India by the Indian terrorist govt upon her own people, minorties.

Problems in Pakitsan are exported into Pakistan by foreigners, India and her buddies

Think along this line


President (40k+ posts)
Nepali Pandit said:
Looks like nobody wants to comment on this important topic. Yes of course these riots are shameful to all Indians. They are the dark periods of our history. Lets hope that our political culture has matured enough so that these events are never repeated. But because of the vote bank politics of India we cannot be too sure. Lets hope that though late justice is served and the criminals are severely punished to set an example. Nearly 200 Hindus and 600 Muslims died during Mumbai riots. Riots whenever they happen shows the weakness/ or unwillingness of the government. India's free judicery and media gives me hope. Though these numbers are very large, India is just a developing country with billions people with thousands of ethnicities, religion and culture. I am sure India will emerge from her past ghosts to become secular developed and kind nation. The spiritual center for the world.
I urge Pakistanis that Indian Muslims are Indians and they are fighting shoulder to shoulder with Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, jains, Christians, Jews, Persians, atheists etc for an equatable and better India. India for all. They are not your concern. You will never see any Muslims running towards Pakistani border, like Hindus and Sikhs (from Pakistan) are running to Indian border nowadays. Let us fight for Indians and you guys fight for Pakistanis. Indian Muslims don't want your help.
I don't care for Mr Naik, but he has raised some valid points. Justice must be done....
............We wish that Indian Muslims should be standing shoulder to shoulder with Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, jains, Christians, Jews, Persians, atheists etc on Qiyama (Dooms Days) as well. Inshallah


Senator (1k+ posts)
The conditions of Muslims living with non-believers in India can ve visualized from a report of Scaher Committe appointed by the goverment to determine the status of muslims in India:

Subject: plight of muslims in india (sachar committee report)
chupooey 11/30/2006 12:57:38 PM
Data collected by Prime Minister?s High Level Committee, headed by Justice (retd) Rajinder Sachar on their social, economic and education:

In rural areas: 94.9% of Muslims living below poverty line fail to receive free food grain.

Only 3.2% of Muslims get subsidized loans,

Only 2.1% of Muslim farmers have tractors, while just 1% own hand pumps.

54.6% of Muslims in villages and 60% in urban areas have never been to schools. In rural areas, only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates, while in urban areas despite 40% of the Muslims receiving modern education only 3.1% are graduates. Only 1.2% of Muslims are post-graduates in urban areas.

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. In Assam , with a 40% Muslim population, only 11.2% are in government employment. Kerala has 20% Muslims, but only 10.4% of government employees are Muslim.

A better picture is projected by data collected in Karnataka, where against Muslim population of 12.2%, 8.5% are employed in government services. While in Gujarat, of the 9.1% Muslim population, 5.4% are in state jobs , in Tamil Nadu, against a 5.6% Muslim population, 3.2% are employed in government.

Though West Bengal is known as a political bastion of the left bloc, the ones who have always spoken strongly against parties entertaining communal bias, the state has zero% Muslims in state PSUs. While Kerala has 9.5% in state PSUs, Maharashtra has only 1.9%.

Though the Sachar committee was not able to secure data regarding the presence of Muslims in the armed forces, it is fairly well-known that their percentage here is not more than three.

Muslims form only 10.6% of the population in Maharashtra , but 32.4% of the prison inmates here are Muslims. In New Delhi , 27.9 % of inmates are Muslims, though they form only 11.7% of the population here. While in Gujarat , Muslims form 25.1% of the ones imprisoned, they form 9.1% of the population. In Karnataka, Muslims form 12.23% of populace and 17.5% of those imprisoned.

Interestingly, the majority of the Muslim inmates have not been imprisoned for ?terrorism.? This raises the question whether most of them are behind bars only for petty crimes or because of the bias displayed against them by Indian police forces. Of the total inmates serving sentences up to one year, in Maharashtra , Muslims constitute 40.6% of their population. The high percentage of Muslims presence in jails is also said to be an indicator of their being victims of discrimination and suspicion, particularly as their prevails a tendency in India to blame largely Muslim groups for terror attacks taking place here. The report also holds poverty among Muslims as being responsible for turning them towards crime. Poverty and prejudice entertained against them is said to have further contributed to their presence in jails.

Against the backdrop of dismal facts having surfaced regarding social, economic and educational status of Indian Muslims, the Sachar panel has made some recommendations in their favor.

Stating that the future of Muslims does not rest in madrasa education, the Sachar panel recommends more English and Urdu medium government schools in Muslim-dominated areas.

The Sachar panel also recommends allocation of 15% of all government funds to Muslims under all central schemes. It favors greater representation for Muslims in sectors such as health and teaching and also sensitization of government employments towards Muslims? requirements.

The Sachar panel has made a strong argument for all Indian Muslims, except the creamy layer.

With the Sachar report having already served as an eye-opener to the harsh reality about the status of Muslims in Indian society, the question is whether in fact this will propel the government to take some constructive steps towards improving their conditions or would its relevance be confined to noise made in media circles and a little bit of political rhetoric.

Can any one now claim that the muslims are not running to Pakistan / Karachi, while non of Pakistanis migrated to India after Independence