Abbotabad operation,Attack dogs with titanium fangs?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Attack dogs with titanium fangs?

By Sabina Khan
Published: May 12, 2011


The writer, a native of South Waziristan, has a masters degree in conflict resolution from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California and blogs at

Did the US unleash a pile of secret technology on Pakistan on May 1: From the use of super stealth radar-evading helicopters, to a Navy SEAL dog fitted with titanium fangs? According to CIA Director Leon Panetta, two Blackhawks were used in Operation Neptune Spear in which Geronimo was the code word for Bin Ladens death. But as more details emerge, it appears that a total of four helicopters and a drone were used in the operation. Two stealth helicopters, that some say were modified Blackhawks, flew undetected through Pakistans airspace. They were later followed by two MH-47 Chinooks, which were called in after one of the stealth helicopters malfunctioned and had to be destroyed.
The internet is buzzing with theories about the secret helicopters, from their supposed name Airwolf to their infrared absorbing paint, smooth skin, and masked tail rotor. On the web, the geek squad has already come up with mock images of what the secret helicopter might look like. It is rumoured that it could be the stealth Comanche, which the Pentagon cancelled in 2004 in order to develop unmanned drones instead. To further fuel the rumour mill, the US has asked Pakistan to return the wreckage of the crashed helicopter because of fears that secrets of the stealth technology could be recovered from the debris and eventually fall into rival hands.
Now for the canine fitted with titanium fangs. Details have emerged (on a variety of US-based news sites and blogs) that a dog enhanced with sharp titanium teeth was dropped down into Bin Ladens compound. The bomb-sniffing dog was strapped to the chest of a Navy SEAL, who jumped out of a helicopter. The identity of this dog is being kept a secret, but most likely its a German Shepherd. It was taken along on the mission in case Bin Laden was hiding in a hole or cavity. In that case, the dog would have been used to sniff him out. The titanium fangs are said to cost $2,000 a piece and provide the dog with the ability to bite through body armour. Apparently the dog wore a protective vest equipped with an infrared camera so that it could stream live images back to the Navy SEALs.
Overhead surveillance was a crucial part of the planning and execution of the raid. Satellites take long-range pictures which can plot the movements of targets, whereas drones record movement with their video cameras. A combination of spy drones and satellites confirmed human intelligence about Bin Ladens location and allowed the US to pinpoint his compound. Fox News reported a satellite, armed with a facial recognition programme that recognised Bin Laden exercising outside in his Abbottabad compound. Details are not clear on whether the secret stealth RQ-170 spy drone, also known as the beast of Kandahar, was used for surveillance before the raid. It is thought that its stealth ability allowed it to evade Pakistani radars and it flies high enough to prevent it from being heard.
After Bin Laden was shot, on-the-spot technology was used to identify him. Navy SEALs were equipped with state of the art handheld biometric devices. They also took photos of Bin Laden and the CIAs facial recognition technology confirmed that they had the right guy. Facial recognition works by making a digital code of the face, which allows it to recognise photographs of the person. What happened immediately following identification, is even more bizarre. Bin Ladens body was flown from Abbottabad to Jalalabad, in Afghanistan, for further confirmation. His DNA was matched to the brain matter of his dead sister who died of cancer in Boston a few years ago. The FBI laid claim to her body and her brain was preserved for the sole purpose of identifying Bin Laden in the event of his capture.
There is still a lot to discover about the details of the raid. We might never know what really happened that day or perhaps the next round of WikiLeaks will give us some insight. But one thing is for certain: Some of the top secret spyware that the US possesses would not have been exposed if it wasnt for the surgical strike on Bin Laden. The use of technology has made this shocking event even more intriguing.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 13th, 2011.


Councller (250+ posts)
Attack dogs with titanium fangs?

By Sabina Khan
Published: May 12, 2011


The writer, a native of South Waziristan, has a masters degree in conflict resolution from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California and blogs at

Did the US unleash a pile of secret technology on Pakistan on May 1: From the use of super stealth radar-evading helicopters, to a Navy SEAL dog fitted with titanium fangs? According to CIA Director Leon Panetta, two Blackhawks were used in Operation Neptune Spear in which Geronimo was the code word for Bin Ladens death. But as more details emerge, it appears that a total of four helicopters and a drone were used in the operation. Two stealth helicopters, that some say were modified Blackhawks, flew undetected through Pakistans airspace. They were later followed by two MH-47 Chinooks, which were called in after one of the stealth helicopters malfunctioned and had to be destroyed.
The internet is buzzing with theories about the secret helicopters, from their supposed name Airwolf to their infrared absorbing paint, smooth skin, and masked tail rotor. On the web, the geek squad has already come up with mock images of what the secret helicopter might look like. It is rumoured that it could be the stealth Comanche, which the Pentagon cancelled in 2004 in order to develop unmanned drones instead. To further fuel the rumour mill, the US has asked Pakistan to return the wreckage of the crashed helicopter because of fears that secrets of the stealth technology could be recovered from the debris and eventually fall into rival hands.
Now for the canine fitted with titanium fangs. Details have emerged (on a variety of US-based news sites and blogs) that a dog enhanced with sharp titanium teeth was dropped down into Bin Ladens compound. The bomb-sniffing dog was strapped to the chest of a Navy SEAL, who jumped out of a helicopter. The identity of this dog is being kept a secret, but most likely its a German Shepherd. It was taken along on the mission in case Bin Laden was hiding in a hole or cavity. In that case, the dog would have been used to sniff him out. The titanium fangs are said to cost $2,000 a piece and provide the dog with the ability to bite through body armour. Apparently the dog wore a protective vest equipped with an infrared camera so that it could stream live images back to the Navy SEALs.
Overhead surveillance was a crucial part of the planning and execution of the raid. Satellites take long-range pictures which can plot the movements of targets, whereas drones record movement with their video cameras. A combination of spy drones and satellites confirmed human intelligence about Bin Ladens location and allowed the US to pinpoint his compound. Fox News reported a satellite, armed with a facial recognition programme that recognised Bin Laden exercising outside in his Abbottabad compound. Details are not clear on whether the secret stealth RQ-170 spy drone, also known as the beast of Kandahar, was used for surveillance before the raid. It is thought that its stealth ability allowed it to evade Pakistani radars and it flies high enough to prevent it from being heard.
After Bin Laden was shot, on-the-spot technology was used to identify him. Navy SEALs were equipped with state of the art handheld biometric devices. They also took photos of Bin Laden and the CIAs facial recognition technology confirmed that they had the right guy. Facial recognition works by making a digital code of the face, which allows it to recognise photographs of the person. What happened immediately following identification, is even more bizarre. Bin Ladens body was flown from Abbottabad to Jalalabad, in Afghanistan, for further confirmation. His DNA was matched to the brain matter of his dead sister who died of cancer in Boston a few years ago. The FBI laid claim to her body and her brain was preserved for the sole purpose of identifying Bin Laden in the event of his capture.
There is still a lot to discover about the details of the raid. We might never know what really happened that day or perhaps the next round of WikiLeaks will give us some insight. But one thing is for certain: Some of the top secret spyware that the US possesses would not have been exposed if it wasnt for the surgical strike on Bin Laden. The use of technology has made this shocking event even more intriguing.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 13th, 2011.

Well, I am a professional in strategy and policy and so far I know, the gradual uprising crisis that Pakistan has been facing, is the outcome of the policy makers of Pakistan. We all know that Army and influential political parties: Religious and Secular are the beneficiaries. They hold same stance with different faces. whether its Baghdad pact(1955) or early 60s, in the era of General Ayub khan, U-2 an American spy was took off from the Pakistani soil towards Soviet and was hunted down later. Pakistan or more precisely, Army has been using war as instrument of policy. One should be clear that Pakistanis have been manipulated by these sorts of Warlords. For instance, Black waters, Drones and Osama, these are all same the instruments for earning and amputating the body parts of common citizens. Now its time to wake up and scrutinize the real picture of our establishment.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Attack dogs with titanium fangs?

By Sabina Khan
Published: May 12, 2011


The writer, a native of South Waziristan, has a masters degree in conflict resolution from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California and blogs at

Did the US unleash a pile of secret technology on Pakistan on May 1: From the use of super stealth radar-evading helicopters, to a Navy SEAL dog fitted with titanium fangs? According to CIA Director Leon Panetta, two Blackhawks were used in Operation Neptune Spear in which Geronimo was the code word for Bin Ladens death. But as more details emerge, it appears that a total of four helicopters and a drone were used in the operation. Two stealth helicopters, that some say were modified Blackhawks, flew undetected through Pakistans airspace. They were later followed by two MH-47 Chinooks, which were called in after one of the stealth helicopters malfunctioned and had to be destroyed.
The internet is buzzing with theories about the secret helicopters, from their supposed name Airwolf to their infrared absorbing paint, smooth skin, and masked tail rotor. On the web, the geek squad has already come up with mock images of what the secret helicopter might look like. It is rumoured that it could be the stealth Comanche, which the Pentagon cancelled in 2004 in order to develop unmanned drones instead. To further fuel the rumour mill, the US has asked Pakistan to return the wreckage of the crashed helicopter because of fears that secrets of the stealth technology could be recovered from the debris and eventually fall into rival hands.
Now for the canine fitted with titanium fangs. Details have emerged (on a variety of US-based news sites and blogs) that a dog enhanced with sharp titanium teeth was dropped down into Bin Ladens compound. The bomb-sniffing dog was strapped to the chest of a Navy SEAL, who jumped out of a helicopter. The identity of this dog is being kept a secret, but most likely its a German Shepherd. It was taken along on the mission in case Bin Laden was hiding in a hole or cavity. In that case, the dog would have been used to sniff him out. The titanium fangs are said to cost $2,000 a piece and provide the dog with the ability to bite through body armour. Apparently the dog wore a protective vest equipped with an infrared camera so that it could stream live images back to the Navy SEALs.
Overhead surveillance was a crucial part of the planning and execution of the raid. Satellites take long-range pictures which can plot the movements of targets, whereas drones record movement with their video cameras. A combination of spy drones and satellites confirmed human intelligence about Bin Ladens location and allowed the US to pinpoint his compound. Fox News reported a satellite, armed with a facial recognition programme that recognised Bin Laden exercising outside in his Abbottabad compound. Details are not clear on whether the secret stealth RQ-170 spy drone, also known as the beast of Kandahar, was used for surveillance before the raid. It is thought that its stealth ability allowed it to evade Pakistani radars and it flies high enough to prevent it from being heard.
After Bin Laden was shot, on-the-spot technology was used to identify him. Navy SEALs were equipped with state of the art handheld biometric devices. They also took photos of Bin Laden and the CIAs facial recognition technology confirmed that they had the right guy. Facial recognition works by making a digital code of the face, which allows it to recognise photographs of the person. What happened immediately following identification, is even more bizarre. Bin Ladens body was flown from Abbottabad to Jalalabad, in Afghanistan, for further confirmation. His DNA was matched to the brain matter of his dead sister who died of cancer in Boston a few years ago. The FBI laid claim to her body and her brain was preserved for the sole purpose of identifying Bin Laden in the event of his capture.
There is still a lot to discover about the details of the raid. We might never know what really happened that day or perhaps the next round of WikiLeaks will give us some insight. But one thing is for certain: Some of the top secret spyware that the US possesses would not have been exposed if it wasnt for the surgical strike on Bin Laden. The use of technology has made this shocking event even more intriguing.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 13th, 2011.

The author of this article is a turncoat like the thousands like her. These lowlifes go and live in the same countr (USA) which is killing Pakistani's everyday. SHAME on such idiots.


The author of this article is a turncoat like the thousands like her. These lowlifes go and live in the same countr (USA) which is killing Pakistani's everyday. SHAME on such idiots.

Well cant say much about the lady but ... refer to the $$$ amount of remittance that is send by theses Turn coat. Who reside in the Western world. Right now the only factor that is keeping Pakistan alive and kicking is its citizen living out side Pakistan.

Rest assure, the ones living in Pakistan are robbing Pakistan to its Death...
Look around your self, before you yap your self to misery.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Well cant say much about the lady but ... refer to the $$$ amount of remittance that is send by theses Turn coat. Who reside in the Western world. Right now the only factor that is keeping Pakistan alive and kicking is its citizen living out side Pakistan.

Rest assure, the ones living in Pakistan are robbing Pakistan to its Death...
Look around your self, before you yap your self to misery.

If you read again...I wrote USA not western world...USA is the country that is attacking Paksitanis everyday. It's not Germany, not Sweden, Not Norway, not Australia...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well cant say much about the lady but ... refer to the $$$ amount of remittance that is send by theses Turn coat. Who reside in the Western world. Right now the only factor that is keeping Pakistan alive and kicking is its citizen living out side Pakistan.

Rest assure, the ones living in Pakistan are robbing Pakistan to its Death...
Look around your self, before you yap your self to misery.

Very well said. Eight to ten Billion dollars a year with no strings attached,biggest source of this is what you get from'turncoats' who live in foreign countries.If they had borrowed that money from International agencies they would had to pay thru their nose all their lives.Who is responsible for all that mess created in Pakistan ? Why blame overseas Pakistanis for your own failings.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
its my honour that You are my Master....
its my dignity that i am Your slave....

This is Iqbal's Khudi theory.

We feel proud as government servant... but what about the servant of the whole universe .... very big and great job...

Sorry , my post is out of context , but I like it...regards.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
its my honour that You are my Master....
its my dignity that i am Your slave....

This Iqbal's Khudi theory.

We feel proud as government servant... but what about the servant of the whole universe .... very big and great job...

Sorry , my post is out of contest , but I like it...regards.