About time AA Zardari & R Malik accuse India


MPA (400+ posts)
The most recent and previously terrorists attacks in Lahore and other parts of Pakistan definitely point a finger at India's direct involvement in supporting insurgency from birth to execution.

India accuses and sullies Pakistan internationally with every act of violence and terrorism on its soil without proof and evidence but president Asif Ali Zardari and Rehman Malik have never ever used strong words to accuse the Indian government's participation, approval and involvement in helping terrorism, suicide bombings and acts of violence occurring daily in Pakistan. Over fifteen thousands innocent Pakistani civilians and more than six thousands our brave soldiers have been martyred and billions of dollars of damage has been done to people's businesses, properties and government assets and yet Mr Zardari dare not accuse India.

Pakistan must warn India, if it did not stop directly and indirectly its terrorist activities on its soil, it reserved the right to use its nuclear capability to attack Indian territory or territories where these insurgents have military training camps and arms and ammunition dumps. USA, India and Israel are working together to destroy Pakistan and PPP's government is wearing blinkers and blocking its ears with wax, and going along with the American policies against Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Salam to all,

My brother issue is that these people will only issue an statement if were written in Washington DC. On their part they can only do horse trading and get whatever money they can collect for themselves. So hoping they would see things as 99.8% of Pakistanis and other Muslims is wishful thinking. May ALLAH SWT have mercy on this ummat. May I ask all the members to recite Surah WA SHAMS and AYAT-E-KARIMA extensively so that ALLAH SWT may take away the claimities that we are bringing down on our own selves.


I wish This Happens, what ever you said, I tell you, if this is correct that india is doing terriost Attack towards Pakistan then honest to god i will be the happiest man on earth, no one on this earth can save pakistan now (Yeh Wada Raha )

Start preparing for body Bags, You Idiots :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: