Afghan war is going to shift to Pakistan in coming months--General Patrias


MPA (400+ posts)
Last three weeks Pakistan media started propaganda, ''amerika has not paid any money to pakistan for this war'' these were the words of some ministers and politicians. They can fool pakistanis living there, but not others. Western countries know how much they have paid aid and loans to pakistan. Even pakistanis living abroad (like me) can see that pakistani politicians feeding, once again, hate towards other countries. Or was it army?


...and we also keep an eye on every Indian activity! Certainly, India can cause great damage to us but our missiles can also reach every corner of India...this is a FACT;)!

Doesn't matter where the Taliban are because war always effects the neighbouring nation, last time i checked India was our neighbour with plenty of their own seperatist movements:).

A confrontation with the USA is unavoidable, they have been unable to destabalise Pak through terrorism on top of which defeat in Afghanistan really hurts!(cry).

I feel we have to fight this war in order to reclaim our honour, unity and sovereignty so bring it on because we're ready!

again same thing which i mentioned earlier(clap)......
if u have missiles then we have more and we will take less time to complete job if required from all 3 services.;)

and regarding to separatist movements,many of them exist only on paper...even the maoists who were creating threat are killed on daily bases(we also have civilian casualities) and more ever these movements are only in jungles unlike in cities like u have.......

and regarding to the confrontation with usa,u cant do anything coz u know u were failed to deal with their helicopters ..leave about any other thing..and u dont want B-2 bombers flying (clap)..
so get of of dellusions of missiles and other bla bla.........we can do this in better way..


No you did not and we know that. Don't you forget the 250 million strong Muslims in india and the multitude of hungry in a nation aspiring to be a power.
How long do you think before those masses realize Hey if the arabs can rise against the tyrrany then what stops us? what do we have to loose? A life on the foot paths of bombay?

those so called 180 millions muslims are indians first.....they dont put religion first in front unlike u ppl..

yes we r hungry to become a power...and u will loose even footpath of karachi or any poor place while messing with india.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
again same thing which i mentioned earlier(clap)......
if u have missiles then we have more and we will take less time to complete job if required from all 3 services.;)

and regarding to separatist movements,many of them exist only on paper...even the maoists who were creating threat are killed on daily bases(we also have civilian casualities) and more ever these movements are only in jungles unlike in cities like u have.......

and regarding to the confrontation with usa,u cant do anything coz u know u were failed to deal with their helicopters ..leave about any other thing..and u dont want B-2 bombers flying (clap)..
so get of of dellusions of missiles and other bla bla.........we can do this in better way..

Are they the same missiles of yours that keep malfunctioning!!!?(clap) That is probably why you used them after the Mumbai falseflag when all you delivered were empty threats;)!! No probs, you complete the job from your side whilst we unleash our babes on various parts of your country!!(cry)

No the seperatist movements are plenty only that your media chooses not to inform the public, much of rural India doesn't recognise Delhi rule. Maoists and others maybe be dieing but they take plenty off your military men with them,there are no such major movements in Pak cities rather terrorists are being supported by your RAW and CIA in Afghanistan. That is why i support ISI openly in all activities against India!(bigsmile)

Actually we can do plenty to harm the American's after the government is replaced! I wouldn't boast about the Abbotabad incident either after a few boyscouts humiliated your army for days in Mumbai!!:)(clap)

Bring the bombers and anything else you or the yanks want...we're waiting because we ain't Jordan or Syria but armed to boot. Have you got anything else to offer other then cheap threats!!!?(yapping)


Are they the same missiles of yours that keep malfunctioning!!!?(clap) That is probably why you used them after the Mumbai falseflag when all you delivered were empty threats;)!! No probs, you complete the job from your side whilst we unleash our babes on various parts of your country!!(cry)

No the seperatist movements are plenty only that your media chooses not to inform the public, much of rural India doesn't recognise Delhi rule. Maoists and others maybe be dieing but they take plenty off your military men with them,there are no such major movements in Pak cities rather terrorists are being supported by your RAW and CIA in Afghanistan. That is why i support ISI openly in all activities against India!(bigsmile)

Actually we can do plenty to harm the American's after the government is replaced! I wouldn't boast about the Abbotabad incident either after a few boyscouts humiliated your army for days in Mumbai!!:)(clap)

Bring the bombers and anything else you or the yanks want...we're waiting because we ain't Jordan or Syria but armed to boot. Have you got anything else to offer other then cheap threats!!!?(yapping)

1)yes upto 3500 km range missiles are inducted and ready to be used if can check whenever u want:D..and we dont need long range missile id we r going to be used...700 km range is enough.;)
2)Are u nuts??here u r calling mumbai as false flag and later in the same post,u r calling boyscouts humiliated ur country(clap)
3)yeah separatist movements are list khalistan is shown as movement where it is totally uprooted from punjab,even they included ulfa as group which is on its knees for talks with govt and same goes for others...i dont say,we dont have separatist movements but many of them dont exist,they are just put on list to be scanned again n again.
4)u have to admit that ur policy of 1000 cuts to bleed india has been back fired to u ppl i also support every activity of RAW etc against pakistan.
5)Ur govt will remain in this condition till 2013 and till that a lot of things will happen,question is not of govt,it is of american stooges,who can perform well or who can satisfy americans matters.
6)yeah this same thing with which r u feeded from birth that we did this n this...ask ur generals that tell truth wat have they done from starting ...even ur former generals committed that kargil was blunder,71 was unforgettable and 65 war was lost(it was ur last chance to grab kashmir(clap),but amazing thing is that u ppl celebrate it as defense day even after attacking india first)...

Real question is when u get out of dellusions,if not,then future is more worst..
and btw,wat u have done since last 3-4 yrs when yanks didnt bring bombers???u even couldnt handle their choppers(clap) and u r talking about bombers.

if u are really confident then u would have proved urself in every war which u have fought earlier....

and these are not cheap threats,we have proved it while from eatern border or from western border..and ur last policy of promoting terror here is failed and backfired to u.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
what a nice logic!!

Taliban is in pakistan (not in india),finish them and then be at peace!!
how come india,comes into picture of taliban...

Because Talibans are being trained by Indian in 'Indian visa consulates' for terror in Pakistan


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
those so called 180 millions muslims are indians first.....they dont put religion first in front unlike u ppl..

yes we r hungry to become a power...and u will loose even footpath of karachi or any poor place while messing with india.

They dont put religion first because of serious repercussions, jailed, kidnapped, or killed


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
yes khalistan zsindabad..take the punjab of paksitan and make lahore its captal...







As it is shown so shall be done


Because Talibans are being trained by Indian in 'Indian visa consulates' for terror in Pakistan

1.there are 4 indian consulates in afganistan for 40 years.
2.dont spread propaganda without any truth..
truth is that pakistan army,isi protects haqanni network,TTP and other factions of taliban!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Don't forget the 250million strong Muslim population in india! they might seem indifferent now but they will soon realize that if Pakistan is threatened then their future in india is also threatened. It does not take a genius to see that but it does take a fool not to acknowledge that.
Bro, Star Gazer what should I understand from your remarks, freedom or war ? If the USA
and their ally shift war (God forbid) in our areas then it will definitely shift to india through Kashmir, Khalistan what so ever. But the question is
do we need all this ? Our Afghani new generation know only war destroyed houses and damaged infera structure. Where as we have
been forced to damage our system to beg credits from IMF to remain dependent. Their mission of business is with weapons industry
to create more wars. Our muslim mission is to serve the humanity with peace, respect of mankind and utilization of natural resources
for the benifit of humanity. Many of our brothers sitting somewhere in europe and USA provocate (Ghawza-e-Hind) which is not
right. Perhaps it would occur when Allah will ?


1.there are 4 indian consulates in afganistan for 40 years.
2.dont spread propaganda without any truth..
truth is that pakistan army,isi protects haqanni network,TTP and other factions of taliban!!

No one is ashamed of this truth . . . . At least Pakistan has still got this last card . . . . Whats the problem than


After the ISPR statement of declaring afghan Taliban a threat to Pakistan . . . . Story is getting clearer . . . . Is Pakistan moving on a suicide mission . . . .


MPA (400+ posts)
if u remember, our army said..We have nothing..all we have is nuclear bombs..and we will bomb all over india..i hope u understand when we said..that we will take india with us..that is what is gonna happen..population in delhi and mumbai will vanish..and we are gonna die too..just like u said..india will also do the who wins or loses??? India outta no where will be destroyed..and we are according to you are already we got nothing to loose..but india got everything to loose at this moment..use ur bloody secular brain..u guys claim to be smart..then use ur brain too..
again same thing which i mentioned earlier(clap)......
if u have missiles then we have more and we will take less time to complete job if required from all 3 services.;)

and regarding to separatist movements,many of them exist only on paper...even the maoists who were creating threat are killed on daily bases(we also have civilian casualities) and more ever these movements are only in jungles unlike in cities like u have.......

and regarding to the confrontation with usa,u cant do anything coz u know u were failed to deal with their helicopters ..leave about any other thing..and u dont want B-2 bombers flying (clap)..
so get of of dellusions of missiles and other bla bla.........we can do this in better way..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
what a nice logic!!

Taliban is in pakistan (not in india),finish them and then be at peace!!
how come india,comes into picture of taliban...

Says who? The Americans who are doing the negotiations with the Taliban? What can they do against Pakistan, apart from drone attacks? Anything else, and even PPP and General Kiyani wouldn't survive people's anger.

You are foolish to give any credence to Americans BS. They can not do anything at all, unless they are ready to declare full scale war against Pakistan. They are already doing their up most, drone attacks, terrorists attacks, sending down people accross the border with training, money , equipment to cause terrorism in Pakistan. Your country is part of these terror activities.

Day by day, the world is becoming aware it is American, India and Israel who are the real terrorists. Don't worry your number is next.

Petraus can not do anything further what he had already been doing from Afghanistan while he was in charge there. Let America attack Pakistan, we will see how long America can stay in Afghanistan then. Gloves would be off. They can not take care of Afghan's at the moment, let them add Pakistani nation to their enemies.

Can't you see they couldn't defeat the Libyans for months, they can never win the war from the Air, they have to come in and you should have no doubts for one single second, what will happen to them if they come in.

First of all, their supplies would be cut from Pakistan and from north too. You are not dreaming that we would let the supplies reach them from north, do you?

So how long their army can fight without fuel and provisions? Secondly, when gloves are off both in Pakistan and Afghanistan, how many dead bodies Americans can take?

Dream on.